Chapter 22 Twenty-second psychological consultation
It's a good thing you found time to see me, doctor.There has been a lot of ups and downs recently, if I continue to deal with it alone, I will definitely be sent to the madhouse.But then again, living in a lunatic asylum may be much safer than at home.I believe you have seen my news in the newspapers again.Who didn't see it?
Two or three days ago, I pulled out that old photo at night that the psychopath stole.There is no hole poked by a thumbtack on the photo, and I don't know why I nailed it to the cork board in the office.However, no matter how hard I tried to deduce where the photo was stolen, the only image that popped into my mind was the pervert holding the photo as if holding an award.
The next morning, I went out for a jog.At the end of my driveway, I turned right onto the road and was about to run past a white van parked on the side of the road when Emma ran in front of me and I told her to stop and wait for me to cross the next road .
I was so focused on whether she stopped obediently that I barely noticed the van's side door open.When I passed by, I saw the figure of a strong man in black, with a ski cap showing only his eyes, swooping towards me.I hurried to the side, only to twist my ankle, step on loose gravel, fall hard on the sidewalk, hit my jaw, bite my tongue, and skin my hands in the rough pavement.
As I struggled to my feet, one hand grabbed my ankle and began to pull me into the car.As I tried to get out of the clutches, I grabbed the ground fiercely.The gangster didn't catch me for a while, so I quickly got up on my knees, ready to run away, and then a big hand slapped down and covered my mouth, and the other hand wrapped around my ribs, lifting me up, and I was pulled into a solid body.The hand covering my mouth pressed my head into the thug's shoulder, and the other hand strangled my chest so hard to breathe.The gangster started backing away, my heels dragging on the pavement, and Emma rushed back and barked.
I wanted to call for help and resist, but I was so frightened that I couldn't move. I saw the pervert smiling, and I could only feel the muzzle of a gun being pressed against my back.
After dragging me to the side of the van, the gangster shifted his weight to one foot and grabbed me tightly, depending on the situation, he wanted to get into the car.I remember freaks opening the door, rounding the front, getting in the car
Damn, concentrate!Golden time is only a few seconds.Don't let him put you in the van.
I bit down on the hand covering my mouth, and kicked him backwards. When I heard an ouch, I slammed my elbows back randomly, hitting probably the jaw.He gave me a hard push, and I fell hard on the hard edge of the sidewalk, hitting my temple.Although the pain was excruciating, I rolled over on my back.When the gangster reached out to grab me, I screamed with all my strength and kicked him in the stomach.He groaned, but still wanted to grab me again.
I turned from side to side continuously, beat his arm, and shouted: Help!Come on!
I heard growls and barks.The gangster stood up again.
Emma bit his foot and he kicked the dog.
You bastard, you are not allowed to touch my dog!
I was still lying on the ground, protecting myself with my elbows, and hit his lower body with my feet.He bent over in pain, groaned and stepped back, gasping for breath, and then knelt down on his knees.
A woman's scream came from my left.let her go!
The gangster stumbled to his feet, trying to walk past me and back to the van, but Emma still bit his foot.I grabbed the gangster's other leg.He threw off his feet and forced his way into the car.The van's tires squealed and nearly hit Emma as it drove away.I wanted to write down the license plate number, but my vision couldn't focus, and the car was going too fast.
The sound of my breathing was like being strangled.I slowly got up on my knees, looked back, and vaguely saw the neighbor across the street running over with a phone.My vision blurred and I lay backward on the pavement.
Is she all right?
The police are coming soon.
God, what happened?
I wanted to respond, but my body was shaking uncontrollably, my breathing was still panting, and my vision was still blurred.Emma's fur brushed her cheeks, and her warm tongue licked my face.Someone pulled her away, and a woman's voice: What's your name?
annie.My name is Annie.
All right, Anne, the ambulance is coming soon, so bear with me a little longer.
Sirens.uniform.Someone put a blanket over me.I answer a few questions intermittently.
A man in a black suit with a white van.
Sirens sounded again, and uniforms changed.
Where does it hurt, Annie?
Try taking a deep breath.
We're going to fix your neck.
Can you report your date of birth?
Several hands lay on me.Fingers on my wrist.Shouting a few sets of numbers.After being put on a stretcher and fixed, I recognized the voice of a person.
She is my niece, let me get in the car.Auntie's worried face appeared above me.I held her hand and burst into tears.
Aunt Val accompanied me to the hospital in the car.
Annie, you are all right.Your uncle is calling your mother to tell her to meet us at the hospital and your uncle will bring Emma back to our house.After that, I don't have much impression, I just feel that the speed of the car is so fast, and I just remember holding my aunt's hand.
Arrived at the hospital and I was hyperventilating again There were too many people shouting, babies crying, bright lights, nurses asking so much so the hospital sent me to the observation room to wait for the doctor, but I could still see the police in the corridors and Nurse and aunt talking.
