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Chapter 6 Chapter Six

suzie's world 艾莉絲.希柏德 12339Words 2023-02-05
Two weeks before I left this world, I went out later than usual, and by the time I got to school, the school bus stop that was circled in black was already empty. As soon as the bell rings for the first period, if you still try to walk in through the school gate, the picket sent by the principal's office will record your name. I don't want to be called out in the middle of class and sit in Peterford Waiting to be beaten on the hard bench outside the sir's office.Everyone knows Mr Peterford will call you into his office and tell you to bend over and spank your ass with a plank of wood, and he's got the guy in the shop to drill holes in the plank so there's less resistance when you swing it , the board is also more painful when it falls on the jeans.

I've never been too late, or made a mistake so badly that I got spanked, but I was as scared of spanking as any other student, and we didn't want to feel the burn of the board on our asses.Then I remembered that Clarissa had told me that the juvenile drug addicts often ran to the auditorium stage through the back door (in school, we called the junior high school students who smoked marijuana). Usually with the back door left open, he was a seasoned drug addict in high school and never finished high school. I tiptoed to the back of the stage, which was strewn with electrical wires and extension cords, proceeding carefully so as not to trip over them.After walking for a while, I stopped by a scaffolding, put down my schoolbag, and straightened my hair.When I went out in the morning, I wore a hat with bells on it, and when I walked past the Eutrull house and my parents couldn't see it, I immediately changed into my father's black baseball cap, which made my head full of static electricity. So when I get to school, I usually go straight to the bathroom and comb my messy hair.

You are beautiful, Suzy.Salmon. I heard voices, but at the time I didn't know where the voices were coming from.I looked around. I'm here.said the man. I looked up and saw Ray.Singer leaned on the scaffold above me. Hi.He said hello. I know Ray.Singh likes me, he moved here from England last year, but Clarissa says he was born in India. I think the upbringing of him being born in a foreign country, speaking a different accent, and growing up and moving to another country is pretty cool, not to mention that Ray seems to be 800 times smarter than us, and he secretly likes me.At first I thought the way he was dressed and the foreign cigarettes he brought to school was a little pretentious, but then I realized that the cigarettes belonged to his mother. I thought he was putting on a show, but now I think these behaviors are showing His family background is extraordinary, his knowledge far surpasses ours, and what he sees and hears is above his peers.That morning, he was standing on a high scaffold and talking to me, and my heart sank to the ground.

Didn't you hear the bell for the first class?I asked. My first class was Mr. Merton's General Studies.He said, now I understand that Mr. Merton is often hungover, especially in the first general education class, so he never calls names. What are you doing up there? Climb up and have a look.He moved as he spoke, out of my sight. I hesitated. Come up and see, Suzy. For the first time in my life, being a bad boy (or so I thought), I stepped my feet to the bottom of the scaffolding and extended my arms to grab the first rung. Bring your things with you.Ray suggested. I walked back to get my schoolbag, and climbed up crookedly.

I will help you.He put his hands under my armpits as he spoke, and I felt embarrassed even in the heavy jacket.Once up, I sat on the scaffold with my feet dangling in the air. Stretching our feet up, he said: so we won't be seen. I stretched out my feet as he said, and then looked at him quietly for a while, and suddenly I felt a little stupid, not knowing why I was sitting here. Are you going to be on it all day?I asked. When the English class is over, I will go down. ha!I was a little surprised that you skipped English class, as if I heard that he robbed a bank. I've seen Shakespeare's plays performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company, Ray said: "That fierce teacher has nothing to teach me."

I feel bad for Mrs. DeWitt, and if being a bad kid means calling Mrs. DeWitt, I'd rather not be a bad boy. I like Othello.I mustered up the courage to say. She taught too hypocritically, like the movie Black Like Me The works of the 1950s are regarded as classics of racial discrimination, have been adapted into movies, and are often selected as textbooks.) The characters in the book are like the ones who know only a little, but still think they know best. Ray was really smart, and the combination of being Indian and being British made him as rare as a Martian in our small town. The actor in the movie who is dressed as a black guy does look pretty stupid.I said.

