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Chapter 19 Chapter Fourteen: The Winner Who Conquers the Universe

The movement of planets, the existence of intelligent creatures, and the accumulation of resources are all incredible phenomena in the universe.To approach the mysterious and harmonious universe step by step is the duty-bound mission of science and technology and civilization of human beings. Great progress has been made since the earliest human ancestors, blue-green algae, which grew three billion years ago in shallow seas, where abundant sunlight allowed life to flourish and prosper, and I think ours today Technological achievements, as well as the future developments I predict, are the inevitable result of a long time. I will not mention the evolution of humans themselves. Biologists now believe that our superiority over other living things is due to a one-in-a-billion chance However, it is very different to say that the evolution of intelligent minds is an unlikely event. As I stated in Chapter 10, the number of intelligent planetary civilizations in the Milky Way is estimated by many astronomers to be between 100 Between 10,000 and 10 million, but few people think that human beings of our shape are spread throughout the universe, some type of intelligent evolution, it is very likely, maybe the creator also created some apes or dolphins, or Some more decent beings, due to a bizarre twist of evolution, this may not quite exist, whatever they look like, let's call them humanoids, they must have some human to do the counting, develop sensory tissue, a high level of Habits of personal perception, abstract thought, and work in mathematics and astronomy to amuse themselves by considering some romantic oddity, at first without any real expectation, a few humanoids will struggle for themselves as human inventors The same philosophy that drives them.

Just like the type of technological progress of human beings, many people think that the society of alien planets is also advanced. Science novels believe that telepathy makes all the people there have the same idea of ​​wisdom. It seems very far-fetched, but why does the progress happen?It didn't have to happen, most of the species on the planet didn't make any progress, ants today are exactly the same as mother ants a million years ago, while most of the species stood still, humans moved forward with amazing speed , as the anthropologist Sir Groeske said: The entire evolutionary history of the natives is marked by a special pattern, which includes the extraordinary attention of itself, which is also the elaborate masterpiece of the brain, the trickery of the ancient natives becomes the wisdom of the higher natives, and humans The most thoughtful mental activity ability, surpassing all other nationals of the animal kingdom.

Time and time again, the mysteries of nature opened up for his advancement, and that seemed easy, then of course our sun, the middle-sized star on the fringe of the galaxy, has nurtured a race of excellence since the birth of the galaxy, and the electric , atoms, orbital machinery, and countless other natural devices are very useful to us, and they must be prepared for us. Don't laugh at those laws of the universe, which are intelligent life's careful plans for future progress, but who planned?We are faced with the problem of God again, assuming that God or a supreme creature really exists and has planned the laws of the universe, we have to ask: what kind of creature is he? (Note: In recent years, some theologians have declared that God is dead. If He is really an omnipotent and omnipresent God, he should not die. Many people have engaged in the work of evaluating the Bible on this issue. They use modern scientific perspectives, and even the future Looking at the Bible from the perspective of space, we can get many amazing and convincing conclusions. The book “God Flying a UFO” has quite reasonable conclusions. Those eager readers who want to explore further should not miss this book.)

During a decade, say, 1920 to 1930, when it was generally believed that no one knew more about the universe than Einstein, the religious leader was faced with the embarrassing fact that he was in a position to know more about their affairs than to know This situation warned them that biblical characters are usually not very fraternal, and the inevitable conflicts came. A Jewish magazine published in Chicago in 1929 echoed that Einstein was a great Irreverents, the great man in reply to the words of the Jewish priest: do you believe in god , Einstein immediately replied: I believe in Spinoza's God, he revealed the harmony of all things.Here is Spinoza, who was excommunicated in 1696 for refusing to believe in guardian angels or immortal souls. The priest says: Spinoza was expelled for good reasons. He denied the power of God. Being, and trying to connect God with his own laws, Spinoza's God is not free, and if he wants to direct the fate of mankind, he cannot do so, because he is tied to the immortal laws of nature, This is true atheism, which is disrespectful.

Some old churches are also terrified of Einstein's theory of God. Cardinal O'Connor of Boston said that Einstein's two theories are confusing speculations, which make everyone doubt God and His creation.A magazine editor said O'Connor was right because Einstein's theories made them try to cut off belief in God from human life.To say his work is a true atheist masquerading as a cosmic pantheist. It is really impossible that God wants to win mankind in heaven and send them to hell. According to this, everyone is protected by a guardian angel, but a person can sin willfully without acknowledging his guardian angel, From an orthodox point of view, it is very dangerous. A person can freely choose good and evil, because his ancestors Adam and Eve ate apples from the tree of knowledge, and as a result, they balanced the power between God and the devil, allowing people to To commit great blunders, crimes which neither of these two great adversaries can directly defend or prevent, they can only stamp their feet.

