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Chapter 21 Chapter Twenty

The halls of Urchester were packed with people enjoying their first big meal in three days.The long tables were pushed against the walls to accommodate more hungry men.Edward and his generals, without even taking off their armor, stood on a high platform drinking and feasting. Edward Dragon's heart was overjoyed by Kenny Weiss' victory.Holding a roasted deer leg in one hand and a wine glass in the other, he greeted Jieyang and his beautiful wife happily.Forgive my faux pas, but I'm really starving, Retha.He grinned at Jieyang.You lucky devil!I wish my Elaine was close enough to welcome me back from victory!

Your Highness, Leisa came here in such a hurry to warn us that Munsaimon's army had crossed the Yavan River in Portsha! Edward waved the half-eaten haunch.That was impossible, he had not yet crossed the Sevi.Rekit's subordinates should have detected him. Lisa was horrified.Kit was just a boy of sixteen! Make no mistake.When your husband is sixteen, he's grown up to call the shots. Jay Yang frowned.With 4,000 troops, it stands to reason that he should be able to prevent the noble army from crossing the Sevi River. damned!Owen, get me Rickett immediately.If that red-haired kid sleeps blindfolded all the time when we're bloody and bloody defeating the noble army, I'll absolutely castrate him!Edward growled.I'm only away for three days!The goddamned three-day march to Kennyweiss, defeated the noble army, and then rushed back to Urchester with the captured horses and flags!He has 4,000 troops to listen to his orders, but in the end he had to rely on a weak woman to bring me this news!

Edward immediately dispatched scouts and summoned the generals to the map room for a meeting.Order to prepare soldiers for battle.He is humane to all. Jieyang summoned his attendants and said to Leisa: Ge Fei will escort you back to Portia safely.I would sell my soul for an hour with you; I love you more than my life!He gently brushed the hair from her forehead, kissed her lips, and whispered in her ear.I kiss your heart. She wanted to cling to him and beg him to take care of himself.He and his subordinates have not slept for three days and nights, but there is still a decisive battle of life and death waiting for them.Despite her inner fears, Retha knew she had to be strong, trusting that her husband would come back victorious.She gave him a big smile.I have decided to name our son Jay Yang.

He was ecstatic.It's my pleasure, Leisa. Mortimer's Welsh spies confirmed that the nobles had indeed crossed the Sevi some four miles south of Urchester.Evidently, three days before Edward had swung his army south, and Munsaimon's spies had informed him at once.Edward walked to the map table, staring at Rickett with sharp blue eyes. Three days ago, when I led my army to Kennywes, Mortimer's Welsh spies told me that Munsaimon's army was on the way to Hereford.Before I left, I was convinced that your 4,000 soldiers and horses were enough to stop the noble army, but now I know that Munsaimon not only crossed the Sevi River, but also crossed the Yavan River.Explain, Rickett!

Rickett's face was as red as his hair.Mortimer's spies refused to have anything to do with me because I couldn't speak Welsh.They have always looked down on my youth! They don't pay for information, not to kiss our haughty English Earl's ass.But don't worry, Rickett, I'll give you the chance to make up for your mistakes and youth! John Wei and Jie Yang have been studying the map.Now that Munsaimon had chosen to cross the river at Portshaw, it was obvious that he would choose a place to garrison. It must be Ai Fanxia, ​​Your Highness, there can be no other place.Jie Yang also said, drawing a straight line on the map with his fingers.

Edward looked to Mortimer.How many are they? Four thousand people and all of them were exhausted and hungry, and their equipment was seriously insufficient.There were no more than 200 nobles and knights who could fight on horseback, and the rest were infantry, plus hundreds of archers that Linwell reluctantly provided. With Carlot's men and horses, we have twice as many men; five hundred knights, and enough horses and equipment for three or four hundred men.Jieyang said. Now that we have the absolute advantage, we should be able to sleep for a few hours first and get some rest.Xin Valen said with a sigh of relief.

Edward clenched his fist and thumped the table.After you are dead, you will be able to sleep enough!Wars must be won with lightning speed!If we procrastinate until tomorrow morning, Mensimon will buy time to gather the fleeing soldiers and rush to his father's aid. Jieyang looked at his hands and wondered if he let go of Simon in a moment of soft-heartedness, which would cause a lifetime of guilt. Blow the horn, Edward gives the order.Never mind the barking and whining of soldiers.If you usually train well enough, they will naturally obey military discipline.I will set out with the whole army to the Ivansha Valley before sunset.Now, I want to hear about your strategy.

