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Chapter 14 fourteen old woman

Demon Swamp 喬治.桑 3106Words 2023-02-05
Germain soon returned to the place where he had spent the night by the edge of the swamp.The fire was still smoking; an old woman was picking up the dead sticks that little Mary had piled there for use.Germain stopped to ask her questions.She was deaf and misunderstood his question: Yes, my child, she said, here is the Felboar.It was a bad place, and to approach it one had to throw three stones into it with the left hand, while making the sign of the cross with the right: this drove away the monsters.Otherwise, disaster will befall those who pass by here. I will not tell you this, said Germain, approaching her, and exclaiming, Do you see a girl and a child passing through this wood?

Yes, said the old woman, a child was drowned! Germain shook from head to toe; fortunately the old woman said again: That was a long time ago; in honor of the misfortune.A beautiful cross was erected; but one night in a great storm the devil threw the cross into the water.One end of it can still be seen now.If someone is unlucky enough to spend the night here, he will never get out before dawn.No matter how he walked and walked, it was useless. He walked two hundred miles in the woods and still returned to the original place. Hearing this, the farmer's imagination was involuntarily stirred, and he was so nervous that he felt chills all over at the thought that something unfortunate had happened and would confirm the old woman's story.Seeing that there was no hope of hearing any further news, he mounted his horse again, and galloped about in the woods, calling to Pierre with all his might, cracking his whip, and breaking branches, so that the woods were full of him. Then he listened for a voice to answer him; but he heard only the bells of cows scattered in the undergrowth, and the howling of pigs vying for acorns.

At the end, Germain heard the hooves of a horse catching up behind him, and a middle-aged man, brown, strong, dressed half like a landowner, called to him to stop.Germain had never seen the farmer of Olmo; but an instinct of rage made him decide at once that it was him.He turned and looked the man from head to toe, waiting for him to speak. Did you see a girl of fifteen or sixteen passing by with a little boy?said the farmer in a pretended casual way, though he seemed agitated. Why are you looking for her?Germain replied, not trying to hide his anger. To tell you the truth, it has nothing to do with you, my friend!But I don't need to hide it. Let me tell you, this is a shepherdess. I didn't know her well, so I hired her to stay for a year. When I saw her, I felt that she was too young and too weak to work on the farm.I dismissed her, but I wanted to pay her for a short trip, and as soon as I turned away, she went away annoyed. In such haste, she even forgot some of her clothes and wallet, which of course didn't have much money; Maybe just a few coppers!Anyway, I'm going to pass here, and I think I'll meet her, and give her the things she forgot to take and the money I owe her.

Hearing this, if not quite true, at least probable story, Germain's heart was too honest to hesitate.He fixed his piercing eyes on the farmer, who resisted the questioning with impudence and frankness. I need to figure this out.Germain thought to himself, suppressing his anger and saying: This is a girl from our village. I know her. She should pass here. Let's go forward together. We will definitely find her. You're right, said the farmer, let's go on. But if we don't find her at the end of this road, I won't go down because I'm going to the Ardant road. Hey!The farmer thought to himself, I will not leave you!Even if I have to accompany you around this magic swamp for twenty-four hours!

Wait a minute, said Germain suddenly, staring at a cluster of benista trembling strangely, hello!Hello!Little Pierre, is that you, my boy? Recognizing his father's voice, the child jumped out of the dye-wood like a muntjac, but when he saw his father accompanied by the farmer, he stopped in fright, bewildered. Come, my Pierre!Come, it's me!The farmer yelled and galloped to him, and he jumped off his horse, and took his son in his arms, where is little Mary? She's hiding there because she's scared of the black-faced villain, and I'm scared too. Hi!Don't worry; I'm here Mary!Mary!it's me!

Marie crawled over, and as soon as she saw the farmer following Germain, she ran to throw herself in his arms, clinging to him as a daughter clings to her father. ah!My good Germain, she said to him, protect me; with you I am not afraid. Germain shuddered.He looked at Mary: she was pale, her clothes were torn by thorns, and she was running about like a fawn hunted by hunters, looking for thick groves.But there was neither shame nor despair on her face. Your master wants to speak to you.He told her, watching her expression all the time. My master?She said proudly, that guy is not my master and never will be!Germain, you are my master.I want to ask you to take me to your home, I am willing to do things for you, no wages!

The farmer came forward, pretending to be a little impatient. Hello!Girl, he said, you forgot a few things with us, and I brought them for you. Nothing, sir, answered little Mary, I haven't forgotten anything, and I don't ask you for anything Come and listen to me, the farmer said again, I have something to tell you!come!Don't be afraid to say only a few sentences. You can say out loud that I have no secrets from you. At least come and take your money. my money?You owe me nothing, thank goodness! I expected so, whispered Germain, but never mind, Marie, go and hear what he has to say to you because I want to know too.Then you tell me.I have my reasons.You go to his horse and I will show you.

Mary took three steps towards the farmer, and he leaned on his saddle and whispered to her: girl!Here's a beautiful louis d'or for you, don't say anything, understand?All I'm saying is that I think you're too weak to work on my farm. Let's not talk about it. I'll be at your place again in the next few days, and if you don't say anything, I'll give you something more. If you're sensible, just say to me: I'll take you to my house, or I'll talk with you to the pasture in the evening.What gift do you want me to bring you? Here, sir, here is my present to you!Little Marie answered aloud, throwing his louis d'or in his face, and throwing it hard, I thank you very much, and please let me know when you pass by our village: all the boys in our village know Come to receive you, because people in our village are very fond of gentlemen who tease poor girls!You will see what awaits you.

You are a liar and a fool!said the farmer angrily, raising his stick aggressively, you want to make people believe that there is nothing, but you can't get my money: everyone knows you! Marie drew back in terror; Germain rushed up to the farmer's bridle, seized it, shook it vigorously, and said: Now I understand it all!Find out what's going on down here!my man!come down!Let's talk! The farmer did not want a contest: he thrust his spurs at his horse, tried to get away, and struck the farmer's hand with his stick to make him let go of the bridle; but Germain stepped aside, seized his leg, Pull him off his horse and throw him on the bracken.Although he stood up and resisted vigorously, he was still thrown to the ground.Germain pinned him down and said to him:

You heartless fellow!I can beat you up if I want!But I don't like to make people suffer, but there's no punishment that will make you better than you are, and if you don't kneel down to this girl and beg for mercy, you can't get out of here. The farmer had experience with such things and wanted to joke about it.He said his guilt was not so serious, because it was only lip service, and he would have confessed it quite willingly, provided he would kiss the girl, have a pint of wine at a nearby tavern, and part amiably from each other. You are so hateful!Germain replied, pressing his face to the ground, I really don't want to see your ugly face.Well, you should blush too. When you pass by our village, please take the path of shame.

[Note] This is a small road that leaves the main road at the entrance of the village and goes around the periphery of the village.Anyone who fears the insult they deserve walks this path, avoiding being seen.original note. He picked up the farmer's holly stick, broke it in two at the leg, and, showing him the strength of his wrist, threw the broken stick far away contemptuously. Then, taking his son by the one hand, and little Marie by the other, he went away trembling with rage.
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