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Chapter 43 forty two bernard

small island 安卓利亞.勒維 2802Words 2023-02-05
You're in trouble, Bligh.The sergeant said to me.I think he meant my attack on coolies.no.You should be on sentry duty. Asked him to let me explain, thinking it was the best way.Sergeant, I just ran to help, it's my shack, you know.There are people I know in there. There is no way, I am ready to accept punishment.AWOL, I should never have left no matter the circumstances.The higher command will need to be notified.But there are worse things. The sergeant asked me: where's your rifle? My gun, the rifle.I still remember when I heard the sound of running, I loaded the bayonet.Aiming the gun and thinking: The last time I fired a gun was in basic training, five rounds made my ears ring, and I hope I don't have to fire a single round this time, because I'm not sure if the gun is loaded or not.Knowing that it was Lao Fa and Fei Duo who were coming, I put down my gun.Then what?Then I run out.I remember the bucket, the hose, and the urgency still tickles my fingers.But what about rifles?

Report sir, my rifle? Yes, Bly.your rifle.Don't tell me you lost your weapon? I was taken directly to Air Lieutenant Meng for interrogation.Standing at attention facing him, the sergeant on one side and a guard on my other side.Alan and Ashak were called in.They said no, I didn't leave the gun there when I AWOL.They only saw the gun when it was in my hand.In fact, Ashak remembered it clearly: I took the gun with me.He raised his head, his eyes fixed on the front, and told the commander about the bayonet, saying that he was very worried that I might accidentally hurt others while I was anxious to help my friend.This unreasonable guy added: Now the merchants are full of guns.The commander seemed to agree with him, didn't question him, didn't ask him what he knew, didn't ask if Ashak was with them, hiding the gun and planning to sell it to some nasty country folk for a good price later, In the end the gun would be used to punch a Muslim in the stomach.The commander just nodded.He was too young to have just left mainland England.He missed the war at all, started it as a kid and ended it with a flaxen beard too late to grow.He hadn't been in the East long enough to get used to the heat.His knees were whitish and his skin was as pink as canned beef from the rash.Without doubting him, Alang and Ashak were dismissed.They waved their arms and walked out neatly.Really neat and handsome, with backs as straight as toy tin soldiers and legs as hard as wood.So neat and beautiful that only an expert would know that these two scoundrels were mockingly serving His Majesty the King.

You've lost your gun and gone AWOL.Have something to say, Airmen? The sergeant spoke for me: Report sir, it was Bligh's tent that burned. You mean extenuating circumstances? I'm surprised he stuttered.Blinking his eyes as if adjusting to the bright light, he put his hand over his mouth, then looked down at the table, twirling the pen with his fingers, and continued trying to say the word.I look over to the sergeant, who shakes his head slightly and tells me to look straight ahead.The reason, the commander finally said.Are you saying there are extenuating reasons for this crime of AWOL?

Report sir, yes. Not you, Sergeant.I want to hear from Bligh himself. Report to the magistrate that there are some brothers in the shed.But I should have stayed on guard, sir. And, guns and rifles? Report sir, I should have a gun with me at all times, I take full responsibility. It's against military law to lose a weapon, you know that, don't you, Bligh? Report sir, yes. Did you stay in your shed before sentinel duty? Report sir, yes. with other brothers.Is there someone you live with? Report sir, yes. Bligh, what did you do before your military service?Before the war started?

Report sir, before the war?bank teller. Bank teller, responsible position is required. Report sir, yes. Do you have plans to return to your old career?Be a bank teller? Report sir, yes. In that case, I assume you'd need a good military record?You shouldn't want to blot the record.The commander smiled as if joking.He looked at the Master Chief, who smiled along with him. um bly? Report sir? He seemed to suddenly lose his mind.His expression turned serious again, and he rubbed the pen with his fingers.The RAF does not allow airmen to lose their weapons.Now is a very important time.Guns can fall into anyone's hands.He barely paused, and continued to ask: What can you tell me about the people who were in the shed last night?

George.Maximilian is there, sir.He stuttered with seven other change me, and the other seven were killed along with it. how is he? Report sir, who? This Macy, this Air Force soldier.He didn't stutter when he pronounced Macy's name because it was so easy to remember. Report sir, he has a wife and two sons.Perhaps writing a letter home at the time. family letter.So you guys aren't holding he hasn't started uttering the key words, just blinking and breathing heavily.I knew he was looking for words.assembly? (I admit it) I was taken aback by the word, not expecting it at all.

Report sir, assembly? Come on, there's a rally there, right?In that shed? Report sir, I have absolutely no idea of ​​any gatherings.All the brethren would answer that, and that's what being part of the team is all about. You're in some serious trouble, Bligh, you know that? Report sir, yes. do you take me for a foolHow do you explain eight people dying in a burning shed? I'm not sure he wants an answer, but for Macy's sake, it's time for an answer.It's an attack, sir.Those armed bandits, those Indian coolies did it. Are you saying someone set the fire on purpose?

Report sir, those Indians, they want us to leave their country.Report to the officer that the fire started from the door and there was no chance of escape. No, Bly.It's serious enough that no one here would say it was arson, you hear?It was an unfortunate accident, everyone thought so.How about it?Bray? Report sir? this fire?How about it? Report sir, it was an accident. It was an unfortunate accident, Bligh. Report sir, yes.Unlucky. Great, we made it clear.But what interested me was the fair held at the shed at the time. In an unfortunate accident they were burned alive.Report sir, I have absolutely no idea of ​​any gatherings.

You'll lose your Burmese medal if you're court-martialed, Bligh. sir? Come on, Bligh, what happened?He gets excited.Throwing down the pen, hitting the table hard with his fist, rolling his eyes, looking for more powerful words to convince me.You lost your rifle after AWOL, it's a violation of military law and almost guaranteed jail time, man.Unless you can help me.The top management doesn't want what happened last time to happen again.We cannot have mutiny, I will not allow mutiny to happen, discipline must be maintained. Report sir, I have absolutely no idea. I think you must have been involved last time, right?That mutiny.You bloody bank teller must be very involved.His stuttering went away with the anger.

Report sir, no. Look here, Bligh.I had eight letters to write, to inform eight families of the death.And I wondered if the dead were troublemakers or decent people.Now, can you help me?
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