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Chapter 32 thirty-one

drinker 劉以鬯 7402Words 2023-02-05
The climate is still cold, the humidity is very low, the north wind is meowing like a cat, and the flowers on the arcade are swaying in the wind.The petals have too many wrinkles, just like Mrs. Lei's face.Mrs. Lei brought me another bowl of lotus seed soup, which was stewed very crispy.I'm already a little drunk, but I still want to go out for a walk.Then there was a wave of noise in my ears, and twenty-one players competed on the green field.I don't know if it is Nanhua to the bus or Guanghua to Yuyuan?The first team in the red shirts seemed particularly proud; however, this pride was so feeble. (Humans are aggressive, I suppose. Humans' basic inclination is to be extremely cruel.) It's a brutal spectacle, and spectators love to see how players get hurt.Leaving the stadium, I stood in front of a record company listening to Zhuo Biqijia singing.The voice of the end of the century, Zhuo Bi is a serious patient of the century disease.Then he called Yang Lu and asked her to have dinner at Diamond Restaurant.Yang Lu is not free.Yang Lu has too many dancers.I suddenly had an indescribable feeling in my heart. It was jealousy, but it was a bit like sadness. (Will I fall in love with Yang Lu? No.) But her smile is always in my mind. (She's not a bad woman, I suppose. She's had too many dancers, though; but she's definitely not a bad woman.) Thinking this way, I longed to see her all the more. (No time, there must be another appointment. I can't allow her to have another appointment, because I like her.) I laughed, laughing at my naive thoughts. (Yang Lu is a dancer, can I stop her from dating other dancers? Unless I have the courage to marry her, but marriage cannot be based on courage alone.) I laughed again, laughing at my naive thoughts.

When I have a drink, no matter how much, even a drop, I get queer thoughts.So take a taxi.Look for Yang Lu's lips in the dark.I asked her to dine with me at Diamond; she refused me with a laugh of silver bells.Anger ignited in my heart, I threw the banknotes at her, and left angrily.Walking along the seashore, the anger is blown out by the sea breeze.I met a young friend in Causeway Bay, grabbed me and dragged me to Ritz to eat beef tenderloin.He said he likes beef tenderloin.He said he likes friends who eat beef tenderloin.Then he said that he had written a four-cent novel, which was very popular, and bought the filming rights to a film company, and it would be put on the screen in the near future.

Do you know how much they pay me?he asks. have no idea. They gave me five hundred. I heard that the film company's story fee rule is 500. No, no, the film studios never purchased more than three hundred for the film rights to four cents novels. In this way, you are an exception. I am the exception of the exception. What's the meaning? The company also asked me to speak out and play a not very important role in the film. Do you speak Mandarin? There is no dialogue for that character in the movie. oh. Foreign movies often have scenes where the original author himself appears on the screen, such as Maugham in the trilogy.

So, is this considered an improvement? certainly! He ordered two beef tenderloins from the clerk; he also ordered two glasses of brandy from the clerk.He's not a drinker; but he knows I do.He drank at this time, of course, because he was too excited.His excitement is like a flame, and with wine, it burns hotter and hotter. To be honest, Mandarin movies still have a lot to improve.You see, if the Japanese shoot a set of "Rashomon", they have to let the big Hollywood directors learn their techniques. Yes, post-war Japanese cinema has had astonishing successes as did Italian Limited Production.However, if our Mandarin-language films want to win the international market, we cannot find material from Sihao's novels first.

My words, like a sword, stabbed his feelings.He was stunned, his eyes were bigger than the longan.For him, if I say this, it is equivalent to extinguishing his excitement with a bucket of water. In order to hide his embarrassment, he showed an embarrassed smile and said that I like to joke too much.Then I toasted to wish me health, I took a sip of the wine, straightened my face, and said: If Mandarin films really want to make progress, firstly, producers must give up the so-called business eye; secondly, recognize the importance of the script; thirdly, overthrow the star system; story; fifth, do not use new art complexes and Japanese color as magic weapons to stimulate box office records; sixth, use collective creation to write unpretentious scripts with national spirit.You have to know that the script is the soul of a movie.

Yes, yes, you are right at all, the script is the soul of a movie.Therefore, I think it is a sign of progress that the company is willing to pay 500 yuan for my novel to be adapted. I'm sorry, but I point out bluntly that if the filmmakers only look for materials in Simo novels, not only will the film not improve, but it will enter a dead end! This cannot be said in general, in fact, not all Sihao novels are unacceptable. Of course, Sihao's novels also have good and bad points, but we must recognize which class the Sihao's novels are aimed at. Let me tell you, which class is the object of Sihao's novels?

