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Chapter 7 7. Continue to investigate

mythical world 倪匡 7060Words 2023-02-05
Feng Ruidao: Then, who is Mrs. Sun?Why is her action so mysterious?Where is she from? The young man laughed: This is not a problem, if she is a secret agent of some organization, she can have the mystery of coming and going without a trace. The princess said softly: Don't forget that Sharonx can change shape, she can even turn into a reed!she Wen Baoyu interjected loudly: This point is very similar to the characters in Chinese mythology. When Monkey King and Erlang God were fighting, the magical powers of Sun Wukong, who each had transformed, even turned himself into a temple! The princess was not unhappy about being interrupted, she continued: Sharon Kesi will change, she has come to the modern world, if she is afraid of being recognized by others, she can change into any appearance, she does not have to be the same as before!

The princess's reason is very good, Feng Rui's reason is just a statue, so it is a bit far-fetched to draw an equal sign between Mrs. Sun and Sharon Kesi. At this time, many people also felt that agreeing to Feng Rui's idea was more than passionate and romantic, but there was not enough evidence! But Feng Rui is very stubborn: Women value their appearance, so she doesn't want to be different! Feng Rui's words, to men's ears, seemed preposterous, but to women's ears, they won my heart, so all of a sudden, young men and young women started arguing. Feng Rui, on the other hand, had a righteous look on his face, and he had his eyes fixed on the young man.The young man sighed: At least give me some other evidence to support your unconstrained hypothesis!

Feng Ruidao: After the incident, the police went through such a precise investigation, but found nothing. This is enough to prove that she was trying her best to avoid something!This is strong evidence! The princess only expressed her opinion at this time: There are many people who are avoiding something, but the appearance of the two is so similar, it seems that it cannot be called a coincidence. When Feng Rui heard what the princess said, he couldn't help being very excited and rubbed his hands together.At this time, the princess was looking at the photo of Mrs. Sun and the photo of the girl in the statue.

As soon as the princess expressed her opinion, she naturally drew all the people to her side to listen to her continue to play. Feng Rui hurriedly handed over another piece of paper: Look, this is the analysis of the computer. The appearance of a person is determined according to the shape of the human skull. The computer restored the shape of the skulls of the two people according to the appearance of each person The difference in appearance is due to the shape and size of the skull, which is somewhat different. There are no people with the same appearance in the world, because there is no one with the same size and shape of the skull!

When Feng Rui mentioned this, his expression was a little excited: there may be people with the same fingerprints in the world, but there will never be people with exactly the same parts of the skull!When he said this, everyone who heard it looked shocked, and even the young people couldn't help being moved: What about the computer's analysis? You know, in the photos, it can be seen that the appearance of two people is very similar. It is just an observation with the naked eye, and it is not accurate. Whether it is 100% similar or only 90% similar, there is no definite data.However, computer analysis is quite different, and a very precise comparison can be made.

Feng Rui stood up: Otherwise, I would not have such a hypothesis. The computer analysis said that the comparison between the two, from the skull, parietal bone, sphenoid bone, frontal bone, nasal bone, lacrimal bone, to the cheekbones and occipital bones , upper jaw, lower jaw, all 100% identical! Feng Rui has obviously studied this computer analysis for quite a long time, so he is very familiar with the bones of the entire head, and can name them all in one go. After he finished speaking, he paused for a moment before he said: As the princess said just now, is that a coincidence? The young man took the computer analysis report, looked at it in detail, and then corrected Feng Rui's words: the computer analysis uses the term similar in mathematics, not identical.

Feng Rui said loudly: You naturally know the reason, right? The young man nodded, of course he understood, and everyone present understood.Mathematically, two triangles are similar, which means that the two triangles have the same shape but different sizes. To say that two triangles are identical means that the shape and size of the two triangles are exactly the same. That is to say, if one of the two similar shapes is enlarged or reduced, they can always be exactly the same. Mrs. Sun and the girl in the statue are similar but not identical. Naturally, the girl in the statue is two meters and forty-three centimeters tall. The actual person is not that tall.And if Mrs. Sun's height is changed to 243 centimeters, then the shape and size of the skulls of the two are exactly the same.