You mean Lawrence.Sir Oliver?Ray said. Afterwards, the two of us sat without talking, and the surroundings were silent. We heard the bell for the end of the general education class, which meant that in five minutes, we had to rush to the classroom on the first floor for Mrs. DeWitt's English class.It was almost time for class, and with my heart beating faster, Ray studied me carefully, not taking my eyes off my royal blue snowsuit, bright chartreuse miniskirt, and matching tights.I put my usual shoes in the school bag beside me, and I wear a pair of fake sheepskin boots with dirty faux leather rolled around the front and seams of the boots.If I had known that I would meet someone here, I would have dressed up, at least before I walked in through the back door, I would have put on a fresh layer of strawberry and banana-flavored lipstick.

I felt Ray slowly approaching, the scaffolding under our feet creaking as he moved.I thought to myself: He is from England!His lips were getting closer and closer, and the scaffold was slightly tilted to one side. I felt dizzy, ready to receive the shock of the first kiss.At this moment, we suddenly heard a voice, and both of us were too frightened to move. Ray and I lay down next to each other, staring at the lights and wires above.After a while, someone opened the door next to the stage. From the voices of the two, we recognized Mr. Peterford and Miss Lane, who taught art, and there was a third person besides them.

We won't punish you this time, but we won't forgive you if you make the same mistake next time.Mr. Peterford said: Miss Lane, have you brought anything? Yes.Miss Lane transferred to our school from a Catholic school where she took over the art department from two ex-hippie teachers.These two hippie teachers made the kiln explode and caught fire, and they were expelled from school. Our art class changed from experimental arts such as throwing clay and melting metal to regular sketching.Miss Lane put the wooden statue upright in front of the classroom as soon as she started class, and we obediently followed the sketches.

I just do my homework.It was Ruth who spoke.Conness, I recognize her voice, and Ray recognizes her, and we both take Mrs. DeWitt's English class. This thing, said Mr. Peterford, is not homework. Ray squeezed my hand, and we all know what Mr. Peterford is talking about.Someone made a photocopy of Ruth's painting, and it was circulated in the library, and it took a long time for it to reach a boy standing by the card catalog cabinet before the librarian confiscated the photocopied painting. Miss Lane said, if I remember correctly, that the portraits we copied had no breasts. The woman in the painting stood with her legs crossed and slanted, her limbs hooked together by ropes. There were no wooden figures like this in art class.There is a real woman in the painting, I don’t know whether it is intentional or not, the woman’s eyes are blackened by charcoal, and it feels like she is giving her a big smile.

The wooden figures don't have noses or mouths either, Ruth said: But you haven't encouraged us to draw faces. Ray squeezed my hand again. Say no more, said Mr. Peterford: it is the pose of the figures that is in question.There was something so obviously wrong with the drawing that the Nelson boys would have photocopied it. is it my fault These problems would not have arisen without the painting. So the whole thing was my fault? Please put yourself in the shoes of the school and think how much trouble this painting has caused.I also ask you to do me a favor, and follow Miss Lane's instructions in the future and stop drawing silly things. Leonardo da Vinci did not draw human body sketches.Ruth murmured under her breath. Got it? learn.Ruth said. The door next to the stage opened and closed, and after a while, Ray and I heard Ruth.Conness sobbed softly.Ray gestured with his mouth that let's go, and I quietly moved to the other end of the scaffold, with my feet dangling in the air, trying to find a place to climb down. Ray kissed me by the locker that week.He tried to kiss me on the scaffold, but didn't; our first kiss was an accident, as beautiful as the rainbow halo of a gas gun. I climbed down the scaffold with my back to Ruth, and she didn't move away, and she didn't try to hide, and when I turned around, she just looked at me quietly.Sitting on a wooden box at the back of the stage, a pair of old drapes hanging beside her, she watched me approach her without wiping the tears from her face. susieSalmon?She just wanted to make sure it was me, she didn't think I'd skip the first class until that day, the chances of me skipping class and hiding in the backstage of the auditorium were as small as the smartest girl in the class being scolded loudly by the instructors . I stood before her, hat still in hand. This hat is clumsy.she says. I held up the hat with the bell on it, took a look, and I knew it was made by my mother. Well, you heard that? can i have a look Ruth