Home Categories Novel Corner 116 life insights that shock the soul

Chapter 54 habit and misfortune

116 life insights that shock the soul 808Words 2023-02-05
If you habitually bow your head and admit defeat before trying a new round of breakthrough, IMHO, you are also an unfortunate flea! Who is the unfortunate mother?is a habit. How do you see it? Please look at the facts: There is an elephant in the park, and it is quite peaceful, illogically peaceful.isn't it?Such a huge monster was tied by a very thin iron chain, which was tied to its legs at one end and fixed to a wooden stake at the other end.It stands to reason that with its strength, it can completely break free from there.But no, it actually had a peaceful mind, eating the fodder fed to it by the master in a very comfortable way!It has plenty of strength, why not fight bravely?

I consulted an old man with knowledge.The old man told me that when it was a baby elephant, it was unfortunately captured and tied here with a thin chain.At first, it was also angry and struggled, but after all, it was too small to succeed.Later, because someone fed it, it gradually got used to it all.When it grows up, its strength is enough to break free from the chain, but it only remembers the failure when it was a child, and it no longer believes in its current strength.So, precisely because of this habit, I am willing to keep my law and order! There is another famous experiment.There are several fleas in a glass box with an open mouth. They all jump, and they jump to the same height, never exceeding the height of the box wall.Strange, why don't they jump a little higher, leave the cage and walk away?It turned out that this was tamed by humans.Previously, flea keepers had kept them in a glass container with a lid.They tried again and again, trying to jump out and escape, but they couldn't. They hit the lid repeatedly and became dizzy.So, after several setbacks, I was completely desperate. In order not to touch my head, I only jumped to a certain height when I jumped again, that is, the height we saw.Over time, they get used to it, and when the cover is taken away and they can escape, they no longer work hard, so they are willing to be mediocre, and they have become a group of the most unfortunate fleas alive!

So suddenly realized. sky!It turns out that regardless of the flea-like little one or the elephant-like giant, the same kind of sorrow can be repeated over and over again: bowing your head because of habit! how about you? If you habitually bow your head and admit defeat before trying a new round of breakthrough, IMHO, you are also an unfortunate flea!
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