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Chapter 18 Chapter 17 Tides

Nanhai Guixu 天下霸唱 4531Words 2023-02-05
Uncle Ming also said: Hu Zai is right. When I was on a boat, I saw a Thai man who bought a pebble and put the stone in an empty bowl. A bowl of clear water could be produced overnight.The Thai businessman thought there was a treasure in the stone, and wanted to get to the bottom of it. Unexpectedly, when he smashed it open, there was only a clear water and two transparent small fish inside, which died soon, and the stone was worthless. He was almost stimulated and jumped into the sea.The water and fish in the stone are natural creations, but there is nothing strange about it, but this ancient stone mirror coffin is truly a rare treasure. Look at how dense the water lines are on it.

When Uncle Ming mentioned this, he suddenly felt a little troubled. With such a large sarcophagus, the cabin has already been filled with various materials, so how can there be room to put it?The fat man said it was too simple. I saw a mezzanine on the side of the bilge. If I remove that piece of wood, there will be a place for it. Let’s not waste time. After installing the green head, we will rush to the sea Eyes, there are more brilliant achievements waiting for us over there. Ruan Hei, the captain of the boat, changed his expression greatly when he heard this, and he tried to prevent Fatty and others from loading the sarcophagus into the hold. I saw his expression was different, and I knew there must be a reason for it, so I asked him what happened, and asked him to clarify what he said. What the hell is going on in the hold?

Ruan Hei was about to kneel down and beg everyone, but he didn't explain the reason: there was an extra wooden partition in the bottom boat, but he never dared to remove it, none of us would survive if it was removed.After speaking, he begged Shirley Yang: Miss Yang is the most sensible and good person, please persuade them quickly, they dare not do this. Under our repeated questioning, Ruan Hei still refused to confide half a word, and he had no choice but to say: You all know that seven British people died on this sea willow boat, and they died in the hold , I really can’t say anything else, in short, you can’t look at the things in the interlayer, and you will die if you look at it.

The Trident was originally transformed from an old sea willow ship, although it was rebuilt by the British.However, the main parts of the hull are still made of sea willows from old ships. There were seven members of the ambitious British salvage team preparing for the ship. They died collectively inexplicably. The place where the incident happened was the hold of the Trident. Before I went to sea, I also inquired about it in many ways, but most of the fishermen and merchants on Coral Temple Island did not know the details.At this time, Ruan Hei, the boss of the ship, suddenly mentioned this matter, telling us that there is indeed a small mezzanine in the cabin, but the things inside are not allowed to be seen anyway. If someone looks at it, it will be detrimental to the ship. Those British people so dead.

I looked at Uncle Ming, and saw that he also looked blank. Obviously, he had never heard of such a story on a ship, so I began to suspect that it was Ruan Hei who was speaking alarmistly, and I even went to the hold to find out. Ruan Hei asked Shirley Yang to help persuade him.He knew the previous owner of the sea willow boat.Not long ago, the British refitted the ship, and he was also hired to help, so he knew some unknown inside stories.He swears, there is indeed something hidden in the bilge, but seeing that thing will do all the damage to the members of the ship, and if there is no thing in the bilge, everything will be as usual The boat has no impact, and it is by no means alarmist. This is a lesson learned at the cost of many lives.

I saw Ruan Hei, the captain of the ship, swear a poisonous oath, and I know that if these superstitious sea wolves swear a heavy oath.He must not deliberately deceive each other, since he said that there are things that cannot be disturbed in the bilge, as long as it does not affect our voyage, there is no need to deliberately break these special customs and taboos. Seeing that I finally agreed, Ruan Hei breathed a sigh of relief, and said: After picking the eggs and going back, I must tell you the secrets inside. Only those who don’t take this boat can know, otherwise they will be on the boat accidentally. Talk about it.It was about to cause trouble, and at that time there was nowhere to escape in the vast sea.

I nodded in agreement, but after thinking about it, the rhetoric of pretending to be a ghost doesn't work for me. After I go back, what's the use of knowing the reason behind it?Sooner or later, I'll find a chance and I'll understand it before I talk about it. I won't do things that are kept in the dark. So I kept my composure, put this matter aside for the time being, and started with the rest of the people. Due to the limited space on the ship, the huge stone coffin and the wood filled in the middle of the coffin had to be sunk into the sea again, and only the innermost layer The sarcophagus remains.Everyone put the materials in the bottom cabin into the sarcophagus until it was full, so that the space in the cabin is enough to accommodate the sarcophagus, and the sarcophagus is as cool as water, and putting many watermelons in the cabin into it can keep it fresh effect.

