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Chapter 27 Chapter 26 Confused

candle shadow shaking red 慕容美 17725Words 2023-02-05
Ge Pinyang followed the instructions of the Longmen chess player and disguised himself as a literati in his forties. He had an old fur coat and a broken bookcase. At this time, it was the mid-winter season, the north wind was howling, and the sky was cloudy with snow. Ge Pinyang's planned journey was from Pingxiang to Liling, from Zhuzhou to cross the Xiangshui River, and then from the Taohua River, passing Hanshou, Changde, Shimen, and heading straight along the Lishui River. Wufeng Mountain, then turn to Padang to Wu Gorge. Half a month later, Ge Pinyang reached the ground of Taohua River.

The Peach Blossom River belongs to Yiyang County, Changsha Prefecture. Sixty miles south of Yiyang County, it is only a section of Zishui River. It is named after the peach trees on both sides of the river.During the Three Kingdoms period, Wu envoy General Mumeng took the three cities of Guiyang, Lingling and Changsha.When Guan Yu was in town in Jingzhou, he raised troops and fought in battles. He once stationed troops there, so Guan Yu Temple still exists nearby. It was cold winter, and there was nothing to see except for the rolling river and bare dry branches. Although the place names were beautiful, there was nothing to see.

Ge Pinyang crossed the river and traveled to the Taizi Temple, he was in the middle of a small restaurant in the town, when he suddenly saw two figures who looked like bodyguards coming from West Changde. When the two turned around and went into the shop, one of them laughed and said: As the saying goes, haha, it’s true that seeing a hundred things is worth seeing a thousand times. The other smiled and shook his head and sighed: Who said no?The majestic Longmen chess player who is famous all over the world, I really didn't expect that His Excellency turned out to be so virtuous Ge Pinyang was stunned for a moment, and wondered, "What should I say?"Is there something wrong with my ears?

The two bodyguards sat down on a seat not far from Ge Pinyang, ordered food, and kept urging them to hurry up, as if they had something to do and they were about to go on the road after eating. Ge Pinyang originally hoped that the two of them could continue their conversation on the original topic, but the result was very disappointing. The two sentences just now seemed to be the end of a discussion, and what they continued to talk about had been replaced by something irrelevant. gossip.When Ge Pinyang heard it, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he left his seat and went up to the two of them, bowing his hands and saying: I have been addicted to chess all my life, just now I heard the two mentioned some chess players, and I can't help but feel itchy. where?I wonder if the two of you can give me some guidance?

The one with the darker complexion among the two replied with a smile: In Changde, it is very easy to find. The other one frowned and said: Boss Yu, don't hurt others, okay? After hearing this, Ge Pinyang was stunned again.The black-skinned man called Boss Yu didn't seem to understand the meaning of his partner's words, blinked his eyelids and said: Harmful?What do you mean by that? The other man frowned even tighter, pointed at Ge Pinyang, turned around and said: Did I say something wrong?What do you, Boss Yu, think of our talented gentleman compared to that romantic Tai Sui?The old man of Longmen played chess with regrets and reluctance. He was hesitant, but he still didn't allow his opponents to express dissatisfaction. That slap that day even broke two front teeth of characters like Taoyuan Merry Dasui, and they wanted to replace them with us. Mr. scholar, do you think you can afford it?

Boss Yu shrugged his shoulders and remained silent. But Ge Pinyang couldn't help being more and more amazed. Although the old man of Longmen's chess skills are poor, his chess skills are not too bad. He can't say anything to make him feel regretful and repentant, and even hit someone for losing chess?Moreover, this old man has always paid attention to his status. No matter how addicted he is to chess, he will never degenerate to hang out with such dubious people as romantic Tai Sui. Therefore, Ge Pinyang concluded that there must be something else wrong with it.So, he intentionally let out a surprise and asked: Is this person so bad at chess?How long has he been playing chess in Changde?

Boss Yu calculated and said: About half a month. Ge Pinyang cupped his hands and said, "Thank you both, for your interruption. After finishing speaking, he bowed deeply, turned around and returned to his seat.Now, there is nothing worth asking any more. After one sentence: that Longmen chess player who is currently appearing in Changde must be a counterfeit! When he left Tianlong Castle, the Longmen Chess player was still there, his master Tianlong was still in a coma, and the Longmen Chess player was still in a coma, so why would he come to Changde to play chess with others?At the same time, the most important point is: he has only been away from Tianlong Castle for a total of ten or twenty days, and this Longmen chess player actually said that he has been in Changde for more than half a month. When did the Longmen chess player become a god?

Now, there is only one thing Ge Pinyang can't figure out: what is the purpose of this person pretending to be a Dragon Gate chess player? Almost everyone in the martial arts world knows that Longmen Chess player is not a person to be provoked in ancient and modern times, this person has such courage, what is his support? Martial arts?impossible. Today, in terms of martial arts, there are only a handful of people whose achievements can match those of Longmen chess players, and among these few people, half of them are his lifelong friends, and the rest are like Tianshan's fat and thin monsters, Wutaijin, and prostitution. , Drunken Three Demons, etc., each of them has its own identity, and it is impossible for anyone to make such a bad move and demean their own value.

So after much deliberation, it is incredible. Ge Pinyang couldn't sit still anymore, hurriedly checked out and went out, and drove all the way, and arrived in Changde before dark. Changde was called Wuling in Qin and Han Dynasties. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, it was renamed Wuzhou from the Southern Dynasty to Chen Dynasty, and then renamed Shenzhou.Sui ruled the world and renamed Langzhou.During the Tianbao period of the Tang Dynasty, it was restored to Wuling, and at the beginning of the Qianyuan period, it was restored to Langzhou.At the beginning of the Song Dynasty, it was followed, and it was changed to Dingzhou in the fifth year of Dazhong Xiangfu. During the Qiandao period, it was upgraded to a mansion, and it was renamed Changde until now.

Ge Pinyang entered Chengluo Chuyoule Inn and asked the shopkeeper about it. The shopkeeper replied that there was such a thing.Now that the weather is so cold, I'm afraid we'll be gone early. Regardless of the game or the game, we can only wait for tomorrow. Ge Pinyang asked with a smile: Does anyone challenge the challenge every day? The shopkeeper also smiled and said: Of course, who wouldn't want such a big pair of gold ingots?It is said that the chess of that big chess player is very smelly. If I understand this, I will too. Ge Pinyang said again: "That man is bad at chess, I heard that his martial arts are not weak, and he also heard that he hits people at every turn, how dare others?"Has anyone beat him so far?

