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Chapter 40 labor and modesty

Mr. Hu Shi's Three Herbs 李曉丹 835Words 2023-02-05
Economic life is good, if there is no vigilance, it is easy to develop inertia or arrogance.It is said that laziness begets laziness, arrogance begets richness, and we must refrain from it. Diligence and humility are the way to stand up and start a business.If a person can practice the word "laoqian" throughout his life, there is no one who cannot live in peace and prosperity for a long time.Conversely, if a person becomes lazy after becoming successful, and arrogant after becoming rich, he will see his downfall without hesitation.The so-called starting a business is easy but maintaining success is difficult, because in this process of maintaining success, there may be inertia and unconsciousness, and if you don’t advance, you will retreat.

Zeng Wenzhenggong said: The word Laoqian is infinitely useful.To work is to avoid laziness; to be humble is to avoid arrogance.With these two, why not get rid of evil, and what goodness cannot be achieved.Believe me, Si Yan.When we think about these words and principles carefully, labor is the meaning of hard work, and in this word modest, it also includes the thoughts of thrift, simplicity and the joy of the world.In the broad sense of humility, it is not only for the etiquette and restraint of the mood, but also should be experienced in the experimental life.For example, the extravagance of fine clothes, fine food, golden cars and BMWs is pride; while the simplicity of ordinary clothes and casual behavior is also humility.

Only the modesty that can be expressed in real life can have the sincerity of modesty.Therefore, all human virtues cannot be seen only on the surface, nor can they just happen to be in words.On the contrary, those who have humility and sincerity without pretense in words are more recognized by those who know. Modesty also needs to be sincere on the inside and show on the outside. It does not lie in the external decoration of words. Naturally, it is a gentleman of modesty.Otherwise, exaggerating the truth, duplicity, that kind of modesty is hypocrisy.So it is said: Modesty is a virtue, but those who are too modest are more deceitful.

When it comes to hard work, some people may think that people will always be tired when they work endlessly throughout their lives.This is not bad, and it is also a part of human nature.Mr. Zeng Wenzheng seems to have considered this wisely, so he said: "It is not necessary to have an extraordinary spirit in hard work, it is just to exhaust my strength." In addition to age and energy, there is another common problem born of laziness, which is to do it tomorrow.Once this habit is formed, there will be many mistakes.Qian Yuqian, a scholarly scholar in the Ming Dynasty, had a witty saying: "Tomorrow will be tomorrow, and there will be so many tomorrows."I live for tomorrow, and everything is in vain.If people in the world are tired of tomorrow, spring will come and fall will come.Look at the water flowing east in the morning, and watch the sun fall in the west at dusk.How much can tomorrow be in a hundred years, please listen to my tomorrow song.This is for those who are used to tomorrow, lightly twitching a willow branch.

Diligence is also humility, because laziness is disrespect for the meaning of life, and it is even more hypocritical to use self-humility as a pretext to increase others' labor and cover up one's own laziness.
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