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Chapter 5 Part 1

Night Circus 艾琳.莫根斯坦 296Words 2023-02-05
PRIMORDIUM origin The whole fantasy circus is composed of many circles.Perhaps in honor of the Greek root of the word circus, kirkos, meaning circle, or ring.Many nod at the historical implications of the phenomenon, even though the circus is anything but traditional.Instead of a single large tent with many amphitheatres inside, this circus consisted of many pyramid-shaped tent clusters, some large and some small.These tents are all arranged along a circular path, and the outermost part is a large circle of fences.Around and around. Frederick.Dyson 1892 The Visionary is a man who finds his way only by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before anyone else.

Oscar.Wilde 1888
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