Chapter 9 09 Evening Prayer
Little Pierre rolled over and sat up, looking around thoughtfully.
ah!This fellow, he never let anyone eat, said Germain, the sound of the cannon could not wake him up, but as soon as someone chewed his jaw next to him, he opened his eyes at once.
You should be like that at his age, too, said little Marie, with a sly smile. Well, my little Pierre, are you looking for the top of the bed?It's made of shade to-night, my boy; but your father still eats much for his supper.Would you like to have dinner with him?I didn't eat your portion; I thought you'd have it!
I wish you some, Mary, cried the farmer, or I won't.I'm a glutton and a rough man; and you, it's not fair that you save it for us to eat, and I'm ashamed.See, I've lost my appetite; and if you won't eat, I won't let my son eat either.
You leave us in peace, answered little Mary, you don't have the key to my appetite.My appetite is sealed up today, but your Pierre's is open like a wolf's.Here, look at him gobbling it up!oh!He will be a stout farmer too!
After a while little Pierre really showed that like father is like son, he just woke up, and he didn't know where or how he got here, so he started to devour.When he had had his fill, he excited like an unchained child, brighter, more curious, and more eloquent than usual.He asked himself where he was, and when he knew it was in the woods he looked a little frightened.
Are there any vicious beasts in this wood?he asked his dad.
No, replied his father, not one, and there was nothing to be afraid of.
You lied, you told me just now that if I went with you into the big woods the wolves would drag me away!
Look how sharp his mouth is!said Germain in embarrassment.
He was right, said little Mary, you were telling him so; he had a good memory, and remembered.But, my little Pierre, know that your father never lied.You were asleep when we walked through the big wood, and now we are in the little wood, and there are no wild animals here.
Is the grove far from the big grove?
Pretty far; wolves don't come out of the big woods.Besides, if a wolf gets here, your father will kill the wolf.
Do you fight wolves too, little Mary?
Let's fight together, my Pierre, you will be of great help to us, won't you?You are not afraid, are you?You will hit hard!
Yes, yes, said the child proudly, put on a hero's pose, and we'll kill the wolf!
There is no one better than you who can talk to children and make them understand, Germain said to little Marie, you were a child not long ago, and you still remember what your mother told you, which is true.I am a firm believer that the younger you are, the more compatible you are with children.I am worried that it is difficult for a thirty-year-old woman who does not know how to be a mother to learn to chirp and reason with her children.
Why can't you learn it, Germain?I don't see why you have bad thoughts about this woman; you'll change your mind!
To hell with this woman!Germain said, I really want to go back to her and never go there again.Why would I want a woman I don't know?
My little daddy, the child said, why do you keep talking about mom today, isn’t she dead?
well!Have you forgotten your poor good mother?
No, I saw her put into a beautiful white wooden box, and grandma led me to her to kiss her and say goodbye to her!She was all white and cold, and my aunt taught me to pray to God every night, so that my mother could go to heaven and warm up beside God.Do you believe she is in heaven right now?
May she be in heaven, my child; always pray that your mother see you love her.
I'll pray now, said the boy, I didn't expect to pray tonight.But I can't do it alone, I always have to forget a little bit.Little Mary has to help me.
Well, my Pierre, I will help you, said the girl, come here and kneel on me.
The child knelt upon the maiden's skirt, clasped his little hands, and began to recite the prayer, at first with rapt attention and zeal, for he remembered the beginning well; .He dozed off every night when he came to this part of the prayer, which he never learned to repeat.This time as usual, concentration and the monotony of his own voice had the usual effect, and he pronounced the last syllable with difficulty, and it took him three times to pronounce it.His head drooped heavily on Marie's bosom: his hands dropped to his lap.By the light of the bonfire, Germain watched his cherub dozing in the arms of the maiden; she embraced him, her pure breath warmed his golden hair, and she immersed herself in pious dreams, Silently pray for Katrin's undead.
Germain was moved, and tried to find words to express to little Marie the admiration and gratitude she had inspired him, but he could find no words to express his thoughts.He moved close to her, wanting to kiss the child she had been holding tightly in her arms, and his lips did not want to leave little Pierre's forehead.
You kissed too hard, said Mary to him, pushing the farmer's head gently away, and you're going to wake him up, and let me put him back to sleep, and now he's dreaming of heaven again.
The child was laid down to sleep, but when he was lying on the goatskin of the saddle, he asked if he was riding on Xiaoqing's back.Then, opening his large blue eyes, he stared at the branches for a minute, as if he were dreaming with his eyes open, or stirred by an idea that slipped into his mind during the day and only emerged when he was about to sleep.He said:
My little daddy, if you want to give me another mother, I would like her to be little Mary.
Without waiting for an answer, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.