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Chapter 37 Chapter Thirty-Six

Nanhai Guixu 天下霸唱 5326Words 2023-02-05
The sea willow boat is an ancient ship like a cultural relic. It is said that it was once used by pirates. Although the hull has been overhauled and refitted several times, the main structure is still the earliest sea willow.The British bought and refitted the ship two years ago. During the period when the ship was on Coral Temple Island, eggman Nguyen Hei and several local fishermen were hired to maintain the sea willow boat and participated in the refitting operation. The British salvage team spent a lot of effort to refit the sea willow boat, intending to enter the coral spiral waters to catch green heads. Unexpectedly, they all died in the bilge of the sea willow boat before leaving the army.The islanders of Coral Temple Island are very secretive about this matter. Most of the islanders, including the black market businessman Wu Wu, do not know the details of this matter. Only Ruan Hei seems to know some details, but now that he is dead, it is impossible for us to start from He got another message from his mouth.Once encountering the deadly thing hidden in the bilge, I don't know how to deal with it at all.

But what kind of sinister business is it to go fishing in the sea?Fearing that it would come anyway, the shark's head smashed through the hidden interlayer of the deck, and a stream of lifeless black water flowed out from the eyes of the dead man's skull in the cabin.I hurriedly pulled up the fat man who was squatting on the ground, and hurriedly stepped back a few steps. At this time, the water level has dropped, and the water surface in the bilge is only above the feet, but when you walk around, you still have to wade through the water, and the water level in Guixu is not stable, rising and falling irregularly.I saw that the momentum was wrong. If I stayed in the hold, I would probably die in the same way as the British people.In the British salvage team, there are many experts in exploration and sea salvage. They have rich experience and excellent equipment. Even if they lost their lives here, it must have happened suddenly and caught off guard.

Fatty and I took a few steps back, only to see the shadows in the sea stone flower turn into black water flowing out, several diving flashlights on our bodies, and the waterproof light socket in front of us flashed a few times at the same time, the lights seemed to be disturbed , flickering on and off, making a short, piercing sound.Different from strong light searchlights, the maximum voltage specification of batteries for diving flashlights is only three.Eight V ○.Five A, it's hard to imagine such a movement in a quartz bulb. The beam of the flashlight flickered on and off, dazzling people's eyes.Seeing the blurred light and shadow in the dark bottom cabin, I hastily patted the head of the flashlight a few times to stabilize the light beam, but the quartz bulb in the light socket seemed to be worn out too much, and the light emitted was much dimmer than before.

The light in the bilge was weak, and I felt chills in the water under my feet. It seemed that something hiding in the cabin was hiding in the water, and would stretch out its ghost hand to grab my ankle at any time like a water ghost pulling a person's leg.Maybe it was because I couldn't see clearly in the dark, but this feeling became more and more intense, and the fear of water was hard to suppress for a while. The four of us, Fatty and I, were trembling and took a few steps back. Our backs had already reached a row of stacked cargo boxes, and there was no way we could go back.Gu Cai was a little afraid of ghosts, so he panicked and wanted to run away.I quickly grabbed him: don't move rashly.Where can a blind man go?Now that we have collided, if there is really some fierce ghost hiding in the bilge, if there is no end here, even if you escape from the Trident, you will continue to be entangled, fleeing like a lost dog or a fish slipping through the net If you break through, you will definitely lose your life in a muddleheaded way.

In fact, in the current situation, it is difficult for me to judge whether to flee or stay. I just adhere to the basic principle of not scatter eagles when I see rabbits. Before I am sure whether I can escape safely from the hold, I can't easily risk everyone's life.The flashlights were too dim to be useful in the darkened bilge, and they could no longer be relied on.I fumbled in my diving bag and took out the only phosphor tube left. Ever since I became the captain of Mojin, out of professional habits, I have been very dependent on lighting equipment, lest I bring enough.The phosphor tube is full of white phosphorous, which can be used for lighting underwater, and the light is far stronger than fluorescent light, so it is not suitable for underwater environments.Desperate to get some light after the torch died, I had to remove the phosphor, pull the collar and drop it into the bilge a few centimeters deep.