These are, in brief words, the unified field theory of the Christian faith, which leaves some awkward and unanswerable questions, for example, why should the sins of the weak be forgiven?The ecclesiastics reply that bodily pain is not the same as the immortal human soul, so that, in other words, the weak are made weaker by their sins, and that is enough.These answers often lead people to the edge of arrogance. We all believe that the sinless man will live a blissful life in heaven after death. Notice that the whole fact that there is no evil befalling man is contradictory. It seems that God pays attention to his reputation. In fact, the real Almighty God doesn't need to care whether human beings worship him. Moreover, where is God now?Is he omnipresent in the universe?Or can he only be in one place at a time?Science writer Clark once half-jokingly said that God's actions would be limited by the speed limit of the special theory of relativity, which is why we are bothered. He said: He comes and goes as he pleases, but all he can do is 186,000 Miles only.Where did he come from?Maybe Krusichev said it right: We sent A to space to see if we could find heaven, and he couldn't see it, so we sent B to check it out, and he couldn't find anything.When someone asked God what he was doing before he created the world, St. Augustine replied that he was busy creating hell for those who asked such stupid questions.

If we believe in the God of Einstein and Spinoza, there will be many objections, because such a God must be a simple creature, and his concern is the progress of intelligence, I mean the achievement of technology, there is some evidence It is not appropriate to prove that this kind of God exists, or has ever existed, to shake the court. I am going to explain something. I want to say that there is an inhabited planet and a moon in the solar system. The soft surface on the moon, like floating sand, is for landing spacecraft. The planets are all orbiting in the same direction around the sun, so the acceleration of twelve thousand miles per hour is moving from one orbit to the other. One orbital travel is required, Venus, which is the closest size to our earth, is full of carbon dioxide, and this gas needs blue-green algae to change it into oxygen!Huge Jupiter has just the right mass for safe development, it is enough for human beings to visit with the technology of the nearest future, and its volume is enough to provide us with huge amounts of raw materials and new world needs, but it is still very small, very Far away so its lobes don't disintegrate the Earth's orbit.

But the universe itself has three phenomena that awaken our strong suspicion that there are three things that make life possible in the universe, which Dieson calls the three-term cosmic rest, which is a psychological term for a delay or pause in normal processes, As Diessen said: Psychological rests are usually considered harmful to us, but cosmological rests are absolutely necessary for our existence.The first of these three is the large distance between celestial bodies. When Henderson measured in 1831 that the distance to the nearest star from the sun was not less than 24 trillion miles, or 4.3 light-years, the reaction It is rather frustrating, and it seems to imply that it is impossible to analyze matter on objects at such distances, and so far the solar system seems to be a very lonely place.But this kind of solitude seems to be a kind of happiness today, because we know that all stars can do are loud and dangerous explosions of nova and supernova, which occur periodically in the galaxy, including some or all of the stars. It will destroy any planetary civilization living within two or three light years, and it will not cause direct harm, but the fallout can be regarded as the aftermath of a major nuclear war, and any city people will be devastated. If a supernova one light-year away from the sun had this result, the radiation from the explosion would produce a chain reaction that would cause the sun to explode, and the earth would be engulfed in flames and turned into ashes.

So let us not be dismayed by such interstellar distances, if the stars are too densely packed, life cannot possibly arise among them, and usually star explosions silence planets for billions of years in all but the most distant solar systems The above, and the interstellar distance, also prevent the solar systems from colliding with each other, which would throw any planet out of orbit, destroy all life on it, or leave it in a long-term icy night. The distance of the Milky Way is one million times larger than that of the star system, and it is quite safe. Anyone can imagine the danger of living near a sub-stellar body (or front sight), which is a star 100 million times stronger than the sun. stars twice as bright, or living near a radio galaxy that emits intense electron energy, or an exploding sieve galaxy.Substars, radio galaxies, and sieve galaxies are amazing objects millions or billions of light-years away, but they're also the last things in the night sky we hope to meet face-to-face.

Distance alone is not enough to stop us.The second rest is rotation. All celestial bodies are rotating at high speed. Every stable cosmic structure is composed of small mass around large mass. No one knows where the original driving force comes from, but we know that if the universe If you stop, you will perish. The earth will rush to the sun, the sun will rush to the center of the galaxy, and all the galaxies will rush into each other, and you will return to the state of the primordial atoms at the beginning of the universe. This happened about 70 billion years ago , is now generally believed to be so, but I suspect that if any reader of this book will be frightened by the idea that this happened seventy billion years A chance for civilizations to be born, flourish and die.