I started counting how many pieces the ceiling had.A nurse came in and asked me to squeeze her hand, and then took my blood pressure and checked my pupils.I keep counting.
The doctor finally came and asked me the same question again, and I kept counting.Sending me into the X-ray room, I counted the machines.Pushing me back to the ward, the police came in and asked the gangster what clothes he was wearing, how tall he was, and what brand the van was. I counted them more anxiously.Then a burly male nurse came in and suddenly tried to grab my arm, and I started screaming.
The doctor told everyone to leave the ward and ordered the nurse to call the crisis team down immediately.I closed my eyes, counted the racing heartbeat, and ignored what they were saying.Someone give me an injection.Someone spoke again, but I didn't hear it.Someone pinned my wrist and counted my pulse, and I followed suit.
I heard someone running in the hallway, then Mom's voice, but I passed out.
one two three
When I opened my eyes, my mother and aunt were standing in front of the window, with their backs to me, talking in a low voice.
Mark was about to drive me to see the results of the test, and she was lying on the ground when I saw a crowd on the way.Auntie shook her head.After pushing for a long time, I was able to squeeze in.In just a few minutes, the media arrived, and they must have chased the ambulance.Look outside, it's full of reporters.
My mom said: How did you tell them?
media?I didn't say anything because I was more concerned about Anne, and Mark answered a few questions.
mark?My mother sighs.Val, be careful when speaking to reporters, I don't know what they will do
I coughed and they turned to look at me.I burst into tears.
Mom rushed over and put her arms around me.I sobbed on her shoulder.
I was so scared just now, Mom, so scared.
When the doctor came back, I was much calmer.What calmed me down was that I had no broken bones, but I had multiple bruises, lacerations, scrapes all over my body and a splitting headache.Under the interaction of pain and fear, I went into a state of shock.hateful.
What the doctor was most worried about was the bruise on my temple, so I stayed in the hospital for observation for one night.The Crisis Response Team also wants to assess my injuries tomorrow morning.Throughout the night, nurses would come in and wake me up every two hours to check for brain oscillations.I couldn't sleep anyway, and every time I heard footsteps approaching in the corridor, I got nervous.When there was a loud noise, I also shook.Mom slept next to me on the camp bed, and sometimes I just stared at her tiny body and counted her breaths.
The last time I was hospitalized, I learned a lesson: If I refused to cooperate, I would be discharged later. So the next morning, the crisis response team came to assess my mental stability, and I obediently cooperated.They probably want to know what kind of spiritual support I can get after I leave the hospital.I tell them that I see a therapist regularly.They gave me phone numbers for several crisis hotlines and a list of support groups.
They decided I was emotionally stable enough to be questioned by the police, so I explained as much as I could to the police No, I didn't see his face; No, I didn't see the license plate; No, I don't know why a bastard Want to take me away.
I thought the police would have a team of people watch over me 24/7, but the most the police could do was promise to patrol my house sporadically and install a special alarm system that would go straight to the police station.They reminded me to keep my phone with me and avoid the van crap that stopped by!And be aware of your surroundings, but try to live a normal life while you investigate.What normal life?Miasma is my normal life.
The doctor said I could be discharged, but it would be best to have someone take care of me for the next twenty-four hours.My mother insisted that I go to live with her. Since I was still in a flurry of moods, and my whole body was stiff and painful, I agreed without hesitation.Mom sat on the couch with me all day watching TV, put ice on my bruises, and made countless cups of tea.I don't mind her pampering in every possible way.
When Uncle Mark brought Emma over, my mother even let the dog into the house and told her to protect Annie.Emma does know how to protect me.Although Uncle Mark only took care of her for one day, she shrank her tail when she saw him and barked whenever she heard a sound.And every time my mother enters the room, she also yells at her.Wayne keeps her distance, giving her time to settle down.
That night, my mother accompanied me to sleep in my bed, just like when I was a child, but she was the only one who could sleep peacefully.After lying awake for hours, I crawled into the hall closet with my phone, Emma right behind me.Gary was the only person I wanted to talk to, and he was the only person who didn't come that morning, and he wasn't there the next day.I asked him why he didn't come at the hospital, and the police said he had gone on a long trip again.Closed in the closet again, I dialed his cell phone, but it went straight to his voicemail.
I was aching all over, curled up in the closet, but this time I was still insecure, was my mind full of hope to regain my sense of security?Eventually I fell asleep and dreamed that the white van was chasing me.
After regaining my freedom, I often went to the police station in Clayton Falls to filter mugshots. I watched bad guys for several months, but I never saw any perverts, and I became more and more discouraged.The portraits released by the police frequently appeared on TV and newspapers, and the Royal Mounted Police even listed him as a body to be identified on the website, but no matter how I looked at it, I felt that the portrait was just like an ordinary dead person.Even if the painting is really lifelike, with the pervert's first-class invisibility skills, no one will remember his appearance.
