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Chapter 35 leisurely beauty

This is how life goes 鄭石岩 1235Words 2023-02-05
Keep some green mountains and streams, the scenery will be beautiful, and the ecology will be beautiful; Leave some leisure, the spirit will be comfortable, and life will be more beautiful. On a Sunday holiday in early winter, the sky is cool but not cold, and Qingyang looks like autumn.Xiuzhen and I took a taxi on a whim and went to Mucha to visit the tea garden.We have always liked mountaineering, especially the beauty of the trails in the mountains and forests. As for crossing the mountains, looking for secluded victories, asking for directions, and chatting with a few mountain friends we met under the trees, it is even more refreshing.

But this time we don't go to a high place, but to the old spring.There are tea gardens all the way here, the view is full of greenery, and you can have a panoramic view of the city of Taipei.We strolled to the home of the painter Xu Bihua. It was a two-story white house with sparse flowers and trees in the courtyard and bright and clean interior windows.She may be painting, saw us as uninvited guests, and greeted and opened the door herself. Teacher, teacher's wife, what wind brought you here?She had a good laugh. autumn wind.Xiuzhen said that the autumn wind always brings a lot of information to people, and it is most likely to remind people of friends.

The pleasantries between Xiuzhen and Bi Hua, coupled with their enthusiasm when they hadn't seen each other for a long time, I saw that their conversation was like a song, like poetry and painting.For some reason, a song came to my mind︱Words of the West Wind, I couldn’t help humming, I came back last year, you just wore new cotton robes, this year I came to see you, you are getting fatter and taller, you don’t have to worry about flowers Color, I dyed the leaves all red.I think the visit at this time is like the autumn wind, which can really dye friendship brightly, make it more cherished, and beautify life.

The three of us each moved a chair with armrests, sat on the balcony on the second floor, brewed a pot of tea, sipped the tea, and enjoyed the mountain scenery.Topics are always life, art and household.Then the conversation changed and he talked about the wisdom of Buddhism.Thinking of this year's Spring Festival, Bi Hua and Wen Binxian went to the Foguang Songshan Dojo to attend the first speech in the beginning of spring. That time I talked about the beauty of Guanyin.I said, Beauty is a part of spiritual life, which is ever-changing. The beauty of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva lies in his ever-changing, manifested in life, guidance and wisdom.Beauty can stimulate a person's energy and make it rich and mellow; when a person can see things with admiring eyes in daily life, he will be guided by beauty, become calm, sober, and bloom with the light of wisdom.

Now, we sit here and chat, it looks beautiful.Bi Hua said that if you can see from behind, the backs of the teacher and his wife, and the expressions of gazing intently, this painting is very beautiful and moving.The artist's vision is indeed sharp, she is good at capturing the beauty of pieces, and then reproduce them vividly on the canvas.Soo Jin said: You can see the beauty of our backs leaning on the window and looking into the distance, but you can't see the beauty we appreciate in our hearts.It has no description, like a blue sky.When you went to make tea just now, the teacher quoted Zen Master Fayan’s poem and changed the first sentence to say:

White House Gallery, not the world, The eyes are full of green hills, and the heart is helpless. I listened to their chatting, and moved my eyes leisurely to the grapefruit tree on the slope outside the window.A few orange grapefruits hang from the high treetops.It is like a sun drum and a bright round moon, hidden in the dense branches and leaves.In an instant, I entered the state of samadhi in the "Contemplation of Infinite Life Sutra", and saw the great beauty of the sun-faced Buddha and the moon-faced Buddha.The owner let those round and abundant fruits stay on the tree naturally, like a lantern illuminating the vision.I asked,

Why don't you pick off the grapefruit?she says: It's better to keep it. There are many things, it will be more beautiful if you keep it and don’t pick it; if you keep some green mountains and streams, the scenery will be beautiful and the ecology will be beautiful; if you leave some leisure, your spirit will be comfortable and your life will be more beautiful.We wandered into the artist's painting house, soaked in the fragrance of beauty.
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