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Chapter 32 oxford

Cryptography 馬修.史坎頓 3555Words 2023-02-05
26 A kiss woke him up. Blake dreamed of snow again, and it fell on him like a blanket covering him.But when a snowflake touched his brow and melted, he emerged from the dream and found his father sitting beside him, looking at him tiredly but lovingly.How did father come here? Blake blinked, confused. Dad looked haggard, with bags under his eyes.His clothes were crumpled, but under the smell of sweat and dust, there was a familiar smell, the smell of home. The smell made Blake feel warm and safe.He rolled over on his side and fell asleep again, smiling happily. After a few hours, he woke up with a start.

Is it all a dream? He opened his eyes.At first he felt nothing but a plain white light that surrounded him like a pillow.Then his mind began to piece together a pile of discarded images, and he clung to them as he struggled to come to his senses.The pain in his body reminded him that the nightmare was real. He glances around.The bed was thin and hard like a stretcher, and the starched sheets were surgically sharp.There was another beep in the silence.There was also the regular sound of breathing in from a respirator, luckily it wasn't attached to him.He secretly rubbed his nose with his fingers.

He must be in the hospital. His parents sat close to him, tending to him anxiously, and Dako, wrapped in a shiny silver blanket, watched as the doctor injected something into the clear plastic balloon in Blake's head.Fluid dripped into a tube attached to Blake's wrist. He'll be all right, the doctor said, we've bandaged his index finger and sewed up the other lacerations, but he's been hit hard on the head.We will keep him in hospital for observation to avoid concussion.He has come over. Blake felt as if his head was stuffed with cotton.A wave of nausea surged up and he swallowed it back.

Of course, Blake's dad said, we just can't wait to bring him home, so be it. Somehow the word doesn't sound the same. Blake lay there, glimpsed vaguely of his family through half-closed eyelids.Dad stretched out those strong hands, put one on Da Ke's shoulder, and put his other arm around his mother, tightly, around her waist.To Blake's surprise, Mom was crying. Blake didn't have the strength to speak or do anything, so he pretended to sleep on.He was reluctant to open his eyes fully, lest the vision of the family finally being safe and together would fade away. It was like a dream, and he didn't want it to end.

Has he not woken up yet?Dako muttered, she felt a movement behind Blake's eyelids. I think not yet.Dad said. Don't wake him up.Mom added. However, these words did not stop Da Ke at all, she still stepped forward and tapped Blake's forehead lightly, "Hey, is there anyone inside?" Blake felt a sharp pain in the side of his head.He groaned. Dako!The parents warned her at the same time and quickly pulled her away. see?I just said he woke up. Blake felt as if his body had been dismembered by five horses and sewn back together with barbed wire.Despite throbbing pain, he tried to sit up.

Well?He hummed drowsily, and a pain came to his head again.He sat back, exhausted. Don't move your head, baby. Diana.Bentley has been arrested! Dako! We can rest assured that you are safe and sound, baby.You have a lot of time to tell us everything. Blake shook his head, trying to make sense of the rumbling sound.His ears were full of echoes. But how?He felt nauseous and asked vaguely. you saved me!Dako said loudly. Well, the dog actually saved it, Mom explained, and it started barking hysterically and pounced all the way to the library door.I originally thought it was rabies.The dog owner is a weirdo, he keeps pointing at the roof and mumbling something I don't understand

It's Alice!Da Ke spoke happily, but her mother ignored her. And then, of course, the alarm goes off, and Mom goes on, I saw you waving Dako's raincoat from the top of the tower against that nasty woman.The scene was like a shot in a movie.I can't believe my eyes. Then the police came and Da Ke quickly pulled the story to a later stage. Yeah, the police climbed up on the roof to save you, Mom said, at that moment, I thought Diana.Bentley is going to kill you. She is.Blake tried to speak, but the words caught in his throat. To Blake's surprise, his mother burst into tears.

