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Chapter 22 Chapter 20 The New Government

presidential order 湯姆.克蘭西 10582Words 2023-02-05
There were thirty people in all in the east house, and they were all men.To his surprise, each man brought his own wife.When Ryan entered the reception room, his eyes scanned every face, some of which pleased him, some of which he did not.Those who pleased him terrified him as much as he did, while the confident, smiling ones worried the President. How to deal with them?Not even Van Damme knew the answer, though he had tried several methods.Severely coerce them?Yeah, Wren thought, and then tomorrow's papers will say he's trying to be King Jack I; take it easy?Those people will call him an incompetent soft-legged shrimp. Ryan has learned to fear the news media by now.It wasn't so bad before, he used to be as busy as a bee gathering honey, so he was largely ignored by the media, even when he was Dooling's national security adviser, he was always regarded as a mouthful.But now the situation has changed drastically, and every word he said will be misinterpreted into what the listener wants.For a long time, Washington has lost the ability to be objective and impartial.Everything involves politics, and politics is ideology, and ideology comes down to personal bias rather than the pursuit of truth.Where did these people learn that the truth has nothing to do with them?

The problem with Wren is that he doesn't have a political philosophy, he only believes in things that work, that do what they're supposed to, and that fix everything.Whether these things are political is not important, what matters is whether they are effective.Good ideas work, even when they seem borderline crazy; bad ideas don't, even when they seem perfectly reasonable.But Washington doesn't see it that way. In this city, ideology is fact; if it doesn't work, people deny it; , because admitting mistakes is harder for them to accept than any personal mistakes.Soon, they will deny God, not their own ideas.For humans, politics is the only playing field.There, one can take major actions without caring about the real-world repercussions, which are far less important than the fantasy world where carnival is possible.

Ren looked at the faces of these people and guessed what kind of political medicine everyone was selling in their gourds.Politicians may have been his weakness, but for him, he'd had his days of killing people by mistake, and Casey had his days of blinding people.To Lane, these victims were flesh and blood; to Kathy, they were people she had met in the operating room; to politicians, these were abstractions, compared to their The point of view held is much more distant. It felt like being in a zoo.Caroline.Wren's first lady, the doctor, told her husband with a charming smile that she had just arrived home by helicopter.

And the golden fence.Her husband replied, with a smile as unreal as the one on the bill. then what are we?Lionesses and lionesses, she asked, as the incoming senators applauded them.Bulls and Cows?Peahens and Peahens?Or two little rabbits waiting to be slaughtered in the laboratory? It depends on who is watching, my dear.Wren held his wife's hand, and the two walked to the microphone together. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Washington.Ryan had to pause for a moment of applause.That's one thing he had to learn, too; people applaud the president for almost everything, and it's a good thing he still has a door to his bathroom.He reached into his pocket and took out some small cards, these cards were written by Carly.Weston was in charge of the preparations.The lettering on the card was large so he could see clearly without glasses.Even so, he expected a possible headache because he had a headache every day from reading so much.

The country needs you, and it matters a lot, and you came here with the same purpose as I did.You have been appointed to this position, a job that many never expected to get, and some may not want to take yet.It's obviously a compliment, but they love to listen, or rather, they just want to appear to be listening on the TV camera. That's good, Wren told them, that duty to one's country is a long and honorable tradition among citizens, dating back to the Roman citizen Cycinetus (Editor's Note: Roman General and Political family), he was more than once called to serve his country and then returned home to continue his work.One of our cities is named in honor of this great man.Wren added, giving a nod to Ohio's new senator, who lives close to the city in Dayton.

If you didn't understand what the needs of the country were, you wouldn't be here.But what I really want to tell you today is that we have to pull it together and we don't have time and our country doesn't have time for us to argue and fight with each other.He had to pause again, waiting for the applause to subside.Rain was annoyed by the delay, but managed to smile gratefully and nod kindly. Senators, you'll find me an easy guy to get along with.The door to my office is always open, I know how to deal with problems, and I know that ideas come together.Any issue can be discussed with me, I will listen to all points of view, only the Constitution is what I am sworn to defend.

