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Chapter 156 Chapter 154 Three Kings

ghost blowing lights 天下霸唱 3736Words 2023-02-05
The fat man was about to ask again, but I interrupted him with a wave of my hand: What's the matter, did you relax just after seeing the air in the coffin?In the past, there were indeed the precepts of the cellar coffin, the bronze coffin, and the commandment not to come near if the character is not hard, but we were able to cross the Sansheng bridge and come to the gate of the underworld, which shows that the lives of the three of us are definitely hard enough, otherwise we would not step on it. The Sansheng Bridge has already fallen into the nether world. The fat man said: "It's a joke. When was the commander afraid? It's just that I haven't seen this kind of coffin. A tiger bites a hedgehog. I don't know what to say."

In fact, I don't know if our horoscope is strong enough, so I just want to give courage to the fat man. In front of the door opening of the shade wall, there is still a certain distance from the three strangely shaped coffins in the depths of the tomb. I couldn't see the subtleties, so I had to wait for a while. Seeing that the door had been pried open without touching any mechanism, I nodded to Shirley Yang and the fat man, indicating that I could go in. Shirley Yang opened the Vajra Umbrella to open the way at the front, and the fat man and I followed closely behind. The flares that were shot just now went out, illuminating the dark tomb. As I expected, this is a big one. Back to the Yu-shaped tomb chamber, the Yin Palace is divided into two layers, inside and outside. Inside the white wall is the first layer, which is seven or eight meters away from this wall. There is another layer of brick walls in the middle. The tombs on the two walls are The door is facing each other, but the inside is just a low door opening with an arc top, and there is no barrier to block it. The flares go through directly and penetrate into the deepest tomb.

As soon as I entered the outer door, I first used a wolf-eyed flashlight to illuminate the two sides. There was an interlayer between the two tomb walls, and there were piles of giant copper sacrificial vessels of all kinds of blue and gray. These copper plates, copper tripods, and piles of ivory, Jade coins and jade cauldrons symbolize the identity of the owner of the tomb. This is the king's tomb that I have seen the most funerary objects in my life. These funerary objects were specially made for the dead, instead of just taking some valuable things and piled them in like Jingjue Kingdom. The wind was at its strongest. It is said that during this period, some of the grave goods in the tombs of the emperors exceeded thousands of tons, which was equivalent to one-third of the financial resources of the entire country at that time.But almost put the entire Dian Kingdom into the grave.But these subjects, slaves and treasures, none of them could follow King Xian to heaven, and they all rotted in this gloomy, dark, dark underground in the passing of two thousand years.

I sighed, thinking that all those valuable old things in China were so ruined.Now he quickened his pace and followed Shirley Yang into the inner tomb. The double tomb is like the inner city and outer city of the ancient city. The deepest tomb is the core part of the ancient tomb. The light of the flares was gradually dimming. As soon as we stepped into the tomb, the surroundings were suddenly plunged into darkness. We immediately turned on the spotlight on the helmet, and immediately saw the copper coffin suspended in mid-air with copper rings in front of us. The volume of the coffin is the largest, and it is also the most prominent among the three coffins, and the other two are not hung on the copper ring.

The copper coffin was dark and dull, covered with a thick layer of dust. I put on gloves and wiped off a layer of dust on the copper coffin. There are a lot of green copper flowers, but at a cold glance, they seem to be covered with thin green centipedes. A closer look reveals that there are nine heavy locks wrapped around the copper outer coffin, making it airtight, and there are many strange plants cast outside. Apart from this, there are no more obvious features, just big, heavy, and heavy. The coffin should be inside of it. Looking at the other two coffins, one is made of wood. Judging from the shape and size, it should not be a wooden coffin, but only a layer of coffin boards, but this coffin is also unusual. A rough look shows that the coffin boards are about eight inches thick. The paint on the coffin has not leaked, and the original color of the wood is exposed, which looks like charcoal, but the wood is extremely fine and tough.

Shirley Yang Qidao: It seems that the coffin has not been specially processed, but how can there be such a material of wood in the world? I knocked on the coffin lid with my hand, and there was an empty sound of striking copper bells. The sound was particularly loud and deep in the tomb. I said to Shirley Yang: This is the legendary Yinzi coffin. In the shade of ravines and mountains, where the sun never shines, there is a kind of carbon-colored tree. This kind of tree has never seen sunlight since it grew up. Ordinary trees grow a ring every year, and this kind of tree that does not see sunlight grows. It takes tens or hundreds of years before its annual rings increase by one circle. This is called yinzimu. The name is very special, describing it as a tree that grows in the cellar.

The fat man also reached out and touched the cellar coffin: My lord, if this is really a cellar coffin, it is really a treasure. I heard that this kind of cellar wood is difficult to grow and can be made into a coffin. The board is still so thick, without adding any other materials. According to the current market, it is worth more than gold of the same volume. I really can’t find a suitable one. Let’s carry it back. In Yunnan, it is not counted as voluntary labor on Saturdays, do you think so? I said to Fatty and Shirley Yang: How can gold compare with this wood, even ten gold coffins can’t be exchanged. Look at how thick the coffin boards are, and they are all the best scented tree cores. There is a name for this. It is called the eight-inch board of broken tree, not ten thousand years old tree, and how can it have such a thick core. I think the Empress Dowager Cixi and Lafayette did not get this kind of treatment, because the tree died out in the Han Dynasty. No one can find such a thick tree.