It's the audience who watch low-brow movies. I don't understand you? Quite simply, adapting Sihao's novel into a movie shows that the producer only wants to win audiences with low tastes.Producers still take making money as the highest goal, how can we talk about raising the standard? What you said is completely unrealistic.Today's filmmakers in Hong Kong, who doesn't regard filmmaking as a business?In Hong Kong, art is the least valued thing. Abstract painters are ridiculed. If you don't hold exhibitions abroad, you can't get a bosom friend.Although film is called the eighth art, in fact, like ballroom dancing, its quality changes once it arrives in Hong Kong.Ballroom dancing became an excuse to sell pornography, and film art was another way for businessmen to make money.

Therefore, I think it is not a gratifying thing for a masterpiece to be adapted into a script by a film company. I can get five hundred dollars for nothing. If so, that's another matter. I have never been ambitious.The reason why I write four cents novels is that it is easier to earn money.The reason I'm so excited is because I have another extra income.When it comes to art, I don't know anything. I often think that advertising pictures are much more beautiful than abstract pictures! I laugh.He laughed too.The guy brought the beef tenderloin, which was very tender and had a unique flavor.Hong Kong is such a place, where authors of Sihao novels can eat beef tenderloin every day, but serious literary and art workers can't even smell the fragrance of beef tenderloin.I have to be thankful that my luck is not bad, and I have met such a novelist with better luck than me.

After eating beef tenderloin, he didn't want to discuss with him any further, so he stood up, said that he had another appointment, and left.This self-satisfied novelist is really very sad.He didn't even touch the door of novels, but was spoiled by vulgar producers. Lights of the Causeway Bay.Red.green.blue.So I remembered a fictitious story: a down-and-out literati fell in love with a rich concubine suddenly.He seemed to have it all and was happy.This happiness is equal to soap bubbles, because he has lost everything.The happiness of Hong Kong people is made of paper; but everyone is willing to regard the love made of paper as real.Where does God live, and why is there so much laughter in that place called hell?

A ship full of hope leads the seagulls in the wrong direction, and the air smells of sugar.The air is cold. (Some people think they are poets, but they mistake square characters for building blocks, I think. No one has a license to write poetry, so anyone can write poetry. Dozens of square characters can make a poem, so there are so many counterfeit poets in our generation. Poetry is not true or false. Poetry is only good or bad. However, poets are different. Poets are divided into true and false. In our generation, there are more false poets than true poets. There are too many bad poems by false poets, which makes ordinary people think of true poetry. A poet's good poetry produces misunderstandings.)