When we were busy in the bottom deck, I took advantage of Ruan Hei to go up to sail the boat. I paid special attention to the sandwich panel. Except that it was completely sealed and difficult to move, I really couldn’t see anything special about it. I just put my ear on it. After listening to the commotion inside, Shirley Yang noticed my actions, and she came over and patted my shoulder: What skills did you practice? I am listening intently to see if there is any movement in the mezzanine, wondering what is there that can neither be said nor seen?She was completely unaware of her back, and was startled by Shirley Yang, and quickly pointed to the mezzanine deck: I'm scouting and scouting, you come and listen too, there seems to be something moving in here

Shirley Yang did not conduct reconnaissance with me. She seemed to have something to say to me, and she signaled me to talk in another place, so I went up to the rear deck with her.At this time, Ruan Hei and Uncle Ming reconfirmed the course, and they were sailing the boat towards the coral spiral at full speed. The Trident was riding the wind and waves on the sea, and the two diving bells hanging behind the boat were also shaking with the hull. After the Kuroshio tide on the bottom of the sea, large areas of the sea appeared lifeless, and the shoals of flying fish that could be seen on the sea surface from time to time also disappeared, and there was only boundless sea water around, which seemed boundless. Shirley Yang looked at the end of the sea and sky on the deck, and after a while he said: Professor Chen is a good friend of my father and father, and his wish is my father's wish. I don't care about taking any big risks, but the South China Sea is so vast. The return to ruins in the coral spiral is even more mysterious. I am a little worried whether we will be able to find the Qin Wangzhao Bone Mirror smoothly. After all, our salvage team has few people and small boats.

I said to her: There is nothing to worry about. It is not a problem to have a small number of people and a small boat.The Chen Sheng Wu Guang uprising in ancient China, there were only eight or nine hundred people at the beginning. They sent out a great cry to the whole world that the emperor, the general, and the general Xiang Ning had a kind of kindness. They rose up and swept the world for a while, but why did this team fail later? Woolen cloth?Just because there are more and more of them, they have become a mob, and have lost the purity of the revolution and the fighting power of unity. We should learn from the experience and lessons of the failure of the peasant uprising. Even the guide An Liman when we went to the desert, We all know that Hu Da's apocalypse is that the world can only win if it is united. In addition, it is necessary to be extra cautious when recruiting team members. It is better to eat a piece of fairy peach than a basket of rotten apricots.