The fat man rubbed his hands again and again, and his breathing became heavy: what's the matter, I said you two, what are we waiting for, hurry up and carry it out. Shirley Yang ignored the fat man and said to me: The bronze coffin hanging in the mid-air of the tomb is also very special, so what's going on?There is another strangely shaped coffin over there. Could it be that this is King Xian and his two wives? I shook my head: I am also a bit confused now, the bronze coffin is also a different kind in the mausoleum system, only some serious sinners, or nobles with infectious diseases, will be sealed with a copper coffin, and there is another saying, It is because there are signs of corpse transformation before encoffining, to prevent zombies from breaking out of the coffin. You see, there are nine heavy locks on the copper coffin. It is not easy to open it. The devil knows what is inside.

Shirley Yang said: "I only know that there is a gold coffin with copper horns to prevent corpses from being transformed. It turns out that the hanging bronze coffin is also the same, but what is the meaning of hanging in the air?" The fat man interjected again: "Even I know this. We have seen a copper coffin with a human face before. It was much more violent than this. At that time, Commander Hu almost peed his pants. Later I heard that this kind of coffin with a ring is specially designed It is used to decorate people who seek immortality, so that they will not touch the ground after death. According to my estimation, there is a ninety-nine percent possibility that the old rice dumpling of King Xian is the one who did not become immortal. If it grows up, it will be transformed into a dead body, so it is hung in the tomb with a copper ring and a copper coffin. Let's not touch it as soon as possible. It is better to carry this cellar coffin back directly. It will not be able to count the money for the rest of our lives.

I said to Shirley Yang: Don't listen to his nonsense, he is the one who peed his pants in fright, not me, but the second half of what he said is correct.The ones who are going to hang in the air are all from the Taoist sect, and the copper coffin is used to hold zombies, but it cannot be concluded from this that the inside is Xian Wang. These three coffins have a lot to say, let's understand it before we start. We decided to see what the third coffin looked like before deciding how to open it.They walked together to the deepest part of the tomb, where there was a seamless sarcophagus, which was directly made of a single twisted stone. The coffin board of the twisted stone looked very simple, even primitive, with hundreds of A series of interlocking rings, these rings are chiseled and gathered together to form a black beast, and it is impossible to tell what it is. It looks neither dragon nor tiger, full of ancient and mysterious colors.

The outside of the seamless sarcophagus is sealed with a layer of translucent lacquer.The seams of the coffin are sealed inside and cannot be seen, but through the recent experience accumulated in Panjiayuan, although there are many fakes there, the amount of information is very rich, and you can get in touch with a lot of things beyond what you have seen and heard, especially some private collections From them, I can learn a lot of information about various artifacts, which are difficult to access in books. I have heard people mention this seamless sarcophagus more than once. It is said that it was dug out in Xishan Been twice. But this sarcophagus is obviously much shorter than ordinary coffins, and there are four thick one-legged stone men carrying it underneath, so it looks a lot taller than the scented wooden coffin. After seeing it, the fat man immediately said: It must be Xian Wang's son, a prince, he didn't graduate from junior high school, so he was buried with his father, and he didn't need a diploma, waiting to ascend to heaven and become immortals together? Shirley Yang said: Impossible. I have never heard of anyone who buried his children with him. Tiger poison does not eat children. I said to the two of them: "Of course they are not princes or grandchildren. The reason why this sarcophagus is short is that it probably does not contain a whole corpse. There is a kind of burial with limbs, and there is another kind called broken burial. There are also curled burials, bent over burials, squatting burials, hanging, side lying burials, etc. The understanding of death is different, and the ways of placing dead bodies are also different. This should be The sarcophagus buried curled up, and the grain stone is also very important. It is a rare cool stone, its nature is like water jade, and the corpse inside must have been a person with a head and a face when he was alive. It's just that the curled up burial method has disappeared by the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. It's hard to say whether there are still some in southern Yunnan. The problem is that the three coffins, apart from being very special, are completely difficult to put in the coffin. They are compared together, although they are in the same tomb, it seems that there is no connection between them. I thought to myself that I couldn't figure it out anyway, so I just opened it up and took a look, so I asked the fat man to go to the corner of the door, light three candles, and then start with the most valuable cellar coffin, offering the king Even if it rots into dust, the dust beads should still remain in the coffin. When the fat man lit the candles, I saw the candlelight of the three candles lit up, illuminating the gloomy corner of the tomb, and suddenly thought of something in my mind, Sanshiqiao, three coffins? When I was thinking about it, I heard Shirley Yang say to me: I just remembered the Sanshiqiao I saw in front of the gate of the Yin Palace. I don’t know if the corpses in these three coffins are dedicated to the king, but there may not be what we are looking for. The coffin in the tomb of the King Xian who possessed the phoenix guts was dug out from another ancient tomb by him. Perhaps he had somehow determined that it was the skeleton of his previous life. I thought about it for a while and replied: Yes, it is not difficult to understand. The three coffins do not belong to the same period, but represent the three lives of Xian Wang in the world. Chinese Taoism has always had the three lives of immortality. According to the legend, the first three lives are called the three prisons, and the final death will be extremely tragic, so this special coffin is used for burial. The real Xianwang must also be hidden somewhere in this tomb. , we both patronized to look at the three demon coffins, why hasn't the fat man who went to the corner to light candles come back?There are nine candles in the corner of 369, how did this grandson light so much wax?What about others? Shirley Yang gestured to me and lowered her voice: Listen to the bronze coffin, is there a sound?
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