The shopkeeper shook his head and said: That's not clear. Ge Pinyang had no choice but to wait patiently. The next day, at dawn, Ge Pinyang left the inn and rushed out of the south city. When he arrived, many people had already arrived inside and outside the Zhaoqu Pavilion. There is a stone table and two stone chairs inside the pavilion. The chessboard and chess pieces on the stone table are neatly arranged. Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.The only difference is that the Longmen chess player himself has not yet come to the field.Ge Pinyang walked into the pavilion with his hands behind his back, and chose a position that was convenient for watching the battle. Not long after waiting, there was a sudden burst of singing from the side of the flowing water: The Shenjiang River flows flat in May, The people of the town will float the colorful boat. What's the matter with Lingjun, the song is over, From then on, the sad rumor Zhenmei Ge Pinyang was refreshed, and hurriedly said to an old man in gray beside him: Is that the great chess player here? The old man shook his head, and replied slowly: No, this person came from Chenzhou yesterday, he is today's challenger, and it is said that he is the number one fighter on the ground in Chenzhou The old man finished speaking, and another singing sounded from the other side: Sanjian drowned King Huai, Feeling full of clothes, Hate both sides of Qu Ting, The distant sky is sad and twilight coming! coming! The idlers cheered, and Ge Pinyang hurriedly asked the old man: Has this great chess player ever lost? Game loses. How to say? You can imagine how happy everyone is. I heard he hit someone? Everyone has been called. Um? Chess does not depend on the lottery, chess depends on it, people play according to it, and lottery bets are also paid according to.Literati and chess players have similar virtues, but the literati have a pen to use The old man stopped talking, because both sides of the match had already entered the pavilion one after another. Ge Pinyang looked up, and the person who entered the pavilion first was a middle-aged man in his early forties with an unfamiliar face, probably the expert from Chenzhou.The next person who entered the pavilion was an old man in his seventies, wearing a knee-length soap robe, white hair and white beard, and his eyes were shining. He really looked like a Longmen chess player, but Ge Pinyang didn't know that the real Longmen chess player was in Tianlongbao Inside, it can be seen through at a glance. There was an almost natural arrogance about a real Longmen chess player, but this one didn't. Moreover, this person's complexion is withered, obviously wearing a human skin mask, white hair and white beard may be fake decorations, but judging from his eyes, his martial arts is quite amazing. The white-haired old man sat on the south face, and the middle-aged man from Chenzhou sat down.The two sat down, and at the same time took out a pair of gold ingots from their sleeves, and then they handed each other silently.Of course the white-haired old man took the white chess, and the middle-aged man from Chenzhou took the black chess and made the first move. There is nothing good or bad about ten or twenty moves up. After thirty-four moves, Ge Pinyang became more and more strange, why do you think?It turned out that the white-haired old man who pretended to be a Longmen chess player was quite good at chess, but unfortunately he liked to regret chess too much, and every time he played a very powerful move, the piece fell off the board, and suddenly shouted: "Slow down, slow down, old man Shang Have to think again. After thinking about it, he withdrew and moved again, and the result changed from a good move to a bad move. This kind of situation will never happen to a real Longmen chess player.Longmen chess players can't see or think of clever moves, once a piece is made, they will never change it.But this person is just the opposite, all his writings have excellent ideas, if he can make it, he can enter the forest of national players. Dilemma. The so-called angry chess watcher is exactly this kind of situation. Ge Pinyang was so angry that his teeth were itching, he stomped his feet secretly several times, assuming that he had no self-control, he almost rushed forward to put the chess pieces back in place for him. Ge Pinyang felt uncomfortable all over his body, and when he saw what happened, he suddenly thought: Is this person trying to make a show on purpose? However, this idea was immediately overturned by another idea, if what the old man beside him just said is true, why should he give away pairs of gold ingots to these irrelevant people?How much money does he have?There is no way to live a chess addiction like this! Although the white-haired old man's remorse and remorse made his opponents gain a lot of advantages, whenever he was about to make a move, he would suddenly hear the other party's sudden pause, which was psychologically uncomfortable enough.Therefore, the middle-aged man stared several times and wanted to have an attack, but he probably heard a lot and knew the consequences of the attack, so he endured it every time. An hour passed, and the chess game was on the verge of victory. The current situation is that a big dragon of white chess is besieged, and the surrounding passages are completely cut off. It seems that there is still a chance to break through, but in fact, if you escape one more step, you will lose one more piece in vain.However, it’s good that it’s White’s turn to play. If White doesn’t think about getting out of the encirclement by chance, he can obediently make up two eye-catching moves. Since this open space is originally Black’s sphere of influence, once White makes a move, Black On the contrary, it is not optimistic. Ge Pinyang was