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Chapter 13 12

over the sea 吉錚 8941Words 2023-02-05
Lu Jichuan spread his hands on the steering wheel, and said to Fan Xiyan helplessly: "I can't help it, I can't find a parking place, you go in and pick up Yu Feng, and I will drive around and come back to pick you up!" At around six o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday, finding a parking place in the busy downtown of San Francisco was harder than standing at the door of a bank and waiting for a handful of foreign money to be thrown out.Fan Xiyan jumped out of the car and stood in front of the glass gate of heaven, seeing a puff of black smoke from the rear of Lu Jichuan's car slipping into the traffic, and the light black smoke turned into dust and drifted into the sunset.

He pulled the front of his suit jacket, raised his head, boldly strode towards the gate of heaven, and the secretary graciously opened the door for him. How many times have I walked through this arched red door painted with golden dragons, how many humiliating memories.Unexpectedly, someone would pull the door for him respectfully, just for him to wear a suit with a gentleman's appearance today, Si Yan misunderstood him as a distinguished guest who came to eat and spend money.Nina knew that he wasn't here for dinner, so she didn't know what kind of embarrassment Nina would give him.He raised his chest cautiously, and walked inside. There were not many people in the restaurant, but there was an underlying dynamic. The waitresses and male workers in white stood at their posts like soldiers in battle. With weeping colored candles, Hawaiian dance music is briskly flowing from the sound-transmitting walls, palm leaves are swaying in the electric breeze, and the atmosphere created by artificial ingenuity is enough to be realistic and fascinating. The difference between true and false?

Standing in front of the cash register under the boat-shaped chandelier, Fan Xiyan said to Nina, who was sitting at the counter and looking him up and down, in not fluent but very clear English: I'll pick up Yu Feng! She just went to the bathroom and will be out in a minute!With such a friendly voice, Xi Yan could hardly believe her ears, where are you taking her?She only said that she must ask for leave tonight because she has something to do, so she is dating you!Fan Xiyan cleared his throat uneasily, is this the same woman who made him tremble with rage when his despicable dishwashing worker ruled that he was not allowed to enter the restaurant, and satirized him that he was penniless and couldn't afford a glass of wine? ?Why did he suddenly change from being contemptuous and hostile to being friendly and kind?He took a step back in confusion but was sensitive and defensive, and stretched out his hand to adjust the dark red tie between the snow-white collar. Nina smiled frivolously and bewitchingly:

He was a very handsome young man, wearing a neat suit. Is it contemptuous of him just because he doesn't wear a full suit?This shallow woman who sees nothing but clothes. Fan Xiyan stared at Nina with a bit of vindictiveness, and looked disrespectfully at her sideways curve. With a seductive smile, I don't know how many men have been popular in the past, and how many self-deceiving ignorances in the world! Hello!Yu Feng blew lightly into his ear, and he realized that she was standing tightly behind his shoulder. What are you thinking so engrossed in?She asked Xiyan in a low voice, Xiyan shook his head without saying a word, and led Yufeng and Nina to stare at him with half a smile.He breathed a sigh of relief and asked Yu Feng: What happened to Nina?This time and the last time I came to see you, her attitude is completely different.

It's not playing hard to get. Playing hard to get? She lost the lawsuit, the big boss put her in the cold palace long ago, and the restaurant manager has hired another Gao Ming, who will come to replace her at any time.George is a poor boy, and he has a heated relationship with her, and when things come to an end, he probably has no idea at all.Nina has been irritable for a while, but she suddenly calmed down two days ago. It is said that the big boss aunt gave her a sum of money, and she threatened to go to Los Angeles to create a new world and open a Chinese restaurant with pure oriental nightclub style. In the past two days, she hinted several times that if I go with her, she will not only give me a raise, but also promise to introduce me to a famous teacher to learn vocal music!