flattened the weathered painting, and I stared at it intently. Brian.Nelson drew an indecent hole in the cross of the woman's legs with a blue ballpoint pen. I felt a little embarrassed, and she kept looking at me.I saw her eyes twinkle, as if curious, and then she bent down and pulled out a black leather-bound sketchbook from her backpack. The sketchbooks were full of beautiful drawings, mostly of women, but also sketches of men and animals.I have never seen such vivid works. Every page in the sketchbook is her masterpiece. That's when I realized how provocative Ruth is. naked woman, but because she is more gifted than the teacher.She's the quietest kind of dissident, really, and she doesn't want to be misunderstood. You are really good, Ruth.I said. Thanks.'I kept flipping through her sketchbook, fascinated,' she said.Seeing the black line under the woman's belly button in the painting, which is where my mother said the baby was born, I was both excited and scared. I told Lindsay that I would never have children, and at the age of ten I spent the better part of a year telling any adult who would listen that when I grew up I planned to have a tubal ligation.Although I don't quite understand what this means, I know that this is a serious matter, that there will be surgery, and every time Dad hears it, he will laugh out loud. After that, I no longer saw Ruth as an outlier, but thought she was quite special, and her sketches were so good. At that moment, her work made me forget about school rules, class bells, and hearing bells. The reaction and things like that were all left behind by me. The police surrounded the cornfield and searched with all their strength, but they searched for a long time but in vain.After the police gave up their search, Ruth, wearing her father's battered pea coat and her grandmother's woolen scarf over it, went for a walk in the cornfield alone.She soon noticed that she skipped classes and the teachers didn't say much except for the physical education teacher. She was too smart for the teachers to handle her, so the teachers felt that the class would be easier without her.With her present, the teachers must spend more energy and speed up the progress of the lectures. She hitches her father to school in the morning so she doesn't have to take the school bus.Mr. Conness went out early and always carried a red iron lunch box when he went out. Ruth used the lunch box as a barbie home when she was a child, and Mr. Conness let her do the same. Now he is in the lunch box Inside was a bottle of bourbon.Before his daughter got out of the car in the empty parking lot, he always turned on the heat and temporarily stopped the car. Are you going to school well today?He always asks that. Ruth nodded. Have a sip and hit the road. Ruth didn't nod this time, and directly handed the lunch box to her father. Mr. Conness opened the lunch box, twisted the whiskey bottle and took a big sip, and then handed the bottle to his daughter. Ruth tilted her head back exaggeratedly, Said that she also drank happily, but in fact, she put her tongue on the mouth of the bottle and took a sip secretly. If her father stared at her, she would take another sip cautiously. She jumped out of the car sideways. Before the sun rose, the weather was still very cold. She suddenly remembered that the teacher said that it was easier to keep warm by moving, so she decided to take a walk in the cornfield.She walked slowly, talking to herself while walking, and sometimes thought of me.She usually stops by the iron railing that separates the football field from the running track, leans against the railing, and watches the world around her wake up. And so, for several months after the incident, Ruth and I met here every morning.The rising sun slowly climbed over the cornfields, and Papa released Halliday early in the morning, and Halliday weaved among the tall dry corn stalks, running in and out after the hares in the field.Rabbits like the neatly manicured grass of the sports field. Groups of hares gather on the grass at the border of the sports field. Gray and black figures line up beside the white-lined grass, looking like a team of young athletes.Ruth approached them slowly, she liked seeing the bunnies lined up like this, and so did I. She believes that stuffed animals will get up and run around at night after people go to sleep. Although she is no longer a five-year-old child, she still believes that her father's lunch box has miniature cows and sheep hidden in his lunch box. chat. After Christmas, Lindsay placed the mitts my mother had given me between the edge of the football field and the cornfields.One morning, I saw wild rabbits around the glove, curiously sniffing the fur on the edge of the glove.Then I saw Ruth pick up the gloves from the ground before Halladi found them, and she turned the bottom of one glove over to reveal the rabbit fur inside, and pressed the glove to her cheek, and she looked up at the sky and said :Thank you.I think