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Chapter 3 〇Three Papa Morris

Demon Swamp 喬治.桑 1921Words 2023-02-05
Germain, his father-in-law said to him one day, you must make up your mind to get another woman.It's been almost two years since you lost my daughter, and your eldest son is already seven years old.You are almost thirty, my child, you know, we are too old to start a family after this age here.You have three beautiful children who have never given us any trouble.My wife and daughter-in-law took care of them with all their heart, loved them, and did their part.You see little Pierre is growing up; he is already very good at driving cattle; he is smart enough to herd cattle in the pastures, and he is strong enough to lead horses to watering places.He's no longer in our way; but the other two little ones, whom God knows we still love, poor motherless ones, haven't cost us less this year.My daughter-in-law is about to give birth, and she still has a little one in her arms.Once the one we've been looking forward to and waiting for comes, she won't have time to take care of your little Solange, especially your Sylvain, who is not yet four years old, and who is like you Same, short-tempered: will be a good worker in the future, but now a naughty child.He's going to slip by the ditch, or jump under the cattle, and my wife can't run fast enough to catch him.Besides, my daughter-in-law will have another one, and her eldest will fall on my woman's shoulders within a year.From this point of view, your child is a real embarrassment to us and a burden to us.We don't want to see our children not being looked after; we can't be at ease thinking what will happen to them if we can't.So you have to ask for another woman, and I have to have another daughter-in-law.Think about it, my child.I have told you several times that the sun and the moon fly by, and the years wait for no one.For your children's sake, and for those of us who want all the best at home, you should get married as soon as possible.

Well, father, replied the son-in-law, if you must do so, it must be to your liking.But, to tell you the truth, it would make me very sad, and I really don't want to get married, I might as well throw myself in the water.A man knows only what he has lost, but not what he will find.I have had a good wife, a beautiful, gentle, and brave wife, filial to her parents, considerate to her husband, loving to her children, capable of everything inside and outside the house, in and out of the field, ingenious, in short, everything is fine; It was given to me. When I married her, we didn't agree that if I unfortunately lost her, I would have to forget her.

Germain, what you say shows you have a good heart, continued Maurice, I know you love my daughter and make her happy, if you can replace her and satisfy Death, Catherine For now you will be alive, but you will be in the grave.She really deserves your love to this point.You don't have to be sad now, and we don't have to be sad anymore.But I'm not telling you to forget about her.Good God wants her to leave us, and not a day goes by without us letting her know in our prayers, thoughts, words and actions that we cherish her memory and mourn her passing.If she could talk to you in the grave, and let you know her wishes, she would have bid you find a mother for the little orphan she left behind.The problem was finding a woman worthy of her replacement.It's not easy; but it's not impossible; and if we find one for you, you'll love it as much as my daughter, for you're an honest man, and she's our helper, Love your child and you will thank her.

Well, papa, said Germain, I will do as I usually do. To be fair, my boy, you have always followed the kindness and advice of your parents.Let's discuss how to choose your new wife.First of all, I don't agree with you asking for a young one.This is not what you want.Young girls are too frivolous; raising three children is a heavy burden, especially when they are all born to ex-wives, and they need a smart, kind, gentle and considerate woman who can endure hardships and stand hard work.If your woman is not about the same age as you, she won't think it through and take on such a responsibility.She will think you are too old and your child is too young.She will complain, and your child will suffer.

That's what I'm worried about, said Germain, whether these poor little things will be abused, disgusted and beaten? I hope this is not the case!The old man went on to say, but here, there are fewer bad women than good women, unless we are all fools, we will not choose the right one. Yes, father, we have some good girls in our village, Louise, Silvena, Clottey, Marguerite, in short, there are girls you like. Calm down, calm down, my boy, these girls are either too young, or too poor to be pretty; for, in short, think of that, my boy.Beautiful women don't necessarily behave like other women.

So you want me to ask for an ugly one?said Germain a little uneasy. No, it's not ugly at all, because this woman is going to bear you children, and there is nothing worse than having ugly, weak and sick children.A woman who is still very delicate and strong, neither beautiful nor ugly, is the most suitable for you. I see, said Germain, with a wry smile, that to find such a woman as you speak of, I am afraid it must have been created; especially since you do not want poor ones at all, and rich ones, especially for a widower. Easier said than done. Germain, what if she is also a widow?And a widow with no children and a well-to-do family?

In our parish I do not know of such a man at present. I don't know either, but there are other places. Dad, you've got someone in mind; so, speak up.
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