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Chapter 15 Facing reality and doing things positively

Learn from Haipai 馮兩努 6201Words 2023-02-05
The oil company was willing to transfer to the shipping company and rent Bao Yugang's ship, not only because of Bao Yugang's low rent, but also because of Bao's good reputation.Bao Yugang once said that he has lived in this society for many years, and his lifestyle and work style are different from before. However, when it comes to credibility, he has always maintained a good record.Bao Yugang said: Generally speaking, my credit has an excellent record. In order to analyze the success of Pao's sales strategy, let me divide the discussion into two parts, one part is to analyze the mentality of the oil company, and the other part is to describe the methods and style of Pao's work.

Being a senior employee of an oil company is nothing more than a senior salaried employee.This type of person has a technocratic mentality, not seeking merit, but seeking no fault.Using Bao Yugang's ship, although you can save a lot of rent, you have to take some risks to save this money. If Bao Yugang's ship collides and oil leaks out of the sea, the oil company will definitely have to take the blame .Bao Yugang understood the bureaucratic mentality, so he set out to win the trust of the oil company by being cautious and careful. Shipping companies and oil companies, of course, have signed long-term contracts.But once the contract is signed, conflicts will inevitably arise.The staff of the oil company thought that the shipping company's money was too easy to earn, so they would naturally be jealous.Under the jealousy, there will be cracks in the relationship between the shipping company and the oil company.At this time, Bao Yugang can take the opportunity to persuade the oil company to change the shipping company.

In addition, most shipping companies think that since the contract is signed, there is also a period of income security. In terms of work, they are naturally not as serious as they were at the beginning, and mistakes and omissions will naturally occur.More importantly, the contract between the oil company and the shipping company is signed by the boss, and the affairs are executed by the technocrats. Since the boss is the one who makes money, the technocrats are not serious about their work. The enterprising Bao Yugang, although seeing that every oil company has signed contracts with other shipping companies, it seems that there is no chance, but Bao Yugang believes that many commercial organizations in the commercial society are closely cooperating on the surface, but in fact they still have Contradictions, like a glass bottle filled with round bos, it seems that there is no empty space, but there is still a gap between the bos, as long as you occupy the gap, you will have a chance .

Shipping companies and oil companies have long-term contracts on the surface, but there must be contradictions in the implementation. As long as you spot a contradiction, you can create opportunities for yourself. As a salesman, the greatest asset is perseverance. I talk to each customer once a month. After three or four months, even if the business cannot be done, the customer will feel my sincerity. By the sixth or seventh month, The customer will be moved by me. Once there is a conflict between the customer and his original partner, the customer will often ask me to try to see if it can be remedied.

I remember a story that happened to Mr. Luo Kaimu of Café de Coral Group and Huang Yulin Advertising Company.Huang Yulin Advertising Company is formed by Huang Qi and Lin Yanni. Mr. Luo Kaimu and Huang Yulin are not only good friends, but also family friends.Luo Kaimu and Huang Kai once collaborated in the production of a movie, a set of "Paradise", which made both parties earn some money, but what about Luo Kaimu?She and Lin Yanni's family are family friends, and her parents are also good friends. When Huang Yulin's advertising company opened, Café de Coral also had business for Huang Yulin, but it was overturned later.Ms. Lin Yanni, as the general manager of the company, is responsible for finding business.She was not convinced, and every year when she saw the end of the Café de Coral Group's advertisement, she called Luo Kaimu to ask if there was a chance. After four years of trying like this, Mr. Luo Kaimu was also moved, and said to Lin Yanni: Our ad has decided to start voting again, try it!In this way, Huang Yulin won the advertising business of Café de Coral.

The most powerful weapon of a salesman is perseverance. Only by constantly trying can you move others.Once the guests are touched, there is an opportunity. The masters of the Shanghai style are Hu Xueyan and Du Yuesheng, both of whom are good at dealing with politicians.As for Bao Yugang, a Shanghai school figure, he is no exception. The biggest headache for politicians is the issue of economic employment.The one that provides the most jobs is none other than heavy industry. Bao Yugang's shipbuilding order is the best favor for a politician.Therefore, politicians all over the world welcome Pao Yugang.