People all over the country expect us to fulfill our duties.They don't want us re-elected, they expect us to do everything we can to work for them.We work for them, not they work for us, and we have a duty to them.General Lee once said that the word responsibility is the most noble word in our language.Now, that word is even more noble and important because we are not elected to office.We represent the people of a democracy, we are here because of something that should never have happened, so what could be more important than that we do our part and do our duty to the best of our ability?There was thunderous applause.

Fate has empowered us, and this is the greatest trust in us.We are not the inherently powerful nobles of the Middle Ages. We are slaves, not masters, to those who are willing to hand over power to us.We follow in the footsteps of great men, Henry.Clay, Daniel.Webster, John.Calhoun, and many others in this House of Representatives, they are your role models.How can America stand firm?We will decide it all, the fate of America is in our hands.Lincoln called America the last and best hope of mankind.Over the past two decades, the United States has demonstrated this.America is still a testing ground, and all must be loyal to the Constitution, because it is this succinct document that sets us apart.America is not just a land between two oceans, it is an idea, a set of laws by which we live.Only by adhering to this point can we ensure that the previous inheritance can live up to the trust and can do better.Wren turned to the justices of the U.S. Circuit Superior Court and said: It is time for you to join us.

William.Judge Stanton walked up to the microphone, and each senator's wife held a Bible, and each appointed senator placed his left hand on the Bible and raised his right hand. i declare you Wren watched the new senators take their oath in a solemn, at least superficially serious way.They read their oaths, and several new MPs even kissed the Bible, perhaps out of personal belief, perhaps because they were so close to the camera.Then they kiss their wives, mostly smiling.There was a pause, and then everyone looked at each other; after the cameras went off, drinks were brought by the White House service staff, because that was when the real work began.Ren took a glass of mineral water and walked to the center of the room. Although he was quite tired and restless, he still smiled.

Sent some more photos.Security at Khartoum airport remained unchanged, and this time three U.S. intelligence officials filmed people walking down the gangway.Everyone present was surprised that no reporter found out about it.A line of official cars may be all that this impoverished country has to pick up visitors.Then the 737 flew eastward, and these people also drove to the embassy.Two of them stayed at the official residence belonging to the Iraqi general. This is the news from the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.After the photos were taken, other officials also drove back.The negatives were processed in the embassy's darkroom, enlarged, and faxed out via satellite.At Langley, with the assistance of two CIA officers and a CIA photo file of suspects, Bert.Wes recognized every face.

