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sweet and sour

sweet and sour


  • portable think tank

  • 2023-02-05Published
  • 86724

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Chapter 1 Chen Jiying

sweet and sour 唐魯孫 1397Words 2023-02-05
Chen Jiying In recent years, I have read many articles by Mr. Tang Lusun in newspapers and magazines.It covers a wide range of areas, such as the various characteristics of Peking restaurants, the customs and habits of all classes in Peking, various places of interest inside and outside the city, and the cultural relics of the Ming and Qing dynasties.For a long time, I suspected that he must be a sage in the north, but his memory is so strong, and his observation is so detailed, it can be said that no one can compare with his friends who write similar articles.Not only that, but his comments on cultural relics in the south of the Yangtze River, especially the way of eating, are far from being as serious and detailed as his friends in the south.Before I met him, I had already expected that he was from Peking, he was a reliable food expert, and he was an unmistakable historian, and his memory was unmatched in all contemporary works. , His footprints are wide, and friends who write travel notes can't be expected.But why haven't his masterpieces been seen in the past few years?This is the only question I have any doubts about.

We met about three years ago. It turned out that he was serving the public. During his service, he was too busy with affairs and had no time to write. It's also true that half a bottle is in front of you.After he retired, he originally lived in Pingtung, so he took advantage of the spare time of retirement to slowly expose his belly.After moving to Taipei, he wrote more books.This kind of self-cultivation is enough to be the law of later generations.Duke Lu is not only a native of Peking, but also a bannerman. Life is different, the so-called people have their own hobbies, different people have different opinions.

Unless I can’t see the words published by Lu Gong, as long as I can see them, I will read them carefully, and even read them again and again. This is almost impossible in the industrial society. How attractive the article is! After I read Lu Gong’s articles, I broke a lot of self-confidence. (1) I was born as a journalist, and I always thought that I paid attention to things; but after reading Lu Gong’s articles, I showed that I was careless and careless; In terms of the places of interest and food in Beiping, I think that I spent six years in Peiping. When I was a poor student, I had no money to watch theaters or eat restaurants; When you go to a large or small restaurant, you should know more about food and drink. Who Chengwang only cares about eating, but ignores the combination of food and food, let alone delve into its characteristics.At that time, I only knew who's restaurant sold what and what was delicious.The same is true for places of interest, I go to the outskirts of the city every week, but I only know the outline of each place, and I only have a vague memory about the history, and there is very little textual research, let alone explain the ins and outs in detail like Duke Lu. The details are detailed, and some records are like a few treasures.It can be seen that I am a fancier reporter (I have served in Ta Kung Pao for fifteen years. I am completely a guest and not a professional reporter. Fortunately, otherwise I would have been trapped in the mainland and sent down by the bandits?) I am careless and lack in-depth understanding. .

(2) I have had a memory since I was four years old. Over the past few decades, most things, big or small, can only be told from memory.It has been nearly fifteen years since I started to keep a diary to help my fading memory. After reading Lu Gong's articles, it turns out that he is at least one person with a better memory than me.My ego was completely shattered by it. (3) I also think that I have a wide range of interests in worldly things.I pay attention to things, knowledge and many trivial matters that are not within the scope of my knowledge, such as astronomy and geography; as small as the lives of people who lead carts and sell rice, I pay attention to them, but I have not paid attention to them as broadly as Duke Lu. deep.Cao Xueqin once said: The understanding of world affairs is learned, and the sophistication of human feelings is the article.Duke Lu has done it, but I'm still far behind!

Of course, Lu Gong’s article has given me a lot of inspiration, and just taking these three points is enough for me to learn in the next life.Today I am glad to know that Lu Gong is the same age as me, only two months older than me, but he is more than twenty years older than me during his studies? In addition to the value of this book in terms of interest, history, folklore, etc., the most important thing is that it can lead to endless memories for middle-aged people and increase the infinite knowledge of young people.Anyone who has no sense of history and is born in this world is not only ashamed of being a scholar, but even lacks interest in life.What's the point of living for a person who lacks interest in life?

In the sixty-ninth year of the Republic of China (1980), on a hot afternoon on August 18, at Dahu Street
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