The white phosphorous immediately gave off a dazzling light in the water. Although the water quality of the bilge blocked it, I still felt a sharp pain in front of my eyes. In the pale light that made my brain swell, I saw the black water flowing out of the sea stone flower, which was flowing by itself. Gathered into a ghostly figure similar to a human.The black water floated just blocked the way to the upper cabin. Several strange fish that hit the deck with their heads were caught by the black water at the bottom of the bilge, and died without a sound. In an instant, a few strange fish kowtowed like garlic, and there were only scattered dead fish left. These strange fish did not die when they left the water, but when they were touched by the black water, they all died suddenly. Riley fell silent.A ghostly patch of black water, like a piece of black cloth floating in the water, floated towards us silently past the dead white shark lying on the bilge.

I saw the black water jumping over the shark carcass out of the water, and I screamed that it was not good. If it could only exist in the water, we would still be alive, but since it can get out of the water and move with the dead fish on the deck Where can we hide?The four had no choice but to yell, and quickly spread out to dodge.In the white phosphorescence, a black piece of sewage suddenly stood up from the bulkhead and floated up to the ceiling. All the parts in the hull that were made of sea willows were leaking blood-like black water. The fat man jumped onto the wooden crate where supplies were stored and called out to me: Commander Hu.Quickly take the bronze mirror to look at it!I dodged here and there and climbed onto a wooden box. Hearing the fat man's shout, I reached out and touched the diving carrying bag containing the Qin Wangzhao bone mirror. The cold and hard bronze mirror was inside, and it flowed out from the sea stone flower. The coming black water is extraordinary, the bronze mirror can only crush the corpse, how can it deal with this ghostly stagnant water?

I saw the black water rushing up to the ceiling, and there was a gap in front of the door, so I pointed to the hatch to Shirley Yang, and told her to take this opportunity to quickly take Gu to guess. Fatty and I tried to find a way to delay here for a while. Shirley Yang is not the kind of person who likes to be more serious. She should understand that the terrain of the bottom cabin is narrow. If you stay below, you will not be able to use it, but you will be prone to accidents due to the terrain restrictions. So she immediately grabbed Guchai's arm, pulled him and ran towards the cabin door .

The black water on the top seemed to be conscious, sensing that Shirley Yang and Guchai wanted to escape, and drifted across the deck, like a black flag blown by a strong wind, falling straight from above. Seeing that the situation was not good, Shirley Yang dragged Guchai to make a turning point, splashing water and dodging to the inside of the bilge. In this way, the four people who had just dispersed were forced to the side of the cargo hold. There are piles of cargo boxes around, and the corpse of a giant shark is on the ground. If you want to jump into the water from the hole in the bilge, it is tantamount to feeding the shark yourself, which is nothing more than a different way of death.The black shadow seemed to be formless and qualityless, moving like a ghost in the cabin. In the phosphorescent light, I felt that when my eyes went dark, the ghost image floated in front of my eyes.I know that anyone who touches this shadow will stop their heart and die instantly, but there is no way out, and nothing can stand against it.

When I was about to die, I couldn't help feeling a little bit of fear in my heart. I felt that my back was cold, but then I realized that something was wrong. It wasn't because I lost my vitality that I was so scared that my heart felt cold.The place where my back is leaning against is cold and there is a large stone wall. This chill comes from behind. In my impression, there is no such gloomy and cold thing in the sea willow boat. come over.Before entering the coral spiral, a floating sarcophagus was salvaged in the sea. The sarcophagus hidden inside was well preserved as new, and the material was a rare stone mirror.

