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presidential order 湯姆.克蘭西 1356Words 2023-02-05
Finally, I nominate Pierre.Dr. Alexander holds the post of Director of Public Health.Dr. Alexander joins the John S.Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.He helped me a lot during the Ebola outbreak.Dr. Alexander, a distinguished clinician and scholar, will initiate and oversee several new initiatives, including basic research on rare infectious diseases, and will lead a federal oversight committee to coordinate AIDS research, which will not be the usual official The agency, the president said, but a new system to make it easier for doctors and other scientists to exchange research data.I hope the Senate will confirm his appointment as soon as possible.

This is our statement, Jack pointed, please, Helen. Mr. President, you just made a statement about China I think I've made it very clear.We have discussed privately with the ROC that it is in the best interest of both countries to restore full diplomatic relations, and that it is not consistent U.S. policy to discourage an elected government.The Republic of China is a free and democratic country that deserves our full respect and recognition. But what would China think? What they think is their business, we are all sovereign countries, so is Taiwan, it's time for us to stop pretending.

Does this have something to do with the crashed flight? That matter is still under investigation.Next question?Ryan pointed. Mr. President, the new interim government of Iran is reportedly seeking full diplomatic relations with our country. Will we accept this request? Yes, of course we accept, Jack replied, the best way to turn enemies into friends is through open dialogue and trade.They've been very cooperative and our embassy is still there, though I think we'll have to change the locks first.This sentence caused a roar of laughter.Yes, Tom, you have a great tan.By the way, welcome back.

Thank you, Mr. President.How can we be sure about the destruction of a biological laboratory on the outskirts of Tehran, where only two journalists selected by the Russian embassy entered Tom, the Russians who oversaw the dismantling of the agency were real experts, and we have videotape of those two journalists filming the process, which I and my advisors on the side are very happy with.Ed? Mr. President, the prisoner exchange has ended.How are we responding to financing requests from Iran and Iraq? Adler and Winston will fly to London next week to discuss the issue with representatives from both countries.

Mr. President, does this mean we have to import crude oil at a special price, and if so, for how long? Ed, these are negotiable items, but I imagine they will offer something in return for assistance with financing.The exact details are still up for debate, and these two fine folks will have it sorted out for us. And what about other wonderful women?asked a female reporter. There are indeed many wonderful women around us, including you, Denise.In case you don't know it, Andrea from the Secret Service.Agent Price, the President gestured to the door to his right, had accepted FBI Inspector O'Day's marriage proposal.I give them my best wishes, though I may have to get a new guard for it.yes barryHe points to CNN's senior reporter.

And one more important question that no one has asked so far, Mr. President Wren interrupted with a raised hand: After all we've been through, the government still has a lot to do Mr. President, we will not let you off the hook. Ren smiled and sighed, and nodded.Well, Barry, my answer is, yes, I'll keep doing it. Thank you, Mr. President.
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