Therefore, Feng Rui didn't point out this point just now, and it doesn't affect the result of the analysis. The young man pointed out this point because he was particularly meticulous, and he wasn't picky. Wen Baoyu first received the computer analysis report, and then spread it for everyone to watch. The computer report is very detailed. With the use of computers, human beings can already produce unexpected effects. Like this analysis report, there is the shape of each component of the entire skull. There is no slight difference when compared with each other. The conclusion of the computer is: it must be the same person if there are two people and the possibility of this happening is close to zero!

Wen Baoyu patted Feng Rui's shoulder forcefully: "With such strong evidence, why didn't you show it early in the morning?" Feng Rui was a little coy: I don’t need to show this evidence, you all accepted my hypothesis, the young man came, he didn’t accept it, that’s why I need to show the analysis report, it’s very shocking, I need to think about it It is necessary! Everyone accepted Feng Rui's explanation, and their eyes naturally focused on the young man, not including the princess's.Because although the princess did not agree with Feng Rui's hypothesis, she also believed that such a coincidence was impossible!

The young man took a sip of the wine first, and stretched out his hand to stroke his face. What he thought at this moment was that the bone structure of the head of a statue with a history of thousands of years is exactly the same as that of a modern person. This is really amazing A kind of coincidence! But computer analysis also said that the chance of such a coincidence is close to zero.Close to zero, not equal to zero, not impossible! But the young man also knows that it is not convincing to raise this point now, so he raises the question from another angle: the age difference between the two is huge in terms of appearance, fifteen years?

