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Chapter 38 Chapter VIII Which Medal Makes People Different?

red and black 司湯達 6530Words 2023-02-05
One day, Julien returned from the charming domain of Virquier on the Seine.De.Mr. Larmor took great interest in this estate, for it was the only one of all his estates that had once belonged to the famous Boniface.De.Larmor.At the house Julien saw the Marchioness and her daughter, returning from Hyères. Julien was now a libertine who had learned the art of living in Paris.He is right.Miss Lamour was utterly indifferent.She had asked him so cheerfully how he had fallen from his horse that he seemed to remember nothing of the time. De.Miss Lamour noticed that he had grown taller and paler.His figure, his appearance, were no longer amateurish, but his speech was not enough: there was too much seriousness, too much solidity, it could be seen.Despite his reasonableness, because of his self-esteem, his conversation didn't sound like a subordinate; it was just felt that he still cared too much about things that mattered.However, they also saw that he was a man of his word.

What he lacks is chic, not wit, De.Said Mademoiselle Lamour to her father, making fun of the medal he gave Julien, that my brother has demanded eighteen months from you, and this is a Lamour! Yes, but Julien did something unexpected, which you told me never happened to any of the Larmors. The servant informed De.The Duke of Lacey arrives. Mathilde immediately felt that she couldn't help but yawned. She seemed to see the old gold ornaments and regular guests in her father's living room.She pictured the dull life she was about to begin again in Paris.But in Hyères she missed Paris again.

But I am nineteen years old!This is the happy age, she thought, and all these stupid things with gilded cutouts say so.She looked at the eight or ten volumes of newly published poetry that had piled up on the little table by the living room wall during her travels in Provence.She was unlucky Bede.Croixenois, De.Kailus, De.Mr. Lutz Zhu and some other friends are more intelligent.She could imagine what they were going to talk about, the beautiful sky of Provence, poetry, the South, and so on and so on. Those eyes, so beautiful, expressing the deepest boredom, and what was worse, the despair of not being able to find joy, finally stopped in Julien, who, at least, was not quite like the others.

Monsieur Sorel, she said, is the voice of young women of the upper class, light, short, and unfeminine, Monsieur Sorel, tonight you will attend deMr. Reese's dance? Miss, I have not had the honor of being introduced to the Duke's First Lord. (It could almost be said that the phrase and the title peeled the mouth of the proud provincial.) He asked my brother to take you to his house; besides, if you go, you can also tell me about the specific situation of the Villequier domain, we will go in the spring.I want to know if the old castle can be lived in, and whether the neighborhood is as beautiful as people say.There are many things about stealing reputation!

Julien was silent. Come to the dance with my brother.She added abruptly. Julien bowed respectfully, so even at the ball I had to report to all the members of the family.Am I not a paid attorney?He was in a bad mood, and thought again, who knows if what I told my daughter would disrupt the plans of my father, brother, and mother!This is a real monarch's court.Here, it must be useless without letting anyone complain. I really don't like this big girl!He thought, watching her go away, her mother calling her to introduce her to some of her girlfriends, she was too fashionable, her dress fell below her shoulders, what kind of hair was paler than before the trip, so blond No color!It seems that the sun can pass through.That way of saluting, that look, how proud!What a queen!

De.Miss Lamour called to her brother, who was leaving the drawing-room. Count Nobel approached Julien and said to him: Where would you like me to meet you at midnight, my dear Soler, for the de ?Mr. Reese's ball?He specifically asked me to take you there. I know exactly who I owe it to to be loved so much.He answered, bowing deeply. Nobel's tone of address to him was impeccable, polite, even concerned, and Julien's bad mood took vent in his answer to that very polite remark.He felt a kind of servility in it. In the evening, come to the ball, de.Julien was astonished by the splendor of the House of Reis.In the entrance yard, there is a large tent of dark red twill cloth dotted with gold stars, which cannot be more elegant.Under the tent, the courtyard becomes a forest of orange and oleander.The pots were carefully buried in the ground without showing, and the oleander and orange trees seemed to grow from the ground.The road the car passed was covered with sand.

