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Chapter 24 oxford

Cryptography 馬修.史坎頓 4430Words 2023-02-05
19 Blake felt uneasy.The wind had picked up, and the wind was blowing leaves around the closed colleges.The academies loomed over him like gigantic shadows.The monster on the entrance stretched out its carved claws, clutching the ledge of the building, and the angel on the roof looked down at him.He was walking through the dark city streets towards All Souls College. Dako quickly walked behind him.Have you taken Endymion?Spring brings?she asked excitedly. Of course, Blake replied, but you are not allowed to mention this book, you know?We can't let anyone know we have the book until we figure out who the man in the shadows is.

Then what? This question was very simple, but it made him stop on the spot.He wasn't sure. I don't know.Blake said vaguely. Beside them was a huge barrel-shaped building with darkened windows and a silver cupola.This is the Radcliffe Reading Room.It was set in an island-like garden in the center of a cobbled square.Immediately behind them was the Badri Library, a huge stone crown with windows that shone like jewels.Somewhere in the reading room on the upper floor, under rows of bright lights, the mother of two children is lighting up the night battle. Until now, Blake had counted on someone to tell him what to do, either Dorion or Samanazar, or Dako.But he felt that he could no longer trust anyone.He must solve the mystery on his own.

It seems that Lynn Demion.Springer abandoned him.The book mocked him silently all day.The page of the crow is still there, reminding him of the existence of the man in the shadow, but he never saw the riddle he read at first, nor did it provide any relevant clues to the future. To his left he could see the imposing walls of All Souls College, shadowed by the thistle-like minarets of the mosque and the peculiarly shaped towers.Inside the door of the wall is another library. This building looks like a chapel. You can climb up the winding wooden stairs to get there. Inside are rows and rows of leather-bound books.It seems that the whole city was built out of books.Books, one on top of the other, one by one, are built together like bricks to form an amazing reading fortress, a labyrinth of words.There were countless miles of books at his feet now, in tunnels under the ground.Oxford University itself is a large library.The Ultimate Book could be hidden anywhere.

Endymion in Blake's backpack.Springer suddenly moved restlessly and bumped into his lower back. Hold on, Blake said, I need to take a look.He grabbed Dako by the elbow and led her towards a large old-fashioned lantern.There is a wall opposite St. Mary's Church, and lanterns are hung on the lamp sockets on the wall. The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the wordless book was blown over and over page by page, flipping rapidly before his eyes as if possessed, the speed was so fast that he couldn't tell whether there was any new information in it .Once or twice he thought he glimpsed writing, but it could have been a smudge or a shadow, anything.The lights cast restless shapes on the stone buildings like autumn leaves.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew through a nearby alley, and the book in his hand was blown away.The book was blown by the wind and almost flew out of his hands, heading for the church.But Blake managed to hold it against his chest, like protecting a frightened bird from flying away.With a beating heart, he stuffed the book back into his backpack.Not to take any chances, not at this time, here, when the members of the exlibris society are close at hand. What's wrong?Da Ke shouted loudly, her voice was carried away by a gust of wind and passed down the street. do not know!The book seemed terrified for some reason.

Blake, I don't like this, Dako said with a cry, I'm afraid. I see.I am also afraid. Maybe it was all a mistake, she said, maybe we shouldn't be carrying that book with us. But not without it, insists Blake, nor is it safe to leave it at home.I won't let it out of my sight again. He tried his best to squeeze out a smile to make Da Ke feel at ease, but he soon panicked.The movement of the book disturbed him.The Man in the Shadow might be waiting for them nearby.Endymion.Spring may be warning them to change direction. Don't worry, Blake said again, it'll be all right, just wait and see.all will be good.The wind drove his words back into his throat.

He noticed the bell tower of the church overhead, and the two long golden hands had already pointed to eight o'clock.The presentation will begin shortly.They have to step up. Blake took Dako's hand and led her to the street, where the gate was.The bus rumbled by, shaking the sidewalk.For peace of mind, he raised his eyes to look at the sky again, but the night seemed to stare back at him, like the blackened page of a book.A few fluffy clouds flitted in front of the moon. A long gate set in a fancy wooden gate guarded All Souls College.The door was ajar, but an iron chain blocked their way.All Souls College is apparently closed to the public.

Blake looked around for a bell to ring, but only saw three shadowy figures leaning over and glaring at him.One wields a ball and a scepter symbolizing royal power, the other holds the bishop's staff, and the third seems to sit on top of the other two like a god, sitting and judging everyone who passes by. Suddenly a voice boomed from the other side of the door, what do you want to do?A face that looked like a monster of a succubus stared at them through the crack of the door. We're here for a meeting, Blake said nervously, swallowing the fear in his throat, Exlibris Society. Are you?

We are members.Dako lied. Are you a member?The man repeated, with a gloomy tone, do you think I will believe it?You are a little young. Da Ke was about to answer him harshly, but Blake nudged her lightly with his elbow, motioning her to keep quiet.A bus rumbles by.Once the shock had passed, Blake added modestly: We are invited. The porter took off his top hat and stuck out a stubby finger to poke his ear, as if he had misheard.A bald head was surrounded by a ring of gray curls, disheveled like a hedge.I will not open the door for children, he finally said, especially foreign children, a waste of my time.