As soon as Fan Xiyan heard Yu Feng's tone, he knew that she had completely lost confidence in Nina, and the previous psychology of almost adoration had disappeared. For some reason, he felt a little pity for Nina, so he asked: Is her bartender going with her? George?who knows!Yu Feng stood on the sidewalk, looking around: Where are Yimei and the others? Lu Jichuan couldn't find a parking space, so he came back to pick us up after a round trip. Fan Xiyan couldn't help asking: If Nina leaves, do you still plan to continue working in heaven? Nina's going is her business, so why should she influence my going or staying?Yu Feng's voice became angry for no reason, who is she to me?It is enough that I have a mother!

Xi Yan was taken aback. Yu Feng had accidentally molded Nina into a golden idol to replace perfect motherhood. The gold-plated idol peeled off to reveal the ugly clay sculpture. No wonder she was so irritated. Her disappointment was not with Nina. Overestimating a realistic woman, she was disappointed by her longing for all symbols of motherhood. How is your mother?Is there any letter?he asked calmly. She and the surnamed Zhou broke up completely. On the one hand, I felt happy in my heart, and on the other hand, I felt sorry for her.She was a romantic all her life, and in her later years she became helpless, and her life became a problem.In terms of money, the surnamed Zhou has not relaxed a penny in the past ten years. She has never been able to save money. Now that her financial resources are cut off, her mother is so poor that she can't even pay the rent immediately. My younger brother is going to go to college this summer, so he has encountered such embarrassment. .She snorted resentment from her nose, and said angrily: What did my little brother do wrong, and I will suffer accordingly?

We managed to send some money back.Fan Xiyan made a sincere plan. I have sent all the six hundred yuan in the bank to her!Six hundred dollars is nothing more than a small amount for Chinese people who have a stable job in the United States and start a family. For Feng, it is accumulated bit by bit over the past nine months. She will go back to school next school year. The hope of music is built on the basis of this money.Now, without blinking her eyelashes, she sent all her hopes to her mother. Yu Feng never thought of herself as a filial daughter. She buried her feelings for her mother tightly, lest it would be leaked out. The most complicated feelings in the world are like the deepest. Silent and waveless like water, the most unpredictable!

Yu Feng suppressed his emotions and deliberately changed the topic with a cheerful tone: Guess who I met on the street yesterday?Mrs. Zheng, who taught me music in middle school, is now Mrs. Feng. Her husband works for the United Nations and lives in New York. This time he went back to the East for vacation and passed by here.She paused, and seeing him listening, she continued: She still encouraged me to study vocal music. She said that it would not be too late if I put in a few years of hard work. She told me that Juilliard in New York is a top-notch music school, and only those with profound accomplishments can get in. Talent, they will consider training you, Teacher Zheng taught me to apply, give it a try, if you are qualified enough to get in, if you have no money, they will lend you a loan or set up another scholarship for you!The flickering lies in the light of hope in the phoenix's eyes, which illuminates her whole body!

Lu Jichuan drove the car, Yu Feng entered the car and greeted Shi Yuan and Yimei in the back seat, and immediately hit it off with Miss Gao in the front seat, chatting and laughing happily. Many aspects of Feng are invisible and unexpected to others. It was late when I arrived in Bacheng, and once I entered the Shida University, the long palm road was reflected in the last ray of light, and the antique Spanish-style buildings with brown-red roofs and light-yellow walls could be seen vaguely like giants unwilling to go to bed. Pass the Hoover Tower through the semicircular driveway outside the memorial classroom, because on weekends, even the passing cars slip in and out like tame and well-behaved animals.This quiet and quaint campus with no strict gates and no walls to demarcate immediately gives people a pleasant feeling of Athens.