This may bring us to the third and most spectacular rest, which is thermonuclear fusion. About 90 percent of the universe contains hydrogen gas. The hydrogen burns slowly and quickly turns into helium. This fusion process With billions of years spent on a star the size of the sun, and with all the radiation around it, one wonders if the sun is just a giant hydrogen bomb, why doesn't it explode like the ones we make here on earth, The reason is that the sun burns pure or light hydrogen, while we use heavy hydrogen and its isotopes, called deuterium and tritium, the fusion of light hydrogen with its weak reaction is a thousand and eighteen times slower than the strong reaction of heavy hydrogen, which is One is fortunate, because if the stars exploded at the very beginning of the fusion process, the galaxy would be destroyed before it could be formed, and planetary life would be impossible, and, furthermore, as one writer once said, the oceans and the things they contain Deuterium would be an excellent energy source for thermonuclear reactions and become a doomsday machine. But when we examine our supply of raw materials and their uses for the planet, coal, oil, fissionable uranium, and countless other materials found on the surface and in the oceans are abundant.Coal and oil are buried very shallow under the earth's surface, to avoid oxidation, and they were used in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, or even before, when our technology was primitive, and when we didn't know When uranium is used, uranium has existed in the long history of the earth, almost waiting for us to mine it. The nucleus of splittable uranium provides us with another interesting rest, which can be compared to the surface tension of water molecules, making two points Remains spherical, but the difference is that the surface tension of uranium is trillions of times stronger than that of water, so no uranium on Earth has been wasted since the world was formed. But this kind of fuel only exists in a very limited amount. The natural energy sources on these planets cannot be expected to be used for more than a hundred years until now. The discovery of new oil fields in Alaska and the United Kingdom does not limit our energy needs. Natural gas and uranium must be used up, many precious metals important to industrial nations, appear in due course, but this is not of any importance, for a long time, we have on earth an almost unlimited supply of deuterium, for our energy source, And the growing plastic technology that is the raw material for our industry, and for a long time, we also have solar energy, plus minerals from the moon and developed asteroids, planets, available, and, in the next few thousand years, we will Exploiting the energies of tens of millions of stars, even the mysterious energies of pulsars and quishas (sub-stellar bodies), will also be discovered and utilized. A group of the most outstanding physicists in the world have notified the US government that this will one day be It is possible that today's pure science often becomes tomorrow's industrial technology. Bacon once cherished this principle with his famous Latin epilogue. Human beings can only overcome nature by obeying it. Look at the distant past, when fire was first used for cooking and heating. We can draw a line leading to the present day, recording the history of technology for each development. In this book, I have tried to prove that this line Extending into the future, and speculating on the full possibility of our activities expanding into the galaxy, in twenty thousand years we have made our way from caves and tree dwellings to galactic empires, yet all of these have been known by people of all ages To accomplish what our children and grandchildren seem impossible, for example, in 1972, when breakthroughs were made for space and planetary exploration, representatives from one hundred and twelve countries attended At the international conference in Stockholm, the official slogan was put forward: There is only one earth. Yet we have a tendency to think in this conservative way, most people are afraid to see what a few sciences do, although some biological factors set us apart from other species, we still have to rely on the few who make science progress, they The work is often ignored until the benefits become apparent, and everyone goes forward to congratulate them. No one knows why humans have the primal thinking ability that will take us to the stars. Many self-appointed reformers preached an alternative technology in which we could get energy from some natural resource such as wind, water or the heat of the earth's interior, engineering activity could be stopped, pollution problems could be solved, and the world (in their It seems) would be a happier place, and one could add that the human mind would be dulled under such conditions, and would render us inhuman after a few centuries, an idea that would seem to be no different from Rousseau's dream , that's back-to-basics thinking, and we hardly need Derry to tell us that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons were wilder than human. A fundamental mistake of these reformers was to assume that man is free to choose his distant future, when in reality he can choose only a narrow and finite future, like a snake crawling into a tunnel, it can go from one side to the other, in this way Lifestyle to experience, but there is only one way forward, and this way leads to endless technological development.Useful things will continue to be invented, and the extraordinary continuation of this invention is a testament to the belief in some great design, treasures are buried in our way, we humans have the ability to use them, what we know may be taken by some cosmic intelligence By comparison, it seems plausible to speculate why, in general, our development is so insignificant and so rapid, that whatever happens, we move forward to more admirable achievements. I have thought that certain Achievements are predictable. The events predicted in this book, or similar to them, will come true sooner or later. Due to short-term uncertainties, we cannot say when they will occur, but we can say with absolute certainty that they will. of. (End of the book)
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