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Chapter 237 Chapter 235 The Bremen Band

ghost blowing lights 天下霸唱 5113Words 2023-02-05
The tower burials in the Mausoleum of the Demon Kingdom have always been equipped with two sacrificial ditches according to their shape and size, which are shaped like two dragons playing with pearls. Because there are a large number of wild animal bones in the ditches as sacrificial objects, the local people in Karamil call them It is the Tibetan bone ditch.Unexpectedly, we entered the Longding Glacier from one of the Tibetan bone ditch, and finally crawled out of the ground, and turned out to be in another Tibetan bone ditch.However, it is rich in geothermal resources and dense vegetation, which is rare in the Kalamir Mountains.

At this time, the stars are shining brightly, and the terrain in the canyon is also uneven. The dense forest is covered with pines and cypresses, covering the starlight. Under the night sky, the air in the mountains is extremely cool and fresh. Between the heart and lungs.I took two long and deep breaths, and only then did I realize the joy of the rest of my life after the catastrophe. The rest of the people were also refreshed, and the agony and anxiety of waiting for death were all swept away. Unexpectedly, there is an unexpected situation, a dark cloud floats over the valley top, merged with the rising air current, and a heavy rain falls in the blink of an eye.There are four seasons in the Kunlun Mountains, and the weather is different for ten miles. It snows on the top of the mountain, it may rain at the bottom of the mountain, and there may be hail on the mountainside at the same time. Before we even had time to complain about the bad weather, we were already drenched in rain. up.

I wiped the rain from my face and looked at the terrain on the left and right. This valley is ethereal and deep. It has been inaccessible for many years. Most of the ancient ruins in the valley no longer exist, but some stone stacks formed by volcanic activity earlier , Rock crevices, after experiencing countless wind and rain erosion, remain the same.There is a cave not far from us. The cave is embedded in the cliff obliquely, and its shape is convex and concave. It is a good place to shelter from the rain overnight. I told everyone to hide in the cave to avoid the rain. Since there might be wild beasts in the cave, the fat man carried a sporting rifle and rushed to explore the way first. Uncle Ming and Axiang also covered their heads with their hands and followed behind. past.

I found that Shirley Yang was not in a hurry, despite the rain falling on her body, she still walked at a leisurely pace, and seemed to enjoy this feeling, so I asked her what she wanted to do slowly, if she was not afraid of getting wet in the rain. Shirley Yang said that after drilling for a long time in the soil hole dug by Guanyin, the whole body is covered with dirty soil. It is a pity that there is no mirror now. Otherwise, if everyone can take a look at themselves, most of them will not recognize themselves. , simply let the rain wash it away, and then immediately set up a fire to dry it in the cave, and don't have to worry about getting sick.

When I heard what she said, I remembered that the five of us who crawled out of the ground were so dirty that we looked like a pile of unearthed cultural relics, but although the climate here is warmer, the rain in the mountains After a long time, it is easy to get sick, so I told her to go to the cave to take shelter from the rain, don't get carried away just because she escaped from death, and try to be clean for a while, in case the extreme joy turns into sadness later, and the rain will get sick, it will not be worth the loss. I took Shirley Yang and followed the other three into the cave.As soon as you enter, you can smell a faint sulfur smell.There are several white stone pits in the cave. It seems that geothermal heat was sprayed here before, and several hot springs gushed out, and now they have dried up. Although the smell is slightly uncomfortable, there is no need to worry about the presence of wild animals.

There are many dead branches and fallen leaves in the valley. The fat man and I went to the place where there was no rain at the entrance of the cave, picked up a lot of them randomly, and brought them back. We piled them on the ground in the cave and lit a bonfire. We took out the leftover big Guanyin and roasted them. .The meat of Diguanyin is like a fat hamster, with three layers of fat and thin. It is very suitable for roasting. After roasting for a long time, it has a golden color and drips oil.There is no condiment, so it is inevitable that there is a bit of earthy smell when eating, but after getting used to it, the more you chew, the more delicious it becomes.

The flames burned hotter and hotter, warming people's whole body. Once the tense nerves were relaxed, all the fatigue and pain accumulated in the past few days poured out, and I felt exhausted from the inside out.I gnawed on the hind legs of Guanyin for a long time, and almost fell asleep before I finished chewing the meat in my mouth. I yawned and was about to lie down and take a nap, but found Shirley Yang sitting opposite me and looking at me, as if You have something to say to me. Will you go to America with me? Shirley Yang has said this many times, but I have never promised it, because life and death were unpredictable at that time, and life was terrified every day, and it was like the end of the world, but it is different now, since we have recovered from the cursed nightmare If I break free, I must give her an answer.I have also asked myself many times in my heart, of course I want to go to the United States, not because the United States of America is so good, but because I feel inseparable from Shirley Yang.But the fat man and I are poor and empty now, even if we scratch the bottom of the box, we can’t make up a few capitals. How can we make a living there?Most of my comrades-in-arms who sacrificed their lives are in poor areas, old and young. Who will take care of their families in the future?Of course, Shirley Yang will not hesitate to solve our many economic difficulties, but self-reliance is my principle.I never hesitate to do things, but this time I had to think twice.