The stone mirror is an ancient wood on the seabed turned into a stone. The layer is as smooth as a mirror, and it has the yin energy of the seabed. It has been impacted by the tide for thousands of years, and layers of undulating ripples are formed in the stone. The denser the pattern, the stronger the texture.In Huainan Wanbi Shu, a branch of Qingwu Fengshui, it is clearly mentioned that stone can suppress ghosts. Old courtyards and old houses have screen walls at the entrances.The earliest shadow walls were all made of bluestone bricks, and later kiln bricks were gradually used. People who knew how to build a house still had to bury stones under the walls. People are in a hurry to rebel, and dogs are in a hurry to jump over the wall. The methods and ways of survival are all forced out of the last resort.This idea flashed in my mind. It is said that Captain Mojin's life is the hardest among tomb robbers. If there is no unparalleled road, the ancient stone mirror coffin behind us is our only chance.The sarcophagus is placed in the cabin and has always been used to preserve perishable items. With the consumption and use of a large amount of materials in the coral spiral, there is only one empty coffin left, and the stone cover is left aside.Seeing that the black ghost floating in the water was approaching, I hurriedly built a ladder with the fat man and let Shirley Yang and Guchai climb onto the cargo box bundled together on the side. The shadow-like black water fluttered so fast that it reached the feet in an instant, and a gloomy chill surged.As soon as I pulled the fat man, the two stepped into the sarcophagus, and the black water stuck to the coffin wall and flowed into the coffin.The fat man and I cursed: The son of a bitch came so quickly, hurriedly pulled out across the black water, and jumped out of the ancient coffin of the stone mirror.The phosphorescent light from the bilge did not penetrate into the sarcophagus, and in the already gloomy and cold coffin, there was a strong black tide surging. I know that if this piece of black water is really a ghost attached to the sea willow boat, as long as the coffin lid is closed, it will never come out, so I dare not hesitate now, before the black water gushes out of the coffin again, I will lift the lid buckle He got up, then turned over and sat up to hold it down.The sarcophagus is clasped like a solid armor, with no gaps to see through. You can only hear the roar of the water in the sarcophagus, like the sea tumbling and raging waves, it took a long time to calm down. Looking at the black water flowing out of the sea willows on the four walls, the hard ten thousand-year-old sea willows seemed to have lost their vitality and turned into rotten wood in an instant. up.But everyone felt very lucky to be alive. If this ancient coffin hadn't been found in the sea before, or hadn't been placed in the bilge, today I'm afraid they will be like the British salvage team. It's here, but it's still unknown what is in the cabin, whether it's a ghost or a thing. Seeing Shirley Yang come down from the cargo box, I asked her to take Guchai up first, and then I asked the fat man to find some thick ropes for binding the cargo.These ropes are made of a mixture of yellow rattan, silk palm, and human hair, and they cannot be broken after being soaked in water for many years. They were used to tie dozens of turns vertically and horizontally on the sarcophagus, and seven or eight knots were tied.At this time, the entire hull of the sea willow was about to fall apart, and the hull made a creaking sound.It looks like it will soon be scattered from the stranded stone pillars into the water, and the sarcophagus will also sink into the ruins. I touched the bone mirror of King Qin in the bag, waved to the fat man, and we climbed onto the deck in the crumbling cabin.The surface of the water is still calm and calm. After Shirley Yang met Uncle Ming, he had put down two small boats. Uncle Ming, Guchai, and Duoling took one together, and Ruan Hei's body wrapped in white cloth was also in it. Fatty and I jumped into the boat where Shirley Yang was. In another lifeboat. As soon as he stepped on the rubber boat, the Trident behind him was centrifugal, the hull became fragmented, and everything on the boat fell into the water one after another, leaving only a mess of debris on the water surface in a short while.Everyone was silent, watching the Hailiu ship crumbling and sinking, thinking that this ship that once accompanied us through life and death at sea and through the turbulent waves would disappear in the sea of ​​returning to ruins and would no longer exist. After buying the five-flavor bottle, there is an indescribable taste. Uncle Ming has already learned from Shirley Yang the brief story of how we retrieved the bone mirror of King Qin from the sunken ship. We can see the wreckage of the ship gradually sinking to the bottom of the water. The boat was repaired, but now there are no sea willow boats, only two small boats left. We are in the vast sea, and there is no trace of land within a few hundred nautical miles. How can we return to Coral Temple Island? Shirley Yang said: Getting lost in this chaotic sea hidden under the eye of the sea is the biggest trouble in front of