He moved as if to slam the door shut in their faces. But we have invitations!In panic, Dako yelled, Blake, show him. Reluctantly, Blake took out the invitation from his jacket pocket, carefully covered Professor Dorion's name with his thumb, and showed it to the man.The concierge took a careful look. Exlibris Society, ga?Please, show me the real name on the invitation. Blake barely moves his thumb away. Zhuo Leon.Professor Fall, huh?It's an honor to meet you, sir.The porter awkwardly tries to bow, you're too young, aren't you? enough!Suddenly a high-pitched voice came from behind them.The two children turned around in surprise.Diana.Bentley was dressed in all white, standing out like a marble statue in the dark. The wind blew a few strands of silver hair and hit her face like an electric current.

She glared at the porter with contempt.They are with me, and this is my invitation.She handed her invitation to the porter, and opened the door now. The porter nodded, and obediently unchained the door.The two children followed Diana in. The three of them walked through a stone arch toward the front quadrangle, and Diana regarded them with interest. Oh, what an accident, she said kindly, nice to meet you, Blake, this must be your sister dake.Blake said it was an introduction. Diana smiled.So cute.She picks a word like a candy she bites into. I also like the concierge better.Dako complained quietly in a low voice, and Blake shushed her and told her to be quiet. We should be grateful for getting in, shall we?Behave better, he said. Thick stone walls surrounded them on all sides, keeping out all the noise of the city.It was as quiet as a tomb in here.To their right stood two tall towers, visible only in outline, their pinnacles piercing the clouds of the sky.A small rectangle of lawn, green by day, unfolded before their eyes at night in blackness, surrounded by silvery paths.In the distance of this quadrangle was a chapel, whose twilight windows looked like ghostly figures of saints floating among them with their bare feet. Diana obviously knew the way.She led the two children around the lawn and down the small stairwell into a dimly lit basement below the chapel.Echoes echoed around them in the darkness, and the air was stale and dusty.In the dim light, Blake saw rows of low pillars supporting a low dome ceiling, under which several sarcophagi were stored. What are these things?he asked timidly, reaching for Radak's hand.Diana smiled softly, moved quietly, and led them to the courtyard hidden behind the academy.She came to a halt outside a heavy wooden door half hidden by vines.She quickly grabbed the round iron doorknob and twisted the door open. They entered a long room with a ceiling framed by dark beams.A single tapestry occupied the far wall, on which was embroidered a white stag leaping nimbly through the woods of the woven landscape.The woods were all gray trees and small embroidered flowers, and the hounds kept barking, chasing the deer.The hound's mouth was open, dripping saliva for centuries. Many people sat in front of the podium and gathered in the front half of the venue.The men turned, and Blake avoided their gaze. Diana pushed him forward.We've got a new member, she said boldly, cheerfully, Juliet.The children of Dr. Summers, Dako and Blake. Those present expressed murmurs of surprise rather than approval, except for Boss Park, who sat lazily in the front row.Ma Xiong seems undisturbed.He is debating the advantages of electronic paper and electronic ink with a group of gray-haired academics around him. All the books in the world are at your fingertips, he is explaining, no more crumpled paper or faded printing problems.This is a universal library. Blake found Gillies.Sir Bentley stood by, listening to their discussion.He held the neck of a bottle of wine in his hand, as if trying to cut it off. What nonsense!He growled suddenly, and nothing could replace the touch of a beautifully bound book.The printed word is sacred. Blake froze unknowingly, but the professor in leather was calm.Don't be so vehemently against mechanization or automation, Gilels, he said with a smile and aplomb, an invention comparable to Gutenberg's. The bottle of wine was finally opened, and while pouring the red wine into a row of wine glasses, Gilels grimly looked at Bosper.Ma Xiong. There was a large polished table next to the podium, and Diana had already walked over to study various old books on the table.Blake followed her, happy to be diverted.Diana wore elbow-length gloves, and her hands looked like long-stemmed lilies.He reckoned he'd have to wear something like that if he wanted to touch Sir Gilels's book.Those books must be worth a lot.It only takes a little dust, like pollen, to get her fingertips dirty. Some books were clasped with clasps, others were adorned with jewels.Blake longed to pick up the books, but felt Sir Gilels' eyes on him as he busily passed the goblets to the members.Blake decided to wait and get permission first. Da Ke quietly approached Blake, and Blake whispered to her: Open your eyes.We need to know who first discovered the wordless book, and more importantly, who is currently looking for it. There are so many faces on set.Some of the faces Blake recognized had been seen in the refectory, but many more had come out of Oxford's wooden buildings for the event.Most of them, like his mother, are university teachers who speak several languages ​​and clutch thick notebooks ready to copy notes.They talked in low voices, as if they were in a library, or worshiping books in church. The pious atmosphere was quickly destroyed by Sir Gilels, who rang the brass bell on the podium and asked everyone to take their seats.There was a buzzing sound in the room, full of anticipation. Diana sitting in the front row.Bentley called Blake and Dako over, and they sat down beside her, both excited and nervous. The meeting of the Exlibris Society is about to begin.
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