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Chapter 2 one

drinker 劉以鬯 725Words 2023-02-05
Rusty feelings are raining again, and thoughts are playing hide and seek in the smoke circle.Pushing open the window, the raindrops blinked on the branches outside the window.The rain, like the footsteps of a dancer, slides down from the leaves.Turning on the radio, suddenly came the voice of God.I know I should go for a walk.Then a waiter in white brought the wine, and I saw a pair of sparkling eyes. (This is a good subject for Sihao's novel, I think. It's better to write her as Huang Feihong's mistress, who puts a roller blind on the skyscraper on Queen's Road and peeks at the female secretary sitting on Huang Feihong's lap.) Thoughts Hide and seek in the smoke ring again.Smoke rings go with the wind.In the corner of the room, there is a bottle of melancholy and a square of air.Between the two glasses of brandy, the tangle of lotus root began.Time is never tired, the long needle pursues the short needle in despair.Happiness is like a wanderer, hovering behind the equal sign in the equation.

The notes enter the ear with the stance of an infantryman.A solid laugh that appeared in yesterday's dusk; and now.A lie is white because it is a lie.Melancholy within equals joy on the face.Joy and depression are not like two things. Volga, she said. Why switch to such a strong drink?I asked. She replied with a drunken smile. I asked the waiter for two glasses of vodka. (This woman has a drunken stomach, like me) The eye begins to travel in patterns of light, and the explorations of philosophers fail to find treasures within the human body.The notes enter the ear again with the attitude of infantry: the smoke enters your eyes, and the black voice has a magnetic charm.If Jamesden was still alive, would he give up racing and do the twist?

Often come to drink alone?she asked. Yes. Want to forget painful memories? Want to forget the joy in memory. A solid smile is like an ice cube, swimming in a wine glass.No need to imagine, she is laughing at my innocence. Not all hunters are brave; especially in the neon jungle, the purity on the swing has already become a treasure. a cup.two cups.three cups.Four cups.five cups. I am drunk.There is only solid laughter in my mind.
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