us. Only by trying to get back to the real sea surface of the coral spiral can we seek rescue at sea. Look, old Hu, what should we do now? what to do? I looked around and saw that the sea was foggy, and the dark fire above my head appeared and disappeared in the rock formations, like the starry sky hanging upside down. I was in a small boat floating on the sea, really like a boat sailing in the sky.Looking as far as the eye can see, the edge of the Guixu River cannot be seen. The east, west, north and south seem to be all the same. I really don't know where the crossing is. Hearing Shirley Yang asked me, I could only grin bitterly: This place is really big, if only we had a pedal boat, trying to row the lifeboat out with stupid strength is just a dream.In fact, what I said is also the truth. Right now, how to escape from the sea with a lifeboat, how to return to the real sea from this chaotic and boundless sea of ​​ruins, and how to paddle with the wooden oars on the boat for a long time are the primary issues. How can this small boat withstand the occasional sea swell?Who knows if there are any boat-swallowing fish in the sea? When Uncle Ming heard what I said, he became even more worried: What is going back to the ruins?It is said in the Buddhist scriptures that there are three thousand weak waters, and it is difficult to cross them without death.We must have fallen into weak water.Weak water is stagnant water, there will be no exit door, and no one can go back alive. Pity my good daughter Axiang, who was abducted by you to the United States. Who will take care of her in the future? I said to Uncle Ming: Weak water is a metaphor. How can there be weak water in the world?Don't you all feel so sad, besides touching gold, Lieutenant Mojin is best at the word Wang, which is specialized in analyzing and dismantling geography and geography.Haiyan is where the South Dragon Sea Qi condenses. Feng Shui says that stagnant water does not hide dragons. The abundance of dragon fire and sea air here is unparalleled in the world. If there is stagnant water, there will not be such a large-scale dragon air.So in my opinion, there must be running water under Guixu.However, this is an elusive undercurrent. In addition to a large number of shipwrecks and ancient architectural relics, there are deep ravines with boiling hot springs at the bottom of the water.There should be a large amount of geothermal freshwater resources under the coral spiral sea area, otherwise the salt content of the sea water is too high, and there will be no place for those old snail giant clams to hide their eggs.If you can manage to find out where the water is flowing, you may be able to dive back to the surface from the labyrinth of coral reefs.But we can't run around here and there, now go to the ancient city protruding from the water to bury Ruan Hei, and after a short rest, we can make a long-term plan.Taking stock of the situation and finding the way to advance and retreat, this is the forte of Captain Mojin.My half-set of "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Fengshui Secret Art" is not because of Tianqiao's tricks. I'm bluffing people with Captain Jin's secret technique, but I don't know the exact formula in my heart, but even though Uncle Ming made his fortune in sailing in Nanyang, his ancestors were also tomb robbers who carried corpses and searched cellars in the south, and he often resold valuables Mummy, like the prince of the Western Regions, the general in the desert, the princess of Loulan, the fragrant corpse of Tianshan, and the mummies of the Qin and Han terracotta warriors, there is no one who has not been tossed around. , I consider myself a half-handed craftsman.In the eyes of ordinary tomb robbers, Captain Mojin is Yuanliang in this industry, with superb abilities, so when this matter is mentioned, Uncle Ming really feels a lot more at ease. Now that the target is determined, everyone picks it up Paddle, paddle the two small boats on the water, and slowly sail to the distance. While rowing, the fat man looked at the gold watch he had salvaged from the sunken ship. The gold watch was reflected by the dragon fire veins like moonlight in the sky, and it was even more golden. Let Shirley Yang identify and identify whether it is Omega. When I looked at the gold watch, I immediately remembered that in a broken mirror on the Marysiano, I saw a bearded beard with a gold watch lying on Guchai’s back. It was the ghost of the captain.At that time, the underwater situation was chaotic, and no one else noticed it except me, but there was nothing unusual about Gu Guai afterwards, so I put this matter behind my mind for the time being, thinking of this, I couldn't help but sneak a look Ancient guess. Guchai suffered some minor injuries, and his senior sister Duo Ling had already helped him with emergency treatment. Although he was tired at this time, he still insisted on helping the boat with his brutality and tenacity. When I looked at him, Gu Cai couldn't help looking back at the water behind him.I saw that he was behaving abnormally, so I immediately asked him what he was looking at?When Guchai heard what I said, he stared and replied: "Ghost, there is a ghost."
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