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Chapter 11 Chapter Eleven

Anise Hotel 彼得.梅爾 6210Words 2023-02-05
Lisa placed a cup of coffee and a stack of letters in front of Simon. She said: You poor thing, you look so tired, is it bad in New York? Ji Gele is still narcissistic, that person is like a strong man who has taken steroids.Still, we got that deal in the end.He handed her a draft press release. I think you are working too hard.At least, let yourself have a vacation on the weekend!I guess this Saturday, you'll be here all day again to get everything connected. Simon sighed exaggeratedly and said, "Elizabeth, a tycoon's job can never be done." You're kidding again, but I'm serious.

He sips his coffee: I know.All right!Now, would you please type that press release and ask Mr. Jordan to come over when you have time? Lisa smiled and said: I just saw him, you'll love what he's wearing. Jordan, as usual, spent the weekend at his country house, and made sure to let the whole company know about it.Today he was wearing a squire's dark green tweed suit jacket with a deep neckline and multiple sags, and his trousers were so stiff that he could probably stand up even if no one was wearing them.Wear it with a Tattersall check shirt, a bright yellow tie, and red-yellow moccasin boots.Simon wonders if such garments will biodegrade, or wear out.Maybe not.It literally looks bulletproof.

early!Nigo.I've been meaning to ask you which master tailor you're looking for. Jordan sat down, his trousers were naturally pulled up, revealing thick mixed-color wool socks.The guy lives in Cork Street, and I've had him for a few years now for my clothes.His tweeds were specially woven by a little fellow in Scotland.He looked at his feet wrapped in wool socks with satisfaction.Now, you can hardly find such material. Simon nodded.I believe.He passed a piece of paper across the table, and we got a deal, a deal worth $300 million, maybe more than that.This is a draft press release.We'd better get it out before Kiegler calls every editor in London.

Jordan's hand rests on top of the press release, oh my!How fast!Congratulations, old man.well done!The timing couldn't be better.He read the press release quickly, nodded, and put it down.Very good.Our friends must be very happy.Everyone will be happy too. Simon said: Only some people.He took out a newspaper clipping from "Build Momentum", and I knew from this that other media must have reported more.It read: Senior executives leave, and big business with them.What do you think?There must be articles in it, or is this just nonsense they made up when they had no news to write.

Simon had never seen Jordan blush.His cheeks were flushed and his neck was swollen.He studied the directions on the pack intently before selecting a cigarette and lighting it. He said: Well, that, in fact, I just want to discuss it with you!Unfortunately, it is likely that someone leaked the news. Who leaked it? It was, in fact, me. go on. Last week, Jeremy and IScott is in Annabelle, you know, the president of Angola Simon says: The answer is revealed!Angola Holdings is the company's third largest client. We eat together, and after we eat, we go for a drink.We started joking about the size of the clients at the bar, you know, they were bigger than the budget.Jeremy said that with the scale of Angola, it is enough to support the entire advertising company.Jordan paused, looking at his cigarette butt.Then the old drunk started talking, and I thought, I might have said something stupid.

Have a question about starting your own business? But, old man, just kidding, kidding! Simon said: Of course, but how did the "Momentum" know about it? It wasn't until I left that I noticed that there were a few JWT guys sitting at the other end of the bar. They probably heard what we were saying, took it out of context, and dialed "Motivation" Jordan shook his head. It's a shame. Chatting quietly and not letting the media catch the news, then I really don't know where else to go. Simon sighed.If you want to turn gossip into fact overnight, Annabelle's Bar is definitely a good place to start.He leaned forward, Nego, do you know what the Parker Foods business is doing to our stock price?Does it mean anything to your personal net worth?He thought to himself, my God, the way I talk is almost like Jigler.Some of the things I'm working on right now will be quite interesting, and I have to know if you can be trusted.

relieved.Curiosity and greed were all written on Jordan's face, and finally turned into serious sincerity.Of course, old man, until death. Hope doesn't need to swear to death.Simon stood up and patted Jordan on the shoulder.His suit felt like wool.Great, I'm glad I figured this out. After Jordan left, Simon realized that this was a great time.Dishonest bastard, of course he tried his best to take away the company's clients and start his own business.But now, with Parker as a new client, Simon had enough money to keep Jordan on, which was important.Whether Simon can leave the company depends entirely on whether Jordan can stay.All the major customers are full of sympathy with him.Only a genius knows why.Perhaps they both had the same master tailor for their clothes.

Simon took the press release to Lisa's office.Lisa, can you give it away?According to the general roster.I have to see Ennis.do you know where he is Mr. Shaw, Ennis and Leonard are together.They're touring the company plant together. Simon returned to his office, staring out the window at Hyde Park.The leaves had fallen, and joggers (how did they find time to run?) wrapped themselves up in the humidity, their breath gray in the air.He wanted exercise, and he thought of Nicole's slender, muscular body.Of course she also eats a lot.He still smiles heartily when he hears a knock at the door.He looked back from the window just in time to see Ennis leaning against the door.