now it's right.The State Department official said the men were all from the military and none of them were Baath Party civilians. So we know who the scapegoat is.Edward.Foley said. That's right, Fu Mali nodded in agreement, which provided the surviving senior officials with the opportunity to arrest them, dispose of them, and show their loyalty to the new regime.Damn it, she concluded, getting too fast.Her station chiefs in Riyadh have all resorted to cross-dressing with nowhere to run, while some Saudi diplomats have hastily cobbled together a financial incentive package for Iraq's new government that now appears redundant. Edward.Foley, the newly appointed CIA director, shook his head in admiration: I don't think they're up to it.Sure, they are capable of killing our friends, but how about taking power quickly and silently like this? Mr. Foley, you've got me out of the question, Weske agrees. Someone must have leaked the secret, but who? Get to work, guys.Edward.Foley told several clerks, with a wry smile.Start reconnaissance as soon as possible. This looks like some kind of horrible stew.Blackened human blood and reddish-brown slimy monkey kidneys sit in flat glass dishes; the lights are dimmed to prevent ultraviolet rays from killing viruses.At this point, only the environmental conditions need to be monitored, which is already handled by the computer equipment.Moody and the Commander walked in in hazmat suits and inspected their sealed virus culture room.Jane.Two-thirds of Baptiste's blood had been frozen to prevent accidents in their initial efforts to grow the Ebola-Mainga virus.In addition, they checked the room's multiple ventilation system.The building is now a veritable factory of death; inside the house they strive to create a suitable place for the virus to breed, and outside the door, medical troops are carefully spraying disinfectant to ensure that the house is the only place where the virus is .The air that goes into the culture room must also be carefully filtered to ensure the safety of the people inside, the viruses being enough to kill them if something goes wrong. Do you really think this virus is airborne? As you know, the Ebola-Mainega strain is named after a nurse who, despite all the traditional precautions, got infected.As for patient No. 2, he thought it was more convenient to call it this way, as he was a skilled nurse with experience in dealing with Ebola virus.She has not given injections to patients and has no idea how she contracted the virus.So, I believe it is possible. That's a good guess, Moody.The supervisor whispered, too faintly to be heard, but the young doctor heard it anyway.The idea itself is startling enough.The old doctor added: We can test it. It was easier, Moody thought, at least he wouldn't know the names of those people.He doubts he was right about the virus.Patient No. 2 may have made a mistake, but he forgot?No, it couldn't be, he and Sister Maria had both examined his body, and there was no indication that she had been in contact with Benedict's bodily fluids?So what exactly does this mean?This means that the Mainga strains have survived in the air for some time, which means that they have a potential weapon that humans have not encountered before, and this weapon is more powerful than nuclear and chemical weapons.The weapon can reproduce itself, spread by victims, one by one, until the spreading virus is burned to nothing.They'll be burned, won't they? isn't it? Moody reached for his chin thoughtfully, but was blocked by the plastic mask.He didn't know the answer to the question, but in Saye and several other African countries afflicted by this terrible disease, all the viruses were burned to death, even though the environment there was a hotbed for the virus to grow.But the primitive jungle of Sai is still worrying. The roads there are rough and the means of transportation are severely lacking. The patient died before he could go to the distance for help.In the jungle, Ebola will sweep through a few villages, but that's about it, and no one really knows what it's going to be like in an advanced country.Theoretically, one person could infect everyone on the plane, and those passengers who got off the plane and transferred to other planes could spread the virus immediately through coughing and sneezing.It doesn't matter that many people fly again after a few days, thinking they just have a cold, and then they spread the virus, and more people are infected. The spread of infectious diseases depends on time and opportunity. The faster the speed of transportation, the greater the probability of spreading from the source of infection, and the wider the range of transmission through the crowd.Once the disease begins to spread, the time when protective measures start to work will determine the number of people infected.The United States is not a closed society, everyone interacts with everyone else, and Moody cannot imagine the impact of an airborne virus with an incubation period of only three days.The most recent deadly outbreak in Kikwit, Sai, has claimed nearly three hundred lives. It started with a hapless logger, then his family, neighbors, and then if you want to spread the virus more widely The trick is to increase the number of cases; if this can be done, Ebola will expand in the United States to the point where traditional control measures are ineffective.The route of transmission is not just one person and one family, but hundreds of individuals