What about dad?He asked exhaustedly, how could you Blake held out a hand, but still couldn't fully control it, and pointed to the floor. I'm already on my way here, Christopher.Winters took his son's hand and tucked it back under the covers. I've been trying to get in touch with you for days.I miss you all. A yawn interrupted his narrative. What's more, I heard your sincere words, he patted Da Ke's head, Da Ke squirmed uncomfortably, saying Boss Bo.Ma Xiong returned to this neighborhood again.I couldn't stand him going on the offensive against your mum so went straight to the airport last night, hopped on a plane and arrived in Oxford early this afternoon to catch the screams and sirens.I knew you and your sister were probably busy playing pranks.

Blake grinned, but couldn't absorb all he had heard.Do you know Professor Ma Xiong?he finally asked. Dad froze slightly, nodded and said: He and your mother used to be quite right before I, um, intervened. Juliet.Winters shook his head.How could you think that she spoke to me. I just want to make sure, said Dad, putting a tender hand around Mom's shoulder, I miss you all three. I miss you too, Blake said, with a weary smile, glad you're here. Come on, that kid needs a break.Another voice spoke from the side of the ward. Blake stretched his neck, and saw a familiar figure with white hair, a huge body blocking the door.The movement caused a sharp pain in his head, and his body flinched.

Sensing that they needed a little privacy, Blake's parents got up.Excuse me, my parents said, let's go out for a while. Nice to see you again, Dorion.Blake's dad added privately. Me too, boy, me too.the professor murmured. Parents drag Dako away. I know what you're going to say.As soon as the room was clear, Dorion said.Blake's blue eyes focused eagerly on the man.There was a time when I was looking for that book too.As anxious as Diana was to get that book. She said you broke the buckle. Dorion stared at his thumb thoughtfully for a moment. Yes. Dako gasped; she had managed to sneak back.

go away!Blake yelled at her, but the sound was just a low hoarse rustle. Zhuo Leon intervened to mediate, no, no, your sister has the right to listen.I'm afraid I haven't been completely honest with you both. Da Ke leaned over on tiptoe.What happened?she asked curiously. I envy George.Sama Nazar, the professor said without any disguise, he found the wordless book.We were good friends, but I ruined everything by trying to read the contents myself.I want to solve puzzles. just like me.Dako said softly. The old man didn't seem to hear her.He had retreated into the private world of personal memory.Yeah, that book will make you like that, he said, it will make you hungry for knowledge, for power. The professor's voice became cloudy.I tried to steal from him, he recalls, an act I still regret today.The book must have felt unworthy of me because it rejected me, and not long after that George disappeared.I believe he remained near Oxford, perhaps to guard the book closely, but he has not spoken since.It wasn't until the night of Sir Gilels' speech that he told me that the shadow was getting closer. Zhuo Leon paused.I thought he meant me, he said, shifting guiltily, but I was wrong. Diana.Bentley wants that book more than you do.Blake said. right.said the professor, looking at the floor.She coveted the Ultimate Book more than anyone else.She seduced me, then George, and finally Sir Gilels' wealth and influence, to get the book.She was consumed by the power of the book. But she couldn't find the book, Blake said, at least not until we showed up. I'm afraid that book has awakened shadows in us, Dorion admitted, thinking, besides you. Blake's confidence suddenly crumbled, but, Professor Dorion, I don't know where that book is!I dropped it on the library roof and take it easy.The professor said softly, putting a hand on Blake's shoulder for reassurance.That book is waiting for you, I promise.It will find you again, when you are ready. how come?asked Blake suspiciously. Believe me.You are the perfect guardian angel, Blake.Endymion.It makes sense for Spring to look at you. Blake shook his head.I still don't understand why.He was muttering to himself when the nurse came in to tell them that visiting hours had passed. Dorion smiled when he heard the boy's last words. Maybe you should ask your dad.The professor said mysteriously, and led Da Ke towards the door.
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