secretly anxious, crying from the bottom of his heart: work!Dead man, why hesitate? The white-haired old man picked up the chess piece and thought about it, and with a slap, it made a live chess piece, and the face of the middle-aged man from Chenzhou changed drastically. He originally set up a trap, using the white-haired old man to make mistakes again and again, and desperately surrounded a large open space, luring the white-haired old man to invade with jealousy, and then wiped them all out in one fell swoop. In the end, he could only hope that the white-haired old man was not greedy enough, and he wanted to get more. As soon as he walked slowly, he could kill them all. Unexpectedly, the white-haired old man suddenly became aware, and the result was stealing. If the chicken does not lose the rice, the chess will change from a big victory to a disadvantage.Ge Pinyang was very excited, and secretly called out: Good! But, God knows, right after he yelled good, the white-haired old man's old ailments suddenly relapsed, he stretched out his hand, and picked up the white chess piece that moved well, and said to himself: What are you afraid of?There are plenty of roads!Wouldn't it be a joke for walking so weakly?hey-hey. Ge Pinyang sighed in his heart: It's over! The middle-aged man on the opposite side burst into joy, for fear that the old man would change his mind again, he forgot his scruples, couldn't help but blurted out in a provocative way, and deliberately snorted: "I have to pick it up again after making up my mind, hum!" The meaning of the middle-aged man, such an agitation, according to the other party's usual style, will definitely say: Do you want the old man to return to the original place?Hehe, the old man wants to go elsewhere! In this way, the white-haired old man just fell into the trick. Thinking of that, the result was beyond everyone's expectation. The white-haired old man unexpectedly put the white piece back in its original place, and said with a cold smile: "Okay, okay, if you don't regret it, don't regret it!" The middle-aged man was self-defeating, he froze on the spot, his eyelids blinked, and his eyes gleamed with strange lights. At this moment, Ge Pinyang was shocked by a discovery: the middle-aged man is also a martial artist. Ge Pinyang paid attention, and found that the middle-aged man opposite him was not only a martial artist, but his martial arts might be quite high. In this way, this kind of chess game is quite intriguing! The white-haired old man's chess skills are not weak, it can be asserted, and his frequent regrets from good chess to bad chess can also be judged as intentional and artificial. The question now is: What is the purpose of the white-haired old man doing this? Ge Pinyang tried to hypothesize: The reason why the white-haired old man did this may be to lure someone from a certain aspect to come forward. Maybe this middle-aged man is the one he wants to find. The reason is very simple: the vulgar cloud is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. If the white-haired old man really regrets the game and has become a habit, he will not be so easy to talk this time; Why are people so tolerant of their faults? Its intentions are obvious: try to stimulate and attack the other party. The strange light in the middle-aged man's eyes flashed and disappeared, and he quickly returned to his previous calm. Then, after a few moves, he saw him mess up the chess pieces, stood up and said calmly: I surrendered! The white-haired old man laughed loudly, stretched out his sleeves, and swept the two pairs of gold ingots into his sleeve pockets.The middle-aged man who lost the chess has already walked to the east of the pavilion, leaning on the railing and looking at the rolling water, he seems to be in a rather unhappy mood.The white-haired old man laughed and stood up, looked forward and nodded proudly and said: "The old man still lives in Nanping Inn. If you have a challenge, please go to contact me. Let's see the old man's skills tomorrow!" After finishing speaking, there was another burst of laughter, and with a flick of his robe, he separated the idlers, and walked out of Zhaoqu Pavilion with his beard and head held high.Ge Pinyang was about to follow from afar, when he turned his head occasionally, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the middle-aged man who had lost chess winking at a pale young man in the crowd, and couldn't help being startled secretly.The pale young man nodded in understanding, turned around and left the pavilion leisurely, and followed the white-haired old man. Ge Pinyang's thoughts moved slightly, he wanted a praying mantis to catch cicadas, and the oriole was behind him, but he changed his mind suddenly.He thought to himself: The white-haired old man has settled down in Nanping Inn, and he can be found by address at any time. Why don't I nail this middle-aged man instead?Since he has sent someone to pin the white-haired old man, wouldn't it be better if I pin him again? So, he mingled among the chattering idlers in the pavilion, waiting for action, and secretly monitored the movement of the middle-aged man. Not long after, the middle-aged man quietly walked out of the pavilion while everyone was not paying attention. Ge Pinyang rolled his eyes, and he was not in a hurry to follow. In this broad daylight, as long as he pays attention a little bit, he won't worry about nailing someone if he says anything. In a blink of an eye, the middle-aged man had gone down ten or twenty steps, and Ge Pinyang thought to himself: It's almost there now! Putting his hands behind his back, Fang wanted to step out of the pavilion, his eyes occasionally glanced, and he couldn't help being startled again. He saw the gray-clothed old man who was talking to him just now, and he was slanting the