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Chapter 32 stutterer's paradox

A stutterer was asked to play a stuttering role in a drama. When he deliberately played this role well, he stopped stuttering when he spoke. There was a high school student who had always suffered from stuttering. The more he tried to speak, the more nervous he became, and the more he stuttered.One day, the class was going to put on a play, and there happened to be a stutterer in the play, and everyone thought it would be most appropriate for the real stutterer to play the role.But a strange thing happened. This person who stuttered all day, when he deliberately played the role of stuttering, he spoke fluently and stopped stuttering.

Another stutterer stuttered all his life except once.That was when he was twelve years old, he wanted to take a Bawang car without buying a ticket, but unfortunately he was caught by the driver.The only way out of this predicament is to try to elicit sympathy from Driver, showing her that he's just a poor kid with a stutter.But when he tried to stutter as much as possible, he couldn't stutter. In daily life, we often encounter similar examples. Before a stutterer is about to speak, when an insomniac is about to go to bed, or when a speaker is about to give a speech, their intentions are often overly focused on past unpleasant experiences, resulting in fearful expectations of events recurring, and efforts to avoid or overcome them , but triggers more anxiety and obsessive awareness, resulting in a vicious circle.But if the situation suddenly changes and is exactly the opposite of what they expected; the stutterer is forced to stutter, the insomniac is told not to fall asleep, the speaker is deliberately trying to make a bad impression on the audience; their anxiety disappears, and the result will be Unusually good performance.

This is called an ambivalent disposition, and it causes the person in question to completely reverse his disposition, so that what he did not want becomes what he desires, and this contradiction enables him to withdraw from himself, so that he rises above his predicament. A stutterer is asked to play the role of a stutterer in a drama and try to make use of his weaknesses. This request and arrangement contains a strong sense of humor and irony.And people with compulsive, phobic, and anxious traits are usually people who have no sense of humor or do not know how to laugh at themselves. Ambivalence requires us to learn to laugh at ourselves.

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