So I told Shirley Yang to give me some more time and let me think again.If I go to the United States, the Feng Shui secrets I have studied for half my life will be useless.Ever since I first arrived at the Panjiayuan Antique Market in Beijing, I planned to make a big fight and make a fortune. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be useless to learn the dragon-hunting tactics of Mojin Xiaowei?We have been in the Dragon Tower Palace quite a few times, but we haven't found anything valuable, which is a bit hard to say.Going abroad is hot in our place now. It is a fashionable thing to go overseas. Everyone is sharpening their heads and going abroad. No matter which country they are going to, even the third world countries are rushing to go. They plan to go out first anyway. Let's talk.Of course we also want to go to the United States, but the time is not yet ripe.

The fat man said from the side: Yes, Commander Hu's bold words that he wanted to fight a big fight in his life are still ringing in our ears. This is our highest ideal for three days. Don't let this wish go. I can't eat, and I can't sleep soundly. Uncle Ming heard what we said, and he seemed to have some big plans, so he quickly said to us: Did you make a mistake?Before getting out of the Kunlun Mountains, you plan to make a big move again?Be sure to bring me, I can provide funds and all necessary supplies.Although we lost everything this time, if there is a bet that is uncertain, I believe in Brother Hu's strength, we will definitely be able to snag a big deal.

Impatiently, I said to Uncle Ming: Don't follow me, okay?Didn't you see that there are three great invert workers here, talking selflessly about the future of the invert industry?It will be a sleepless night. Uncle Ming lost his wife and lost his army, so of course he is unwilling to give up any chance to make money. He smiled and continued to say to me: Of course I know, brother, you are all people who do great things, but one hero and three gangs, except Fat Boy And Miss Yang, I can also help a little.I have valuable information here. Have you heard of the tomb of King Hami in Xinjiang?It is said that there is a set of golden scriptures in the ancient tomb of King Hami. Each page of the scriptures is made of gold, and the inside is inlaid with various precious stones. Reading one line of scriptures can make the withered flowers bloom again, and reading two lines of scriptures can make the flowers bloom again. You can make Uncle Ming close his eyes and shake his head while talking, as if he has already touched the golden scripture in his hands and is intoxicated.