The whole thing seemed extraordinary to our provincials.He could not have imagined such luxury, and in an instant, his imagination was soaring, and he was far away from the bad mood.In the car to the ball, Nobel was in high spirits, but his eyes were dark; as soon as he entered the courtyard, the roles changed drastically. Nobel only noticed a few small places, which were overlooked in such luxury.He was estimating the cost of everything, and had reached a high total, when Julien noticed that he was showing something almost jealous, and his mood turned sour. And he, entering the first drawing-room in which the dancing was taking place, was at once fascinated, admiring, almost timid with excitement.We crowded around the door of the second living room, too many people to move forward.The second living room is decorated like an Alhambra.

Admittedly, she was the queen of the ball.said a young man with a mustache, his shoulder resting on Julien's chest. Miss Formont had been the prettiest all winter, replied a man next to her, and now it was strange to find herself in second place. Really, she did her best to be liked.Look, how graceful she smiles when she's alone in the quadruple.Guaranteed by reputation, this is hard to buy. De.Miss Lamour seemed to be able to hold back the joy of victory, which she was clearly aware of.She seemed afraid of being liked by the person she was talking to. very good!This is the art of seduction.

Julien wanted to see this charming woman, but in vain, seven or eight men who were taller than him blocked him. There is something coquettish in such a noble restraint.said the young man with the mustache. And these big blue eyes, just when they seemed to be revealing their inner secrets, they lowered, so slowly, and the person next to him said, I can assure you, they couldn't be more clever. Look, standing beside her, how ordinary the beautiful Formont looks.said a third. This restrained expression means: If you are worthy of my man, how much tenderness I will give you! Who could be worthy of the sublime Mathilde?The first says a king, handsome, wise, well-proportioned, a hero in war, twenty years old at most.

The illegitimate son of the Russian emperor would have established him a monarchy for the sake of this marriage;Count Thaler, a well-dressed peasant The door was a little clearer for Julien to enter. Since she is so outstanding in the eyes of these dolls, it is worth my research, he thought, and I will know what is perfect in these people's eyes. Just as he was searching with wide eyes, Mathilde saw him, and my duty called me.Julien said to himself; but at this moment the expression of his face was still lingering with anger.Curiosity drove him on with pleasure, a pleasure that increased rapidly because Mathilde's dress fell low on her shoulders, and, to be honest, increased more quickly than his pride, which was overflowing with beauty. With youthful vitality.he thinks.There were five or six young men between him and her, and Julien recognized some who had just been speaking at the door.