Ms. Gao couldn't help saying enviously: It's really good to study here! The environment is really quiet.Li Yimei chimed in. The size of Staples is very large, but only a few thousand students.Zhao Shiyuan couldn't hold back his loyalty to increase. UC has produced several Nobel Prize winners in a row in recent years. It seems that Stanford has never heard of it?Lu Jichuan couldn't help boasting proudly. Fan Xiyan smiled and said: Come on, we are not representing UC to compete with Shi Dayi! Yu Feng kept looking out the window. Stanford was just too expensive. The optical tuition for three semesters a year cost 1,500 to 600 yuan. Except for electrical engineering and aeronautical engineering, other departments almost never gave scholarships.She's obviously figured it out, so she's considering studying at Stanford?Of course it was Lei Henry's idea. He was in Stanford, and as soon as Yu Feng came, he was close to the water. Thinking of Lei Henry's superior body and proud face, Fan Xiyan suddenly seemed to find a leech crawling on his heart. The whole person became irritable. Shi University Center is a novel building. On the wide stone steps, there are lights and figures in a long row of large glass windows. At the entrance, there are two Chinese women collecting tickets sitting next to a table covered with red cloth. Children, a large group of young people in dark blue suits and wide-rimmed glasses are densely packed behind the table, seeming to be welcoming, but also seeming to be reading. Fan Xiyan is sensitively looking for Lei Hengrui. He will definitely stand at the door with a smug landlord Xi Yan frowned unknowingly in annoyance: It's no use frowning, you have to pay for it too.Lu Jichuan elbowed him from behind, he was not there, Lei Henry was not there, Fan Xiyan briskly took out four one-yuan bills from his wallet and handed them to the girl behind the red table, and took him and Yu Feng with a smile dinner dance ticket. Fan Xiyan helped Yu Feng take off her thin woolen black coat and hung it on a row of clothes hangers at the door. She smiled lightly, intentionally or unintentionally, while the men who were paying attention to her adjusted their ties awkwardly and stroked their hair to pretend to be affectionate. Feeling nervous, Yu Feng wore a soft silk black dress with a round open collar that was not very low. The long sleeves of the black gauze were fastened to the wrists. The color and lines were simple and elegant. Yufeng's prom costumes were particularly conspicuous, especially Yufeng's, which was indescribably elegant. Several girls in the room immediately gave her sensitive eyes mixed with envy and envy. There were quite a lot of people in the hall, and a long strip of red paper was pasted on the wall in the middle, with the four characters of Spring Festival Gala in regular script on it. The long table moved, everyone held a paper plate in their hands, Zhao Shiyuan muttered loudly: I hate this kind of buffet the most, holding a paper plate in my hand, like begging for food. Yimei stood in front of him, turned her head coquettishly, and said: You are the best at talking nonsense!Eyes said: not bad at all! Holding a plate of fried noodles, fried chicken, and sweet and sour pork ribs, Fan Xiyan stood in the middle of the room and looked around the half of the restaurant with a movable wall. Men and women in bright clothes who ate, everyone showed their undivided attention, as if they were afraid that the sweet sauce of sweet and sour pork ribs would stain their clothes. Xi Yan was wandering around when someone called his name suddenly. Looking back, the person rushing in from the glass door at the back was Xiao Zhang, who was in the same room as him last semester and hadn't seen him for a long time: I didn't expect you to come to the dance!Xiao Zhang yelled straightforwardly, Xi Yan smiled bleakly, why didn't he come to the dance?Xiaozhang knew him as the one who lost his life in books and was busy with hard work all day long. The sadness in his heart surged up like a tide. Of course he didn’t blame Xiaozhang. It's too crowded here, there is no atmosphere, there is a balcony at the back, come with me!Xiao Zhang indiscriminately pulled Xi Yan away. Fan Xiyan stopped to look for Yu Feng. Yu Feng was surrounded by several boys. Those people said something to her as if something was wrong. She had a habitual bright smile on her face, and Xiao Zhang immediately