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Chapter 109 108. Jealousy

Among the common human traits, jealousy is the most deplorable.The envious person not only wishes misfortune to others, but also misfortune himself because of envy.He derives his pleasure not from what he has, but from what others have.Russell This is a hillside with flowers blooming and green grass.Under the hillside, there is a small river flowing into the distance singing joyfully; on the hillside, there is a rough stone lamenting among the flowers and plants: well!This world is so unfair.Look at that little river, how can it go wherever it wants?It has seen the scenery of the world to the full, and visited the beautiful scenery of the world.snort!You see it is proud and keeps singing songs, why does it have?Why?In terms of character, it is extremely weak, how can it compare to my strength?In terms of quality, it adapts to fickleness, how can it compare to my uprightness?It is laughing and joking, superficial and clear, where is my reticence and profound connotation?

But, but, what did I get?I was fixed on this hillside all day long, so I couldn't enjoy the fun of traveling around the world, and no one could hear the sad song in my heart!well!It's so unfair!It's so unfair! The stone was burning with the fire of jealousy in his heart. The flowers and plants around it advised it: Forget it, Brother Stone.In this world, everyone has their own characteristics, everyone has their own fun, why should you suffer because of other people's happiness?You look pretty good to us, too.You see, every day, you are surrounded by flowers and green grass, the warm sun shines on you from morning to night, and sometimes shepherds come here to chat with you.You don't have to worry about your livelihood, you don't have to cater to anything, isn't this your carefree life?

However, the stone did not listen to the advice.It is determined to risk its life to stop Xiaohe's joy. Finally one day, the opportunity came, and a shepherd came here. Brother Shepherd, please, please!Please pick me up quickly and put me in that creek.I want to stop it from living as it pleases, I can't let it be so happy!snort!At the very least, it has to take me with me to live a life of traveling around the world.Stone asked Chuan to beg. But what the shepherd wanted to say.But this jealous stone would not allow him to speak at all, and begged him repeatedly. The shepherd had no choice but to put it into the creek.

Xiaohe wanted to take it to travel around the world, but it was too heavy, and the stone neck only followed the river for a few steps, then fell headlong into a deep pit and couldn't get out. The envious stone cursed in the pit.Now, he can neither stop the joy and running of the little river, nor can he get out of the deep pit, and he has to endure the taunts of the little river every moment, and its pain is even deeper.
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