Edward's generals spoke freely, but Rickett wisely remained silent.Edward smiled after listening.I said I would listen to it, but I might not take it, his teasing broke the tension in the room.Since we are far outnumbered by the enemy, I will place troops on both sides to prevent the enemy from escaping.Mortimer, you stand with two thousand Welsh border soldiers on the east side, and cut off the road to London.Red-haired Kit, you lead 2,000 Carlot's troops to guard the west wing, guarding the enemy's retreat to the Yavan River.I personally led all the knights and 5,000 soldiers and horses to face the main force of the noble army.

Munsaimon must have known that our army was vastly outnumbered, and was despairing.Wellicon speculated. Never think so, Edward said.Mong Sai Meng has experienced many battles and won every battle.Knowing that we were heading south, he must have guessed that we were going to attack the army led by his son.He mobilized the army quickly because he wanted to join the other half of the noble army before us.He didn't know we'd beat them so quickly back to Urchester.Meng Saimeng will never rush into the tiger's mouth of the victorious army. I agree with what Edward said, Jieyang said.Monsaimon is bold, resourceful and cunning like a fox.He believes in his beliefs, and himself!He will never feel depressed or hopeless before a battle; don't take it lightly, it will be a fight to the death!

It took Edward and his generals a long time to regroup the army, but before nightfall the royal army was on its way to the Ivansha Valley.They reached the mouth of the valley at midnight, where the eastern and western armies would part.Edward called a meeting of generals and issued the final instructions. Finally he turns to Jae-yang.Do you bring the thirteen banners we captured at Kennywes? Jieyang had expected that Edward would ask about the flag, knowing that he intended to deceive the enemy.He suppressed the resentment in his heart.Yes, Your Highness, I have brought it. Order the forward to raise the flag.That can mislead the enemy into thinking that we are the nobles who came to help.