Bao Yugang is very discerning.When British Prime Minister Mrs. Thatcher came to power, many people ignored her, but Bao Yugang believed in her.The international political arena changes every few years. After taking office, many of Pao Yugang's experts have a mentality of watching the excitement. Although they don't say anything, they always say in their hearts: "Look at you!"The top gear in each country changes every few years, but what about Pao Yugang's shipping empire?But after decades of sighing, he has seen all the red and white faces in the political arena. Bao Yugang is a frugal person, but he will not be stingy with the money he should spend.Every time a new boat is launched, he routinely invites politicians, wives and sons from all over the world to participate in the bottle-throwing ceremony.This ceremony is a very solemn ceremony in the business world, and Bao Yugang will definitely give a very thick and heavy gift.

But what about meeting politicians?Bao Yugang only gave one of his treasures, a rope for fitness, but the gift to the politician's family was extremely generous. Former Philippine President Marcos's wife, Amelie, and Bao Yugang are also good friends.Once, Amelie visited Hong Kong privately, which coincided with Pao Yukang's long-distance travel.Bao Yugang first lent her his Rolls Royce to use, and also prepared generous gifts.Bao Yugang also knew that Emily likes to eat hairy crabs. During the crab season, he would carefully deliver a batch of beautiful crabs to the President's wife by plane.

We salesmen are a little timid when it comes to big names.Bao Yugang pointed out that when in contact with a big person, one must know the background of the other person, and when talking, there will be a topic.He also pointed out that he should not be too humble or too frivolous to be annoying.Bao Yugang believes that such a principle is correct.The most important thing is to clarify your own position, everything is measured, and others will naturally respect you. Pao Yu-Kang also takes care of some retired politicians, greets them from time to time, and invites them to join his company's board of directors as a vase.Politicians also understand that anyone can be blamed, but the big boss after his retirement cannot be blamed, because Bao Yugang will help them after they lose their jobs.The above are Bao Yugang's methods and style of dealing with the world.Of course, he understands that the greatest asset in business is personal reputation.A good reputation is more important than anything else.As a clean salesman, the first thing is to establish your own reputation, because this is the most valuable thing without capital.Many young friends said that they did not have the capital to start a business, so they were very frustrated, thinking that there was no hope in life.But the real capital is the reputation of our work. When you do your work 100%, you will naturally build your reputation.After you have a reputation, the money will naturally come to you.

Therefore, those who want to change jobs must first do their best work, and naturally someone will pry you to change jobs. There are many ways for Bao Yugang to build his reputation.According to his own statement: It depends on people doing business honestly for you, telling the truth, and doing things well, and others will have confidence in you.It's all about human effort, and the word "Chinese" comes from here. Bao Yugang paid great attention to sports.He discovered the need for sports when he began to have confidence in himself. He saw that he had a future and a career to do. If his body was weak, he would not be able to be a tycoon.

