Home Categories Novel Corner 116 life insights that shock the soul

Chapter 108 shape of embrace

116 life insights that shock the soul 540Words 2023-02-05
It turns out that the embrace has a shape, and love makes the specific shape vivid and endless. A girl became a young stepmother.That is, the man she fell in love with and ended up marrying had been married and had a legacy child.The child was a boy who suffered from mild autism due to the departure of his mother when he was young. He was afraid of intimate touch and contact, and was awakened by nightmares every night.The girl wanted to hug him when she saw him for the first time, but the child hid in the corner in horror, and the girl just wanted to do her duty helplessly. One night, there was lightning and thunder, and the girl was awakened. She suddenly worried about the child sleeping next door, so she went to check.The child curled up with a small body, the child was still in a dream, but was crying in the dream. At that moment, the mother's love in the girl's heart flourished, and the sound of breaking ground and joints could even be heard in the quiet night.The stepmother lay gently beside the child and stretched out her hand, but she was afraid of waking him up, so she could only stretch her arms as much as possible, and stretched her embrace. She caught the child empty, like a cradle.The child slept very soundly that night, without any nightmares to disturb him, as if returning to the mother's womb, as if wandering in the warm deep sea accompanied by corals, as if wrapped in a fluffy coat during the snowy season.The child awoke at the crack of dawn to see his young stepmother asleep and in the same position she had held all night.The child didn't speak, and approached the stepmother's arms, and then hugged her tightly.The stepmother felt it, her arms relaxed, and she held the child in her arms, stroking the child until the sun rose.

It turns out that the embrace has a shape, and love makes the specific shape vivid and endless.
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