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Chapter 13 Thanks Wardrop

complex 沃德羅普 509Words 2023-02-05
First, I would like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has generously given their time and patience to make this book what it is today.All books are a team effort, but this one in particular.Perhaps some of you are only glimpsed in the book, or not at all.But, believe me, this in no way takes away from your contributions to this book and my gratitude. Special thanks to Arthur, Cowan, Hornan, Langton, Kaufman, Farmer, Gelman, Arrow, Anderson, and Paines for enduring my endless interviews and phone calls, and Thank you for sharing your struggles with me, for teaching me what complex science means, and for reading some or all of my drafts.It's been a lot of fun, at least for me, and I hope you feel the same way.

To Knapp, Simmons, and my colleagues at the Santa Fe Institute, I want to thank you for your extra generosity and assistance. The Santa Fe Institute really does feel like home. I would also like to thank my agent, Peter Matson, for his guidance, advice and encouragement.You are always a calming force for an often tense author. Thank you to my editor, Gary Luke, and to my colleagues in the production department at Simon & Schost, for your kind support and hard work in bringing this long overdue book to life. Finally, I want to say to Amy: Thank you for everything you have done for me.

(End of the book)
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