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Chapter 48 Chapter 47 Water Gallbladder

huangpizifen 天下霸唱 3576Words 2023-02-05
The copper box picked up by the fat man was separated from the bones, and the contents fell out. In our eyes, this was no different from an atomic bomb dropped on the ground. , the four of them were stunned. All our eyes turned to the fat man's feet, and we saw an old yellow-skinned mummy with white hair falling out of the broken box. It was not a little bigger than ordinary yellow-skinned people, and it was as big as a small goat. The white hair on the body is as long as a finger.It curled up with four paws, holding a bloody egg-like thing. The meaty egg grew on its heart socket, and it was unknown what it was. It seems to gather the resentment and hatred of countless dead souls.

Before we came back to our senses, the blood egg in the old yellow man's arms was blown by the wind, and it was slowly wriggling.In the body hair of its body, there are countless white lice that are as stiff as fine pieces of paper. The flesh lice that live on this kind of zombie specialize in sucking the yang energy of the living, and they also move when they see the wind. .We were immediately surrounded by meat lice like ice chips. I can't make a sound. Everyone in the research institute was probably killed by this thing. It seems that no one survived. The situation took a turn for the worse in an instant, and within a few minutes we would be bitten to death by swarms of flesh lice, which don't suck blood but only suck the life of the living, and they can penetrate even canvas, and they come very fast, so it's hard to guard against.I covered my head with my clothes and shouted to everyone: Run away, run to the Luoshui Bridge!If you can jump into the water and be washed by the current, you may still have a glimmer of hope to survive. Standing on the dry land will soon become a redundant corpse in the corpse cave.

The recent experience made the fat man hate the weasel so much, he seemed to forget that the old yellow leather in the copper box had been dead for countless years, and he cursed bitterly: "If I die, I will drag the old yellow leather on my back!"Regardless of being bitten to the heart by white lice, he lifted his foot and stepped on the blood tumor on the old weasel's chest. The foul-smelling blood splattered everywhere. The things on us are still sucking the life out of the living. I originally wanted to lead these people to flee to the Luoshui Bridge, but it was obviously too late, and I guess they would be bitten to death if they escaped halfway.The whole body was in pain as if the bone marrow had been extracted by countless steel needles, and every time there was a burst of pain, the vitality would decrease by one point. The whole body was exhausted, and he was about to fall to the ground. Because of the unbearable pain, he had to roll back and forth on the ground, trying to rub off the white lice on his body.

At this time, Lao Yangpi roared: Entering Jinjing can save his life!We don't care too much about what he is singing, anyway, if we are sick, we have to go to the doctor, and we have to grab a handful of life-saving straws at the moment, and he seems to know the things here very well, do as he says Maybe there's still a way out. The crypt full of blind dragons on the bricks was right next to them, and the four jumped down scramblingly.There are more will-o'-the-wisps in the well, and the walls of the well are covered with dragon bricks, but there is no water at the bottom.Under the golden well in the phosphorescent light, there are many translucent concave-convex objects, the tentacles are smooth and warm, like some kind of stone, some have been broken, and some are still well preserved, as if there is clear water flowing underneath.The golden well under the grave is not deep, but the fall is not light. I rolled to the bottom of the well and turned my head to see Ding Sitian falling beside her. Her body was already very weak, and she was bitten by swarms of white lice Immediately after falling into the well, it cannot move.I wanted to drag her to escape, but my eyes went black, and I couldn't even lift my arms when I tried to reach out.

The fat man is more resistant to bites because of his rough skin and thick flesh. While screaming in pain, he grabbed Ding Sitian and me by the collars one by one, pulled back two steps forcefully, and then fell to the ground. At this time, he couldn't even speak, only the sound in his throat, rolling and struggling on the ground. It took only a minute or two from the time the old yellow-skinned copper coffin broke until we were bitten to the point of being unable to move.Before I even had time to feel hopeless, my mind gradually became numb. People live by breath, the so-called essence, energy, and spirit. Once the energy in a living person dissipates, they will die.

The fat man and I were already poisoned by the corpse poison, and we had long been mentally prepared to die here, but no one wanted to mention it, for fear that Lao Yangpi and Ding Sitian would know how sad they were.Before that, Fatty and I thought that if we were to die from poison, but we could save Lao Yangpi and Ding Sitian, our deaths would not be in vain.Looking back on the past before dying, I won't feel inactive and uneasy because I didn't rescue my comrades in arms. I can die with a clear conscience, and I can go to see the old horse with peace of mind. Unexpectedly, the poison in Ding Sitian's body didn't seem to be completely eliminated, and Lao Yangpi ran to the deepest part of the turtle's sleeping place, not only failed to bring the two of them back to the pasture area, but in the end, everyone wanted to stay together in this ghost place, and finally There is nothing more horrific in the world than a cruel way to end a life.

The consciousness in my head is getting more and more blurred, but the unwillingness in my heart is still strong. How can I die here? In the pain of tens of thousands of needles, my fingers scratched the ground and turned over my nails, but nothing happened. The method can neither relieve the pain on the body, nor can it escape from birth. The only thing left in my ears was the unbearable wailing of my companions. This sound was worse than the scream of a slaughtered pig. It was a kind of movement caused by the pain from the heart from the inside out, stuck in the throat, and it was difficult to vent.Every second is so long, just when I have given up all hope, I only hope that the god of death will come as soon as possible and end our torment like torture in hell, but I hear Lao Yangpi breathing heavily , with his hand, he pulled the Kangxi sword that fell into the well with us, and stabbed at the translucent stone above his head.