Good morning, Ennis, how are the plants? I'm happy to tell you that they are crisp and lush!Although the young Leona was rough-handed.I think he would like to make them more like a jungle, maybe he will find some parrots too!Are you looking for me? Yes, come in!Better to keep the door closed. Ennis twitched his eyebrows in surprise.A closed door means there is a secret. Well, sit down.I have big news for you.Simon hesitated, searching for the right word.He should have made up his mind a long time ago, instead of being so calm.Well, I want to leave the company.I've seen a place in Provence and I want to buy it.

Ennis didn't say anything, his expression suddenly became serious. That would be a great little hotel, really great!It should be finished next summer with a restaurant, pool, some guest rooms, and the most extraordinary views.The skeleton is all there, it just needs finishing touches.I really want to run it. Ennis stared down at his clenched hands on his lap.sounds good.He sighed, and suddenly looked much older. I thought, such a thing will happen after all.Advertising agencies can't make you happy anymore, can they?He looked at Simon, trying to force a smile, and yes, you might be ready to switch gears.Well dear, good luck.Good luck.

No, well, my expressive skills are really bad.Simon felt rather clumsy and stupid.Listen, I wouldn't even dream of doing it unless you were with me.Of course it's not just because you've been with me for so long.I can't save my life by running a restaurant. I have the money, I have the contracts, I have the passion, but that's not enough.A good hotel is the best hotel if all the details are arranged just right.You know me, and the details are completely hopeless.But you and I don't know, I just can see you're there, taking care of everything.I definitely can't do this on my own.Simon shrugged and smiled, and besides, I'm going to miss you, even though you're a goddamn nag. It was embarrassing to see how the joke played on Ennis' face.Finally, he sighed deeply, which broke the deadlock.His depression just disappeared without a trace.Then he blinked quickly and sniffed loudly. He finally said, Well, I'd like a glass of sherry if I could.He stood up and walked to the corner bar.A restaurant!You are so cunning! Well, I didn't ask you to make a decision right away.You can think about it for a day or two.It's not just about changing jobs. Ennis walked up and down the bar, smiling with a drink in his hand.Goodbye!Wimbledon!He took a swig of his wine and shivered. Back at the apartment tonight, let's talk again.Simon felt the same excitement and anxiety that he had felt when he first started running the advertising agency.There's a whole lot to sort out until we're ready He puts a finger to his mouth and doesn't say a word, okay? Ennis took another sip of sherry.He can't seem to stop himself from grinning.I must remain as silent as a pea smoke. Someone knocked on the door and Lisa poked her head in.Mr. Xiao, sorry to bother you.But your eleven o'clock appointment arrives.She noticed the glass in Ennis' hand.Ennis, what are you celebrating? Dear ones, this is therapeutic.He patted his chest for hiccups.I'd better leave before Leonor puts ivy in the receptionist's head. Lisa stepped aside to let him out, frowning at Simon.How is he? Simon smiled and said: "Yeah, I think he's fine.Let's invite the next victim in, let him in. Ennis had a hard time keeping his mind on the plants.Run a hotel in Provence!He was literally dizzy with excitement.Of course, he would follow Simon to the ends of the earth, he must admit, Milton.Except for Milton Keynes.But this opportunity to decorate and run a jewel-like hotel in the sun, away from pesky people and unbearable weather is truly the opportunity of a lifetime, and to let your creative talents shine.He has the confidence to play to the fullest.In private, he was quite happy to accept Leonard's request to take care of the palm trees in the media department.He wanted a summer cave in the basement parking lot.However, it is unlikely here.But I can show my ambitions in Provence.He was determined to go to the Belize Language Center (Benitz) at lunchtime to find information on French courses. Simon was sullen all day long, resisting the urge to call Nicole until Ennis had a positive gut reaction, and he was satisfied.Farewell, Wimbledon, farewell, Jigler, farewell, Jordan, farewell, afternoons under artificial lights.He looked at his watch, wishing the time would pass sooner. At six o'clock, the R&D department began to work normally.Breakthroughs in demographic analysis, invaluable marketing tools, charts and documents, and a slew of rhetoric.Simon watched them gather in his office and yawned.He had been waiting ten minutes for such a monologue to be interrupted, but the research and development director didn't seem to need to breathe as often as ordinary people. Simon stood up suddenly, the time for gestures was up.God!I'm so sorry, Andrew.It's really good what you said, but I didn't know it was so late.I'm going to the city center at six thirty.He grabbed his coat from the back of the sofa.Listen, pour yourself a drink before continuing.I'll catch up tomorrow.I think you've got the point.He left the office before the R&D director's mouth could be closed in surprise. Once Simon entered the apartment, he heard Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony and saw Ennis in the living room.On the table, a map of southern France was unfolded, next to it was the "Michelin Guide", and some brief introductions to language courses.Ennis still had a big smile on his face, as if the smile had never disappeared. Well, you haven't changed your mind yet, have you? I?of course not.I can't wait to put on my Air Force squadron uniform and run among the thyme bushes.He leaned on the map, where exactly was that place? Brazile.Simon found the spot on the map.right there.About 40 minutes drive from Yawii, it is a beautiful country place, not far from the highway and the airport.There are no hotels within a radius of ten or fifteen kilometers.Good location, should be well run.He threw his coat on the chair and went into the kitchen, what are you cooking? Ennis looked up from the map.I have a few things in the freezer for my treat. Simon took out the bottle and smiled.A good bottle of Cordon Rose.Well, you're such an old sweetheart. I always say that there is nothing like pink champagne to make two foreheads blush.And now is a time to celebrate. Simon came over with a wine glass and handed one to Ennis.Are you really sure to give it a go?absolutely sure? If you leave the advertising agency, what else can I do?Is it possible to serve as Jordan?Can you think of anything scarier than this?Besides, running a restaurant would be a lot of fun, just like the old days.Restart the stove.I can see that you feel the same way.He said disapprovingly, so stop saying meaningless things.I have eaten the weight and made up my mind. They sat down at the table, and Simon began to describe the old police station and explain his planned timeline.In a few days, he will make an offer.Barring any accidents, they could fly out this weekend to sign and talk to the architect.Give him a month to prepare and estimate, start before Christmas and finish by the end of May.During this period, Simon carefully disengaged himself from the advertising agency, so that Ennis could go to Belize to observe. Ennis had been taking notes as Simon spoke, but seemed increasingly confused at the same time. He said: "I'm just a bit concerned, how do we remotely control all this in London, even if we go two or three times a month?You remember what it was about the builders in Kensington that as soon as we left the site they were either doing nothing or doing something horrible.He looked down at his notebook, and then there was a lot of work to do, hiring staff, choosing furniture, hiring a chef, designing the wine cellar.If I were to go there tomorrow, I'd freak out because I don't know anyone.It will take at least a few months to find the right person.Or am I just a person who can throw cold water on it? Simon grinned, well, I should have told you earlier, I found a secret weapon there.You remember Nicole.Bouvier? Ennis raised his head and looked at Simon with his suspicious half-closed eyes, ah!It's the exhaust pipe lady! That's her!I went to see her last weekend and I think she is the answer.In fact, it was her idea.She knows everyone there and she can represent us locally. You can say that? Yes, well, so to speak. Ennis went into the kitchen and poured another glass of wine.He wasn't surprised at all.Simon is sentimental, which is why he likes him.Even he had to admit that she was a charming woman, a perfect fit for Simon.And as it stood, she was a pretty useful woman, and she seemed to like him too.She actually called him Ennis.No matter how you look at it, she is much better than Caroline. Am I wrong to say that you and Mrs. Bouvier are closer than ordinary friends? Well, if you keep raising your eyebrows, they're probably about to fall off.We're just good friends. Ah, indeed a good friend.Ennis flipped through his notebook again.Well, since this is a time to be honest with each other, I'm going to confess to you.I don't think I've told you about Mrs Gibbon! Simon knew very little about Ennis's personal affairs.He occasionally mentioned his companion, and Simon always thought it was a man.He never mentioned Mrs Gibbon. Ennis added: "I'd be heartbroken if she didn't come with me, and I promise, she won't be in any trouble. Simon shrugged. What does it matter if there is one more person?Well, if you like her, I'm sure I will too. She's past her youth, she's an old thing, but I know you'll like her.She has black eyes and a bald, hairless belly.Walks like a drunken sailor and has a knack for rats. Simon suddenly realized, ah, it turned out to be a cat. God, no.If she could catch the cat, she would swallow it too.No, she's a Burtlia.She was given to me by a friend of mine in the merchant marine.He's always been a badass, and he brought her to me.She has been with me for three years. Well, do you have anything up your sleeve?A little ape?Or a tame boa constrictor? Ennis shrugged and shook his head. very good.Well, now that we've got a hotel dog, we better buy the hotel.I'm going to call Nicole and see if I can get things sorted for next weekend.He looked at Ennis with no regrets? Ennis shook his head again, the smile returning to his face.He has already started planning his new outfit.He thought to himself, I want a soft color system, and it is best to add a few brushstrokes of freehand turquoise.It must be clear and bright to match the local weather.
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