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Chapter 8 avoid antelope thinking

In order to achieve your goals, you must learn to avoid the antelope thinking proposed by the American psychologist Cox. Once, Cox and John took an early morning flight across the great plains of Serangiti.The scenery was very beautiful, and they could see elephants, lions, and large herds of antelope sweeping across the plain. What a great thing to see so many antelopes!Their African guide noted that they were staring at the large herd of antelope, otherwise, the species would soon become extinct. Cox asked him why he said that, and he laughed, then pointed to a stopped running antelope and said: You will find that antelope can't run very far.They stopped not because they realized there was something important to think about, or because they were tired, but because they were so stupid that they forgot why they were running in the first place.

The African tour guide paused for a moment, then continued: They found their natural enemies, instinctively ran away, and started running in the opposite direction.But they forget what makes them run, and sometimes even stop at the most inopportune times.I've seen them stop right next to predators, and sometimes even walk up to one, seemingly forgetting that it was the animal that panicked me minutes before.They almost rushed up and said: Hey!Mr. Lion, are you hungry?Looking for lunch?Had it not been for a large herd of antelope, I think the entire population would have been wiped out within a few weeks.

At that time, Cox sat in the hot air balloon and listened to the tour guide, and couldn't help laughing at the antelopes.Before the flight was over, however, he found himself with an interesting thought. In the real business world, he had seen the same problem. Are there many people who act in ways that remind you of those antelopes? They have a good idea, they set a goal for themselves, and they work on it for a day or just half a day, or even forty minutes, and they say to themselves, Well, this is too hard.This is much harder than I imagined.Then they just sit there forever and never move.

To avoid antelope thinking, you have to identify a goal and work relentlessly toward it. You don't want to stop on the road, especially when the natural enemy competitors you imagine are approaching, you can't stop. At the end of each day, you have to take a good look at yourself and ask yourself: how close have I come today to the main goal I set for myself?If you haven't taken any meaningful action toward your goal, say you've stopped in the road today, then you must resolve to start picking yourself up right here and now. ★Life is delicious★ Many people in life are victims of habitual antelope thinking.Often, the problem isn't that they made mistakes along the way toward their goals, but that they didn't persevere and keep working toward their goals.

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