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Chapter 22 Chapter 10 The Attraction Everyone Loves

human weakness 戴爾.卡耐基 3376Words 2023-02-05
My hometown is a small town in the state of Missouri. There is a town of Carme nearby, which was the American bandit Quiches.James's hometown, I've been to Came Town, Keith's son is still there. His wife told me how Keith robbed banks and trains; then donated the money to poor neighbors to redeem the pawned fields. At the time Keith.In James's mind, he may think that he is an idealist, just like Sultz, Two Gun Crowley, and Capone two generations later.It is true that everyone you see, even the person you look in the mirror, thinks of himself as a noble person, and his estimate of himself is expected to be good and unselfish.

The banker Morgan said in one of his analysis manuscripts: There are two reasons for a person to do something, one is pleasant and the other is true. People will often think of the real reason, and we are all idealists in ourselves, and we prefer to think of good-sounding motives.So to change a man's will, it is necessary to arouse his noble motives. Is that method ideal for commercial use?let's see.That was the case of Mr. Freer of a housing company in Pennsylvania: Freer had an unsatisfactory tenant who threatened to move out of his apartment, but the tenant's lease was four months away. The monthly rent is fifty-five yuan, but he claims that he will move out immediately, regardless of the lease agreement.

When Freer told the story, he said: The tenant has lived here for a winter.I know the house won't be easy to rent out until this fall if they move out.I saw that two hundred and twenty yuan was about to fly away from my pocket, which made me anxious. If this happened in the past, I would definitely go to the tenant and ask him to read the lease again and point out to him that if we move out now, the four months' rent must still be paid in full. However, this time I took another approach, and I started to say to him: Mr. Du, I heard that you are going to move, but I don't believe it is true.I deduce from various experiences that I see that you are a man of credibility, and I can bet myself that you are.

The tenant listened quietly, without any special expression, and I continued: "Now, my suggestion is this, put aside what you have decided for the time being, and you might as well think about it again."From today until the rent is due on the first day of next month, if you still decide to move, I will promise you and accept your request I paused, and then continued: At that time, I will admit that my inference is completely wrong. However, I still believe that you are a person with credibility and will abide by the contract you made.Because, whether we are humans or monkeys, it is our own choice.

Sure enough, as I expected, the gentleman will pay the rent by himself next month.He told me that this matter has been discussed with his wife, and they decided to continue to live.They concluded that there was nothing more honorable than honoring a lease. The late Sir Northcliffe wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper when he saw a newspaper which published a photograph which he did not wish to publish.His letter didn't say: Please don't publish that picture of me again, I don't like that picture.He wanted to arouse noble motives. He knew that everyone loved his mother, so he changed his tone in that letter and said: Since my mother doesn't like that photo, please don't publish it in your newspaper in the future.

When JohnWhen Rockefeller wanted to prevent photographers from taking pictures of his children, he also aroused a noble motive.He didn't say: I don't want my child's photo to be published.He knows that in everyone's heart, there is a latent desire not to hurt children.He changed his tone and said: Everyone, I believe that many of you are the fathers of your children. It is not appropriate for your children to become news figures. Curtis, originally a poor boy in Maine, became the head of the Saturday Evening Post and Ladies' Home Magazine, earning millions.At the beginning of his establishment, he could not pay high prices for manuscripts like other newspapers and magazines.He could not afford to hire the first-class writers in the country to write for him, but he used people's noble motives.

For example, he would ask Alcod, the author of the famous Little Women, to write for him, and it was when she was at the height of her reputation.The method used by Curtis is outstanding!What most people don't expect is that he signed a check for one hundred dollars. He didn't give the check to Alcord, but donated it to one of her favorite charities. Some people may be skeptical and say: In this way, it is used in Northcliffe, John.Rockefeller, and sentimental novelists, it might work. But, my friend, won't your method work just as well for the unreasonable people I want to collect?

Yes, that's true, nothing works the same way in every situation and nothing works the same way on everyone.If you're happy with the results you're getting now, why change?If you feel dissatisfied, why not give it a try? Anyway, I believe you will like a true story told by my former student Thomas: In a certain car company, six customers refused to pay for a repair bill. It was not that they did not recognize the account, but that some of the accounts were written incorrectly.But every bill for car rental or maintenance has their signatures, so the company believes that these bills are correct.

Here are the steps that the credit department clerk of the car company took when they went to collect the money. Do you think they will be successful? 1. They visit every customer and tell them frankly that they are sent by the company to collect the outstanding accounts. Second, they made it very clear that the company will never make mistakes, and all mistakes should be the responsibility of the customers. Three, they imply that when it comes to the automotive business, the company is obviously much more knowledgeable than the customer.Therefore, there is no need for unnecessary arguments.

4. As a result, they argued. Taking these methods can make customers willing to pay?You might as well find out the answer yourself from that question When things got to such an extent, the director of the credit department of the automobile company should send a team of legal professionals to deal with it. Fortunately, the general manager found out about this matter.The general manager checked the past payment records of those customers who owed their bills, and found that they had paid on time in the past.After the general manager discovered this information, he believed that the mistake must be due to the wrong method of collecting the account on the company's side.So the general manager called Thomas in and told him to collect the bad debts that couldn't be collected.

Here is Mr. Toms, the steps taken Thomas himself put it this way: 1. I go to visit every customer, and I also go to ask for an account that has been owed for a long time!However, I said nothing about these.I explained that I was here to investigate the company's service to customers. 2. I clearly stated that I will not express any opinions before I have listened to the customer's impressions.I told them that the company was not absolutely infallible. 3. I told them that I only care about their cars; and they know their own cars better than anyone else, so on this issue, listen to their opinions first. 4. I asked them to express their opinions as much as possible. I listened quietly and expressed great sympathy for them. Of course, this is what they hoped for me. 5. In the end, those customers seem to be relieved. I want them to think about this matter fairly. Of course, I want to stimulate their noble motives, so I say this: First of all, I want you to know that I also feel that this matter has been handled inappropriately. You have been bothered, irritated, and inconvenienced by our company's last representative.That shouldn't have happened and I'm so sorry!On behalf of the company, I apologize to you.After listening to what you just said, I cannot but be moved by your patience and fairness. It is because of your generosity that I dare ask you to do something for me, which will be better and more suitable for you than anyone else.At the same time, you know better than others that this is my bill for you. Please check it carefully and see if you have made any mistakes. It is as if you are the general manager of our company checking the accounts. I ask you to take full responsibility. Lord, you can do whatever you say. Did he read the bill?Yes, of course he did, and he seemed quite pleased with the bills, which ranged from one hundred and fifty to four hundred dollars.But do customers take advantage?Yes, one of the customers refused to pay a penny of the disputed amount.But the other five customers all let the company take advantage of the account.Here's the best part about it.In the next two years, those customers bought new cars from our company. Mr. Thomas said: Experience tells me that when you are dealing with a customer at a loss, the most perfect way is to have such a point of view in your mind first, and you have to treat the customer as sincere, honest, reliable, and he is Very willing to pay the bill.Once he is convinced that the accounts are right, he will not hesitate to pay the debt.That is, people are honest and willing to fulfill their obligations. There are very few exceptions in such cases, and I believe that if there is really a difficult person, if you make him feel that you think he is so honest, fair, and upright, most of the time, he will also give you some help. Respond like you gave him. So, if you're going to get people to agree with you, it's generally a good thing to follow the tenth rule, which is: Inspire higher motives.
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