she's talking to me, or at least I like to think so. During these morning days, I grew to like Ruth, and though neither of us knew how, on either end of the spectrum, we seemed destined to be with each other.I floated past her, she shuddered, and just like that, two maverick girls found companions. Ray likes to walk as much as I do. The houses in the community are surrounded by the school. His home is at the outermost end of the community. He has noticed that Ruth walks alone in the cornfield. After Christmas, he is in a hurry to and from school. The school stopped more often. He hoped that the murderer who killed me would be arrested as soon as possible. He was almost as anxious as my parents. Only after the real culprit is caught can he prove his innocence, otherwise even with an alibi, he still cannot get rid of the suspicion. One morning, when his father didn't have to teach at the university, Ray took the opportunity to fill his father's thermos with his mother's sweet tea and wait for Ruth at school early in the morning.He waited by the shot putter, sitting alone on the curved metal plate at the feet of the shot putters. He saw Ruth walking up and down on the other side of the railing, which was the football field on one side and the much-regarded soccer field on the other.He rubbed his hands together, typed his stomach, and prepared to speak to Ruth.Although it took him a year to finally kiss me as he wanted, the reason he had the courage to talk to Ruth was not because he kissed me, but because he was so lonely at fourteen. I watched Ruth walk to the football field, thinking she was the only one here, Mr. Conness had recently renovated an old house, and he found a collection of poems in the house, which happened to be in line with Ruth's recent hobby.Ruth clutched the collection of poems tightly. She saw Ray stand up from all the way. Hi Ruth.Conness!He yelled and waved his arms. Ruth looked at him, and the boy's name immediately popped up in her mind: Ray.singh.But beyond that, her knowledge is limited.Although she had heard rumors that the police had sought him, Mr. Conness said: "No kid would do such a thing. Ruth believed her father, so she walked towards Ray." I prepared some hot tea in a thermos.Ray said, I blush in heaven for him, he's got everything right about Othello, but now he's acting like a jerk. No, thank you.Ruth said she stood beside him, but apparently at a greater distance than usual, her fingertips pressed against the battered cover of the book of poetry. I was there when you and Suzie spoke backstage in the auditorium the other day.Ray said he handed her the thermos and she didn't lean in or respond. susieSalmon.He made it clear. I know what you said.she says. Are you going to her memorial service? I didn't know there was a memorial service. I don't think I will go. I stared intently at his lips, redder than usual in the cold, and Ruth took a step forward. Would you like some lip balm?Ruth asked. Ray raised the woolen glove to his lips, and the glove brushed lightly over the lips I had kissed, and Ruth groped in the pocket of her double-breasted coat, found a lip balm, took it, and she said: I have many Lip balm, this one is for you. Thank you, he said: At least you can sit with me and wait for the school bus to come, right? They were sitting together on the shot put board, something that never would have happened before, and now I'm witnessing again what I thought was impossible.Seeing Ray sitting with Ruth, I found him more attractive than usual, his eyes dark and deep, and I gazed into his eyes in heaven without hesitation. Morning meetings became their custom, and when Ray's father went to teach, Ruth took a little whiskey to school in her father's thermos, or else they drank the sweet tea Mrs Singer had prepared.It was cold in the morning, and neither of them seemed to care. They talked about what it was like to be an outsider in this small town. Together they read verses from Ruth's collection of poems. They also talked about their future aspirations. Ray wanted to be a doctor, and Ruth wanted to be a poet and painter.They discussed which students in the class were weird, and secretly formed groups for these weird people. Some students knew they were weird at a glance, for example, Mike.Bales, who was so high on drugs that no one understood why the school hadn't kicked him out; and Jeremiah from Louisiana, who was thought to be as foreign as Ray.Some students didn't see anything strange, such as Arti, who was elated when talking about formaldehyde, and Harry, who was shy and wore sports shorts over his jeans.holland.Vicky.Kurz was also a little strange. Everyone thought Vicky was acting normal after her mother passed away, but Ruth had seen her sleeping in the pine forest behind the school.Sometimes they talk about me. It's really weird, said Ruth: I mean, Suzy and I have been in the same class since kindergarten, but we didn't notice each other until the day we met backstage in the