spotted her: Your beauty is here too? !I'm going to find her.Xiao Zhang pulled Fenglai out of Fenglai as if no one was around, and dropped a few pairs of hostile eyes towards him.He hooked his index finger at Xiyan indifferently, and led the way out. Yu Feng whispered to Xiyan: Your friend is very good at talking to himself!Yimei and the others sat in the corner over there.Even so, she followed Xiao Zhang out. There is a fairly spacious balcony under the stone steps outside the glass door. Inside the iron railings, canvas chairs are scattered under the green and white striped parasols. Outside the railings, there are dim lights in the gaps between the gray oak trees, and the faint fragrance of jasmine floats from the wind. Xiao Zhang led them to the umbrella next to the railing. There were several couples of young people sitting on canvas chairs. Xiao Zhang introduced them to everyone. They were all students from UC or St.The boys stood up and greeted them warmly and clearly. As soon as they heard their English, which was purer than Americans, they knew that they were all native Chinese.Li Suying, whom Xiao Zhang described to Fan Xiyan as a heavenly being, was also there. She heard that Yu Feng and Fan Xiyan were from Taiwan, and immediately started a cordial conversation with Yu Feng in fluent Mandarin. Xiao Zhang protested anxiously: too soon, Talk too fast, I don't understand.Li Suying gave him a sweet look, and continued to question Yu Feng, with admiration shining in her eyes.Who said that a party is a woman's battlefield, Yu Feng easily became a hero on this battlefield, she gently pulled the corner of her mouth, and it drew out a pool of resounding ripples. The boy sitting next to Xiao Zhang swallowed the last bite of half-cold fried chicken on the plate, stood up and said: "The atmosphere is full, but the stomach is still empty. How can I dance if I am not full?"Come, go and add a second time!The boys rushed away, and the girl smiled delicately.Fan Xiyan only vaguely remembered this feeling, and could never regain the joy of youth.This group of big children, this group of carefree and proud sons of heaven.He stood up slowly, and followed behind them. The distance between them was not a few steps, not a limited age difference, but a distance of mood, that feeling of walking on the ground but being unable to stand, that feeling of being without a master and no roots. The feeling that youth is only pale!Walking into the bright white light, I feel dazzled!So many people crowded around, all of them were yellow faces like him who tried their best to get into this white world, every face was smiling, like a layer of oil floating on the water, floating, he Suddenly there was an inexplicable urge to grab the person next to him and ask him: why are you laughing? What's the matter?A person is dumbfounded as if lost.Lu Jichuan held a shaking paper plate full of fried noodles in one hand, and squeezed past Fan Xiyan! I am lost!No one could hear his faint soliloquy.Joy can be shared, glory can be divided equally, but no one can help the lost.Fan Xiyan put down the paper plate in his hand, this kind of empty space is not the feeling of being filled with fried noodles!He walked back alone to the balcony at night when the night was falling. Among the girls' laughter like silver bells, Yu Feng's was the loudest. It reminded him of the wind chimes under the eaves of his home in Taipei. Strange echoes echoed in his heart! Someone stood in front of the microphone and spoke. Although the lunar year has passed for nearly a month, since we are celebrating in the name of the Spring Festival, we must add a few words of Gong Xi Fa Cai, then introduce a certain celebrity, thank a certain professor, a series of polite articles, and then announce the dance party Immediately it started upstairs, and the young people cheered.No one came to celebrate that the Spring Festival had passed, listened respectfully to the high-sounding speeches, and at the student dance party, boys always sought out girls, and girls came and were sought out. There was a roar and everyone flocked away. Fan Xiyan found Yu Feng in the crowd.It happened that Zhao Shiyuan and Li Yimei were walking towards them, and Yimei grabbed Shiyuan's arm tightly and asked Yu Feng: Where did you two hide? Yu Feng gave her a gentle look: You are the one with the most eyes, who is hiding? Yimei stuck out her tongue, should I go, wash my hands?Yu