Feng Rui's answer is: This point, the computer can't give a correct answer. It seems that the age of a woman is really a mystery! The young man was silent for a moment: the possibility of coincidence is close to zero, and the possibility of the ancient Greek goddess being modern is also close to zero. The young man wanted to continue talking, but he saw the princess with a look of disapproval. Although this kind of look may not be detectable by outsiders, the young man can easily feel it. That surprised him a bit, because for a long time, there were almost no differences of opinion between them, and at this time, the look of the princess naturally represented disagreement with his words. Therefore, he stopped talking, and made a gesture to the princess, asking her to express her opinion. The princess said at this time: Goddess, there should be no distinction between ancient and modern times. For gods, the concept of time is completely different from ours. Tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years are nothing to them! As soon as the princess said this, Feng Rui applauded first, and the young man smiled and nodded in agreement. The princess said: There is no distinction between ancient and modern times, so there is one less obstacle in time.That is to say, a goddess, if she likes to appear in any era, don't forget that gods have various supernatural powers! The young man made a gesture, asking the princess to continue. The princess said: As for the age, there are many possibilities. It is easier for mature women to move around in modern society, which is one of the reasons! Hearing what the princess said, the young man knew that the princess had basically accepted Feng Rui's hypothesis. He chuckled: There are a few more questions. First, how can it be proved that the statue, the girl next to Pan, is Sharon Kess?Didn't Sharonx turn into a reed and be picked by Pan to make a reed flute? Before the princess could answer, Wen Baoyu rushed to say: This is too easy to understand, because of this, Pan got Sharon Kesi for a short time.Pan didn't kill her, she could transform from a reed back into a human, so there is such a statue left behind! The young man laughed: It seems that I am a very minority. Well, our goddess, if it is really her, then the matter can come to an end, because she may have been three thousand years ago, five thousand years later, and may return In her mythical world, maybe into a world we can't even imagine, what else is there to go on? After the young man finished speaking, he spread his hands out in a chic posture. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay when he mentioned it.Indeed, even if it is confirmed that Mrs. Sun is a member of the mythical world, so what!She may have reached any realm that people can imagine, but the difference in time and space.But in fact, there are still many realms that people don't know and can't imagine! The goddess wandered around the world, and she didn't want anyone to know her secret. In order to escape, now, she will naturally not appear again! The young man said that the matter was over, but it was irrefutable! Wen Baoyu first let out a long sigh: only hypotheses, no proofs! Everyone showed regrettable expressions, only Feng Rui was not very disappointed, he said: Everyone is willing to accept my opinion, even the young people finally accepted it, for me, I am already very satisfied. A very remarkable discovery, although there is no direct proof, but the indirect proof is very conclusive, and we can't ask for further progress. We can't ask the goddess of nature, Sheronx, to really appear in front of us and personally describe to us how Pan treats us. She is entangled! When Feng Rui was saying this, the young man glanced at the princess, who was showing a charming expression that was half a smile. The young man made a conclusion, and everyone discussed it for a while. The young man and the princess left first, and everyone followed. Before getting into the car, the young man shook hands with Feng Rui: If you have anything to do, just call me, I like this kind of party!Then, he raised his voice: We will meet later, everyone. The young men and women, Wen Baoyu and Hu Shuo, were reluctant to leave. Hu Shuo didn't like to talk very much, and after the young man and the princess arrived, he almost didn't say a word! The young man and the princess got into the car and drove away. Wen Baoyu asked Nonsense: Why don't you speak? Hu Hua lowered his voice and pointed to the car going away: They will continue to pursue it, but they just don't want us to participate! Wen Baoyu's eyes widened. For a moment, he couldn't judge whether the nonsense was correct or not. After getting into the car, the princess gently leaned on the young man's shoulder and asked, "Why did you look at me when Feng Rui was talking just now?" The young man laughed: I am looking at you all the time, please specify the exact time so that I can answer!The princess smiled: It was Feng Rui who said that the Goddess of Nature should never show up, and told us personally that we were being entangled by Pan! The young man straightened up: Yes, because I know, you were thinking why not? ,Is it right? The princess raised her eyebrows slightly, smiled very touchingly, and nodded. The young man just concentrated on driving for a while, and the princess asked after a few minutes: "What?"Disapproval? The young man was still silent, and the princess sighed: "Of course you know, the Asian Eagle, Luo Kai, has a close friend with a very strange identity, and he arranged for her to live in Egypt." As soon as the princess spoke up to this point, the young man let out an ah, even involuntarily, stretched out his hand on his head, and hit him hard. After hearing about Mrs. Sun's mysterious behavior and Feng Rui's assumptions, although there seems to be quite convincing evidence, young people always have an imaginative barrier to the fact that the gods in Greek mythology appear in real life. so that it cannot be truly accepted.But at this time, when the princess mentioned this close friend of the Asian Eagle, the young man really had a word that awakened the feeling of the dreamer! Luo Kai once mentioned the legend of this woman from another star to young people. This woman seems to be a standard strong and beautiful woman. She has been on the earth for thousands of years. In her early experience, she participated in the ancient Greek Her experience of war and entanglement with centaur monsters has already been included in the mythology! That is a character who came from mythology to real life! With one, why can't there be a second? After the young man suddenly figured this out, he smiled brightly: How do you plan to start? The princess frowned and remained silent. The young man said: Actually, when I said that the matter is over, I already admitted that this beauty may be the goddess of nature in the myth! The princess sighed again: Then, she may be in any time and space, and we cannot contact her.However, judging from her situation in real life, she seems to be very lonely, unhappy, and needs help. Will she take the initiative to seek help? The young man didn't answer this question immediately, because there were too many unknown factors, he slowed down his driving speed, and repeated the question just now: where to start? The princess was still frowning, but she had an answer to this question. Her answer was: go to the place where the taxi driver picked her