auditorium. She is really nice.Ray said he thought of us standing by the locker, his lips brushing against mine, and I was smiling with my eyes closed, almost running away.Do you think they'll catch the murderer? I think so.You know, we were only a hundred yards from the crime scene. I know.He said. They sat on the edge of the shot put, both wearing gloves, holding a cup of hot tea. The cornfield had become a forbidden area for no one to enter or leave. If a football ball rolled into the cornfield, only the brave boys would dare to go in and pick it up.The sun was high above the cornfields that morning, casting light between the dry corn stalks, but they could not feel its warmth. I found this in the fields.Ruth pointed to the leather glove. Have you ever thought about her?Ray asked. They fell silent again. I think about her all the time, said Ruth, and I get a chill down my spine, sometimes I think she's lucky, you know, I hate this place. Me too, Ray said: but I've lived elsewhere, and this is a temporary suffering, not a permanent one. Could it be that you mean She went to heaven.Of course, this assumes that you believe in such a thing as heaven. Don't you believe it? I don't think there is a heaven, no, I don't. I believe, said Ruth, and I don't mean happy days and cherubs flying in them and all that nonsense, but I do believe there is a heaven. is she happy She went to heaven, didn't she? But what does this mean? The sweet tea had already turned cold, and the bell for the first class had already rang. Ruth smiled into the teacup and said: Well, like my dad said, it means she has left this damn place. Dad knocked on thunder.At the gate of Singer's house, Ray's mother, Luanna, came out to open the door. Dad was stunned when he saw it. It wasn't because she didn't welcome her right away. Pale skin and gray eyes.After she opened the door, she stepped back a little, which made Dad feel very strange, and it made him a little bit at a loss. He had heard the police talk about her, and they found her cold, snobbish, arrogant, and strange, so he imagined she was. Please come in and sit down.As soon as he gave his name, she invited him in.As soon as she heard the word Shamon, she immediately opened her slightly closed eyes. He looked into her dark eyes, and really wanted to explore her deep inner world through these windows to the soul. She led him into the small living room, and he almost stumbled. The floor of the living room was covered with books facing up, and there were three rows of deep and wide bookcases on the wall.She was wearing a yellow Indian sari and golden silk cropped trousers on her lower body. She had bare feet and no shoes. She walked slowly through the bookcases all over the wall, and stopped by the sofa and asked: Do you want something to drink?He nodded. Hot or cold? hot. She turned and walked into a room he couldn't see, and he sat down on the brown plaid sofa. There were several windows opposite the sofa, and the windows were hung with long cotton curtains, which made it difficult for the dazzling sunlight to penetrate.He suddenly felt very peaceful, and almost forgot why he checked the address of Singer's house again and again this morning. After a while, just as Dad was thinking that he was very tired and would go to the dry cleaner to help Mom get some clothes that should have been taken long ago, Mrs. Singer brought tea back to the living room, and she put the tea on the tea tray. , on the carpet in front of Dad. Sorry, we don't have much furniture, and Dr. Singer is still seeking tenure. She went to the next room and helped herself to a purple pillow. She put the pillow on the floor and sat down facing him. Dr. Singer is a professor?Although he already knew the answer, he still asked the question knowingly. This beautiful woman and her minimalist home made him a little nervous. Yes.She poured tea as she spoke, and the living room was silent, and she handed him the teacup, which he held out for him, and she went on: Ray was with his father the day your daughter was murdered. He really wanted to fall into her arms. You must have come here for this.she continued. Yes, he said: I want to talk to Ray. He's still at school, she said: You know.She sat on the ground with her legs tucked up, her toenails were long and unpainted, and the skin on her feet had become rough from years of dancing. I just wanted to come and tell you that I had absolutely no intention of hurting him.Dad said.I have never seen him like this before, he speaks very carefully, the words sound heavy, and at the same time, he stares at her legs curled up on the dun carpet, a small circle of weak sunlight falls on her through the curtains. He couldn't help staring blankly at the right cheek. He did nothing wrong, but fell in love with your daughter.Alas, it can be said that the little boy is infatuated.Still, the whole thing is sad. Ray's mother had many young admirers, and the boy who delivered the newspaper would often park near the Singer's house