and families?Then, the next round of transmission will expand to hundreds of thousands.Only then will the United States realize that disaster has arrived.During this period, there will be another outbreak of a larger infection, which may affect millions of people.Even the medical facilities will not be able to suppress the disaster It may not be in control at all.No one knows the possible consequences of such a vicious and massive contagion in a highly mobile society.Moody looked down at the petri dish behind thick reinforced glass.The first generation of the disease, from an unknown host, caused the death of a young boy; How fast it will spread is unknown, but soon there will be a fourth, fifth, sixth, or even seventh generation that will determine the fate of this entire country that happens to be his enemy. It's easier now, Jane.Everything about Baptiste had moved him, but he couldn't make that mistake again.Although she is a pagan, she is a righteous person.She is with Allah now because Allah is the one who is truly merciful.He will pray for her soul, trusting that Allah will hear.Few, in America or elsewhere, have been as righteous as she is.He is well aware that Americans hate his country and do not believe in his religion.They may have names, but here he doesn't see them and doesn't want to see them. Moody agrees: Yes, it's easy to test this. George.Winston is talking to three new senators, and you see, if the federal government made cars, a Chevrolet would cost eighty thousand dollars, and you'd have to fill up every ten blocks.You all know business, and so do I, and we can do better. Is it really that bad?asked the senior senator from Connecticut. I can show you comparative productivity figures, and if Detroit did the same, we'd all have to drive Japanese cars.replied Winston, poking the man's chest, reminding himself that he could not drive the Mercedes 500 again, at least in the garage for a while. I don't have enough police force, Tony."I don't have enough manpower to control the operational reporting center, which is the main area of ​​regional conflict," Britannon told five others.He explained to these new senators and their spouses that we should be able to control two operational reporting centers at the same time, plus security missions in other areas.Now the Ministry of National Defense needs an opportunity to reorganize the troops. The front-line personnel are the most important, and the rest are just assisting them.Both the Treasury and Justice departments are fully staffed now, and I am not. But how are we going to pay for those expenses?asked the young senator from Colorado. The Pentagon is not a job center, remember that.Next week I will assess what we need, and then I will go to Congress to discuss with you how to achieve our goals with the least cost. Look, did I tell you?Arnold.Van Damme whispered as he walked behind Wren, let them do things for you, and you just wait comfortably. You are right, Mr. President.The new senator from Ohio agrees, he takes a sip of his whiskey because the cameras are off, in school I did a history paper on the Cincinetas and Well, our business is to remember that everything is in the national interest.Ryan told him. How do you continue your work I mean the wife of the senior senator from Wisconsin asked, do you continue to operate? And teaching, which is more important.Kathy nodded and said, I really wish I was upstairs taking notes for her patients Oh, I have to take a helicopter tomorrow I will never stop my work, every time I remove the bandages for the patients, their expressions It's the most beautiful thing in the world I've ever seen, the most beautiful.she stressed. Even more wonderful than me?Honey.Ren put his arm around her shoulder and asked.This might work, he thought.Charm them, both Van Damme and Callie had told him. The ceremony has begun.The colonel in charge of monitoring the five Muslim dignitaries followed them into the mosque and was affected by the atmosphere of the scene. He also prayed with them.At the end of the service, the eldest spoke to him calmly and politely, touching his favorite passage from the Koran.It reminded the Colonel of his own youth and of his father, a pious and respected man.It is common sense in dealing with people, regardless of location or cultural background, to talk to them, understand what they have to say, and then choose the appropriate avenue for the conversation to continue.This prominent Muslim has been an Iranian cleric for more than 40 years, providing solutions to people's beliefs and worries for a long time, so it is not difficult for him to establish a tacit understanding with his captors. The people who killed him and his four colleagues were probably sent by their superiors. A few minutes later, when the topic turned to the relationship between the two Muslim countries, the Iranian cleric told him that it must be very difficult to fight in the swamp. War is evil, and I never take pleasure in killing.The colonel admitted.It was very much like Christian making a confession, and even immediately his eyes were red because he remembered what he had done all these years; he realized now that he never took pleasure in it.He once violated his conscience in order to complete the task, and finally became unable to distinguish between innocence and crime, justice and corruption, but only did what he was ordered to do because he was ordered to do so, not because it was the right thing to do.He