up. There must be a reason for her to appear there! The young man naturally knew what the princess was talking about. Although he also knew that the police were there and had conducted a very detailed search but found nothing, he still agreed with the princess's proposal. Because he is confident that his powers of observation are superior to those of the police, and the princess's supernatural powers brought her an unusually keen feeling. A goddess from mythology is naturally very different from ordinary people. There should be some special information that can let her know. The princess can feel it. The young man is quite familiar with that high-end residential area, so after turning into a road leading to the suburbs, he speeded up. Not long after, he arrived at the seaside. After driving along the seaside for a while, the car was a bus away. Standing only ten meters away, he stopped. Not far from the station, there is a hillside facing the sea. On the hillside are small bungalows in different styles, which look elegant and quiet. The whole group of buildings is surrounded by walls, and there is an entrance. On both sides of the entrance, there are sentry boxes, and security guards can also be seen guarding. The young man and the princess got out of the carriage, and walked towards the station, arm in arm, looking like a couple taking a walk. Taking advantage of the sea breeze, the young man brushed the princess's hair: If Mrs. Sun were a human being instead of a god, it would be very romantic to have a tryst with her lover in such an environment!The princess smiled, and leaned her head on the young man's shoulder, letting her long hair be blown by the sea breeze: Chinese characters are very strange, obviously it is a date, but the Chinese call it a tryst, adding a word "you" , It adds unlimited imagination!The young man laughed: It also depends on what kind of people the two parties participating in the tryst are. If they are vulgar, no matter how beautiful they are in words, they are actually not beautiful at all!The princess shook her head slowly: What's the difference between a man and a woman in love?In their minds, only themselves, everything else does not exist! They were gossiping. A man and a woman rode bicycles and rushed straight down the slope of the hillside. When they passed by them, they saw them with very surprised expressions. !The young man and the princess looked at each other and smiled. Naturally, they were not surprised by this situation. They walked up the slope, which was a very flat asphalt road. Walking on the asphalt road, so, at this time, the young man and the princess should be on the same route as Mrs. Sun walked that day. In theory, they could find out where Mrs. Sun came from and came to the station. After walking a hundred meters, there was a fork in front, a wider road leading to the main entrance, and another very narrow road leading to the back of the hillside. Without a second thought, both the young man and the princess turned into that lane, for the police had visited the houses along the main road and made investigations without result. After turning to the hillside, it was obvious that it had been tidied up, the flowers and trees were sparse, the grass was green, and it was very beautiful.One of the corners is full of bright yellow dandelion flowers. Under the sunlight, the small yellow flowers emit dazzling colors. The princess bent down and caressed the large flower with both hands. The young man was on the side, admiring her The beautiful demeanor, the contrast between people and flowers, is extremely pleasing to the eye. The princess tilted her head, as if she was thinking about something. Suddenly, she sat down on the grass, and patted it with her hand, signaling the young man to sit down too. After the young man sat down, he simply used his arms as a pillow and lay down. On soft grass. The princess asked at this time: What do you feel? The young man took a breath: he felt free and comfortable. Few, indeed, were of such leisure in their lives of adventure as they now are. However, the young man knew that leisurely, that was only his own feeling!The princess chose to stop here, naturally for her reasons, at this time, she must be using her powers as much as possible, trying to capture the information she needs in the emptiness. From the outside, with the breeze blowing by, her long hair and the black veil dancing on her body, she seems to be doing nothing, but in fact, her abilities are constantly being displayed!The young man didn't bother her. After a while, the princess pressed her hand on the back of the young man's hand. The young man felt that the princess' hand was very cold, and it didn't seem to fit well with the surrounding environment where the sun was shining and yellow flowers were everywhere. The young man knew that the princess had discovered something. At this moment, the princess' eyes were fixed on a cluster of dandelion flowers without blinking her eyes. This kind of situation made the young man suddenly have a weird idea, and he was immediately taken aback by his own idea!What he thought of was that Sharonx is the goddess of nature, she can turn into everything in nature, she once turned into a reed in the water, and naturally she can also turn into a dandelion on the hillside! As soon as he thought of this, he thought of his own body, pressing a large dandelion, and he jumped up naturally. At this moment, the princess laughed coquettishly, raised her head, and looked at the young man: Thinking of these flowers, maybe they are the incarnation of Sharon Kesi? The young man raised his eyebrows and didn't answer. People's imagination has no limits, and when all kinds of weird thoughts are about to arise, they can't even be stopped. The princess also stood up, her expression was full of confidence, she stretched out her hand and pointed to the ground, pointing to the place where the cluster of yellow flowers grew, she said: "There is something under here." Such words as the princess said would naturally sound silly to others, but the young man had already gotten used to hearing it, and he knew that it was because the princess had made a very important discovery.He didn't ask what it was, because he knew that the princess hadn't figured it out yet, and the princess said again: "It's very strange, what is that?"It's buried very, very deep in the ground The princess looked very perplexed for a moment, and the young man came up to her and took her hand.Although the young man was happy that the princess had supernatural powers, his heart ached when he saw the princess showing pain when she was using the supernatural powers.At this time, he stretched out his fingers, and gently smoothed the knot between the princess' eyebrows, and said in a low voice: If you can't think of it, don't think about it!The princess shook her head slowly, not knowing what her action meant.After a while, she said again: It's too deep, beyond imagination, almost impossible to touch, but I can feel its existence, ah The princess suddenly yelled, looked straight at the young man, and let out a sudden breath: That is a huge space, another world, a When the princess said this, she showed a very sweet smile. The young man had not yet known what the princess meant by this, nor what she had discovered. He didn't ask, the princess smiled slightly apologetically: I'm sorry, I can't describe it in words.
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