on his bicycle, hoping that Mrs. Singer would come out when she heard the sound of the newspaper falling heavily in front of the door. Even waved.It doesn't matter if she doesn't smile, she rarely smiles outside, her most charming eyes and dancer-like posture, every tiny movement of her seems to have been carefully considered. When the police came to inquire about the case, a group of people walked into the dark living room, thinking that the murderer was already in the house.But Ray hadn't shown up yet, and Luana had turned everyone's heads, and they even sat down on silk pillows and drank tea together. The police thought that she would chatter like other beautiful women and talk nonsense, but she was calm and elegant, which made the police more and more restless.When the police questioned Lei, she straightened up and stood quietly by the window. I'm glad Suzie has a good boy like Ray who likes her, daddy said: Thank you son for being so kind to my daughter. She pursed her lips and smiled. He wrote a love letter to her.He said. I know. Well, if I had known this was going to happen, I would have written Suzy a letter too, and he said: At least I can tell Suzy I love her on her last day. yes. I couldn't do it, but your son did. That's right. They stared at each other in silence for a moment. You must have driven the police crazy.He smiled and said that he was not smiling at her, but a bit like smiling wryly at himself. They came here accusing my son of being a murderer and she said: I don't care what they think of me. I think Ray must be having a rough time.Dad said. Please don't say that, she said gravely, putting the glass back on the tray, you don't have to feel sorry for Ray, or us. Dad wanted to say something, to protest. She waved her hand and said: You lost your daughter, you must have your reasons for coming to us, I can understand that.Other than that, please don't say anything, and don't try to understand how we live. I don't mean to offend you, he said: I just want She waved again. Ray will be home in twenty minutes, and I'll talk to him first to get him ready, and then you can talk to him about Suzy. What did I say to offend you? We don't have a lot of furniture, which I think is a good thing, so that if we want to leave here one day, we can pack it up and hit the road.She tried to change the subject. I want you to stay.Dad said he said it partly out of politeness, he was a polite kid from a young age, and he taught us the same way.But apart from being polite, he also hoped to have the opportunity to get to know this woman better. She seemed icy cold, but maybe it was just an appearance, maybe she wasn't as hard-hearted as she appeared on the surface. You are too polite, she said: We just met, not familiar at all.Let's wait for Ray. Mom and Lindsey were arguing when Dad left.Mom asked Lindsey to go swimming with her at the Young Women's Club, and Lindsey yelled without thinking: I'd rather die than go!Dad watched Mom stand there with a bloodless face, then burst into tears, ran back to their bedroom, closed the door and cried bitterly.He quietly put the notebook into his jacket pocket, picked up the car keys hanging by the back door, and slipped out of the house quietly. For two months after the accident, my parents seemed to avoid each other deliberately, one stayed at home while the other went out.Dad often dozed off on the green chair in the study, only to tiptoe into the bedroom after waking up, and lie quietly on his side on the side of the bed.If his mother pulled most of the blanket over him, he would lie on the bed without the quilt.It was as if he could wake up at any moment, ready to act if something happened. I know who killed her.He heard himself talking to Luana.Singh said. Have you told the police? I told them. What do they say? They said that so far, apart from my speculation, there is no direct evidence. She spoke out of her father's suspicion. As weighty as a mother's intuition. This time she smiled slightly. He lives nearby. What are your plans? I'm investigating all leads.Dad said he knew exactly what that sounded like. so my son He is one of the leads. Maybe you were terrified by the alleged murderer. He couldn't scare me, he protested: I must do something. We can't make sense again, Mr. Shamon, she said: You misunderstood me, I'm not saying it's wrong for you to come to us, in a way, I understand why you came here, you want some support , looking for some warmth and comfort, so you came to us, which is good for you and my son, I only care about this. I said I had no intention of hurting anyone. What's that man's name? George.Harvey.In addition to telling Ryan.It was the first time Papa had said the name out loud, outside of Fenemont. She didn't say anything, she stood up after a while, she turned her back to him, walked to a window and opened the curtains, she liked the sunshine when school was over.Lei appeared on the street, and she watched her son approach the house step by step. Ray is