Home Categories Novel Corner 116 life insights that shock the soul

Chapter 5 happiness is sometimes harsh

116 life insights that shock the soul 695Words 2023-02-05
To be alive is a kind of happiness in itself.Only by cherishing every day and every relative around us can the harsh happiness be infinitely extended. On such a late night, on the kang in my hometown, my mother-in-law had been unconscious for several hours and was still receiving fluids.We all know that as long as the liquid stops, the old man's life will soon come to an end.My mother-in-law has suffered from cerebral thrombosis for five or six years. Recently, she has suffered from severe brain atrophy, diabetes, myocardial infarction and other diseases.This evening, because of cerebral edema, the old man began to lose consciousness, and because the infusion was also in the hospital, we found a car and took her back to her hometown that she missed day and night.At this time, it was already late at night.The mother-in-law was lying on the kang with her head facing west.Due to the infusion, her breathing was fairly even, giving the impression that she had fallen asleep.As a result of guarding the sick for many days, the lover has fallen asleep curled up at the west end of the kang, next to her mother-in-law's head; his elder sister has fallen asleep curled up at the east end of the kang, next to her mother-in-law's feet; I fell asleep on the west side of the kang, and my son fell asleep on the east side of the kang.

The lights were on all night.I sat on a chair under the kang, looked at the liquid bottle, and waited for the liquid to be changed.Looking at the five people sleeping on the kang, I suddenly felt that this was a kind of happiness.But what kind of sad and cruel happiness is this?For the mother-in-law, after her children have grown up, they have been working all year round to make a living, and they rarely gather together like this night to stay by the mother's side.Tonight, when the life of an old mother is coming to an end, her children finally sleep next to their mother again, returning to their childhood and adolescence, and reliving the happy time when they were protected by their mother.I burst into tears.I pray to God over and over again, let this happy time stay for a while longer!Let the loving old mother enjoy more family happiness!

Four days later, my mother-in-law still left us.Happiness is so harsh, it doesn't want to stay for us, and we can't keep it even if we try our best.At that moment, I had an epiphany that being alive itself is a kind of happiness.Only by cherishing every day and every relative around us can the harsh happiness be infinitely extended.
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