Shirley Yang saw that the discussion with me was interrupted by Uncle Ming again, and the topic got farther and farther away. If we continued, we might have to discuss going to Tianshan to defeat King Hami, so he cleared his throat and turned my attention Li pulled back from Uncle Ming's topic. Shirley Yang said to me: You clearly told me on the top of the statue on Thunder Mountain that you don’t want to do the fight anymore and want to go to the United States with me, but it’s been less than a day, and you’ve refused to admit it again .But I'm not angry with you, because I understand your feelings. There is still a long way to go back. After you arrive in Beijing, please give me an answer.I hope what I've said to you before was not in vain. Do you know the story of the Bremen band?I think there are many similarities between this story and our experience. Fatty and I, you look at me, I look at you, I have never heard of a band that does not sell coal, Shirley Yang actually said that our experience is similar to this band?What is she trying to say?I really can't figure out what is the connection between Captain Mojin and the band Don't Sell Coal?Could it be that there is a group of people who both fight and sing?So I asked Shirley Yang what is a band that doesn't sell coal? Shirley Yang said: It's not that coal is not sold, it's Bremen, a place name in Germany.The story is a fairy tale. The four animals in the story donkey, dog, cat and chicken all feel too much pressure in life. They decide to form a band and go to Bremen to perform, thinking that they will be very popular there. Thus live a happy life.In their minds, reaching Breme, the end of the journey, is their ultimate ideal. Fatty and I shook our heads at the same time: This metaphor is very inappropriate. How can we compare us with animals in these fairy tales? Shirley Yang said: Listen to me first.The Bremen band they formed did not reach Bremen until the end, because during the journey to Bremen, they used their wisdom to defeat the bad guys in the hunter's hut, and then stayed there to live happily go down.Although the Bremen band has never been to Bremen, they have found what they hoped for and realized their self-worth during the journey. Although the fat man still didn't understand, I basically understood the meaning of Shirley Yang's story.The Bremen band who have never been to Bremen is indeed very similar to those of us who have never made a fortune from tomb robbery.Perhaps during the journey, we have obtained many valuable things, whose value even surpassed our great goal of making a fortune. The destination is not important, but what we gain in the process of going to the destination is important. After listening to the story of the Bremen band, I was silent for a long time, and suddenly I asked the fat man: Why are we going to fight?Is there any other reason besides needing money? The fat man was taken aback by my question, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "Double fight?"This is because the two of us can't do anything other than fighting backwards, and we know nothing. After listening to the fat man's words, I felt a strong sense of loss, my heart was empty, and I didn't want to talk anymore.The rest of the people rested against the wall of the cave after eating something. I tossed and turned, and something hidden in my heart seemed to be touched. It was an examination of my own destiny. Fatty and I have similar backgrounds. We both came from military families. We experienced the catastrophe of the Cultural Revolution for ten years. That age is the most important stage in the formation of values ​​and worldview in a person’s life. The criticism is stink, and the studies are basically abandoned. If you want culture, you don’t have culture, and you need production technology but you don’t have production technology.This is not only the sorrow of the two of us, but also the sorrow of that entire era.Later, we called on the vast world to make red hearts. We jumped in the queue in the most remote valley in Inner Mongolia, and truly experienced the vast world where no one can be seen for hundreds of miles.I was lucky enough to go to the mountains and countryside for more than a year to serve as a soldier, and if the fat man hadn't been determined not to believe in any indicators for returning to the city, he packed his bags and ran back by himself, and he didn't know how many years he would spend in the mountains. It was my childhood dream to join the army, but I didn't catch up with the good times, so I could only dream of participating in the Third World War every night.This soldier has been a soldier for ten years, and he became a company commander at the age of twenty-nine.The flames of war rose in southern Xinjiang, which was a great opportunity for me to make contributions, but my impulsiveness on the battlefield wiped out my great future.For a person who has lived in the army for ten years, once he leaves the army, he loses everything.After the reform and opening up, a lot of new things and brand-new values ​​flooded into China. It was even difficult for me to adapt to this change. I wanted to learn to do some business, but found that I was not that material at all, and gradually lost my ideals and pursuits. , All day long, I'm eating and waiting to die. It wasn't until Fatty and I got acquainted with Da Jinya and started our career as Captain Jin, that I kind of found my goal.It may just be an unreliable idea for me to make a big fight and make a fortune, because like the fat man said, we can do nothing but fight.I just hope to live a more fulfilling life instead of wasting time in mediocrity. When I come to the United States, I can continue to struggle and strive to earn more money so that those who need my help can live easier. I have never thought about my life so carefully as I do now, and my thoughts fluctuated for a while. Although I closed my eyes, I didn't feel sleepy at all. I heard that the rest of the people were very tired, and they fell asleep after a while.The rain outside had stopped, and I suddenly heard someone walking out lightly. I remained calm and opened my eyes slightly, only to see that the fire had been half extinguished, and Uncle Ming was sneaking out of the cave.He was holding my rucksack in his hand, which contained some leftover meat from our meal, as well as several sets of assault suits, dry batteries and other things.If you want to get out of the deep mountains, you must have these things at least.I immediately jumped up, grabbed his wrist, and asked in a low voice: "Where do you want to go in this dark night?"Don't tell me that you always go to bed at night, you don't need to bring a rucksack; if you have to go on a journey, why don't you tell me, so I can see you for a ride. My action was very sudden, and Uncle Ming was so scared that he didn't have a heart attack: "I, I, I, ah, a drop in the ocean, how dare I bother the captain to see you off?" I told Uncle Ming that you are a senior, so why not send me off?Where exactly do you want to go?Uncle Ming stomped his feet and said, "It's really hard to describe in words!" He revealed a worried expression on his face, and whispered to me sadly, "To tell you the truth, coming out alive from the ground this time, I feel like a dream. Looking back on the past, I feel that Life is like a big dream, painful and short-lived. This time, he narrowly escaped death and lived in two lives, but he can see everything.I have a plan. I want to be a lama in a temple, chant scriptures and pay homage to the Buddha, and spend the rest of my life repenting of my past sins.But afraid that Ah Xiang would be sad, it's better not to make her sad, so he decided to leave without saying goodbye.I think with you, brother Hu, there will definitely be a good home for this child, Axiang, so don't worry about me anymore. I am a leaf in the wind, let me go with the wind. I almost didn't make Uncle Ming angry. If this trick was used for the first time, maybe I would really be bluffed by him, but I already understood his plan.Seeing that I seem to agree to Shirley Yang's going to the United States, Lao Gangnong will not go to Daodou again in all likelihood. Right now, there is only one road in this Tibetan bone ditch, and it is not difficult to get out, so he wants to escape the shell and run away to hide from the tent. , He still owes me a room full of antiques, how can I let him run away.So I snatched Uncle Ming's rucksack: The monks are all empty, but don't be in a hurry to go.It was agreed in Beijing that the shelf of antique toys, including the Runyu that Concubine Yang put in her mouth to quench her lungs' thirst, should be mine.Go back to Beijing and settle the accounts. Whether you want to be a Taoist or a lama has nothing to do with me. But before that, we will be as close as possible, and we can't be separated for even half a step.
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