(If there are no real critics, there will be no revival of Chinese literature and art.) (From May 4th to the present, we have not had an authoritative literary critic. Liu Xiwei wrote two small books. The articles are very good, but the insights are not penetrating. He criticized Cao Yu's script, and Cao Yu accused him of making mistakes He criticized Ba Jin's novel, and Ba Jin refused to accept his opinion.) (Onlookers know, writers need lighthouse instructions.) (There are no real critics. Chinese literature and art will not be revived.) (Why am I thinking about these questions again? I should be thinking more about women.) Under a dim yellow lamp, a pair of black and bright eyes appeared.I thought I was dreaming, but it turned out to be reality.I don't know her last name; I don't know how I know her.We sat opposite each other with a glass of whiskey in front of us. You drink well, she said. I?I don't drink at all. Don't lie, I saw you drink six whiskeys with my own eyes. Yeah? Just now you seemed to be drunk, you fell on the table and fell asleep for half an hour. This proves that I am not a good drinker. But you are not drunk.I know. I looked at her, she had a pair of black and bright eyes.She was right at all, and I wasn't drunk.Looking at the watch, I can't tell the difference between the long hand and the short hand. What time is it?I asked. A quarter past twelve. should we go? Yes, we should go. Where are you going? what ever. I told the clerk to pay the bill.Walking out of the nightclub, a taxi just stopped in front of us.Sit in the car, close your eyes, and immediately fall into a foggy consciousness, not knowing where the woman and the driver are taking us.When I woke up the next day, I found myself sleeping in a board room of an apartment.My head hurts and I have a question in my head: where did that woman go? Yi Gulu rolled over and got out of bed, the floor was like a wave. (Last night, I must have had a lot of wine, I think.) I approached the dresser and took a closer look. There was a note on the table, pressed with an ashtray. The following lines were written crookedly on the note: Sir: I don't know who you are.I know you are a good person.I shouldn't steal your money; but I'm poor and my mother is sick and needs money for medicine.I'm not a woman like you think.I went to middle school; and never did such a thing.You have one hundred and twenty dollars in your pocket.I took one hundred and left twenty yuan for you.You don't look like a poor person, and if you lose a hundred yuan, it may not be a problem.For me, this one hundred dollars may save a life.Sir, I thank you for your help; at the same time, I hope you will not drink so much wine in the future. I stuffed the note into my pocket, and after washing up, I pressed the bell, and the man came.I asked: When did that woman leave? you do not know? I am drunk. The guy raised his head, thought for a while, and said: It was around one o'clock last night. A poor woman, I said. What is so pitiful about this kind of woman?said the man. I have no intention of arguing and leave the hotel with a heavy heart.Walk to the door of the teahouse, buy three daily newspapers, and then ask the waiter for a pot of Pu'er tea.I read a telegram: Charles de Gaulle refused to allow Britain to join the common market. (This is the end of Maupassant's surprise. Is it also a French tradition? I think.). It's time for a horse race again, full of test results and wild predictions. (Peripheral horses are like wildfire that cannot be extinguished. If so, why not make it public? I think.) In the Football League A, the situation in the top six is ​​getting tighter and tighter. Guanghua, who occupies the top spot, may not be optimistic. Nanhua, who has lost nine points, still has hope. (For ordinary Hong Kongers, Ma and Po's developments are more important than international news.) Then I saw a film review that I couldn't help but get angry. (The film reviews here are quite problematic. Most of the writers don’t even understand the production process of a film, and often the first half is well acted and the second half is incompetent. The film reviews here, from Don't pay attention to the artistry, just take the interest of the general audience as the criterion. According to these film critics, films starring Elvis Presley and Louis are always good; We don't really have critics here. Critics here can't even figure out montage. Critics here see the entertainment component of a movie as the main achievement. Critics here often think that the beauty of the heroine More important than her acting skills. The film critics here often confuse right and wrong, scolding good movies as worthless and praising those inexplicable movies for a long time. In the minds of these film critics, "The Bicycle Thief" is far inferior to the eclectic and colorful Italian palace fighting movies.In the minds of these film critics, Brigitte.Bardot is far more than Ti.Davis is an important actress.In the minds of these film critics, "A Gentleman's Love" and "Rashomon" are both bad movies.In the minds of these film critics, movies are just a kind of low-level entertainment, and they don't have any other meaning.However, do these film critics know that Hong Kong's annual film output occupies the third place in the world.Apart from Japan and India, it is Hong Kong's turn.Although Hong Kong is a small island, it produces more movies every year than Italy, Britain, and France.If there was no market for films produced in Hong Kong, producers would have already invested their money in building buildings.In other words, there is a market for Hong Kong films.Since there is a market, there must be an audience, so we cannot but pay attention to the educational significance that the film itself should have. ) (In order to make money, filmmakers not only ignore the educational value of the film; sometimes they do not hesitate to instill poison in the audience. In such cases, it is the responsibility of film critics to point out their mistakes and condemn them. Film critics must guide all films Crew up, there's no reason to go after cheesy filmmakers and encourage them to make worthless pure entertainment movies.) (Hong Kong's film production ranks third in the world; but the standard of these films is very low. After the war, the films of various countries have made great progress. Of the ten foreign films that won Oscars, Japan accounted for three: "Rashomon", "Hellgate" and "Seven Samurai". Italy's "Bicycle Thief" was selected as one of the top ten films in history. Charlie's "Gold Rush" and "City Lights" were selected by the world's one hundred Film critics selected it as a classic film. France’s Le Jour se Leve was also recognized as one of the top ten in film history. But Hong Kong film, which has the third largest output in the world, has made something?) (Producers' mercenaryism certainly prevents good films from appearing; but the inability of film critics to play a supervisory role is also an important factor in the low standard of