Feng picked up Yimei and went to the bathroom together, Fan Xiyan and Zhao Shiyuan went to the porch, the lights flickered from outside the bushes like cold stars, but there were no stars in the sky, only low clouds flowing in the cold wind, March should be spring It's gone, and the long winter is still nostalgic. Xi Yan, Zhao Shiyuan hesitated and seemed a bit difficult to say: I think, I want to get married and forget it! Zhao Shiyuan and Li Yimei have been in love for many years, and the marriage was a logical and expected one. Hearing his tone seemed to be some kind of shady conspiracy, Fan Xiyan couldn't help laughing: Get married and get married, what do you mean by getting married? !Xi Yan lowered his voice and made fun of him: Did he follow the orders of his children? Stop talking nonsense!Shi Yuan pushed him, and still said in a serious tone: I originally wanted to go to a civil marriage, but we don't have money and time to make a scene, so we really can't make it in time. Can't make it?Fan Xiyan asked with a smile. Professor C in the department is going to host a summer seminar on chemical engineering at the UC campus in Riverside City in summer. He invited me to go with him and teach a class of basic chemistry. In the name of the lecturer, the summer salary is 1,400 yuan. I discussed with Mei. , she is very much in favor of me going. This kind of treatment is quite impressive for a student, and it can be changed from one side of the desk to the other, so why not do it after a while?Xi Yan patted Shi Yuan on the shoulder heavily, sincerely thanking his old friend. There is only a little more than a month left in this semester. As soon as there is a holiday here, school will start there. I want to take Yimei with me. Once there, the people are unfamiliar and I don’t know what to do. Marriage is always a lifelong event, and there are no relatives. I don't even have a friend, isn't it too miserable? You mean you plan to get married before leaving Baicheng?Xi Yan asked a little surprised. Three months of summer vacation, separate, worry, together, it is better to get married, justifiably.Zhao Shiyuan added a sentence very practically: getting married can not only reduce the emotional burden but also reduce the financial burden! What does Yimei say? She is the most gentle and considerate girl, she says everything is up to me.I think there is no girl who would not dream of wearing a snow-white bridal gown and walking into the church magnificently, playing the most beautiful role in her life.If we simply go to a notarized marriage, it seems that Yimei has been wronged. I really can't make up my mind. Anyway, no matter whether it is a best man or a witness, the man will look for you, and the woman will look for Yu Feng. You two cannot escape. Of course it's not a problem! Li Yimei and Yu Feng walked over side by side, bowing their heads and talking softly, as if they were discussing something, when they looked up and saw them, the two of them stopped talking obviously, and Yimei Yang showed a shy smile on her face, and there was no one on that not-beautiful face. Everywhere is not soft and moving. The four of you look at me and I look at you, Yu Feng giggled: What are you doing?How about a twentieth-century blind date? Zhao Shiyuan quickly changed the subject in embarrassment: Let's go upstairs, don't you mean to have a good dance? Going up the stone stairs, there is a long balcony inside a series of carved iron railings, and melodious music flows out from the glass door.As soon as he entered the door, under the dim light, a group of black men in dark suits crowded around the door like guards. Eve, I thought you weren't coming?It was Lei Henry who sprang out from the shadows!He went straight to Yu Feng as if no one else was around. I said I didn't dare to trouble you to come and pick me up, but I didn't say no, Yu Feng looked at Fan Xiyan intentionally after finishing speaking.Fan Xiyan, with a livid face, was caught off guard and forced to suppress the panic of being deceived! Anyway, here you come!As if she really came here just for him, the arrogance in Lei Henry's tone made Xiyan unbearable, but the other party had already stretched out his hand and greeted him hypocritically: Brother Fan, how are you, okay? Ignoring the appearance of being unmannered, Xi Yan looked him up and down critically the moment he shook hands with him. He was wearing a dark brown Ivy League-style