middle-aged man's back with the corner of his eyes at this moment, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, as if he was saying: Have you finally appeared? Ge Pinyang never thought that the relationship between the two parties would be so delicate and complicated. He only knew that the four people were not their original faces, but he couldn't tell who they were and who they were through the disguise technique. Now, the two sides are clearly enemies: the white-haired old man and the gray-clothed old man are all the same, the middle The young man and the young man are on the other side, four people and two parties, it is hard to say who is good and who is evil.In short, it will never be all good people, or all bad people. Ge Pinyang raised it out of curiosity at first, but seeing that the situation seemed to be very serious, it was by no means like ordinary martial arts figures solving a personal grievance, so he couldn't help cheering up.He waited for the gray-clothed old man to follow out, and then found out that he was indeed the last one to follow, and then he was sure that the gray-clothed old man was nailed behind him. Among the four people in front, Ge Pinyang was not sure who was better in martial arts, but he absolutely believed that the gray-clothed old man in front of him would not be in trouble, so he paced with his hands behind his back, walking very slowly, as long as the gray-clothed old man As long as his gray back stays out of sight. Entering the city, the middle-aged man had disappeared, but the old man in gray was still within sight. The old man in gray walked around the city, and finally stopped in a compound in the west of the city. Ge Pinyang wandered around, Shi Shiran turned into the main street and walked into an inn.This inn was exactly the one where Ge Pinyang stayed overnight. Ge Pinyang was very pleased to see him. Now, the general situation is clear, the white-haired old man and the gray-clothed old man live in the Taiping Inn, and live in this Chu Youle family; the middle-aged man stays in the large courtyard house in the west of the city. Ge Pinyang entered Chu Youle Inn, where three or four staff members were surrounding the gray-clothed old man to inquire about the situation of the battle. Since the two parties had talked in the Zhaoqu Pavilion, Ge Pinyang and the gray-clothed old man nodded to each other to express their greetings. Then, Ge Pinyang went straight into his own room in the backyard, closed the door and went to bed, put on his clothes and closed his eyes to rest his mind. What, now, he just waited for the night to come, and participated in this good show himself. After finally getting dark, Ge Pinyang came out of the room and went to the front hall to eat, his eyes slowly scanned the hall, and suddenly found that almost all the passengers in the hotel were resting, only the old man in gray was missing, he was startled, and hurriedly waved and shouted A clerk came and asked casually: Where is the old gentleman in gray who greeted me at noon? The guy looked around and shook his head, "I don't know." Ge Pinyang was frowning, the buddy let out an oh, and suddenly shouted: Yes, yes, we went to Taiping Inn! Ge Pinyang's heart brightened, and the clerk continued to explain: Just now a clerk from Taiping Inn came over and handed the old gentleman a note, and then, not long after, the old gentleman was gone.Although the young one didn't know what was written on the note, and the old gentleman didn't explain anything to the young one, but according to the young one's judgment, Ge Pinyang said lightly: I also want to go to Taiping Inn to see a friend, how do I get out from here? The man laughed and said: Go west, turn right when you see a bend, then turn left, you can see it in about ten steps, cough, cough, why don't your friend invite him to live in our inn? Ge Pinyang stood up and said: That's exactly what I mean. The buddy bowed again and again: Thank you, thank you! Ge Pinyang had no time to spend more time, so he answered vaguely, and the man had already walked out of the stack. At this time, it was just the time to apply for a license. Because of the snow, the sky was getting dark very early.Ge Pinyang thought all the way: I started to act so early, did something suddenly change? The weather was cold and there were few pedestrians on the street. Ge Pinyang had something on his mind, and he unknowingly sped up his feet. Following the directions of the staff, turn right, turn left again, and go down about ten steps. When you look up, there are red lanterns not far ahead, and there are two big characters of Taiping imitating Song style on them.Ge Pinyang came to the front of the stack, hesitated for a while, and decided that it would be more convenient to spy secretly. Turn around and head north, go around to the back of the inn along a dark and narrow alley, check that there is no one around, shake your shoulders slightly, fly up to the ridge of the roof, roughly identify the direction, and immediately go to the back wing of the inn lightly. This Taiping Inn is built exactly the same as Chuyoule Inn, and there is also a Sanhexiang at the back.Ge Pinyang crouched down in the dark in the front room, ready to observe the movement below, but he immediately felt relieved.He was worried that he would not be able to figure out which room the white-haired old man pretending to be a Longmen chess player lived in. Unexpectedly, as soon as his eyes touched the first guest room in the East Wing, he could see two blurred shadows on the window. Although it was very blurry, with his extraordinary eyesight, he could tell at a glance that the two people in the room were the old man with white hair and the old man in gray clothes. Only the upper body of the two figures appeared, sitting opposite each other under