Shirley Yang smiled and said: Why do you have to quote scriptures for everything?Doesn't that seem particularly convincing?But what you said is indeed reasonable. If you are in the same boat, you need to be united. Mutual trust is extremely important. Can you trust the boss of the boat, Ruan Hei? I had expected to be asked such a question by her, but I still pondered for a while, and after thinking about it, I said: I only heard that Ruan Hei is a Chinese from Vietnam, and he lived on the island for asylum. I don’t know his past experience. I don't know what's going on in my heart, but the essence can be manifested through phenomena.Judging from the contact these days, I think he is still a reliable egg man. I have joined the team in the mountains, and when I was in the army and doing business, I have contacted countless working people. I believe that my eyesight is not good enough. Will be wrong. Shirley Yang said: That's great. Since you can trust him, you should be tolerant. I believe that the boss of the ship also has his reasons, so you shouldn't spy on things behind the deck and break the rules on this ship.Although I also find it very curious, I think we should still respect the suggestion of the boss of the boat. Persuaded by Shirley Yang, I had no choice but to hold back my curiosity, and promised not to break this taboo unless it was a last resort. Then we went back to the cabin and started to eat the rice cooked by Duoling. She provided three meals a day on the boat. Prepare, but the amount of clean water on board is strictly limited, so the diet is very monotonous.We took the opportunity of eating to gather everyone together, discussed the most important things, and prepared for the upcoming entry into the coral spiral.We go from west to east on the sea, and after passing the current bottomless trough, the topography of the seabed will suddenly rise. With the ridge line of the submarine ridge as the boundary, the sea area to the east belongs to the coral spiral completely. It's like a sunken archipelago.Surrounded by the deep sea, the bottom of the sea shows a huge drop, and the spiral is very close to the sea surface. The coral spiral is divided into two layers of large coral reefs, the inner and outer layers. The area is very large, with a diameter of about 100 nautical miles, and its specific shape is completely unknown.The area between the two layers of spirals is sunken, full of dense coral forests and trenches.Because the seabed is surrounded by two mountains, sea air has been condensed for tens of thousands of years, storms and thunderstorms in the sky are constant all year round, electronic equipment will often fail, and there are legends such as ghosts and ghosts on the seabed, so few people dared to act rashly in the past few hundred years. Entering, some speculative explorers and salvage ships risked their lives to go, but they all went without returning. I don't know if it was because they lost their course or encountered some other shipwreck.Some egg people went to the sea to collect eggs for their livelihood. At most, they only dared to collect eggs in the iron bushes on the seabed outside the big spiral, and never dared to go half a step beyond the thunder pool.Even Uncle Ming and his uncle never went in. Uncle Ming's uncle met a vicious fish at the bottom of the water when he was an eggman in the outer spiral and died. The shipwreck carrying the bone mirror of the King of Qin is called Mary Xiannu, a private luxury cruise ship belonging to a rich man in Nanyang.The ship deviated from the course during the storm, strayed into the coral spiral and sank on the rocks. The only surviving crew member described the sinking place of the Marisino, the bottom of the sea was illuminated by latent fires, and the scene seemed to witness the floating and looming Crystal Palace on the bottom of the sea . There is a large amount of oil and gas in the seabed of the South China Sea, and there are active volcanoes erupting from time to time, but the eruption of oil and gas does not have such a large energy, and there are no submarine volcanoes in the sea area near the coral spiral, only the dragon fire formed by the sea air in Feng Shui. Coupled with the moonlight pearls in the nearby giant clam shells, it is possible to illuminate the bottom of the sea.But this kind of spectacle is not easy to see, there are only one or two chances in a month. In feng shui, earth, mountains and rocks in the world are divided into nine categories, including graves, sites, temples, ruins, and covers.In the land of the ruins, the yin energy is the most abundant, and can absorb the essence of the sun, moon and stars. It is said that the pearl of the old clam in the sea can respond to the moon, because it borrows the energy of the yin essence in the ruins.Judging from the two unique clues of the Yinhuo on the seabed and Nanzhu, the Marysiano must have entered the coral spiral near the sea eye of the coral spiral. A seabed forest where old clams flock. The biggest difficulty our salvage team is facing now is how to enter the dense coral spiral of the reef. After entering, if the weather is bad, how can we identify the direction without a compass? Explorers, the biggest obstacle they face together, if they can't overcome it, they can only look at the ocean and sigh. Fortunately, we have mastered the secret thaumaturgy of the ancient Chinese tomb robbers, and the feng shui secret art of Captain Mojin has a precise discussion of the remaining veins of Nanlong.Although Nanlong originated from Mount Emei and finally entered the sea from Zhejiang, the largest remaining vein in the sea extends to the end of the South China Sea.The sea air mentioned in Feng Shui has a part of the concept of tidal movement. If we look at it according to the current principle, it actually refers to the ocean tide generated by the gravitational effect of the moon and the sun. It is a periodic fluctuation of sea water. Due to It is related to astronomical phenomena, so it is also called astronomical tide. Although the phenomenon of rising sea is the same, there is an artificial difference in time, day is the tide, and night is the tide. Due to the distance between the moon and the sun from the earth, the tidal force of the moon is more than twice stronger than that of the sun, so the size of the tide and the time of fluctuation are not fixed, mainly changing with the movement of the moon, coupled with the topographical depth of each sea area, and Influenced by factors such as longitude and latitude, in addition to the semi-diurnal tide that rises and falls twice a day, there are also diurnal tides that rise and fall once a day, and mixed tides that rise and fall twice a day or once a day. The tide level rises and falls in the vertical direction and rises and falls in the horizontal position. The tide ebbs and flows. In the coral spiral sea area at the end of Nanlong, due to the disorder of the sea and air, the most common occurrence is a chaotic mixed tide, and there will be a spring tide after the first and fifteenth day of each month. It was during the full moon that the Mary Xiannu encountered storm surges and astronomical waves. The shipwreck caused by the high tide, was swept into the coral spiral that is difficult for large ships to enter. I encountered a water dragon at sea last night, and almost capsized the ship. However, I was lucky in this voyage. Because I was well prepared, even if there were some twists and turns, I was safe and safe. I didn’t encounter any major difficulties, and I got a rare stone mirror. Ancient coffins, people who know the goods are all excited.At this time, adjust the course and wander along the edge of the trough, sailing until it is almost dawn, the sky is still covered with dark clouds, the sun, moon and stars cannot be seen, the sea is windy and the waves are rough, and the compass begins to fail. omen.After receiving the message from Uncle Ming through the thousand-mile microphone, Shirley Yang and I hurried to the cockpit, took out a prepared wooden box and a black earthen jar, and prepared to perform the secret technique recorded in "Moving Mountains and Reclaiming Seas". When the time comes, take advantage of the high tide in the morning to cross the reefs outside the coral spiral in one fell swoop.
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