almost home, I'm going out to wait for him, I'm sorry, I'm taking a break, I have to put on my coat and boots.She paused and said: Mr. Shamon, if I were you, I would do the same.I talk to anyone I find suspicious, but I don't tell too many people his name.When I'm sure, I'll kill him quietly and quietly. He heard her put on her coat in the corridor, the clatter of the metal rack as she put it back on the hanger.A few minutes later, the door opened and closed, and a gust of cold wind blew in from the outside. He saw her standing outside to greet her son. Neither mother nor son smiled. They lowered their heads, and saw their lips move. Dad was waiting for him inside. Mom and I felt Ryan from the very beginning.Fenemont was different from the other police officers who came to my house with him, all of them were rather large and well-built. Inspector Fenemont looked small by comparison.In addition, he is different from others in some small places, and most people can't see it.For example, he often seemed to be thoughtful, and when he talked about me or the progress of the case, he looked serious and never joked.Only when talking to his mother, Ryan.It was Fenemont who showed his optimistic nature. He firmly believed that my murderer would be caught. Maybe not for a day or two, he said to his mother: But one day, he will definitely show his feet, this kind of person has never been able to control himself. Papa went to Singer's, leaving Mama alone, Ryan.Fenemont came home to find her father, so she had to chat with him.Mom put some construction paper on the living room table, and Buckley's crayons were scattered on the construction paper. He and Nate were drawing in the living room, and then the two little boys dozed off from exhaustion, and their heads hung down like heavy flowers. Mom had to pick them up, first one, then the other, taking the two little boys to the sofa in turn.They slept on each side of the sofa, their feet almost touching in the middle of the sofa. Ryan.Fenemont knew he should speak softly at times like this, but Mom noticed he didn't like children very much, and he watched her pick up the two little boys without standing up to help, and he didn't talk to her like the other cops. Children's business.Whether I lived or died, she was only a mother to the other officers, and Fenemont was not to her. Jack wants to talk to you, mother said: but I think you are very busy, you must not have time to wait for him to come back. Fortunately, not too busy. The locks of hair that Mom had tucked behind her ears slipped back to her ears, and her expression softened, and I knew Ryan had noticed. He went to poor Ray.singh.She tucked her hair back behind her ears as she spoke. I'm so sorry we have to question him.Ryan said. Yeah, she said: no young boy could make her stop, and he didn't force her to finish. He has a full alibi. Mom picked up a crayon from the construction paper. Ryan.Fenemont watched his mother draw people and puppies, Buckley and Nate were snoring slightly on the sofa, and Buckley bent over, curled up like a baby, and sucked his thumb in his mouth.Mom once said that we must help him quit this habit, but now she is envious of my little brother who sleeps so peacefully. You remind me of my wife.Ryan was silent for a while before speaking.While Ryan was silent, Mom had drawn an orange poodle and a blue pony that looked like it had been electrocuted. Is she bad at drawing too? In the past, when we had nothing to talk about, she also sat quietly. After a few minutes, there was a yellow sun, a brown house, and pink, blue and purple flowers outside the painting. You said before. They heard the garage door at the same time, and she passed away shortly after our wedding.Ryan said. dad!Barkley jumped up from the couch and yelled, completely oblivious to the existence of Knight and the others. Oh, I'm so sorry.she said to Ryan. Me too, he said: I mean about the Suzie thing, really, I'm sad. Barkley and Knight ran to the back door to welcome Dad home, who yelled gleefully: "I need oxygen!" Every time we come home from get off work after a long day and we cuddle him for too long, Dad always yells like this.As exaggerated as it may sound, putting on a show for the sake of the little brother has become the happiest part of Dad's day. Dad walked into the living room through the back door, and Mom stared at Ryan.Fenemont, I really want to tell my mother loudly: go to the sinkhole and take a closer look!My body is buried deep in the cave, but my soul is watching you from above. When the police still had a glimmer of hope, Ryan.Fenemont took a picture of me from school to my mother.He kept my picture in his wallet along with other pictures of dead children and strangers, including his wife.如果案子破了,他就把破案日期寫在照片背面;如果案子沒破,照片背後就空白。不管警方認為破案與否,只要他認為案子沒破,照片背後就留白。我的照片背後一片空白,他太太的照片背後也看不到任何字跡。 賴恩,你好嗎?爸爸打聲招呼,哈樂弟在爸爸身旁跳來跳去,希望主人拍拍牠。 我聽說你去找雷.singh.賴恩說。 巴克利、奈特,你們上樓到巴克利的房裡玩,好嗎?媽媽說:費奈蒙警探和爸爸有事情商量。
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