the window, motionless, obviously a game of chess was at an important stage, both of them were staring at the chessboard, thinking deeply. Ge Pinyang was feeling relieved, his eyes occasionally glanced at the courtyard, secretly, he couldn't help becoming nervous again. A vigorously dressed figure, like a civet, was quietly rolling down from the east chamber at this time, and after landing, it immediately hid in the dark under the eaves. Ge Pinyang watched intently, and saw that this person was the middle-aged man who had lost chess during the day. The well-dressed middle-aged man leaned his back against the wall, his eyes gliding left and right in the dark, shining brightly, while gliding to observe the movement around, he moved slowly towards the window of the leading room. Ge Pinyang knew that the two old men who played chess in the room were not ordinary people. This middle-aged man would not dare to act rashly because he played one against two. The latter probably did it by spying on him, and there will definitely be partners coming later. However, Ge Pinyang's mood was very contradictory at this time. Because he couldn't figure out who was good and who was evil, he didn't know what attitude to adopt. Judging from the appearance, the two old people don't seem to be bad people, but such a major matter cannot be decided based on his personal perception. What if the facts were exactly the opposite of what he had guessed? So, now he can only wait anxiously for the next step. As long as the two sides face each other and open their mouths, at that time, it will not be difficult to distinguish between good and evil. On the one hand, Ge Pinyang paid attention to the actions of the well-dressed middle-aged man, and on the other hand, he had to pay attention to the movement nearby.His hiding place is a condescending vantage point. Under such circumstances, he will choose this place, and others will also notice it at a glance. He can't be so careless that someone hides behind him and doesn't realize it. Just when Ge Pinyang's mind was divided, the following suddenly changed. But seeing the well-dressed middle-aged man facing the light window, he took a step back, raised his hands, and suddenly shot two hidden weapons! Two blue rainbows, flashing like lightning, broke through the window like a frightened bird, bald, bald, and after two muffled noises, two old people fell down at the same time in the window. He has experienced many storms, and has developed sufficient self-control skills. Seeing that the tragedy has already happened, and it is useless to show up, he pressed his hands on the tile surface, and only shrugged his shoulders, and then endured it again. Now, his only expectation is that the final facts prove that the death of the two old people was not unjust. At this moment, whoosh, whoosh, the sound of clothes being cut through the air was endless, from all directions, more than ten well-dressed figures rushed in at the same time, one by one blatantly appeared, standing tall on the wall. The middle-aged man in the courtyard looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: I can't imagine that two old bastards who are so useless would dare to step on the Changde branch of Sifangjiao, hahahaha Quartet teaching?Changde branch? Ge Pinyang's heart shook, and he almost punched the roof. According to Gao Qun, the three-eyed maniac, there are two alternate names for the Erxian Gang, one is Sanyouhui, and the other is Sifangjiao. It seems that it will be officially determined as Erxian, Sanyou or It is Quartet. Now, from the population, it can be known that the Second Immortal Gang has been changed into the Sifang Sect.Ge Pinyang didn't care about who the four gang leaders were at the moment. What he regretted was that the two old men should not have been murdered.Since he is an enemy of the Sifang Sect, he is of course an upright person. If he allows two people to die, what is his crime? At this time, someone in the northwest corner asked loudly, "Did Hu Xiangzhu succeed?" The well-dressed middle-aged man who was called Hu Xiangzhu turned his face and responded with a smile: Has Tu Xiangzhu also rushed over?Hahaha, the ancients said kill two birds with one stone, hahaha Before the laughter was over, he stopped suddenly, stomped his feet and said: Not good! Master Tu Xiang in the northwest corner said in amazement: What's wrong? Hu Xiangzhu didn't have time to answer, twisted his body, and suddenly jumped towards the guest room in the East Wing, without going through the door, he pushed his palms, and broke through the window amidst the sound of crackling! People entered the room, and in the blink of an eye, they flew out of the window again. Tu Xiangzhu asked loudly with concern: "What's the matter, Hu Xiangzhu?" Master Hu Xiang fell into the courtyard, his eyes were straightened, and he was stunned like an idiot, until the Tu Xiang master on the roof asked again, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet as if waking up from a dream: Don't mention it, I'm so mad! Not a real person? Two balls of cotton wool. On the walls of the four courtyards, the low rises and falls, and they are all stunned for a moment. Suddenly, Master Tu Xiang yelled: "Brother Hu, it's not good, this is a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, hurry up!"hurry back!I'm afraid there's going to be a problem with the sub-forum. Before he finished speaking, the first one turned around and flew away. All the believers were terrified and vigilant, screaming, and their figures jumped up one after another.The Huxiang master at the bottom of the yard was ashamed and angry, he stomped his feet with resentment, he came from behind, and within three or five ups and downs of the house, he had already surpassed all the followers, chasing the incense master named