Some people think that Bao Yugang is not a real navigator, because he can't even tell the port side from the starboard side of the ship.But he is very serious about his attitude towards work.In the beginning, when one of Bao Yugang's ships departed from Nagasaki, Japan, something went wrong with some mechanical parts. Bao Yugang immediately flew from Hong Kong to Japan to monitor and repair the work. When he arrived in Nagasaki, he wanted to Take the barge to the ship.It was winter at that time, the wind was biting cold, and the waves were even more ups and downs. Bao Yugang was almost disabled by the weather and the waves.At that time, his career had just started, and he was very sure about his future. It would be a pity if he fell ill.Therefore, he made up his mind to train his body well and fight against the cold weather with a strong body, so he chose winter swimming as his exercise. Every morning, Bao Yugang gets up at 5:15, and immediately does exercises, in order of running, skipping rope and swimming.Swimming at the Deep Water Bay Beach in the early years, I once tried the No. 8 typhoon signal and also went swimming in the sea.Later, after persuasion from my family, I changed to swimming in the pool.No matter where he is in the world, he has to skip rope. In Tokyo?I have a small garden, so let's dance in the garden!In London, go to London's Great Park to jump.Bao Yugang said that it is the same in New York.Swimming is also almost uninterrupted. Even in the severe winter, the sky is freezing, and it is still swimming like a ritual. After years of hard work, Bao Yugang has trained his body. He always has a red face, and he walks vigorously. When shaking hands with people, there is a confidence in his strength. This is the key to controlling life and health. confidence. Talking about clothes, Bao Yugang always wears a neat suit, and puts a snow-white pocket square in front of the pocket.He maintains the traditional style and likes to wax his hair tightly with head wax.As far as the influence is concerned, some of his senior staff also like to follow his example and wax their hair up, as if yellow silk ants cannot climb up. In addition to focusing on health, Pao also emphasized punctuality and self-discipline.When it comes to educating children, he admits that he is more conservative.He said: Our tradition of hard work and thrift in Ningbo has had a profound impact on me.I want them to be self-reliant and not chasing luxury. When it comes to using time, no one who is even a little accomplished will waste time.Bao Yugang's achievements are so great, and time is even more precious. He spends a long time every day in training his body, because he believes that being sick is the most waste of time.Therefore, in order to reduce the possibility of getting sick, he actively exercises to improve his health. In order to save time, Bao Yugang chose to go to work by boat to avoid wasting time due to traffic jams.His private yacht is parked at Deep Water Bay pier and takes him to work in Central every day.As soon as he stepped on the yacht, his subordinates immediately handed over the newspaper of the day and the telegrams from all over the world last night.Taking advantage of this period of time, without phone calls or harassment from friends who broke in for no reason, Bao Yugang read the documents carefully and prepared for the day's work. One of the ways he communicates with his subordinates is to write notes. He likes to write down his ideas on cheap legal pads. After writing a sentence or two on a piece of paper, he cuts out the rest of the white paper for the next time. use.A page of legal pad, he can use it several times. One of the business of work is meeting.Newcomers are required to give a one-minute speech and introduce themselves.Every employee should also report business to Mr. Bao according to the order, and the report must be clear and brief. Sometimes when he was in a hurry, Bao Yugang even used the time for walking. The senior staff often stood by him, reporting on affairs while walking, and Bao Yugang often even used the time for haircuts.His office is in Prince Edward, and the haircut is in the barber shop of Mandarin Hotel. The staff have to report while walking. When they arrived at the barber shop, Bao Yugang listened to the report and gave instructions calmly. Bao Yugang's habit is to use up resources. When renting ships to customers, he tries to save money as much as possible, and the time of his employees is also a resource he buys back. Therefore, he also does not let his employees' time be wasted.Except for some directors, people of all ranks in the company must print a report card, and the names of colleagues who are late will be read out during the meeting.For this reason, those who work for Bao Yugang have developed a habit of not being late. In addition to not being late, Bao Yugang also made good use of time to study. The most well-known story is that Bao Yugang learned English.Bao Yugang often has to go out to give speeches. Of course, the speeches are written by a special person, but what about the pronunciation?Bao Yugang must strive for perfection.Therefore, he often invites Professor Tuan Na, a lecturer in the English Department of the University of Hong Kong, to give him tutoring in order to improve his pronunciation. Only those who have been bosses understand that simply paying a high salary does not make the staff work hard for you. Why is the buddy willing to work hard?It's just the boss's influence.The word Leader in English is defined as The development of an example. In other words, as a leader, you must devote 12 points of effort before you can influence your subordinates to respond. When you make great efforts, your subordinates will only do To give a five-point score, you have to devote twelve points of effort to receive a seven-point score. Bao Yugang understood this truth, so he did not dare to relax.Now that he has this style, his family and colleagues naturally do the same.Those who can't meet Bao Yugang's request have to change jobs. A successful entrepreneur is actually an outstanding educator. He teaches others how to make a living and how to behave in the world. Bao Yugang's work attitude can be summed up by facing the reality and coping actively.People who fail believe in fate and forego the chance to control how things unfold.Of course, there are many things in the world that cannot be controlled, but many trivial matters in life