suit, a collar flower with red dots on a brown background, and wide black-rimmed glasses on his fair face. With the demeanor of a standard young scholar studying in the United States, Xi Yan contemptuously shook off his smooth, plump hands, which did not know the hard work of the world. With a hasty handshake, it was both hello and goodbye, Fan Xiyan held Yufeng's arm tightly, and walked into the hall full of flickering and shining traffic lights without looking back. There were not many people dancing on the smooth floor, and in the corner A large group of boys surrounded the giant Hi︱Fi, hunting with sharp eyes to inspect the row of single girls sitting on the opposite wall with haughty smiles on their faces and anticipation rolling in their hearts, Fan Xiyan hung Better than Feng's coat, the two slipped onto the dance floor where the shadow of your smile was being played. You've been planning to come to this dance for a long time?Fan Xiyan couldn't hide the smell of questioning in his tone. Yu Feng lowered her head, her hair was flowing like a black waterfall, and her voice was like a rushing waterfall: What is the plan?Yes, Lei Henry asked me out a long time ago, but I didn't agree. It sounded like he was making trouble for no reason.Fan Xiyan knew about Yu Feng's temper, if he continued talking about it, there would be a big quarrel, so he kept silent, the depression in his heart expanded into every pore like a sponge soaked in water.The song "Shadow of You Laughing" had just finished playing, and the two of them frowned and confronted each other for a while, then went to the corner to find a seat at the same time, and just sat down, Lei Hengrui had already followed him, he bent down, and asked Fan Xiyan in a gentlemanly manner: Can I ask Miss Yu to dance this dance? A thousand war drums sounded in Fan Xiyan's heart, every nerve was ready to fight with a knife, but Lei Hengrui was full of politeness, Fan Xiyan refused for a moment, Yu Feng squinted at him, his brows were furrowed, and there was condemnation in his sternness, And Lei Henry was holding out a hand to her with a charming smile, and she stood up hesitantly. Xiyan watched them slide into the dance floor with anger in his eyes. Hi︱Fi played a rumba with a clear rhythm. Lei Hengrui danced very well and steadily, with his heels barely leaving the floor, often giving Yu Feng a chance to perform , Yu Feng's dance has always been handsome, this time she met her opponent, many beautiful flower steps interspersed and twirled, her soft gauze black dress dances lightly and gracefully like a pretty black butterfly, attracting many pairs of envious eyes, Xi Yan Yunhuo's eyes began to burn. Zhao Shiyuan brought Yimei over with a breathless dance: No, two dancers can't take it anymore! He pulled Yimei to sit down, and fell into the chair against the wall by himself, and the song ended. Lei Hengrui sent Yu Feng back, tilted his head towards Fan Xiyan in a contemptuous yet polite manner, stood aside, and did not leave. Zhao Shiyuan, the third party, couldn't help but frowned at this arrogant momentum. frown. The music played again, Fan Xiyan stood up a little awkwardly and asked Yu Feng to dance together. There were more and more people on the dance floor, and Xiao Zhang and his friends were as active as bees brewing honey.Lu Jichuan danced over with Miss Gao in his arms, with his eyes slightly closed, in a narcissistic gesture.Xi Yan pointed it out to Yu Feng, and Yu Feng smiled absently.After the dance, when the two returned to their seats, a hand suddenly patted Xi Yan's shoulder. Fan Xiyan, it really is you? Under the dim light, Fan Xiyan gathered himself together, and couldn't help calling out: Hey, Xiao Zhou, Zhou Yinshu, it's you!Zhou Yinshu was a classmate of Fan Xiyan Donghai's class. He was talented and very conceited. He once published a school magazine and had a great idea of ​​creating new content in Chinese literature. When did you come to America? Fan Xiyan excitedly led him from the crowd to a corner and sat down. In February this year, Xi Yan asked him where he was studying now?Xiao Zhou told Xiyan that he lived at his sister's house in Bacheng, and took two courses of practical English for adult education at night, and took care of the four-year-old nephew for his sister during the day, helping with housework, cooking, laundry, mowing, and everything , so busy all day long. You are not going to study anymore?Knowing that Zhou Yinshu had always been arrogant, Fan Xiyan couldn't help asking in surprise. Because she plans to study, Xiao Zhou is serious and proud. My sister temporarily entrusts me with the housework and children. She goes to work in a chemical company and gives me half of her monthly salary. By September, she has saved enough money to go back to Taipei to visit relatives. The round-trip travel expenses, my share is enough for next year's tuition and living expenses, so that it does not violate the regulations of the Immigration Bureau that prohibits foreign students from working for the first time. