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Chapter 47 don't fall into the vortex of longing

This is how life goes 鄭石岩 1008Words 2023-02-05
The truth of life is truth and not hypocrisy, is to achieve rather than chase, maintain sexual innocence, Live happily naturally. Everyone wants to live a happy life, but few people are really happy, and even some people have lived in happiness, but still feel insufficient.I firmly believe that as long as people fall into craving, they will be tortured by a sense of hunger, and they will immediately fall into the embarrassment of psychological life. A friend who has achieved considerable success in his career said to me during a chat: Looking back on the past, although it was hard when I was young and the work was heavy, I was cheerful and full of hope for the future.Now life is rich, but life is very boring, there is no moment to rest, and the pressure is very high. I lost the joy of hiking and picnic with my friends when I was young, lost the mood of chatting with friends, and rarely spoke the truth with my friends without hesitation. .I get achievements, but my life is surrounded by achievements and becomes a suffocating little world.

After listening to his words, I was deeply moved. I know that many people are in the same situation as him, so I suggested to him: Make time for rest, put down your body, and let yourself have time to get rid of subordinates and stakeholders, and go to talk to you. Friends who used to travel in mountains and rivers get close to nature together.You can't carry the burden all the time, and rest is to go a longer distance; you must let go of the pursuit and replace it with the business philosophy of realization.Chasing starves you, fulfillment and service fills you.I told him: If the heart changes with the situation, it will be annoying,

The environment is happy with the luck. If the mind is enslaved by external things, it will become chaotic; on the contrary, if you can connect with things with a peaceful mind, your mind will naturally be happy.A thirsty man in Zen said: The field of heart does not grow ignorant grass, The flower of wisdom often blooms in nature. People must know how to cleanse the ignorance in their hearts. If the desire is strong, ignorance will breed. If you let go of your attachments, you will be clean and comfortable. If you are clean, you will be comfortable and creative. There is a deliberate thought-provoking story: In the Qing Dynasty, a young man went to Beijing to take an exam. In a hotel, he happened to meet an old man who told fortune-tellers by splitting characters.The old gentleman looked at the young man's pure heart and pure heart, and said that you will definitely win the double score in this exam.A dandy boy at the side didn't think so, so he said that he also wanted to tell a fortune, and wrote the same string of characters. The old man looked at this person, then looked at the characters, and said to him:

young people!Not only will you fail the exam, but you will also be in great trouble. The young man was very unconvinced and asked him why, and the old man said: If you have a scheming mind to write a string of characters, if you want to add a heart character under the string of characters, it will become a suffering character. You have to be careful, otherwise catastrophe will be imminent. Later, the former young man really won double yuan, while the latter cheated in the exam and was beheaded for the crime of deceiving the emperor. The truth of life is truth rather than hypocrisy, realization rather than pursuit, the more ignorance in the heart, the less happy, maintain the innocence of nature, and live happily naturally.

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