You, sir, have been here all winter, and this is the prettiest ball of the season, isn't it? He doesn't answer. I think this quadruple by Coulon is very good; and those ladies dance very well too.Several young people turned their heads to see who the happy man was, and they wanted him to answer desperately.The answer is frustrating. I can't be a good judge, miss; I live by copying, I never saw such a grand ball. The young men with mustaches were outraged. You are a wise man, Monsieur Sorel, she added, with a more pronounced interest, like a philosopher, like Jean.Jacques.Rousseau saw these balls, these celebrations that way.All this madness surprises you, but doesn't seduce you. A single word extinguished Julien's imagination at once, and drove all illusions from his mind.There was contempt in the corners of his mouth, perhaps exaggerated. let.Jacques.Rousseau, he replied, seems to me a mere fool when he ventures to comment on high society; he does not understand it, and brings into it the heart of an outburst servant. He wrote The Social Contract.Mathilde said in a reverent tone. The nouveau riche preached the establishment of a republic and the overthrow of the monarchy, and at the same time rejoiced when a duke changed his direction from his after-dinner walk to accompany his friend. ah!Yes, De.The Duke of Luxembourg accompanied a M. Couandat at Montrancy towards Paris in the direction of de .Miss Lamour said that she had her first taste of the joys and pleasures of pedantry.She was as intoxicated with her learning as the academician who discovered the existence of King Feletrius.Julien's eyes remained sharp and severe.Mathilde's excitement quickly disappeared, and she was deeply confused by the opponent's indifference.She was especially astonished that it was her habit to do this to other people. At this time, de.The Marquis of Croixennoy was in a hurry to visit Germany.Miss Lamour came up.There were too many people to squeeze in, so he stood three steps away from her for a while.He looked at her and smiled at the obstacle in front of him.Young De.Next to him is the Marchioness of Roufrey, Mathilde's cousin.Her arm was held by her husband who had only been married for half a month.De.The Marquis Rufrey was also very young, and he had that childish love which can make a man marry well, arranged by a notary, and find the woman extremely beautiful.De.Mr. Ruffley will be a duke when his very old uncle dies. De.The Marquis of Croixennoy could not pass through the crowd, so he could only look at Mathilde with a smile. At this time, her big blue eyes rested on him and the people around him, and there were more people than this group. Mediocre!She said to herself, this Croizenoy still wants to marry me; he is gentle, polite, like de.Mr. Ruffley is equally well mannered.These gentlemen would be lovely if they weren't tiresome, and he'll follow me to balls with a narrow, self-satisfied air.After a year of marriage, my car, my horse, my dress, my villa twenty miles from Paris, everything will be perfect, and it will be perfect for a nouveau riche, such as de.The Countess of Roiville died of jealousy; but what then? Mathilde was already tired of imagining it.De.At last Crevatzenoit came up to her and spoke to her, but she was still dreaming and did not listen.For her his voice was mingled with the noise of the ball.Her eyes followed Julien mechanically; he had moved away, his expression respectful, but proud and dissatisfied.In a corner away from the passing throng she saw the Count of Altamira, condemned to death in his own country, whom the reader already knew.Under Louis XIV one of his relations had married a prince of the Conti family; this past somewhat protected him from persecution by the congregational police. All I see is that the death sentence makes a person special, Mathilde thought, and that's the only thing that can't be bought. ah!What I just said to myself was a wisecrack!What a pity it came at the wrong time and didn't give me the limelight!Mathilde had too good taste to use prepared witticisms in conversation; but she was too vain to be complacent.A look of happiness replaced the look of boredom on her face.De.The Marquis of Croixerauis was talking all the time, and when he thought he saw success, he chattered even more. What can a scoundrel have to refute my wisecracks?Mathilde said to herself, I will answer the critics like this: the title of baron, the title of viscount, you can buy it; a medal, you can give it; my brother just got one, what did he do?An official rank can be obtained.After living in the barracks for ten years, or having a relative as the secretary of the army, you can become a cavalry captain like Nobel.A great property too!This is still the hardest, and thus the most respectable.That's weird, it's the exact opposite of what the book says!For property, marry Herr Rothschild's daughter. My words do have depth.The death penalty remains the only thing nobody dares to apply for. Do you know the Count of Altamira?She asked De.Mr. Croixennoy. She seemed to be waking up from a dream, and the question had nothing to do with what the poor Marquis had been saying to her for five minutes, and the amiable man was embarrassed.Still, he was a witty man, and had a reputation for wit. Mathilde was queer, he thought, a defect, and yet what a position she gave her husband!I don't know this de.What happened to the Marquis of La Moore, his relationship with all