understands now. People often fall, but through the guidance of the prophet's words, we can always find the way back to the merciful God.People tend to forget their responsibilities but Allah will not.The priest touched the colonel's arm. I think you haven't finished your prayers today.Let's pray to Allah together and find peace for your soul together. After that, things got a lot easier.After learning that the generals had fled the country, the colonel had every reason to think for himself.He didn't want to die, so he was very willing to follow the will of God so that he could survive to serve Him. It was dawn in Baghdad.The doors of more than 20 large houses were kicked open. Some people were already awake, and some were still sleeping in a daze.Some were taken away, and they were still trying to figure out where they would be taken.By the time they figured out what happened, it was too late.At this moment, just a little mistake can lead to the difference between life and death, so no one resisted, only one person and his wife almost managed to escape, but they were still almost cut in two by the AK|47 machine gun.Most were carried barefoot from their homes to waiting trucks, their heads bowed to avoid attention, and they knew they were dying. These strategic radio networks were unencrypted, and weak FM signals were monitored, this time in the path of the storm, closer to Baghdad.Intelligence teams repeat famous words when reporting messages to their commanders, thus making the job of electronic reconnaissance teams in King Khalid's military city near the border easy.After the scouts consulted their superiors, urgent official documents were sent via satellite. Lane had just delivered the last new senator to the door, Andrea.Price came up. This shoe is going to kill me and I have another surgery Kathy shut up. There's a message coming in, sir. Iraq?Ryan asked. Yes, Mr. President. The president kissed his wife, and I'll be back in a minute. Kathy nodded resignedly, and walked to the elevator.Lane turned right and strode down the stairs, ending up in the Situation Room in the West Wing. Say it.the President ordered. Action has already begun.Edward.Foley's face appeared on the video wall.They can only wait and see. It's a new day and a new reality for Iraqi state television.It can be seen clearly when the announcers start their day on TV in the name of Allah.While this isn't the first time, there's never been a frenzy like today's.Religion is religion, all right.Palm Bowl's Master Chief said because it was broadcast nationally and replayed at a launch station near Basra.He turned and waved and shouted: Major Sabah? Yes, Master Chief.The Kuwaiti officer nodded and answered, walking towards this side.He's never miscalculated before, and his bosses have expressed reservations.They always did, for they had never been so close to the enemy as the major had been, always with a strategy in mind instead of just a thought.He looked at his watch.After the routine morning meeting, they will be in their offices within two hours, but it doesn't matter, and it doesn't matter if they rush, because the situation is fixed and can't be changed. According to news reports, the Iraqi army had taken over, an announcement that seemed unusual.The Revolutionary Judicial Council has been proclaimed, and the criminals who have betrayed the people (a catch-all word that means nothing, but everyone knows who it is) have been arrested and will be judged by the people.The TV report said that what the country needs most now is stability, and today is a national holiday, and only public servants have to go to work.The people regard this day as a day of prayer and reconciliation, and as for other countries in the world, the new government also promises them peace. These countries have a whole day to think about this matter. Da Yelan had already thought about this matter in detail.He slept for three hours before rising in the morning to pray.He found that as he got older, the need for sleep became less and less, perhaps because his body knew that there was not much time left, so the rest time was of course shorter although he still worked. Dream.This morning he dreamed of a lion, a dead lion. The lion has always been regarded as a symbol of the Iranian regime.Bedian is indeed right, lions will also be killed; Iran used to claim that Persia natively produced lions, but they were driven to extinction in ancient times, and the representative Pahlavi dynasty was also wiped out. Participating, but not fun.He once planned and oversaw an atrocity where hundreds of people were killed in a bombing in a packed theater; but it was necessary because those people had lost their Islam in favor of Western decadence, Only in this way can his country and people be brought back to the right path.Although he has repented for that incident, prayed for those victims, and made atonement, he has no regrets.The holy Koran tells them that war is necessary; it is jihad, and it is fought in defense of the faith. Another contribution of Persia (some say India) to the world was the game of chess.He has learned to play chess since he was a child, and the last sentence at the end of the chess game is derived from the Persian sahmet, which means the king is dead, and this is what he strives to achieve in real life.Although Da Yelan hasn't played this kind of game for a long time, he remembers that a good chess player does not think step by step, but four steps ahead, or