I thought he was in mad pain, and I thought you might as well give me the knife and let me wipe his neck, so that he can die more quickly.So I stretched out my hand and grabbed it out of thin air, trying to grab the long knife and commit suicide, but when I stretched out my hand, I suddenly felt a burst of coolness.It turned out that Lao Yangpi pierced a hazy and transparent stone shell on the top of his head with a long knife, and a lot of clear water gushed out from it. The water was like jade in the fairy bottle of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and the pain stopped immediately when it touched his body.

There was a cool feeling on the arm, which was indescribably comfortable and beneficial, and my brain was sobered up from the semi-numb state. I immediately realized that this is not ordinary water. Lao Yangpi let us escape into the golden well because of the There are water bladders.At that time, although I knew that Jinjing was the place where feng shui gathered energy and water was a living phenomenon, so it was precious to have raw water in Jinjing, but I still couldn't explain how the raw water turned into water gallbladder. Later, I joined the army as an engineer, and learned more about geological minerals, only then did I know that there is a kind of ore in the world called water gall agate.Agate is a kind of quartz cryptocrystalline mineral. It is brittle and hard, with a Mohs hardness of seven. It is very wear-resistant, has a waxy luster, and is translucent. It is a product of ancient volcanic activities. It is a chemical composition of carbon dioxide Cryptocrystalline aggregates of silicon.The colloidal silicon dioxide wraps a stream of water vapor generated by high temperature during condensation, and turns into liquid water after condensation. This stream of clear water stays in the agate forever, all of which are pure water from more than 100 million years ago.

In the gold well underground in Guimian, there is an ore layer similar to water gall agate, but it is not exactly water gall agate, it is just an approximation, the crystal layer is thinner and thinner, especially in the thin layer of gold mine under the gold well, what is stored is rare. The water condensed with vitality is the real raw water, which can remove all kinds of poisons and diseases, and has the miraculous effect of bringing the dead back to life.The Japanese dug out a lot of ore bodies containing Jinjing raw water from here, but it may be because this kind of thing can't be regenerated, and the amount of existence is too rare, they still want to keep some of them as they are for research, so these are left , that is, the last remaining raw water in this well saved our lives.

Lao Yangpi stabbed the long knife randomly, and all the jade liquid hidden in the veins flowed out, submerging the well hole to a depth of more than half a meter. To death, and then from death to life, this back and forth only takes two or three minutes, but it seems to be a long time ago.This may be the so-called theory of relativity. No matter how long the happy time in life is, it will feel short, and no matter how short the painful time is, it will feel long. At that time, I hadn’t thought that not only were our lives saved by this condensed water of anger, but also that the famous mountains and rivers mentioned by the ancients, when facing each other in harmony, would produce chalcedony, and if eaten, we would not die. It's not that it can make people live forever, but it can detoxify thousands of strange poisons and has the power to bring the dead back to life. Fatty, Ding Sitian, me, and the anaconda poisonous corpse were all wiped out without knowing it. Maybe it was because we should not die, maybe it was a miracle that only belonged to the proletariat, but we were completely dumbfounded at the time. , I haven't understood how all this happened for a long time.I saw that those lice were all attached to the water surface, all of them were swollen and round, and there were tens of thousands of them floating in white flowers.I picked up a few and took a look. The whole body of the white louse was as transparent as snow, round and flat, with transparent bristles all over its body, a fat abdomen, and six legs kicking around. Lao Yangpi suddenly opened his mouth and told us that when he was a tomb robber, he had heard of this kind of lice that lived on zombies, but he never imagined that there really was such a thing in the world. If it weren’t for the water gall in the golden well to save lives, everyone would be dead now. It's time.This kind of lice is actually not a living thing at all. The yellow-skinned child produced an inner alchemy that was as big as a blood egg. After death, the flesh and gall will not melt, and it will give birth to countless lice. It is made by its spirit, like seeds in a magnet. The mother bead is usually attached to the hair of the corpse like dander, and when it is angry, it will live, and neither water nor fire can be extinguished.The lice on a zombie can kill half a living person within a radius of more than ten miles. Fortunately, the fat man stepped on the blood egg, otherwise, although we have water guts to save our lives, the lice in the yellow-skinned corpse would still be alive. It keeps appearing until it sucks the souls of the living people nearby.I'm afraid that the people in this research institute were unprepared for this, so they all lost their lives. It was the chairman's educated youth who died the most, and Lao Yangpi thought that he was with us before he took his life.These scorpion worms are full of raw water, but the mother pearl has been destroyed, and they will dry up and dissipate in a short time, and they will no longer pose any threat to living people. I asked Lao Yangpi what was going on, and I became more and more confused. We have gone through these trials of life and death, and we are all grasshoppers on the same rope. up. Lao Yangpi struggled to stand up from the water. He admitted that although he had told us most of it, there was indeed something hidden inside. After that, it's never too late. Everyone was soaked by the clear water in the water tank. Although they were shivering from the cold, the wounds did not hurt, and they regained some strength. At this moment, they heard Lao Yangpi say that there was still danger here, and they felt like drowned chickens Climbing out of the golden well from the water, he planned to go back to the building of the research institute to find some dry clothes to change into, otherwise he would not be able to go home.As soon as he walked into the hole covered with tortoise bones on the ground, he heard the bad wind in front of him, and a large piece of black ash floated in front of his eyes. When he grabbed it with his hand, it was full of ointment from the dead body.
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