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Chapter 17 Visit Zongwu to answer questions

Thick black school 李宗吾 1449Words 2023-02-05
Question: Sir, can you temporarily put away the thick and black studies, and focus on developing and writing more on cultural and academic aspects, as a thank you to the people of the country? Answer: This is impossible!Over the past ten years, many friends have advised me not to talk about thick black.I don't know that thick black can't be said but can't be done. Since I can't apply it, I have to say it; if I don't say it, I feel uncomfortable.If you want to persuade me not to talk about thick and black, it is like trying to persuade Gongsun Long not to say that a white horse is not a horse, which is absolutely impossible.In line with the creed that what is said can't be done, I try my best to use thick and dark philosophies to create teachings and theories. How can such an uncrowned king, who is the only one who is the only one, be more proud than me?And there is only one truth in ancient and modern times, the benevolent sees benevolence, the wise sees wisdom, the benevolence and righteousness of Confucius and Mencius, the morality of Lao Tzu, the compassion and love of Buddha and Ye, and the thick blackness of Li Zongwu are all the same truth, but they are said in different ways.If each has its own invention, each establishes a theory, and does not borrow from each other, then each has its own merits.In this way, compared with people who are able to achieve their ambitions, I feel that they are superior, so why use the world?You have repeatedly sent letters to advise me not to talk about thick blacks, for fear that my future will be hindered; I think that when Christ was willing to martyr himself, how could a mere obstacle be enough to make the leader stop talking about thick blacks?

Question: Mr. is full of knowledge. He is a contemporary Zhuge Kongming. What do you think of yourself? He replied with a smile: "Kong Ming is so worthless!"His morale is too high!In terms of the use of troops alone, he is still inferior to the late emperor. The late emperor only used him to subdue the simple-minded people from Guan, Zhang, Zhao and Huang. In fact, he was still in the hands of the late emperor.Otherwise, why didn't the emperor let Kong Ming lead himself in the campaign against Wu?Moreover, it was a big mistake for Kong Ming to use Ma Di to guard the street pavilion (use Wei Yan); it is a particularly big mistake to kill Ma Di when the army is defeated.Kong Ming is incapable of doing this, what a shame!

Question: Look, sir, who is desirable throughout the ages? Answer: Didn't I say what Jiang Taigong said?In fact, there is only one person who can learn the law through the ages.It is an ancient miracle that he was able to assist Zhou Keshang in the Taigong year to eighty.Later, Su Qin recited his Yin Talisman and united the six kingdoms; Zhang Liang used his art of war to destroy Qin and Chu.I would like to ask: Houhei Yuanzu, who else is there besides Taigong?I am actually his descendant for hundreds of generations, and I want to reveal this secret that has not been handed down through the ages, so as to make light of the past and enrich the future.

Question: Sir, can you tell me about the way you study? Answer: I have been studying all my life, and I have been really good at intercepting and taking questions on stereotyped righteousness, which is very in line with the logic of dialectics.My thick black and all works are derived from it. Question: Sir, is it just a joke? Answer: It's not a joke, I really got this set of stereotyped magic weapon.If you don't believe me, please do more work on the stereotyped law in the future. Question: How many kinds of your works, published or unpublished, are there? Answer: Published books include Houhei Xue, Houhei Conghua, Zongwu's Conjectures, Discussions on Social Issues, Constitutional Making and Anti-Japanese War, Chinese Academic Trends, Psychology and Mechanics, Records of Confucius Running a School, The Strange Case of Hanging the Principal, Kong Report More than a dozen kinds of philosophy about war and henpeck are currently being written, and have been written and have not yet been published. There are also studies on Chinese national characteristics, my views on political economy, the beginning and end of the middle school revolution in the province of Syria, spirituality and magnetism, and pedantry. Essays and so on.Talking about serious principles, there are five books on discussion of social issues, discussion of the examination system, constitution making and resistance to Japan, trends in Chinese academics, and psychology and mechanics.The rest of the serious works have not yet come out, so we don't need to talk about them for now.In fact, I am already old, what book do I still write?It can be said to be overreaching.

Question: What is Mr.'s past qualifications and current life experience? Answer: In my early years, I was educated by Mr. Lu Yu, a well-known stereotyped master in Fushun. Later, I studied mathematics and science in Chengdu Higher School, and once joined the Tongmenghui.Since the Republic of China, he has been the chief of the Supervision Office and the chief of the province's official property clearance department. He has been promoted to Chongqing Customs Supervision.Houchang Fushun County Middle, Mianyang Province Middle.He served as the provincial inspector for many years and went out to Sichuan to inspect the education of various provinces.After the Northern Expedition, he joined the provincial government as a editorial committee member, and was dismissed last year to return home.I was born in a poor family since I was a child. After a lifetime of hard work, I have small savings. I now have a house in the city, three paddy fields, and a hundred stones for rent. My life is still considered moderately prosperous.He has two sons. The eldest son is very capable. He once served as the director of Fushun Education Bureau and the principal of Zijing Middle School. The second son once studied in Chengdu Industry.Unfortunately, both sons died successively in recent years.At present, there are old wives, widows, three grandchildren and four granddaughters. Please have a private tutor to teach at home.This is roughly my situation.

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