At dawn, dark clouds covered the sun, and thunder and lightning rumbled, waking up the noble army who had just fallen asleep.When the royal army approached from the hills in the north, the scouts of Montsimon mistakenly thought that the noble army led by Montsymon was coming to help, but the hope and joy soon turned to panic. They found that it was the enemy who came! Nobles and knights hastily put on their armor for battle.When scouts brought bad news that the retreat to the east had been blocked by Mortimer's army, Munsaimon summoned the general and his two sons to a meeting.It is possible that Edward's army was intentionally placed between us and Simon's, and that our only chance was to attack the very center of the enemy's army, hoping to break through and join our reinforcements waiting on the other side. Can't we retreat and cross the Yavan River?Henry asked in panic, seeing that the number of enemy troops was at least twice theirs. Since Edward had sent troops to block the east road, the westward retreat must also be blocked.Edward's strategy has always been impeccable, he was my best student.Mounted his horse, drew his sword, and led his men to attack. The noble army launched a fierce offensive and went straight to the core of the royal army, but after all they were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. Not only could they not break through the enemy's line, but they were surrounded by the royal army. The sky over the battlefield was cloudy, the lightning rumbled, and the clatter of horses' hoofs drowned out the screams of wounded and slain soldiers.However, the fiercest battle was still concentrated on the cavalry on both sides. Everyone could only continue to swing their swords to kill the enemy while protecting themselves with their shields. The sound of knives and axes cutting into flesh and blood is disgusting, and blood and flesh are flying.Before long, the battlefield was covered with corpses and scattered weapons, bathed in blood and mud.Edward is like a tireless giant, swinging his long sword again and again to kill the enemy, and his determination and will to win are stronger than everyone on the battlefield.Li Jieyang fought closely beside the prince, and saw the prince's horse fell to the ground.Edward jumped off his horse immediately, and so did Jieyang.He handed Thunder the reins to the prince, and turned to mount Ge Fei's horse.Ge Fei's horse was severely injured and fell down after suffering for an hour.Jieyang turned around again, but his attendants were no longer in sight, and he was forced to fight on foot.The arm holding the shield became numb, and he could no longer feel the heavy blow of the enemy's weapon. The pain in the arm holding the sword had spread to his shoulder and down to his back.His steps began to stagger, and his strength was almost exhausted. A huge war horse attracted his attention.He wiped the sweat from his eyes, and saw that it was Munsaimon on the horse.Seen from this angle, this great warrior was as majestic as a god, and he couldn't help but wonder if Edward could defeat him.But he dismissed the thought quickly, concentrating on cutting down any foe who had the misfortune to come across him. The battle lasted for several hours.Finally, the larger royal army gradually gained the upper hand.Mortimer and Rickett, who were stationed on both sides, led their troops into the battlefield after realizing that it was impossible for the enemy to break through and escape.The royal army gained momentum and ruthlessly wiped out the dwindling number of enemy troops. When the clouds cleared and the sun rose, Edward's troops looked up to find no more opponents to fight.The noble army was either killed or injured, or put down their weapons and begged for mercy. Edward rode Thunderbolt through the corpse-strewn battlefield, and saw that the rest of the people standing were all his men.He rode to Jieyang's side, dismounted slowly, and looked at his friend with a look of astonishment and disbelief. Do you know what this means?Jieyang shouted. I won.Edward is sassy. Jieyang raised his long sword and shouted: The power and glory of the kingdom belong to you! God, I'm victorious!Edward shouted, hugged Jieyang, and held it high in the air.The royal army cheered loudly, and the sound shook the field, reveling in the joy of victory. Gone is the frenzy of battle, replaced by sympathy for the defeated.Prince Edward and Jieyang changed horses, patrolled the battlefield, searched for the wounded, and assessed the casualties on both sides.Edward saw Menchid who was seriously injured and ordered his men to carry him away and take good care of his wound.When seeing Meng Henry's body, Edward and Jie Yang shed tears for this boy friend. John Wayne, Earl of Serret, mourned the loss of his brother in this battle.Gosh, Likon and two little kids, if anyone has to die, why can't it be me? Jie Yang could only comfort him: From now on, you must be their father. They saw Mortimer's men surrounding the place where Munsaimon had fallen, mutilating his body to vent their long-held hatred. Stop now!Edward yelled sternly.Otherwise it is the only death penalty! ! Mortimer tried to explain.Your Highness, they just want revenge. I will never tolerate such barbaric atrocities!Jieyang, send someone to take care of the remains of this great warrior, and we will personally escort him to Ivansha Monastery for burial. Xin Valen rode forward to report.Your Highness, of the one hundred and sixty barons and knights who followed Munsaimon, only twelve survive. Edward crossed himself across his chest.God have mercy on us!Today's Ivansha will not bleed anymore, and no prisoner will be executed to let everyone know, I am lenient! Fort Bershar was only seven miles from the battle, and if it had not been muffled by the deafening thunder, they would have heard the battle.What's more, it was pouring rain on Portia, trapping everyone indoors.Leisa knew that Jieyang was about to go to the battlefield, so she was busy preparing herbs for healing.She also asked the maids to go to the herbal medicine room to learn how to cook medicine, identify herbs, and tear clean sheets into long strips of bandages, so as to take care of the large number of wounded soldiers after the battle.Only Jiji's constant busyness can stop her from thinking wildly and worrying about Jieyang's safety. The next day, Portia's patrols reported that a group of knights headed by Sir Jieyang and Prince Edward were galloping towards the castle. Leisa hurriedly changed the white robe she wore for refining herbal medicine, and put on an emerald green dress.She didn't have time to tie her hair, so she lifted her skirt and ran to the atrium.Jieyang!Jieyang!She called for her beloved husband, but only saw him. Jie Yang hugged her with his right arm and sat on the saddle, devouring her beauty and flying long hair with greedy eyes.Retha scanned his face with her fingers.it's over? Yes, the past is gone; the future begins