Tu in front, Ge Pinyang secretly said ashamed, and grew up Go secretly. As expected, it was the big mansion in the west of the city that the disciples rushed to. Hu and Tu, the two incense masters, rushed to arrive, and behind the village, there was a thick smoke rising into the sky, the whole village was full of people, screaming and shouting again and again, creating a chaotic scene. All the believers rushed down to fight the fire, while Hu and Tu stood on the roof, looking around, unmoved by the chaotic situation below.Suddenly, Lord Tu Xiang touched Hu Xiangzhu with his elbow, and the two of them immediately left their side and shot towards the chaotic mountains in the south together like arrows.Ge Pinyang didn't dare to neglect, so he ran after him. Hu and Tu walked faster and faster, they seemed to have discovered something ahead, they rushed like chasing the wind, and the three of them entered the mountain area one after another. As soon as he entered the mountainous area, Ge Pinyang's spirit came. Previously, although his lightness kung fu was higher than the two incense masters, he had to keep a certain distance in order not to show his whereabouts, and followed the steps, but now, there are obstacles everywhere, his figure is slanted, and with a lift of his true spirit, he has surpassed the two in the blink of an eye. before people. Before they were two feet away, there were bursts of shouting from the mouth of the valley in front. After Ge Pinyang fell down a cliff like light smoke, he followed the sound and looked down. On the valley below about three feet high, two figures were fighting together like rabbits and falcons. Among the two, one was wearing a black veil, so he couldn't see his face clearly; the other had a fluttering white beard. He was the white-haired old man pretending to be a Dragon Gate chess player! On the outside side of the battle circle, two middle-aged Sifang Cultists stood with their swords horizontally, their eyes were burning, and they looked eager to move. The masked man in black slammed his palm and shouted: "Rush over!" The Yanling Dao in the hands of the two saber-wielding disciples immediately swiped, and two silver lights were drawn. Although the saber was powerful, it was a false move. The two slipped their feet and planned to pass from the side of the white-haired old man to the valley road behind. Grab the past. The white-haired old man flipped his palms, and using his strength, he fell backwards and fell to the mouth of the valley, just in time to stop the two knife-wielding disciples, but he said, "Go back!" With both palms left and right, each shot a sharp palm wind.One of the two believers couldn't hold the knife in his hand, and he also staggered and stumbled for four or five steps. The masked man in black angrily scolded a sentence that was useless, and rushed forward to fight with the white-haired old man again. Because the identities of the two sides have roughly separated, Ge Pinyang originally planned to show up to help in the battle, but now seeing that the white-haired old man has more than enough to cope with, he still stands still and waits for changes.Hu and Tu Xiangsheng had already arrived, and they were standing silently at the place where the two believers were standing.He must reserve some strength for the white-haired old man to deal with these two incense masters who are not weak. The identity of the masked man in black seemed to be much higher than that of Hu and Tu. Although Hu and Tu had already arrived, not only did they not dare to act rashly, but they seemed to be afraid of disturbing the masked man in black, so they didn't even say hello. One, just focused on the arena, as if waiting for the black-clothed masked man to automatically discover the two of them, and then make a move after giving the order. In the arena, the masked man in black performed very well, regardless of his moves and skills, he was worthy of being a first-class master, but even so, he still seemed to be inferior to the white-haired old man. Gradually, Ge Pinyang understood: Although the white-haired old man is incapable of defeating powerful enemies, he has many opportunities to escape, so why does he still want to fight alone?Certainly, he was covering someone.The person who was covered was most likely the gray-clothed old man in Chu Youle Inn. Needless to say, the gray-clothed old man retreated in the direction of the narrow valley behind the white-haired old man. Judging from the fact that the white-haired old man was deliberately delaying time, the gray-clothed old man was probably injured in the splitting battle just now. In this way, he can go farther. While Ge Pinyang was thinking, the battle situation in the arena gradually changed. The white-haired old man turned his head and looked back while beating. He didn't know whether it was because he was impatient, or he calculated that his injured partner had reached a safe area, so he tightened his moves and suddenly attacked. The masked man in black gradually felt overwhelmed.At this time, although the masked man in black had seen Hu and Tu, he still did not order the siege.The white-haired old man seemed to have seen through this point, and continued to press forward, without thinking that Hu and Tu might be caught in a pinch. The white-haired old man forced the black-clothed masked man towards the mountain wall where Ge Pinyang was hiding. Although the two incense masters Hu and Tu didn't get orders from the black-clothed masked man, seeing the critical situation, their feet moved forward involuntarily, their eyes like lightning, not even for a moment. The white-haired old man suddenly shouted: Take your life! With five fingers like hooks, he slammed towards the chest of the masked man in black. Ge Pinyang's heart tightened, ready to pounce. He could