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Chapter 21 ○20. The sorrow of life

Life is a mystery whose value lies in its exploration.Therefore, the only nourishment of life is adventure. A child went to play in an abandoned building, and he heard bursts of sad crying. The child searched for the sound, and in a corner, in a square iron cage, was imprisoned a skinny and dry man, and he was the one who made the crying sound. Who are you?the child asked. I am my life.said the man. Who locked you here?the child asked. My master. Who is your master? I am my master. Um?The child does not understand. I imprisoned myself.When I laughed and tried to show the joy of my life in the world, I found that I might accidentally fall into a trap, accidentally stray into the darkness, be accidentally attacked by a storm, and be swallowed by dangerous winds and waves. So I used fear as the warp, cowardice as the weft, and safety as an iron cage to imprison my life.I dare not and cannot break out of the iron cage to face life. I can only cry day after day. My whole life has been turned into tears and will dry up soon.Life in an Iron Cage said.

The child didn't understand what he was nagging about, just thinking: smash this iron cage, release this life that is about to dry up and die.He found a big hammer head, and with all his strength, he threw it at the iron cage. Once, twice, and three times, the child was exhausted and couldn't break the iron cage. The imprisoned life suddenly felt pity for the child and said: Oh, give me the hammer head, and let me break it open myself.Before the words fell, the iron cage immediately dispersed. Laughing and running, the life let go by himself jumped into the rolling river and swam to the opposite bank; he climbed to the towering peak and waved to the sun; he rushed into a dark territory, seeking light from it; Through the dangers he has gone through, he dared to explore the territory that others have never set foot in. He began to become plump and enriched, and his laughter followed him all the time.

One day, the child met this vibrant life again. You have changed so much!said the child. yes!This life said that my pleasure lies in adventure and exploration. When I seek in the world full of unknowns and dangers, I become what I am now. If I try to seek a safe of life, I will be caused again.Come with me, boy! So the child and this laughing life left hand in hand.
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