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Chapter 57 Darkest Darkness Before Dawn

Night Circus 艾琳.莫根斯坦 1268Words 2023-02-05
Concord, Massachusetts, October 31, 1902 Poppy and Wedge were standing near the ticket booth at the circus gate, but the ticket line was thinning.The starry tunnel has been removed, replaced by a single striped curtain.The Wunschtraum clock behind them had struck three times.Weggy nibbles on a bag of chocolate-coated popcorn. Do you have to wait for a ride (you still have to wait for him)?he asked, his mouth almost full. I explained as best I could, and Poppy said: I guess I'm still using the cake analogy. Well, that must work, said Wage: who doesn't like the cake analogy? I'm not sure I'm making sense.If he wasn't going to leave with us, I told him not to come at all, which made him very sad.I don't know what else to say, I'm just desperately trying to make sure he understands how important this is.Bobby sighed and leaned against the iron fence.And I kissed him.she added.

I know.Wage said. Poppy stared at him hard, his face almost as red as his hair. I didn't mean it, Wage shrugged and said: You didn't hide it well.If you don't want me to see something, you should practice more.Didn't Celia teach you how to do it? Why is your vision clearer and mine blurrier?asked Poppy. Because of luck. Poppy rolled his eyes.Have you talked to Celia?she asked. Yes, I have.I told her you said Bailey should come with us.She just said she wouldn't get in our way. Well, that's pretty special. She's distracted, and Wage shakes the bag of popcorn and says: She won't tell me anything.I tried to explain our request, but she almost went in one ear and out the other.Even when I told her we wanted to keep flying hippos as pets, she would say yes.But Bailey didn't come just for fun, did he?

I have no idea.Bobby said. So what do you know? Poppy looked up at the night sky.Dark clouds covered most of the planetesimals, but a few small clusters slipped into sight, shining softly. Do you remember, when we were at Stargazer, I saw something bright but couldn't make out what it was? Wedgie nodded. That is the atrium.The entire atrium, not just the campfire, was bright, burning, and hot.Then, I don't know what happened, but Bailey was there.That's all I'm sure of. Is it going to happen soon?Wedgie asked. Soon, I thought. Should we kidnap him? Come on, Wage. No, I mean seriously, we can do it.We could sneak into his house, hit him with something heavy, and drag him back as unobtrusively as possible.We can prop him up so everyone thinks he's the town drunk.He would have been on the train before he regained consciousness, and found he had no choice.Quick and painless.Well, it's painless for us, except for the heavy lifting.

I don't think that's a very good idea, Weggie.Bobby said. Oh well, it's going to be fun.Wage said. I don't think so.I think we've done our part, now we just have to wait. Are you sure?Wedgie asked. No.Bobby said quietly. Moments later, Weggie went foraging again, and Poppy stood alone by the gate waiting, occasionally turning around to check the time on the clock behind him.
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