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds? Fan Xiyan was dumbfounded when he heard this, and Yu Feng lightly gave him a smiley glance and left his seat.This time it was a tall, thin boy who asked her to dance, who seemed to be Xiao Zhang's friend. Have you applied to your school?Fan Xiyan watched Yu Feng's back slide into the dance floor before asking Xiao Zhou. University of Missouri.Xiao Zhou said with certainty. read what?Xi Yan and Xiao Zhou were from the same department, and they studied fashionable and unrealistic Western literature. news.Xiao Zhou answered confidently, and didn't wait for Fan Xiyan to tell him about his department transfer, and continued: I ran out of so many hardships, and saved some money, if I use it to study a science and engineering department that I have no interest in , wouldn't that be an unjust death?Xiao Zhou's voice gradually became more and more intense: I would rather be a temporary man than live forever with those earthworm-like formulas. I may be stubborn, but at least I have an ideal. Xi Yan didn't say anything anymore, the melody of the music suddenly became violent, and the drums and trumpets sounded like flying sand and rocks, bringing the madness of the end of the century. How could this be an ideal place!He exchanged addresses with Xiao Zhou, and watched Xiao Zhou disappear in the crowd, still holding the note tightly.Xiao Zhou's vigorous strokes depict an ideal of choosing the good and being stubborn. Xiao Zhou does not have the backbone and ambition; he just wants to learn some skills in a down-to-earth manner.Everyone says that in the United States, only those who study science and engineering are popular. Who knows that studying science and engineering is not easy?Especially like him, it seems that a remarried woman can no longer carry the chastity arch, but also has to worry about whether the remarried husband will grow old with her?Under the burden of life, the future has to be stepped forward step by step, and the future has to be looked at inch by inch! Zhao Shiyuan and Yimeiwu came in front of him, Shiyuan bent down and said to him angrily: What are you doing sitting here alone?Hurry up and snatch Yu Feng back, this kid surnamed Lei, cut in again and again, bullying people too much! Only then did Xi Yan see the tall and thin man who had invited Yu Feng to dance, walking out of the dance floor listlessly. Lei Hengrui hugged Yu Feng before the music started. He tilted his head and was talking to her while Yu Feng was concentrating As if listening, as if contemplating, slightly raised that shockingly beautiful face, with a touch of confusion on his face! Xi Yan waved his hand to signal Shi Yuan and the others to continue dancing, leaned back on the chair, and the lights and shadows swirled in his subconscious: Xiao Zhang embraced carefree youth and laughter, Shi Yuan embraced a great future and a Mei and Lu Jichuan are embracing the self-indulgent reality, Xiao Zhou, Xiao Zhou are embracing the ideal and self-conceit of the future, Yu Feng is a black butterfly fluttering with beautiful wings, and Lei Henry is like a conspiracy spider surrounding her. Si Yan made a web, and Xi Yan stood up staggeringly, rushing towards the spider web without hesitation. The last dance, the most romantic waltz, Lei Hengrui was walking over, but Yu Feng stretched out his hand to Xi Yan lightly and naturally, he stood up defendingly and embraced her, her arms gently wrapped around the back of his neck , gently leaned close to his ear and whispered: You still have an old temper, and you only like dry vinegar. The familiar end sound, which sounded like annoyance, but was really triumphant, slid into his dry and malfunctioning mechanical heart like a drop of lubricating oil.
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