even more.The common problem in life and playing chess is that you can predict the opponent's next move, especially when facing an opponent, but it is very dangerous to speculate on the opponent in this way.It is difficult to predict what situation will be faced by thinking ahead. It is not until the opponent is exhausted and exhausted that he realizes it, but he has to admit defeat.That was the case with Iraq before this morning; many of their opponents surrendered or fled, and Tayelan was happy to see that.It's more satisfying if the opponent has no escape, but the point is to win, not to be satisfied.Winning means that you think more deeply and think faster than your opponent, so you can catch your opponent by surprise and make your opponent flustered, and it takes a while to react.Life is like playing chess, time is limited.This is a psychological tactic, not a physical contest. The same seems to be the case with the lion, no matter how powerful it is, as long as the weak animal has the right time and place, it can defeat it; this is today's lesson and work.After praying, Dayelan went to look for Beed'an.The young man was resourceful and an intelligence-gatherer, but he needed the guidance of an expert strategist; it was with that guidance that he could truly be useful. After an hour of talks, the high-level national experts came to the conclusion that the president must not act rashly, but can only wait and watch the changes.Ryan walked out of the situation room, went up the stairs and went outside, watching the icy rain dripping on the South Lawn.With the arrival of March, tomorrow will be a typical stormy weather, as the proverb says, come like a lion and go like a sheep.Everything looks bleak at this moment, but the nourishment of the rain will bring revival to the bitter cold winter. This rain will melt away the last of the snow.Andrea.Price said she was taken aback by blurting out the words without the president's permission. Ren turned around and said with a smile: You work harder than me, Operator Price, you are a little girlShe asked with a tired smile. I showed masculinity again.Please forgive me, ma'am.I just want to have a cigarette.I quit smoking a few years ago, Kathy forced me to quit more than once, and Lane admitted with humor that it was not easy being married to a doctor. Marriage is never easy.Price's marriage was her job, and two failed relationships attested to the fact that her problem was that she had the same sacrifice and devotion to her work as a man.It's a simple truth, but it's clearly not understood by the two previous lawyers and advertising executives. Why are we doing all this, Andrea?Ryan asked. Price didn't know why either.The president is like a father to her, and he should be the one who can find the answers. no answer?Ryan smiled at Rain and said, I think you'd say someone has to do it.God, I'm luring these thirty new senators, you know?Seduction, Ryan repeated, as if they were girls and I was the flirt, but I didn't want to sleep with them The sound stopped suddenly, and he shook his head, surprised at his words, sorry, please Forgive my rudeness. Never mind Mr. President, I've heard that from other presidents before. Who do you talk to?Ryan asked, I used to talk to my father, pastor, and former boss James.Gray, I was talking to Roger even a few weeks ago.Now they all just ask me for advice, you know, they told me once that the Commander-in-Chief is alone.Oh, they're not kidding, they're serious. You have a good wife, sir.Price said, envious and jealous of them. There will always be someone smarter than you, and you can ask him for advice when you're not so sure.Now they're asking me, and I'm not smart enough, Rain pauses just in time to hear Price say, You're right, but she's busy, and I don't want to burden her with my questions. Price couldn't help laughing, you're so macho, boss. He feigned anger. What are you talking about, Miss Price!Ryan said in a displeased tone, then smiled, please don't tell the media I said that. Sir, I won't make a fuss about such a trivial matter. The president yawned and asked: What are you going to do tomorrow? Well, you'll be in the office all day, I think, and Iraq will keep you busy all morning.I have to go out very early tomorrow and come back in the afternoon.We also have a meeting to see if there is a way to get doctors to work without helicopters. It's ridiculous, isn't it?Ryan said. A first lady with a real job is not tolerated by the system. Work, damn it!She made more money than I did in ten years, except for the time I was in business.None of these newspapers have reported it yet!She is a great doctor. Price could see that he was becoming incoherent.He was too tired to think well.Yeah, that's what happens to the President, and that's why she's around him. Her patients love her, Ray says.Well, for the safety of the children, I'm going to check on their arrangements as a matter of routine, sir; I'm responsible for all arrangements for your family.Raman will protect you with you, we will cultivate him, he is doing very well.Price reported. Was it the guy who helped me put on my fire suit the first night?Ryan asked. Do you know him?Price asked back.The president turned and walked into the White House, blinking his blue eyes at his captain of guards, albeit with a weary smile. I'm not that stupid, Andrea. No, she thought, it's not a good thing to have a bad president.
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