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Chapter 7 Make more social connections

Learn from Haipai 馮兩努 1910Words 2023-02-05
Hu Xueyan is a person who has not read any books, so he understands that if he wants to get ahead, he has to do business.After some hard work, Hu Xueyan also made some achievements. In order to expand his business, he has to keep climbing.To do big business, we must weave big officials and big figures.There is a difference between a big man and a common man. The big man speaks more elegantly, and they like to throw their schoolbags.Hu Xueyan understands that his teenage absence from school is an obstacle to climbing up. In order to alleviate the inferiority complex caused by the lack of reading, he keeps working hard and often chats with some friends who are more educated than himself, because talking about the world can absorb knowledge faster than reading rote books. And easy.

The following is an example.At that time, Hu Xueyan met a senior official named He Guiqing through his good friend Wang Youling.He Guiqing also heard many stories about Hu Xueyan's success, and wanted to get to know Hu Xueyan very much.Hu Xueyan is the big boss of the bank, rich but has no official status; He Guiqing is the most potential high official in the imperial court, has reputation but not much money. Corruption in official circles was very popular in those days.He Guiqing's official position is Xuezheng, and he is specially responsible for the work of evaluating the talents who take the exam in Jiangsu Province. This is a position with high reputation but little oil.On that day, He Guiqing took a fancy to the vacancy of a more profitable warehouse assistant, but to find a job, he had to engage in public relations activities, and he had to do it for money.

Although He Guiqing and Hu Xueyan haven't met each other yet, they admire each other very much.Finally, the two met through Wang Youling.After the gossip was over, Hu Xueyan asked: I heard that you will spend at least 20,000 taels of silver for one event in Beijing, is that true? This also cannot be generalized, depending on the size of the province.In the large province of Jiangsu, 20,000 taels of silver is not enough for ordinary social activities, let alone business meetings and entrusting someone to talk about things?He Guiqing said that it also depends on the position you are looking for, your status in the eyes of the Holy One, and whether there are any of your own people there.This time I go to Beijing, the cost will not be too much.There are a lot of people who have succeeded in the same exams as He Guiqing, and all of them have set foot on Qingyun Road. He Guiqing is a little sure about the relationship between them.

So how much do you need?Hu Xueyan is a businessman, and he likes to ask key questions straight to the point. He Guiqing was a little shy. Scholars were very afraid of talking about money, but it was related to his future. Hu Xueyan seemed confident in helping him, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: 10,000 to 15,000 is fine. Brother He, Hu Xueyan said seriously, I am in the bank business.The most troublesome thing about running a bank is the bad positions. The customers’ deposits are collected and cannot be released, and the money cannot be loaned out, which is very wasteful.

As he said that, Hu Xueyan looked at He Guiqing's face, saw that he was at a loss and couldn't figure it out, so he continued: Brother He, this time you go to Beijing, you must use some of my money, right? He Guiqing was worrying about the lack of funds for the event, and when he saw Hu Xueyan volunteering the money, he couldn't wait to say, "Brother Xueyan, do you want to let me go?" Yes, Hu Xueyan replied, I want to put you a sum of 15,000 silver in cash, with a very low interest rate. What about the loan term? You decide! He Guiqing also couldn't figure out how much oil and water he could get from this warehouse assistant.

Why don't I open a passbook for you, and you can use it as much as you want, and get it back if you have any money left, okay?Hu Xueyan understood his thoughts very well, so he only provided one line of credit, which is today's overdraft account. Thank you, this is a great way to do it.He Guiqing said, I believe ten thousand silver is enough. Then, please instruct me which bank to send the ten thousand yuan to. We all have a joint account.Hu Xueyan said. For a while, He Guiqing couldn't answer.He was a little surprised, he and Hu Xueyan had only made friends for the first time, and although they both had good friends they knew in common, it was a bit too easy to give away 10,000 yuan as a backup just for such a talk.After thinking about it, Hu Xueyan is a businessman. He extended a helping hand to himself today, and he will definitely pester him with some demands tomorrow. In order to understand Hu Xueyan's purpose, although He Guiqing was very eager to get the money, he asked cautiously: Do you really have a bad position? something?

Hu Xueyan immediately said: Even if there is no bad position, Brother He has something to do, I can't help it. I am really grateful He Guiqing said slowly, I don't know how to repay him in the future? When Hu Xueyan heard it, he knew that the other party was asking for conditions.Of course there are conditions, but you can't say it at this time, otherwise you will be underestimated.In fact, Hu Xueyan likes to help others, and He Guiqing's question made him feel a little bit dissatisfied. Why did Brother He say that?Hu Xueyan replied, although I don't read much, I have always heard the stories in "Historical Records" such as "Biography of Huozhi" and "Biography of Rangers". What about the teeth?

When He Guiqing heard this, he was also a little embarrassed, and said: Brother Xueyan originally read ancient books and has such a chivalrous mind, it is really disrespectful and disrespectful. For a long time, He Guiqing only regarded Hu Xueyan as a profit-seeking businessman who only talked about profits but not knowledge, but when he heard these words today, his entire impression of Hu Xueyan changed, and his eyes showed admiration. Hu Xueyan thought to himself, he was just chatting with some scholars and knew a little bit of stories, but he didn't know that what he said frightened this senior scholar and politician. Only at this time did he deeply understand that to make friends, you have to do what you like If you say the right way, everything is easy to say.

In order to improve his status and social circle, Hu Xueyan, who made a fortune, also listened to some books very seriously and lived an arty life.In fact, it is easy to get rich but hard to find extravagance. If you want to improve your temperament, you have to ask for it from books.
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