today. She turned to look at Edward.The sun shone on his blond hair, creating a faint halo, making him dazzling like a god.At this moment, she understood that Jie Yang was right, that Edward was the orthodox king of England, and she knew from the bottom of her heart that he would achieve a great cause and glory, and his name would last forever! Edward grinned at them.Li Jieyang, you are a lucky man! What about your wounded?Resa asked.Portia is ready to attend to the wounded, and to render all services we can, Your Highness. We are lucky.The repairmen of the Ivanshire Monastery have treated our seriously wounded, but there are many broken bones and less injured people who need to be cared for.But what we need most is food, and your husband has graciously agreed to provide it.Our horses also need fodder. As a royal deacon, this is my duty.Fortunately, there are many cattle and sheep grazing on Portia's farmland. They entered the courtyard.As soon as Jieyang got off his horse, he began to give orders.The boy took the horses to graze on the grass, the soldiers took a bath in the river, and Mr. He told Jieyang where the cattle and sheep were grazing.After I have seen my son, let's go and have a look together.Jieyang said. Edward got off his horse too, and carried Leisa down.I can finally see my godson!Wish he had his mother's golden good looks. Oh, my lord, he is more like his dark-haired father.Lisa said proudly.She instructs Mrs. Ho to take care of the wounded and set up an infirmary in the hall.Lane stood proudly aside with the baby in his arms.Leisa picked up the baby and was about to put it in his father's arms, but Jieyang shook his head and refused.No, I can't. It was only then that Leisa noticed Jieyang's stiff left arm.She carried the baby back to Lane.sit down.She ordered her husband, and said to Edward, "Help him off this bloody armor."The Prince did so at once, and began to undress his friend's armor. Leisa inspected Jieyang's left arm, with a heart hanging in her throat.There appeared to be no fractures, but dislocations at the elbow, shoulder and collarbone.Damn, why didn't you say it all the time?she scolded. I just feel numb, no pain. Oh, you're going to be in so much pain later! Leisa asked Edward to hold Jieyang and take back her husband's dislocated elbow.Jay Yang howled at the sudden sharp pain, and she raised his arms and rolled his shoulders until the bones snapped back into place.Jieyang howled miserably again. Where did you learn such gentle therapy?Jieyang asked sarcastically. Learned it from a nun.she laughed. A whore known for being cruel and ruthless!Edward laughed. You won't be able to laugh when Resa stitches up that horrible cut on your arm.Jieyang said proudly. It was just a minor wound and didn't need stitches at all.Edward said. Take off your armor at once, my lord.You don't want to leave ugly scars and scare Princess Elaine, do you?I'll get the needle and thread, you go outside and find a brighter and more comfortable place to sit down. Leisa came back with needlework and brandy mixed with rue, and Jieyang was about to leave with Mr. He to see the cattle.Mr. Ho, remember to sell our cattle to Sir Jieyang for a good price.The royal family will pay and I am sure the royal coffers will overflow after Prince Edward rules England. Edward raised his head and laughed, took the wine glass in Leisa's hand, and drank it down.Oh, it feels so good!Sit and laugh in the sun, and be cared for by a beautiful, capable mistress of the castle.You know, Leisa, Jieyang I know, I know Reza's lips curled up.Jieyang is a lucky man. Edward suddenly became serious.No, Reza, that's not what I'm talking about.Luckily for you, dear.Once Li Jieyang made his promise, nothing that will not change until death can change him.He's been with me since I was a wild little boy.I know what I did sometimes displeased him, but his loyalty and faith in me never wavered.Without him, I would never be where I am today. Leisa listened intently, knowing that it was the rue in the wine that made the prince confide. When we were young, only Jay Yang had strength comparable to mine, but Jay Yang still had some kind of inner strength. Thank God, I finally have this power too.Our friendship is dear to me, there is no deceit or hypocrisy between us, there is absolute honesty and sincerity and now I must confess the truth to you too, Reza. The Prince's gaze held hers.In fact, your brother Chill was killed by my spear.Of course, it was an accident of my damned negligence!He recalled the past, his blue eyes darkened.I was already in deep trouble.I got into an argument with a young man and in a fit of rage beat him to death with my bare hands.The boy was only a commoner, and my fight with him has damaged the spirit of knighthood, and his death has tarnished the reputation of the royal family. Less than a month later, I accidentally killed Kiel in a spear duel.My whole body collapsed, not to mention that Qier is still my friend!At this time, Jieyang stepped forward and resolutely shouldered the responsibility for the accident.There has never been a more loyal and selfless friend. Tears welled up Reza's eyes.She swallowed the lump in her throat and took Edward's hand.Thank you for telling me the truth, Your Highness, but I beg you not to let Jieyang know that I already knew. Seeing the prince raised her eyebrows inquiringly, she explained: What Jieyang did is extremely noble and selfless, and we should not deprive him of it. His heart! Edward squeezed her hand.so be it!can you forgive me? Lisa nodded.It was an accident, and I finally accepted it. Edward took her hand and brought it to his lips.Jieyang is a lucky man. Leisa carefully sewed up the wound on the Prince's upper arm, knowing it would heal without scarring like her heart. Promise me you'll come to Windsor, won't you?I can't live without Jayyang, and I know Elaine is so much happier with your company and friendship, Leisa. Just as Jieyang promised to follow Edward for life, she also made a lifetime promise to Jieyang.It is my honor, Your Highness. Half a month later, a convoy arrived at Ivanshire Monastery.Meng Yilian asked her nephew to let her visit her husband's grave, and Edward agreed. Leisa, Jieyang and Edward stood at the back of the monastery, watching the monk lead Elaine and her children to the burial place of Meng Saimon and Meng Henry.The Countess and Countess had been like her parents, and she could feel Mrs. Meng's grief deeply.Jieyang also seemed to understand her sadness, and held her hand tightly to comfort her. Monsimon and Kidder stood in front of the tomb with their heads bowed.Yiyi was sobbing, but Mrs. Yilian always held her head high and stood proudly.Lisa couldn't help crying too. Simon knelt by the grave, weeping and begging his father to forgive him for being late.Lady Elaine touched his shoulder lightly.Stand up, my son.Don't forget you're named after your father!
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