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Chapter 19 happiness

116 life insights that shock the soul 1409Words 2023-02-05
In fact, could have been happy, as long as there is a little satisfaction.Yuanzi has nothing to worry about, and can enjoy her talents and life without any worries, while Awa has a good career and love.In life, who would be so perfect? Learn to be satisfied and be happy. In this campus full of flowers, Yuanzi and Awa are definitely the family that attracts the most attention. From their looks to their talents, they are impeccable.Awa is a smart, quiet and beautiful girl, while Yuanzi is mysterious and elegant, so the boys chasing after her beat each other.But no one can guess that these two girls have never been happy.

Happiness may be ethereal or real, it depends on how you look at it, if you don't know how to be satisfied, you will never be happy. Yuanzi made her debut at the departmental debate competition at the beginning of the semester. At that time, Yuanzi was white and clear, her tongue was full of lotus petals, which made people feel good and laugh.A debate contest gave Yuanzi a big harvest. From time to time, a certain senior would wait for her downstairs all night, a certain boy would call her up and exaggerately say I love you, and even a desperate boy would cry for her.Yuanzi has never been tempted, Yuanzi will not be moved by mortals.However, Yuanzi once had a relationship with my elder brother, and they broke up again a week later. It is said that she wanted to step on the back of her elder brother to walk on a noble road, but public opinion prevented her from doing so.A month later, they went out to various occasions publicly. The eldest brother is a very nice person, and fate is very happy.Even her beauty rumors are enviable.

Awa's beginning was not as lucky as Yuanzi's. Although occasionally there will be a little bit of lace news, Awa's heart belongs to him, and it has long been beyond the reach of others.Awa pretended to be free and easy, saying that he didn't pay attention to emotions, but advocated material things.But Awa and her love have always been lonely, and no one can accompany them.Awa has never let any boy walk away without looking at her, but this time, she encountered a severe rejection, like the cold wind in December, which was so cold that Awa shivered every day, sucker Punch. Yuanzi finally broke up with her elder brother.The eldest brother said that there is no need for a reason, and the personality is not harmonious.As for Yuanzi, who just fell in love with her eldest brother, she was so pitiful, and under the cover of a deep smile, she cried until she could cry.Every day, I paint and wipe off the mirror in front of the mirror, and then listen to music until two o'clock at night.

Happiness has never happened before! Awa wandered barefoot in the corridor for a summer, determined to get rid of the lingering pain.So, in the infinitely gentle embrace of a silly boy, no more emphasis: it's not ours, it's you, and me.Awa suddenly felt as happy as eating sugar. Yuanzi is excellent, but she no longer believes in true love. Love, that's all. With Awa's help, Yuanzi found a cool guy on the spot.Yuanzi felt empty happiness. Awa's performance was excellent, and applause ensued.But there was always a trace of melancholy in Awa's eyes.Awa and her boyfriend were already very caring, but suddenly found that the person who wanted me was not so childish.Awa broke up with him several times, but it was just a joke, and the last time it was real.Awa originally thought that the sky would not collapse without him, and he could still make boyfriends one after another.After breaking up, I found that I was more painful than him, so I got back together again.Awa once joked with Yuanzi that he had to give up the task of making dozens of boyfriends. In fact, Awa felt very bitter at that time, and she couldn't get rid of that dependence, no way.

Awa did not dare to throw away the boring big fish, nor did he dare to follow the erratic little fish swimming around, Awa was disappointed again and again amidst contradictions and inevitability. Yuanzi broke up with Brother Ku under her father's strong intervention.A week later, Brother Ku had a new girlfriend with fluttering hair.Yuanzi's honor and beauty are doomed to be alone. Yuanzi and Awa lived in search and search like this.Numbness and despair afflict their vulnerable hearts at the same time.Yuanzi would use very long nails to dig out long fingerprints on his legs, while Awa would bite out one after another red and swollen crescent moon marks on the back of his hand.

In fact, could have been happy, as long as there is a little satisfaction.Yuanzi has nothing to worry about, and can enjoy her talents and life without any worries, while Awa has a good career and love.In life, who would be so perfect? Learn to be satisfied and be happy.
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