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Chapter 45 Loosen the rope of trouble

This is how life goes 鄭石岩 1146Words 2023-02-05
The human heart is easily bound by all kinds of troubles and material desires. But they all shut themselves in, It is the result of throwing oneself into a trap. It is easy for people to be trapped in a cocoon, clinging to their own subjective experience, and unwilling to accept new things.Trapped myself in an emotional dead end, frowning every day, asking for trouble.In particular, the sentimental mentality simply makes many people fall into a spiritual prison from which they cannot extricate themselves, tormenting themselves. A young man came to me. He felt extremely hesitant about graduating from college.He told me a lot of troubles: he didn’t get into the graduate school, he didn’t know his future development;He has so many troubles. From his eyebrows and conversation, it can be seen that he is trapped by negative emotions.I listened to his narration, understood his thoughts, and gave him some advice. I said:

People will have troubles in life, but many troubles are attached to themselves, not inherent.You need to clarify what are real problems and what are imaginary troubles.Then resolutely let go of those imagined fears or worries; face real problems and try to solve them. I taught him to write down his troubles on paper one by one, judge whether it is true or not, and write them down one by one.Which ones are real and which ones are imaginary; after actual analysis, it is found that his actual troubles are actually very few.He looked at the record of troubles he wrote, and couldn't help but say: I am moaning without illness!I stare at him and give him a slight nod.So I said to him:

Have you ever seen an octopus?He nodded. There is an octopus, it is in the sea, it can swim freely, look for food, enjoy the scenery of the underwater world, and enjoy the richness of life.But it found a coral reef, stretched out eight powerful arms, clung to the coral reef firmly, and then couldn't move, screaming that it was in a desperate situation, what do you think?I used stories to guide him to think.He was silent for a moment and said: You mean I look like that octopus?He continued: "It's really similar.So I reminded him, when you fall into the habitual reaction of trouble, remember that you are the octopus, and you have to let go of your eight hands.Use them to roam freely.The octopus is tied to his own arm, not the branch of the coral reef.He took a deep breath and said, I understand.He stood up from his chair, and I saw a new cheerful light in his brows, and I escorted him out of the interview room.Before the second person came in, I silently recited a sentence from Zen Master Yunmen of the Tang Dynasty:

Everyone is bright, When you see, you can't see the darkness. This reminds me of Zen Master Yunmen, who once put his hand into the mouth of a stone lion and shouted: Help!I was bitten. This Zen master preached the teaching so earnestly, it is not known whether the disciples were enlightened at that time.Under the teaching of Zen, people must learn not to restrain themselves.Zen Master Zhaozhou once closed the door and started a fire in his room, which filled the room with smoke, and then shouted to put out the fire!Fight the fire!When the disciples arrived, he said in the room, if you are right, I will open the door.At this moment, Chan Master Nanquan took a key and handed it to Chan Master Zhaozhou through the window.So Zhaozhou opened the door and came out.

The human heart is easily bound by all kinds of troubles and material desires.But they all locked themselves in, and it was the result of throwing themselves into a trap.Please be careful not to be tied up in a cocoon, but to loosen the rope of troubles.
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