can be controlled within the scope of ability. But the world likes to evade, like an ostrich, burying its head in the sand and evading responsibility, thinking that if they ignore it, the matter will be resolved naturally.This unrealistic fantasy is a stumbling block for successful people.Bao Yugang was able to achieve great successes, of course he has devoted a lot of energy to conquer the shortcomings of human beings, let us see the road he has traveled! Many people say that Pao Yu-Kang has a sixth inspiration and predicts things like a god.He can measure the trend of the market because he is uniquely endowed.If we have the above thoughts, we not only insult Pao Yu-Kang, but also limit ourselves.Everyone's skills are mastered through learning. If we believe that Bao Yugang is unique, are we still willing to learn? People who hold this kind of thinking are escapists, self-restricted, and people who underestimate themselves.Bao Yugang is a human being, and we are also human beings. Why can Bao Yugang do it but not himself?To be successful, you must first admit the problem, and then you can slowly overcome it.I can't do it, it's just that I don't pay enough, or I don't want to put in the same energy. If I just say that I am not born with the lack of conditions, I can't compare with Bao Yugang. efforts made. The most praised by the world is that Mr. Bao owned more than 200 ships at the peak of his career in 1979.However, according to the data and experience, the shipping industry is about to decline, and will even fall into a low ebb. Facing a change in his career, Pao immediately sold his ships, reducing the number of ships from 200 to more than 60. Why can he pre-deploy everything?If you ask Bao Yugang why he can, it is better to ask those bankrupt shipowners why they can't. At that time, the information about the shipping business in the world was public data, and the head of each ship owner had the same information.People who have read the information can be divided into two groups: the first group does not believe that the shipping industry will weaken, and the other group believes it. Those who don't believe it are understandable to fail because of insufficient knowledge and experience.As for the second group of people, they believed but did not act.Because they listen to the divination, believe that the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge, and hope for the protection of the god of luck, but they have not acted for a long time. This kind of evasive mentality is really bad. Bao Yugang's success is that after making a decision, he takes immediate action without procrastination.Because he believes in his ability, which is more reliable than chance and luck.Therefore, he has the confidence to take action to overcome difficulties. Bao Yugang's strategy is to know yourself and your enemy. In order to know the enemy and understand the overall situation, Bao Yugang also invests a lot of time every day in reading economic news in magazines and newspapers.In addition, he also spends the first half of each year traveling around the world in the name of traveling and shaking hands with political leaders of various countries. In fact, he collects information and grasps the economic pulse of various places to help him make appropriate decisions. It is rumored that he knew that he was suffering from cancer in his later years. In order to alleviate the stalking of the disease, he also adjusted his diet a little. Originally, Bao Yugang liked strong soups, such as Buddha jumping over the wall, stewed fish soup, etc., but He also gradually cut down on eating.For breakfast, he switched to eating some fruits that help the large intestine peristalsis, such as raspberries and bananas, and he also ate some sugar-free cereals for breakfast. As for entertainment?Mr. Bao kept it to a minimum.Mr. Li, a friend who served as Mr. Bao's secretary, said that in the past four years, Mr. Bao has never participated in any evening activities, at most he participated in cocktail parties after work, because Mr. Bao has to go to bed at nine o'clock.Any banquets, concerts, theater performances, etc. would take up too much rest time, so Bao Yugang had no choice but to decline them all, so as not to affect his health. Many people are unwilling to change their living habits even though they know they are sick.In fact, any symptom is also a warning, the body's response to the germs.Symptoms are like a protest signal, indicating that the living habits need to be changed, otherwise, something will happen to the body.Bao Yugang knew that he was sick, so he tried his best to change his living habits. Another more practical action is that he took immediate action to organize his career.He assigned his business to his four daughters and son-in-law to avoid future disputes.After arranging everything, Bao Yugang announced his retirement. After retiring, he really retired. He was not like other big figures who retired endlessly. This was a manifestation of actively facing problems. In addition to understanding his physical condition, he is also clear about his company's business.Although his organization is large, he can't hide the trivial matters in the company. In the early years, Bao Yugang's ship had problems in Nagasaki, Japan. Although Bao Yugang did not understand the machinery on the ship, he still flew there in person to monitor the progress of the work.It was rumored that an auditing staff member missed a small amount in a large account, and Bao Yugang discovered it. The staff member wanted to fly to the local area immediately and complete the figures himself.The company spent a lot of time and airfare, just to add a small account to the big account, which shows that Bao Yugang is serious about his work.The reason why the customer entrusted the precious goods to be transported was because he trusted Bao Yugang's group to handle the work safely. If everything was procrastinated, could the reputation be established? Bao Yugang is also very clear about the big and small matters in the company. Some rumors even say that he even knows that the refrigerator on a certain ship is broken.Any employee promotion within the company must be reported to him.Bao Yugang's understanding of the company's affairs can be regarded as exhaustive. Since Bao Yugang is familiar with the company's affairs, he can make appropriate decisions when the company has problems.
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