The police found out that the house and the nearby vacant land were purchased with a lump sum of cash, two or three months before my disappearance, but there is no evidence that the identity of the buyer is really no credit card information, no driver's license number, nothing. .A pervert must be impersonating someone else.He even went to the bank to open a bank account under a false name to facilitate the payment of property taxes. Unfortunately, no one in the bank remembered him as a customer.
The original owner of the cottage has never met the buyer, because the transaction was not through a real estate agent, but a lawyer in Clayton Falls handled the closing, which only required an autograph.The lawyer who undertook it must have been blind, because even he couldn't describe the buyer's face.His excuse was that he handled sixty house transfers that month, how could he remember?I doubt that the lawyer probably didn't even look at the buyer's ID card.
Gary called me two or three days after the roadside horror while I was staying at my mom's house.He told me that the alarm system was installed and that he was sorry for not calling sooner because he was investigating the case at a fishing and recreational center in the north where the only communication was by radio.I reported to him what happened, and then he asked me how the damn old photo was stolen, and I said I was still thinking about it, and he just grunted and changed the subject.He said that because the pervert had stalked me, the police initially thought he might be a local, but now Gary thinks he might be staying in an out-of-town hotel and drove into Clayton Falls when he committed the crime.
For the last month, I've held a photo of him every weekend around Clayton Falls and asked every hotel and hotel within an hour's drive to identify him, Gary said.The town of Clayton Falls is located in the middle of Vancouver Island, so the scope of his travels is not small.
Wouldn't it be easier to fax to the hotel?Also, how is it your turn to run errands?You can send grassroots police to ask.
I'll explain fax first.If I fax it, nine times out of ten it ends up in the trash.There are few tourists in winter, and many staff do not go to work, but the sightseeing season is about to begin, and the staff are slowly returning to the team. I want to communicate with them face to face.Second, I don't send my men out on errands because most of them are busy with other new cases.I spent most of my private time on this case, Anne.
I was very moved, and also very guilty, because I had nothing to do every night, watching TV to kill time, but he ran around for me.I thought to myself, maybe it is because he often works overtime that he has no time to get married.
Your girlfriend probably hates me, I said.He was silent for a few beats, and I felt my cheeks heat up, luckily he couldn't see my embarrassment.
I know you are discouraged when you look at the photos, but since the gangsters want to kidnap you again, I think you should go back to the bureau and filter to see the headshots.
I asked him about his girlfriend just now, but he didn't respond, and I was still secretly calling myself an idiot.I said: So you think that the person who wants to kidnap me this time has something to do with the pervert?
I think it is necessary to consider all possibilities.
meaning is?
There are two suspicious points in this case that do not fit the typical pattern, such as your old photo, where did he steal it from?He had already collected so many photos, why did he need that one?If you can identify the mugshot of the suspect, other suspicious points can also be revealed.
I said I would go to the police station tomorrow to see the photos.
I was particularly impressed the morning Gary came to see me for the first time since I was in the hospital, Doc.He said he had just been out on duty, and he didn't know what that meant.He was wearing jeans, a black jacket emblazoned with the RCMP and even a baseball cap.I asked him, hey, have all the suits been sent for laundering?I actually think he looks tough in this outfit.As much as I like to tease him about his well-dressed style, he exudes a kind of dead-against-my-god chill.
I spent the night at my mother's again last night.After listening to her and Wayne fight all night after my latest in and out of the hospital, she drank even harder.I had nightmares again, dreaming of white vans, only this time with good results: a man hugged me to protect me.I woke up and thought, that man was Gary.I felt so guilty that I wanted to crawl into a hole in the ground.Poor Luke tried his best to get close to me and was so patient with me, but I dreamed of the policemen who made him suffer so badly.
Sometimes, I wish Gary would be my bodyguard, but I kick myself because I know no one can give me a sense of security all the time.It's funny to think about it, because I feel so safe by Luke's side, but the sense of security he gives me is different, a peaceful and pure sense of security.Gary's whole body cannot be described with simple words.
After returning home this morning, I took Emma to patrol the perimeter of the house, and I was startled when I saw a shadow.Then I checked the alarm system, a billion times.To ease my mind, I looked again at the art school profile I told you about.The school is located in the Rocky Mountains, and the beautiful scenery is as charming as Harvard University in my mind.I even went to the school's website to download the registration brochure.God only knows why I downloaded it.I only miss one thing, and that is my house.I was freaked out, yes, but if I sold my house to pursue my teenage dreams, I might get a certificate as a crazy woman.What if I give it a go, but my aptitude is not good enough to be promoted to a painter?then what do I do?
Well, doctor, we'd better call it a day.I also had to go to the police station to filter mugshots on the way home.At least an excuse to call Gary tonight.