see that the arrest of the white-haired old man might not be able to kill the black-clothed masked man, but under this arrest, serious injuries to the black-clothed masked man are inevitable.He has to be on guard against Hu and Tu behind him at any time. It's too late, so fast!The white-haired old man grabbed him, and the black-clothed masked man knew that there was no way to retreat, he shook his arms, disregarding the attack, and raised his hands to shoot out two light mist. Hu and Tu originally planned to jump to rescue them, but when they caught sight of the black-clothed masked man Guang Wu making a move, they turned towards Taniguchi and moved towards Taniguchi by coincidence. Seeing that the white-haired old man had given up guarding, Ge Pinyang knew that the valley road was no longer important, so he didn't take it seriously when he saw Hu and Tu heading towards the entrance of the valley, and still focused his attention on the fiercely fighting couple here. . Ge Pinyang stared blankly under his gaze. He fully thought that with the skill of the white-haired old man, how could there be any reason why a hidden weapon like plum blossom needles could not be dodged?However, it turned out that the white-haired old man only avoided one shoulder, while the other shoulder was injured.The masked man in black was scratched in the chest, and his clothes were torn. The white-haired old man leaned over his left shoulder and swayed back to the side. The masked man in black apparently only hurt his flesh but not his internal organs. He was leaning against the mountain wall at this moment.His body trembled slightly, he barely waved his arm, and shouted weakly: "Take the living!" Ge Pinyang followed the sound and raised his head, only to realize that Hu and Tu did not chase after the valley, but stopped at the valley, their intention was to prevent the white-haired old man from escaping into the valley. Hu and Tu were ordered to rush towards the white-haired old man. The white-haired old man was protecting his shoulders with one hand, his body was on the verge of falling, and he fell back again and again. It seemed that he had no strength to fight back.Ge Pinyang was greatly surprised, he did not expect that a handful of ox hair fine needles could injure the extremely tall white-haired old man to such an extent, so he stopped hesitating immediately, stopped drinking and jumped down. The masked man in black was unable to sit still due to excessive bleeding, and was closing his acupoint due to luck, and had no energy left to take care of everything around him. Suddenly, Hu and Tu got into an accident, and they retreated instinctively. The two believers who had been injured before probably recovered their souls. Ge Pinyang's most important thing was to save people, he fell to the ground, he didn't care about anything, and ran towards the white-haired old man. Hu and Tu must have been shocked, and immediately shouted and attacked, Ge Pinyang stretched out his arms, picked up the white-haired old man, swung his right arm, the dragon swung its tail, and swept out a palm. Due to the fact that this palm is holding the white-haired old man, its true strength cannot be fully exerted.Hu and Tu saw that his palm strength was only mediocre, their courage increased greatly, they moved forward with a single step, and they fought hard to bully him again. Ge Pinyang sneered and said: You guys don't want to live, no wonder I'm cruel! With a turn of the body, the two were allowed to approach, and Yiyuan pointed out with his right hand, and the wind whistled sharply, Hu and Tu fell on their backs with their middle fingers one after another. The one-yuan finger is extremely powerful, and the biggest disadvantage is that every time you use a finger, you have to consume a certain amount of your own true energy. It is not suitable for facing many enemies, but the current situation is good, the enemy's reinforcements are still far away, he just needs to repel Hu, Tu two people can get away calmly. Hu and Tu fell to the ground, Ge Pinyang didn't have the heart to check whether the two were dead or alive, so he calmed down a little, picked up the white-haired old man with both hands, and threw himself into the valley road. The valley road is only a mile long, and it will be gone in a short while. Ge Pinyang leaped to the top of a rock, looked around, saw no one in front of him, listened attentively, and heard no one chasing him behind, his mind was still for a while, until this time.He just got a chance to inspect the white-haired old man's injury, his face was lowered, and he was stunned when his eyes came. Reflecting the misty moonlight, the white-haired old man closed his eyes tightly and his lips were as white as paper.The breath was so weak that it was almost inaudible, and he hastily put down the torn shoulder and looked, the left shoulder was black and black, the needle holes were as dense as hemp cloth, it turned out that the needle was actually a poisonous needle. Ge Pinyang made a decisive decision, raised his fingers, and first blocked all blood vessels in the white-haired old man's right arm to prevent the poison from rushing to the heart.In doing so, the white-haired old man may have a disabled left arm, but now, saving a life is more important than saving an arm, and he can't care much about it. Then, he picked up the white-haired old man again and ran all the way, regardless of the distance. In the end, he finally found a small stream for him, ran to the stream, and used the stream to feed the white-haired old man three gates Protect the heart and nourish the Yuan Dan, then hit the road and continue to run forward. What Ge Pinyang regrets the most now is that he didn't inspect the white-haired old man's injury on the spot first. Those who can inflict poison must be able to detoxify. The masked man in black must have the antidote for this poison needle. In this regard, it is too easy to find an antidote. However, it is too late to regret, and the path when Mu Dan came here has been lost, and whether he can force an antidote is also a question.At the same time, according to his rough estimate, he was at least three hundred miles away from Changde when he drove in the middle of the night, and it was another three hundred miles when he went back. How long? 