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Chapter 124 six bullets

Carlson walked on the streets of New York late at night, his footsteps were very hurried. Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed in the alley in front of him, a thin man in a windbreaker blocked his way, and shouted in a low voice: "Stop, don't move around!" Carlson looked at the revolver in the robber's hand, slowly raised his hands, and let the robber search for his watch and leather case. Just as the robber was about to leave, Carlson stopped him.Carlson said: Mr.It has nothing to do with the watch that you robbed me of money, but my family has an extremely fierce wife. If I go home and tell her that I was robbed, she will definitely not believe it. The money was gone.

The robber said: "Then what does it matter to me?" Carlson said: Could you please shoot a hole in my hat with a pistol so that it will be easier for me to go back. Unable to withstand Carlson's repeated pleas, the robbers reluctantly shot him in the hat.Carlson then added that, for realism, it would be best to have bullet holes in coats, trouser legs, boots, and even handkerchiefs.After all this was done, the thin robber was about to walk away, but Carlson stopped him and demanded that the watch and leather case be returned. The robber was about to threaten with a gun, but Carlson smiled calmly and said: All six bullets have been fired.As a result, the leather case and watch returned to their original owners.

People always face difficulties.If you are faced with a predicament, you must see the predicament clearly, and then disintegrate the predicament. Carlson's dilemma is not the robber, because the robber is a small man.His plight is six bullets, a force he cannot resist. He used the method of disintegration, turning a threatening pistol into a small piece of iron with no lethality.So, he is safe.
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