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Chapter 7 six

drinker 劉以鬯 867Words 2023-02-05
two gourds There is a boy in the big gourd There is a girl in the little gourd The boy’s name is Brother Hulu and the girl’s name is Hulumei Brother proposes to sister when floodwaters recede My younger sister refuses to agree to my brother's clinging On the night of the full moon they copulate in the cave Ten months later, Hulumei raised a big meat ball Cucurbit doesn’t like meat balls, climb up the ladder and throw the meat balls in the air. When the wind blows, they immediately turn into countless small meat balls and fall to the ground. Each one becomes a person. So there are a lot of people on the earth

The Creator took the ladder away from the sky, and human beings have lost the ability to ascend to the sky Soaring through the clouds and riding the fog to become the privilege of gods, human beings have no choice but to keep their feet on the ground Isn't that funny? After a million years of contemplation, spaceships finally appeared. I want to ride a spaceship to far, far places I raise my thumbs and laugh at the clumsiness of the celestial bodies I want to take a spaceship to go to far, far places to visit the Nuwa who mended the sky, how many white hairs have she added I want to take a spaceship and go to far, far places to visit the chaos that has been suddenly gouged out

I want to take a spaceship and go to far, far places to see what the six-legged and four-winged Dijiang is doing in the heaven I want to take a spaceship to go to far, far places to find the ghost mother who can raise ten ghosts at a time and ask her if it tastes good to eat her son I want to take a spaceship to go to a far, far place and push the Candle Dragon God who has a snake body and a human head to wake up and ask him to blow away all the evils in the world I want to take a spaceship to a place far, far away and ask how Pangu created the world I want to take a spaceship to go far, far away to discuss the rule of the human mind with the Yellow Emperor who has four faces and eight eyes

I want to take a spaceship to go to far, far places to see how many suns there are outside the solar system I want to take a spaceship to go to far, far places to see whether the universe has any limits I want to take a spaceship and go to far, far places to look for that beast named Glutton to see if it will eat its meaty wings because of its insatiable appetite. I want to take a spaceship to go to far, far places to visit ten suns and take a bath in Tanggu at the same time I want to take a spaceship to a place far, far away and ask the Creator to explain a question, why did people come out and then die?

I want to travel far, far away in a spaceship because the second flood will come and the earth will submerge again
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