parties is as good as it can be, this is a tumbler.Besides, Mathilde's eccentricity can be regarded as genius.With a noble birth, a huge fortune, genius will not make people laugh, how different it would be then!Also, as long as she is willing, she can have talent, personality and quick wit, which makes her very cute. Because she can't do two things, the Marquis answered Mathilde with a trance, like an endorsement: Who does not know this poor Altamira?Then he told her about the failed plot, ridiculous and absurd. It's ridiculous!Mathilde seemed to be talking to himself, but he acted.I want to meet a man and bring him to me.She told the Marquis that he was very unhappy. The Count of Altamira was also one of the most openly admiring de.Mademoiselle La Mole's proud, almost presumptuous air, he considered her one of the most beautiful people in Paris. How beautiful she would be on the throne!He is right.said Monsieur Croixenoy, following him happily. There were not a few in high society who wanted to prove that there was nothing more indecent than a conspiracy, which had a Jacobin tinge.And what could be uglier than an unsuccessful Jacobin? Mathilde's eyes and de.M. Croixennoy laughed at Altamira's liberalism together, but she still listened with interest. There was a schemer at the ball, a wonderful contrast.she thinks.Looking at his little black beard, she felt rather like a resting lion, but she soon realized that there was only one thought in his mind: utilitarianism, utilitarian worship. The young earl thought nothing worthy of his attention but that which would bring bicameral government to his country.He happily left Mathilde, the most seductive person at the ball, because he saw a Peruvian general enter. Poor Altamira despaired of Europe, so he had to think this way: when the South American countries become stronger, they can give back to Europe the freedom that Mirabeau sent. A group of young men with mustaches flocked to Mathilde like a whirlwind.She saw clearly that Altamira was not fascinated and angry at his departure; she saw his dark eyes sparkle as he spoke to the Peruvian general.De.Mademoiselle La Mole looked at these young Frenchmen with a profound seriousness that none of her rivals could imitate, among them, she thought, who would be willing to be sentenced to death, even with all the favorable opportunities? This odd look flatters the less intelligent and unnerves others.They were afraid that something sharp would come out of her that would make it difficult for them to answer. Noble birth confers a hundred advantages without which I would be uncomfortable, Julien's example shows me this, Mathilde thought, but noble birth also makes those who are condemned to death Mental strengths decline. At this time, someone around her said: This Earl of Altamira is Sang.Nacharo.The second son of Prince Pimentel; once upon a time there was a Pimentel family who tried to save Konradan who was beheaded in 1268.It was one of the noblest families in Naples. Look, thought Mathilde, this is a splendid proof of my maxim: noble birth deprives strength of character, and strength of character is not condemned to death!So, I'm doomed to talk nonsense tonight.Since I'm just a woman like everyone else, fine!Should go dancing.She gave in and accepted De.The Marquis of Croixennoy, who had been begging her for a gallop for an hour.In order to get rid of the unpleasantness of philosophizing, she wanted to be very charming, de.Monsieur Croizenoy could not help feeling elated. However, neither dancing nor the desire to please one of the prettiest men in the yard could dispel Mathilde's troubles.A greater success could not have been achieved.She's the queen of the ball, she can see it, but she doesn't see it lightly. What an ordinary life I shall lead with a man like Croizenoy!An hour later he sent her back to her original seat, and she said to herself, I have been away from Paris for half a year, if I can't find happiness at a ball that all the women in Paris are eager to attend, then my happiness will be there again. Where is it?I'm not happy, she thought again, and besides, I was surrounded by the homage of a group at the ball, and this group I can't imagine a better composition.Here perhaps only a few members of the House of Lords and one or two such as Julien were commoners.However, she is getting more and more melancholy, what good fate has not given me: reputation, wealth, youth!well!Everything, except happiness. The most dubious favors I got were those they'd been telling me all evening.Wit, I believe I have, for I evidently terrified them all.If they dared to talk about a serious subject, five minutes later they would be breathless with excitement, as if they had made a great discovery about something I had been repeating for an hour.I am beautiful, for my goodness, de.Mrs. Starr would sacrifice everything; yet I am weary to death, it is true.Is there any reason to think that I changed my surname to De.Would the surname Marquis de Croixennoy be less tiresome? But, my God!She thought again, almost crying, isn't he a perfect person?This is the masterpiece of education in this century; you have only to look at him, and he will find a lovely, even witty thing to say to you; he is brave, this Sorel is so queer, she thought, with eyes My melancholy turned to anger, and I said I had something to say to him, and he wouldn't show up again!
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