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Chapter 91 ○90. Self-deprecators

The more people blindly belittle themselves in front of everyone, the more they want everyone to boast of themselves. In a garden, small animals and insects are having a party. Let's introduce ourselves to each other so we can get to know each other.Mr. Cat, the moderator of the meeting, said. So everyone started introducing themselves. my name is bee.My advantage is that I can make honey and decorate life sweetly.But whoever annoys me, I'll sting.said the bee. I am a cricket, I can jump high and sing beautifully, but if anyone is obsessed with me, I will make him lose his mind.A cricket honestly talks about its own advantages and disadvantages.

I am a red rose.I am a beautiful symbol, I bring countless romance and warmth to human beings, however, whoever wants to monopolize me, I will stab people.Rose introduced herself truthfully. I am swallow.I fly here and there, forecasting the news of spring to people, but only seeking warmth and peace, and being afraid of cold and danger is my biggest weakness.Little Swallow said. quack quack!quack quack!The duck swayed and twisted and said: My voice is beautiful, my posture is great, I can swim, lay eggs, and go back and forth in the garden. Tell me, where do I have shortcomings?Where will there be disadvantages?

Hahaha!Everyone laughed at the duck, thinking that it was the guy with the most shortcomings. My name is Butterfly, a beautiful butterfly dancing in front of everyone, I can be said to be useless, I can't make honey, I can't cry, I can't lay eggs, and I don't have the warmth and romance of roses. Tears flowed out of nowhere. No!You are smart and beautiful! Your dancing is unique! Your beauty is second to none! You also have the virtue of humility! You are an example for all of us to learn from! Butterfly smiled secretly amidst everyone's praise.Because, no one has won so many praises.

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