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Chapter 54 ask

Night Circus 艾琳.莫根斯坦 2953Words 2023-02-05
Concord, Massachusetts, October 30, 1902 When Bailey was driving the flock from one field to another today, the sheep were in a bad mood.They resist Bailey's urging, cursing and pushing.Despite all his persuasion, they insisted that the grass in their current field was far superior to the grass on the other side of the gate in the low stone wall. Then a voice came from behind him. Hello, Bailey. Poppy was standing on the other side of the wall, looking off for some reason.The sunlight is too bright, the surrounding environment looks too monotonous, and the greenery is too thick.Even in the everyday clothes that conceal her identity, rather than circus costumes, she still looks overdressed.Her skirt had too many pleats for everyday wear, and her boots, though dusty, were too dainty to be practical on the farm.She didn't wear a hat, her red hair was loose, and the wind blew her hair wildly flying around her head.

Hello, Bobby, he said as soon as he calmed down in astonishment: What are you doing here? There's something I have to talk to you about, she said: I mean, there's something I want to ask you. Can't wait until tonight?Bailey asked.Meeting Poppy and Wicky as soon as the circus opened in the evening had become an evening routine. Bobby shook his head. I think it's best to give you time to think about it.she says. What are you thinking about? Consider coming with us. Bailey winked at her.What?He reluctantly asked. Tonight is our last night here and she said: I want you to come with us when we set off.

Are you kidding me.Bailey said. Bobby shook his head. I'm not kidding, I swear I'm not.I was just waiting to be sure it was the right thing to ask, until I was sure it was the right thing to do, and I'm sure right now that it matters. What do you mean?What kind of urgent method?Bailey asked. Poppy sighed, and she looked up, as if looking for the stars hidden behind a blue sky filled with fluffy white clouds. I just knew you should come with us, she said: I'm sure of that. But why?why me?What can I do?Just as a follower?I'm not like you and Wedgie, I don't know anything special, I don't belong in a circus.

Of course you belong to the circus!I don't know why yet, but I'm sure you should be with me.I mean, come with us.A blush crept into her cheeks. I would love to, and I would.I just looked around Bailey, at the sheep, at the farmhouses and barns on the hillsides lined with apple trees.Doing so would either settle the debate about going to Harvard or staying on the farm, or would add fuel to the flames of the whole debate. I can't just walk away like this.he said, thinking to himself that wasn't really what he meant. I know, Poppy said: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked of you.But I don't think so, I don't need to think, I know it intuitively.I know if you don't come with us, we won't come back.

not coming back here?Why? I can't go back anywhere.Bobby said.She looked up to the sky again, scowling, before turning back to Bailey.If you don't come with us, the circus won't last.Don't ask me why, they didn't tell me.She pointed to the sky and the stars behind the clouds.They just say that for the circus to continue in the future, you have to be there.It's you, Bailey.You, me and Wedgie, I don't know why it's so important for the three of us to be there at the same time, but it is.If not, the circus will fall, and it has already begun. What do you mean?The circus is fine.

I'm not sure if it's visible from the outside.It if one of your sheep got sick would I notice? Probably not.Bailey said. But you will.asked Poppy. Bailey nodded. The same is true of the circus.I know what it's supposed to feel like in general, and it's just not what it used to be, and it hasn't felt right for a while.Something is wrong, I can feel it, and I feel like it's crumbling like a cake with too little icing to hold its shape, but I don't know what's wrong.Does that make sense? Bailey just stared at her, and she breathed a sigh of relief before continuing.

Remember the night we were in the maze?We're stuck in the birdcage room? Bailey nodded. I've never been stuck anywhere in a maze before, ever.If we can't find the exit to a certain room or hall, I can concentrate and sense the door.I can tell what's behind the door.I usually avoid cheating because it takes away the fun, but the night we couldn't find the exit, I tried it and it didn't work.The circus was getting stranger and stranger, and I didn't know what to do. But how can I help?Bailey asked. You were the one who found the key in the end, remember?Poppy said: I have been looking for answers, to find out what to do, but other than you, other information is vague.I know it's too much to ask you to leave your hometown and family, but the circus is my home and family, and I can't lose them.If anything can be done to keep it from collapsing, I'm not going to stand by.sorry.

She sat on the stone wall and turned her face away from him.Bailey sat beside her, still facing the field and the hopeless flock.The two sat silently for a while.The sheep swayed lazily around the circle, nibbling at the grass at will. Do you like it here, Bailey? Wouldn't particularly like it.Bailey said. Have you ever wished someone would come and take you away? Did Wage tell you that?Bailey asked, wondering if the thought was strong enough to hang on to him, obvious and recognizable. No, said Poppy: Just guessing, but Wage did tell me to give you this.She pulled a mini glass bottle from her pocket and handed it to him.

Bailey knew that the bottle might look empty, but it probably wasn't.He was too curious and couldn't help opening it immediately.He pulled out the small blunt stopper and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that it was connected to the body of the bottle through the wire loop. The sensations evoked by the contents of the bottle are so familiar, reassuring, recognizable, and palpable that Bailey can sense the roughness of tree bark, the smell of acorns, even the chirping of squirrels. He wants you to take your tree with you, Bobby said, if you decide to come with us. Bailey put the cork back on the bottle.

For a while, neither of them spoke a word.The breeze tugged at Poppy's hair. How much time do I have to think about it?Bailey asked quietly. We're leaving as soon as the circus closes tonight, and Poppy said: The train will be ready by dawn, but you'll be on the safe side if you come early.Leaving this thing will be a little complicated. I'll think about it, Bailey said, but I can't guarantee anything. Thank you Bailey, said Poppy: But can you do me a favor?If you're not going to come with us, why don't you come to the circus tonight?Then take this as farewell.I figured it would be easier that way.

Bailey stared at her blankly, not quite understanding what she was saying.This situation is worse than choosing to leave.But he nodded anyway, because it felt like it was the right thing to do. All right, he said: Unless I'm coming with you, I promise. Thank you.Bobby said.She smiled, but he couldn't tell whether the smile was happy or sad. Before he could tell her to come and say goodbye to Wedgie if need be, she leaned forward and kissed him, not on the cheek as she had done several times before, but lip to lip.In that instant, Bailey knew he would follow her to the ends of the earth. Bobby turned and walked away without a word. Bailey looked and looked until she could no longer see her hair against the sky, then continued to stare in her direction, clutching the vial, still unsure of what to feel or what to do, but only A few hours can decide.The sheep behind him went their separate ways and decided to make their own way through the open gate and into the field behind.
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