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Chapter 105 6. Theme

vision set 倪匡 404Words 2023-02-05
Strangely, among the fashion TV dramas produced in Hong Kong, the most used subject is the life and work of police officers.Naturally, the work of police officers is varied, and they have certain movements, which are stimulating. It is very logical that they are chosen as the subject matter of fashion TV dramas. Another popular subject in foreign TV series has never been filmed in Hong Kong. That is the work and life of medical staff. Their life and work are also quite colorful. Limited to the law, I am still afraid that there will be too many technical terms, which will make the audience feel bored.I remember that there was only one TV series filming patients with kidney disease, and the work of medical staff was filmed to a considerable extent.

In fact, TV dramas based on the work of medical staff can have a wide range of themes, because medical staff must come into contact with all kinds of patients of all kinds. The many patients involved are simply the epitome of society, and the themes can be said to be inexhaustible. All walks of life, how many TV dramas use them as themes, if someone counts them, it must be very interesting, except for the absence of medical staff, which is quite a strange phenomenon. When will there be a TV series that can fill this vacancy?
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