山路逐漸平坦,走至天亮,已出山區。 葛品揚將白髮老人安放於一株大樹之後,自己則於樹旁負手望天,怔怔呆立,天雖然亮了,底下怎麼辦呢? 對於藥物知識,他知道得極為有限,這兒前不靠店,遠處天際雖可隱約瞧見一縷縷淡淡的炊煙,但至少也在十里以外,縱然趕去,除能暫飽一餐外,又能濟得什事? 白髮老人刻下尚在昏迷之中,自己亦不覺飢餓,所以,那縷炊煙對他一點誘惑力也沒有。現在,他最大的希望,大概便是能碰上一名入山的樵子,攔住問問這兒是什麼地方,距離最近的城鎮有多遠了。 說來真是無巧不成書,葛品揚正感愁忡無計之際,目光偶掃來路,忽於晨霧中見到一條施施人影,自山中向這邊走來。 這麼早,應該只見到有人入山才對,哪會有人自山中走出的呢? 葛品揚已管不了這些了,窮山僻壤,又值此寒冬天氣,乍見到一個生人,真比見到親人還令人興奮。 葛品揚心頭一喜,迎著來人飛步向濃霧中奔去。 這真是一場罕見的大霧,直到臨近三丈之內,葛品揚才將來人相貌辨清,迎面愕然止步抬頭的,是個年約六旬的老者,身穿皂袍,足登高筒釘底靴,白眉如帚,目若朗星,紅光滿面,氣清神爽,垂胸白鬍上泊著點點露珠,他目不轉睛地望著飛奔而至的葛品揚,臉上布滿了疑訝神情。 葛品揚身形略頓,忽然一聲驚呼,驀地張臂撲將上去。 皂袍老人皺眉輕輕一嘿,袍袖拂處,發出一股無形勁氣。 葛品揚一個不備,一條身軀晃悠悠青雲直上,直蕩起三丈來高,方始晃悠悠地向下飄落。 葛品揚落地後,又笑又叫道:是我,老前輩 身軀一擰,又待撲過去,皂袍老人退出一步喝道:站好,報名! 葛品揚神志一清,低頭朝自己身上看了看,不禁噗嗤一聲笑了出來。皂袍老人白眉微軒,注目訝然道:是品揚麼? 葛品揚連忙拜下去道:晚輩該死。 皂袍老人走過來扶起他問道:你到這裡來做什麼? 葛品揚起身拉住老人急急道:您老有沒有見到本堡八將中的首將?他奉龍門古老前輩之命前往巫山一帶尋訪您老,久久不見歸去,古老前輩不放心,所以又命晚輩 原來此老人不是別人,正是首將奉命要找的終南弄月老人。 弄月老人搖搖頭,忽然問道:去巫山怎會經過這兒? 葛品揚忙將兩天路過常德所遭遇的種種說了一遍。弄月老人聽完輕輕一哦,揮手道:且帶老夫先去看看那人傷勢。 葛品揚不勝雀躍,弄月老人身後背的正是一簍藥草。此老醫道素與龍門棋士不相上下,天降此老,那白髮老人大概有救了。 走至白髮老人身邊,弄月老人問道:知不知道他是誰? 葛品揚搖搖頭,弄月老人俯下身去,將白髮老人肩胛撥開檢視了好半晌,最後直起身來深深嘆了一口氣。 葛品揚吃了一驚,道:沒有救了麼? 弄月老人搖頭一嘆道:很難說,只可惜遲了一步,如果昨夜我們在山中相遇,再厲害的毒,也算不得一事 why? 老夫在天亮前剛跟一位精於此道的大行家分手。 Who is that man? 弄月老人微微一笑道:你猜呢?他說他認得你。 葛品揚張目失聲道:醫聖毒王? 弄月老人頭一點笑道:是的,正牌的醫聖毒王! 葛品揚嘆口氣,默默無語。這麼一點毒,遇上真正的醫聖責王司徒求,自然不算一回事。可是,他又怎能知道昨夜山中正有著這兩位異人呢?他無可奈何地抬起臉來道:這麼說來 弄月老人沉吟了片刻道:事情尚未至完全絕望的地步,現在就看這人的造化如何了。 葛品揚希望再現,忙問道:怎麼呢? 弄月老人指指身後道:這座山,是黃石山餘脈,山中出產一種無名藥草,形狀與藥效,大概與百藥之長的黃蘗相近,有益氣、表達、解毒諸功用,為化毒藥物中不可或缺之物,因其似黃蘗而非黃蘗,且藥力還在黃蘗之上,故知道它的人都稱之為聖蘗,老夫確已去過巫山,因未見著天風老兒,由老兒門上那幾句留詩,忽然想及這味藥草,乃繞道來此山中 頓了頓,接下去說道:老夫係前日自溪口方面入山,入山之後,忽然驚見一項令人既訝且惑的現象,便是山中所有的聖蘗均已遭人採盡,細察附近土壤,知道採藥人剛剛離去未久,老夫一時好奇,便於山中各處搜索,結果 葛品揚忍不住插口道:結果見著了聖醫毒王司徒求老前輩? 弄月老人點點頭,嘆道:是的,但老夫已認不出他來了,尚幸那老兒還能認得出老夫,數十年前一面之緣,如今居然能憑大略的外形與氣質分辨對方的身份,老兒這份眼力和記憶,也夠難得的了。 弄月老人又嘆了一聲,接下去道:我們互相盤清了對方身份後,接著他便說出那段曾對你說過的不幸遭遇,直到今天天亮前才分手 葛品揚迫不及待地急急回道:他去了哪裡? 弄月老人點點頭道:這便是老夫所說尚未至絕望地步的原因,司馬老地目前已恢復了約三分之二的功力,這次聖蘗採足,再配上另外一二味藥,功力便可望十成恢復,他說另外那二味產在川、陝交界的巴嶺 葛品揚失聲道:這麼遠?眼瞥地上的白髮老人,不禁黯然垂目。 弄月老人接著說道:這倒不要緊。老夫這兒有一株分自司徒老兒的聖蘗,此處老夫還帶著其他幾味藥,由老夫均勻成三帖,每隔三天服一帖,你一面給他服藥,一面隨時留意不令毒竄心臟,只要能在九天之內趕達巴嶺就行了。老夫先行,我們將來可於巴嶺的鎮巴碰面,老夫自會找去。 說著,解下藥簍,取出五六種藥草,分做三份。葛品揚撕下衣襟包好,揣入懷中。弄月老人分完藥後,立即離去,葛品揚則決定先至附近人家煎藥,讓白髮老人煎服了第一帖藥再上路。 葛品揚認清剛才有炊煙升起的方向,抱起白髮老人向前奔去,不消半個時辰,便來到了一戶獵戶家中。 山村人家,人情淳厚,雖然彼此間語言不甚暢達,但經過一陣連說帶比,馬上就得到對方全家的誠心協助。 葛品揚一絲一毫也不敢大意,所謂害人之心不可有,防人之心不可無,他暗地裡檢查每一件用具,隨時留意著屋內外動靜,白髮老人服藥不到一個時辰,嘴脣立即現出一抹淡淡的血色,呼吸也通暢多了。 葛品揚計算著期限和路程,由這兒趕去巴嶺,只要路上不生意外,六天工夫盡夠了,問題只在路上白髮老人病況會不會惡化?如果太平無事,當可如期趕達。所以,他決定第二天動身,讓初次服藥的白髮老人好好將息一宵。 There was nothing to say all night. 第二天,葛品揚謝了居停,負起白髮老人繼續上路。 渴飲飢餐,日夜奔馳,三天後,到達部境建始,葛品揚歇入一家較僻靜的小客棧,為白髮老人煎服第二帖藥。 第二帖場藥服下,白髮老人情況又轉佳一層,已能出聲呻吟,這雖然是好現象,但那種呻吟聲聽在耳中,實在令人難受。 葛品揚見老人雙目緊閉,斷續地哼著,臉上透著無限痛苦,心中頗為不忍,他知道老人已能感覺到創口的疼痛,便將老人衣袖再往背部撕開些,準備為老人在創口四周熱敷一下。 沒想到,一件奇事突然出現了。 老人肩頭雖然一片紫黑,閉脈範圍以外的背部,肌膚竟細膩如脂,潔白如玉!葛品揚做夢也沒有想到白髮老人竟是一名年輕女子! 葛品揚忙將衣片拉好,木然發起怔來。 日前那名黑衣蒙面人,身手相當不弱,而眼前此女,顯然更在那名黑衣蒙面人之上,當今武林中具有此等造詣的奇女子共有幾人呢? 五鳳之一?三姬之一?藍家鳳、巫雲絹、白素華? 都有可能,細細一想卻又都不可能! 不論五鳳也好,三姬也好,或者是藍家鳳、巫雲絹、白素華也好,她們之中,誰有什麼理由要找四方教一處分壇去大鬧一場? 現在,只有一個辦法可以馬上得到答案,那便是用溫水將她臉上的易容藥物洗去,清洗易容藥物的東西他身上多的是。 But can he do this?如說能,憑什麼理由?為了好奇,抑或因為對方沒有絲毫反抗能力? 還有一點:要是洗盡藥物後所顯出來的面目是師妹藍家鳳,或者是巫雲絹和白素華還不怎樣,萬一對方竟是五鳳或三姬之一,他將怎辦? 繼續上路?棄之不顧? 那時他還能保持平衡的心情嗎?他能因心情不寧,而被弄月老人誤會他是因對方為女兒身才這樣捨命相救的麼? 葛品揚起身繞室徘徊,半天不得主意。 念及男女授受不親之義,他想僱輛馬車,可是,這一路並非官塘大道,連騎馬都無法通達,更不用談馬車了。 最後,他咬緊牙關,決定就當他不知道這回事,與以往一樣照常上路。大丈夫一念存乎天地之間,不欺暗室。可鑒鬼神,清楚我葛品揚為人的,自能諒解,不清楚我的,不足與爭,任他們去誤解好了。 第五天抵鎮坪,第六天至崗皋,距離鎮巴,只剩一日路程,這與先前之估計,僅差一天了。 在鎮坪歇下,他為負傷者煎服最後一帖湯藥。 第三帖湯藥服下,老人(他真不知如何稱呼對方才好)痛苦之狀更甚,呻吟之中且不時夾雜著一二句吐音不清楚的吃語。 妹妹,你,你快跑 葛品揚好不容易才聽出了這麼一句,在將這句話反覆咀嚼之後,葛品揚更為之大感意外。 原來那名灰衣老者也是女的。 現在,問題又多一個,那一位女子又是誰呢? 葛品揚想聽聽她還會說些什麼,但是,聽來聽去,還只是那麼顛來倒去的一句,重複時,後一句則較前一句語氣為促,似乎在催促著灰衣老者快走,用不著為她操心一般。 第七天上路,雖然日落之前可抵鎮巴,但是,葛品揚一顆心卻感到有點飄浮不定,他止不住要去猜測兩女是誰?兩女為計麼要與四方教為敵?另一名既然尚能行動自如,何以不留下與這一個共進退?這一個又為什麼一定要催促那一個離去?這裡面是不是尚有其他曲折? 葛品揚一面奔馳,一面盲目推想著,忽然間,背上突然清晰地叫出一聲:不,不行! 葛品揚吃了一驚,連忙收步定身,將背負者輕輕放落,口中同時悅聲問道:您醒過來了?是不是什麼地方不舒服? 對方毫無回應,葛品揚仔細看去,對方竟已睡熟,剛才那一聲叫,原來係於夢中發出,現在,葛品揚感到為難了。 對方自能出聲呻吟以來,從未像現在這樣安詳地熟睡過,他剛才背上不知道也還罷了,如今,他眼看著,實在不忍心再去驚動。 於是,他拼著趕夜路,決心就在這兒停下來,等對方睡醒再說。 他將毛氈兩角輕輕拉合,又找來幾根樹枝搭成一個支架,橫豎自己多穿一件少穿一件都無所謂,放所以將自己那件外衣也脫下來,張上支架,做成一道擋風布屏,以免對方熟睡中感了風寒。 葛品揚小心地於一旁坐下,支頤靜守,思緒如潮。 仗義鋤奸,濟貧安危,本是武人天職,對這一次插手救人,他並不感到後悔,他只是覺得,對方要不是一位女子就好了 忽然間,他發覺毛氈中的身軀似乎輕輕動了一下。 俯身仔細看去,老人枯澀的嘴脣微微翁動,他知道對方可能又將會有囈語發出,連忙側耳諦聽,果然,一陣斷續的囈語自老人口中又一度吐了出來:妹妹,你,你太不聽話了你,你說姐姐,我,我們辛辛苦苦為的什麼?唉,妹妹你別傷姐姐的心好不好?姐姐姐姐求你。 又是幽幽一嘆,再度沉沉睡去。 辛辛苦苦為的什麼呢?難道是為了一件什麼稀世之珍不成?想到這裡,葛品揚不由得心頭冷了起來。 如果對方是三姬或五鳳,這一點,實在太有可能了! 如果這是一次兩邪奪寶之爭,那麼,他今天這樣做,豈非太不值得?葛品揚心底,又一次升起為對方洗淨易容藥物的念頭。 正猶豫間,囈語斷而復續:是的,妹妹,姐姐犯不著可是,可是唉,妹妹,你又哪裡知道,唉,妹妹,有一天,等你自己 葛品揚有點糊塗了,聽這口氣,這位做姐姐的其所以如此做,似乎有著不得已的苦衷,並非基於貪心,這就又得另作別論了。 他慶幸自己沒有鹵莽從事,如果念動即行,他將聽不到下面這段話,要是盲目做了,說不定會造成無窮遺憾和悔恨。 他真希望對方能再說明白點,可是,老人輕輕一嘆,竟又昏昏睡去,兩顆淚珠,潸然奪眶而出。 葛品揚見了,心中不期而然生出一陣酸楚之感,一個人如因迫不得已,必須冒生命之險去取得某樣東西,一旦失敗,其傷心程度當不難想像。葛品揚想到這裡,不由得又為對方感到興奮,他在心底喃喃道:安心睡吧,這位大姐,你已經成功了,同時,你的創毒也只為你帶來痛苦,而不致攫去你的生命,我葛品揚敢予保證 心念未已,忽見老人呼吸急促,臉上同時出現一種猙獰表情,面肌一陣痙攣,突然振臂叱道:記住,丫頭,人交給你,一路上如出差錯,丟了他,做姐姐的陪你,你我誰都別想活! 葛品揚一驚,跳起身來,雙掌運功護定對方心脈,口中同時沉聲低喚道:醒醒,醒醒,別愁,沒事了 老人端了一陣,眼皮欲睜無力,神思顯已略清,接著,又為肩上痛楚牽引得不住呻吟起來。 葛品揚取出懷中水罐,給她灌了兩口水,匆匆披好外衣,將她背起,繼續上路。 經過這陣耽擱,天色已經過午。葛品揚為求彌補,運步如飛,希望能於入夜趕抵鎮巴。 沿著山腳走,路面雖然荒蕪而崎嶇,尚章沒有河流阻隔,行來倒還不慢。 葛品揚飛奔著,兩眼雖然望向前方,除了約略辨別方向,幾乎是視而不見,因為他此刻思維正為另一意外所紛擾。 人交給你?另外一名女子帶走的原來是一個人? 被一名年輕女子奮身拯救的,想來男人要比女人的可能為大。愛情無價,無論男為女,或者女為男,這種捨身相救,可說自然而然,並無可怪之處,正如此女剛才在夢中責備另一女伴所說:有一天,等你自己 語未完而竟已盡,這就是說,愛如臘冬飲水,冷暖自知,非身陷其境者,是無法領會那般滋味的。 然而,問題就出在這前面還有一句話:是的,姐姐犯不著 犯不著?真正的愛怎會有什麼犯得著犯不著呢?既然犯不著,做什麼要多此一舉? 葛品揚自信不是笨人,但是,在這件事上,他眼看不承認自己不行也不可能了。 一種鬱結的惱悶,令他只有借奔馳來發洩的一途,他以從未有的速度飛騰躍竄,也不知道這股力量是哪裡來的,天微黑,竟已給他趕到了鎮巴。
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