Hong Kong films.) (If critics don't know what a movie is, who can be responsible for supervising it?) (As long as it is magnificent and colorful, as long as it is a Western film from the beginning to the end, as long as it is Louie's cross-eyed, as long as it is a good-looking heroine, as long as it is a song record starring Elvis Presley, as long as it is an assortment of ×× nightlife and so on , as long as it is an Italian palace fighting film, it can be applauded by the film critics here.) (In Hong Kong, a good movie is a bad movie, and a bad movie is a good movie.) (Another problem with Hong Kong movies is that there are too many stars and too few actors. In order to earn the title of star, women are willing to work even if they only get a salary of 200 yuan a month. The reason is: after having the title of star, You can get bigger rewards in other ways.) Turning the newspaper to the supplementary edition, I found that my "Pan Jinlian as a Chartered Woman" had been illustrated by the editor.Text like this is already quite explicit, but after adding illustrations, it is even more unsightly. (Can’t write this kind of stuff anymore, I think. It’s killing people. If I can’t stop drinking, I’ll be the victim. If I keep writing pornography, the readership will be the victim. But, I have to go on surviving Go on. In fact, even if I were willing to tighten my belt, no one else would be as stupid as I am. If I don’t write, someone else will. After all, if I starve to death, the yellow peril will not necessarily disappear.) Turning to the Hong Kong news edition, two more people jumped off the building. (There are many high-rise buildings in Hong Kong, and there are many people who jump off the building. Is there really nothing worth lingering in this world?) I took a plate of taro corners and a plate of shrimp dumplings from the dim sum girl. (It's reality, I think.) Most of the money on her body has been taken away by the strange woman.I paid for the tea and there was not much left.Walked to the tram stop, went to a newspaper office in Central to prepay one hundred yuan for the manuscript fee, and then walked leisurely to Queen's Road to look at the window. (The window is a magnet for those ladies who shop for nonessentials.) Then I saw a very beautiful woman, almost head to toe purple, who looked like a walking lilac. (Beautiful women are works of art made by God, I think.) Then I walked into a quiet small coffee shop, ordered a glass of wine, took out a ballpoint pen and manuscript paper, and planned to pay off the debt of the day.Because of seeing a stunning woman just now, all the Pan Jinlian Diao Liu's under the pen have become like that, and the writing is not only smooth, but also full of magical strokes. Didn't expect to meet you here. Looking up, it turned out to be an old colleague from the old Chongqing newspaper.This person's surname is Shen, and his name is Jiabao. He used to run news in Chongqing. When Wallace came to China, he wrote a feature article, which was quite brilliant.At that time, he was a little boy.Now he is middle-aged, and when he smiles, the crow's feet in the corners of his eyes are particularly deep.We haven't seen each other for many years, although we are all in Hong Kong.He looked at me greedily, looking for wrinkles on my face. tell me what are you doing Selling papers for a living. Very good, very good! What's so good about being a writer? There are a few prolific writers in Hong Kong who write more than 10,000 characters a day and their income is not bad. I heard that some of them not only took a car, but also bought a mansion. Those are very few. How many newspapers do you write now? four. Not less, at least, life is absolutely no problem. uncertain. You are single and have thousands of income every month, how can it not be enough? Not this question. Are there other difficulties? In Hong Kong, selling articles is equivalent to prostitutes selling laughs. You must please your customers, otherwise you will not earn royalties. Shen Jiabao sighed with emotion, saying that it was a time of troubled times, he was considered lucky to be able to survive, so how could he talk about other things?Then I asked him to tell me what was going on.He said that he has changed his career to do business. The year before last, he gathered some capital and jointly established a plastic factory with a few friends, specializing in imitating Japanese plastic dolls. The business is quite good. Last year, I earned more than 300,000 yuan. In addition to buying some machines, all employees in the factory can get a five-month bonus at the end of the year. congratulations. At the beginning of next month, I will go to Japan for a round trip and come back with some new samples. At the same time, I plan to order a batch of Japanese tapes and machines. Why do you have to buy Japanese products? Cheap, cheap. But, do you remember?When we were in Chongqing, Japanese planes killed many innocent compatriots.These are the facts we have witnessed, these are the painful facts, have you completely forgotten? Shen Jiabao couldn't help laughing, saying that I am the number one fool in the world.I did not understand what he meant, he said: When you come to Hong Kong by ferry from Kowloon, especially at night, you will definitely notice the commercial billboards on the buildings by the sea. Yes. Did you know that 70% of these billboards are Japanese products? This is a very scary phenomenon! What's so scary?I don’t know how many businessmen in Hong Kong have made a fortune by selling Japanese goods. We are intellectuals, and we cannot forget all the painful experience of those eight years like those ignorant businessmen who are only seeking profit. Why not?Besides, Japan is now a democratic country, the militants of the past have been punished, and it will never invade its neighbors again. I doubt it. This is a fact, there is no need to be suspicious. I believe their Bushido spirit is still there. Looking at the expression on Shen Jiabao's face, I knew he disagreed with me.However, we have been friends for many years, even if we have different opinions, it is not enough to blush.In fact, in the entire Southeast Asia region, except for the Chinese in Singapore, few people still remember the blood debt in the past. The words were not speculative, Shen Jiabao extinguished the cigarette butt in the cigarette dish, hurriedly ate the sandwich, paid the bill, made a false smile, and left. After Shen Jiabao left, I continued to write.Writing all the backlogs of the four newspapers is a matter of my mind.Back home, Mrs. Lei asked me nervously: I'm so anxious, Xinmin, why didn't you come back all night? Poor old man, she considers me her son again.Without waiting for my answer, she slowly walked into the kitchen, brought out a bowl of lotus heart and longan soup, placed it tremblingly in front of me, and asked me to drink it. After drinking the steaming longan soup, I undressed and went to bed.I had a dream.
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