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Chapter 39 thirty eight

drinker 劉以鬯 3035Words 2023-02-05
First glass of wine. (Some say: Cao Xueqin is the posthumous son of Cao Yong. Some say: Cao Xueqin is the son of Cao Fu. Some say: Cao Fu is the adopted son of Cao Yin. Some say: Cao Xueqin is originally from Liaoyang. Some say: Cao Xueqin is originally from Fengrun. Some say: Cao Xueqin is originally from Fengrun. Died on Renwu New Year's Eve in the 27th year of Qianlong. Some said: Cao Xueqin died on Guiwei New Year's Eve in the 28th year of Qianlong. Some said: Zhiyanzhai was Cao Xueqin's uncle. Some said: Zhiyanzhai was Cao Xueqin's uncle. Some said ; Zhiyanzhai is Shi Xiangyun. Some people say: Zhiyanzhai is Cao Xueqin himself Cao Xueqin died only two hundred years ago; we know so little about the life of this great novelist!)

Second glass of wine. (I heard that the tram company authorities are considering a three-story tram. I heard that there will be an iron bridge over the Victoria Strait: I heard that the zebra crossing may be eliminated by the pedestrian bridge. I heard that the cave in the Lion Rock is about to be dug through. I heard that the government will Build more cheap houses. I heard that Tsim Sha Tsui will be reclaimed. I heard that next year more tourists will come to Hong Kong. I heard that there will be a car ferry in North Point. I heard) Third glass of wine. (Among the various branches of new literature, Xin Shi is an orphan. For decades, he has been ridiculed by rotten Confucians. Before the May Fourth Movement, we had no vernacular poetry; after the May Fourth Movement, we have vernacular poetry. The old poems are different. But because of this, the supporters of the old poems foolishly borrowed Don Quixote’s long words and stabbed the new poems as a windmill. The defeat of Zhang Shizhao and his ilk has already become history; , That would be a waste of time. Talking about problems and doing learning, you must not be emotional. Although you have different opinions, everyone must still be calm. You tell your reasons, and I will tell my reasons. In the end, you will always find The correct answer. If the person discussing the problem keeps raising his voice, swearing like a shrew, rolling up his sleeves, widening his eyes, and not asking for an answer to the question, but the pitch of his voice is high and low, and he yells indiscriminately. Red in the face, even if it turns to the court, it is meaningless. We have indeed seen this kind of scandal a few days ago. Although it has quieted down now, the problem still exists. Some people read some English and think that China must be Westernized; Some people read the Four Books and Five Classics and think that the only way to save the country is to go back to the past. In fact, the problem is extremely common, but everyone refuses to use common sense to explain it. We are a nation that eats rice. Everyone develops the habit of eating since childhood, and it is not easy to change. However, we must not forcefully deny the nutritional value of bread just because we have developed the habit of eating rice. The answer is so simple, there is no need to spend so much effort to argue. Our ancestors used to Oil lamps and candles; since Edison invented electric lights, foreign countries have electric lights; we also have electric lights. Over the years, we have all been using electric lights, and we all agree that they are brighter, more convenient, and more advanced than oil lamps and candles. If old poetry is compared to candles or oil lamps, then new poetry should be compared to electric lamps. New poetry is the weakest link among all branches of new literature, and it is now growing. Those retro-stylers who are particularly fond of candles and oil lamps, Never rely on your own likes and dislikes to destroy it.)

Fourth glass of wine. (Women live for beauty; or does beauty raise prices because of women? In our society, love is a commodity, and women become prey to male hunters, women. women. women.) Fifth glass of wine. (Dancing in hell. One, two, three, four, five. Japanese movies are of good quality. Mist of March. What do you see in the mirror. "Journey to the West" is a work of realism. Spring Malaysian ticket. Chile team set Coming to Hong Kong next month. Ivory and carved wood. Pregnant women should not smoke. Braised big abalone. Faulkner is undoubtedly a wizard. I hope I can buy Zhongda upset.)

The sixth glass of wine. (Two plus two equals five. Bottles pacing tabletops. Thoughts with feet chasing space. Square sun. Time catches the flu. Mixture of tea and coffee. Hong Kong will snow in the thirteenth month .The traffic lights of the mind are off. Why is everything in front of me so blurry?) First glass of wine. Purple and blue are at war.Eye.Eye.Eye.Countless pairs of eyes.Palpitations like drums in the African forest.The purple turns into a light purple, and then the light purple is swallowed by the blue.Then came the gold.Gold and blue enter a state of war.Suddenly, countless kinds of variegated colors burst out.The world is in utter chaos.My feelings were also numb.

Drunk, someone said. The drink has not been paid. Search his pockets, if he has no money, send him to the mission hall! My body rose like a floating cloud.It was very itchy, and the man's hands stroked my thighs.I laugh out loud. Not drinking Bawang wine, some people say. How much? Sixties. Withhold the money for the drink and return the rest to him. Strange, why is he so funny? That's what drunks are all about. Both my legs are completely useless.The ground is like a spring, and the sky is like a shroud.Everything is out of focus and nothing stands still.I think this world is ridiculous; but when I weep, I can't tell the difference between east, west, north, and night; and I can't tell night from day.The sun is equal to the moon. (Why doesn't it always rain? I thought.) I like rainy days when I'm down.

I don't know this drunk! (A woman's voice, I think.) But I can't see who she is.My vision was blurred, as if I were wearing a pair of ground glass glasses. He told me to drive the car here, someone said. But I don't know this drunkard! (What a familiar voice, but why is my vision so blurred?) I am not drunk!I said. snort!He also said he wasn't drunk!I can't even stand up! I'm really not drunk! I stared at her with wide eyes, and her face was like a flash in the pan, fleeting.But I can see clearly: she is Zhang Lili. If Zhang Lili can't be counted as my lover; at least, she was once loved by me.Now, she actually said that she doesn't know me anymore, what is this?

Hello!Where exactly is your home?someone asked. I don't know either. no home? Yes, yes. where? have no idea. A string of laughter suddenly sounded in my ears. (Who is laughing? Laughing at whom?) Laughter is like a wave, coming from all directions.Laughter is crimson and tinged with horror. (What am I waiting for? Waiting for a miracle; or God's helping hand?) I can't help myself at all, as if lying in a dream-like realm; and it seems to have walked into the back of life.The laughter is still endless, rushing over like a wave.Don't want the sun, don't want the moon, block the smoke of the past with your hands, let alone catch the hope that can't be realized.I accept the aggression of laughter and don't find it a shame.I wanted to recognize the current situation; but the pair of black and bright eyes suddenly disappeared. (I had a dream? Dreaming of some irregular reality?) I find it funny.Then the neon signs start winking at passers-by.My head, like a piece of cloth, was under the long needle of the sewing machine, and it hurt so badly. (Strange, why am I lying on the sidewalk? Why are these people surrounding me? What have I done? How long have I been lying here? Why am I lying here?) A series of questions, circled in my mind.I barely supported myself, and my head hurt violently.I knew I was drunk; but I didn't know where I was drinking, and there was a circle of eyes around me, like dozens of searchlights, all focused on me. (I'm the protagonist of the monkey show, I have to get out of here, I think.) When I move away, the sidewalk in Shimintu becomes a slingshot, limp and unable to balance my body. (I must have been lying here for several hours, but how did I come here?) I raised my head and looked around to realize that it was Zhang Lili's apartment.So I thought of that pair of black and bright eyes.I have an indescribable feeling in my heart.Shaking his head, he wanted to clear his confused thoughts.I immediately remembered that sentence:

I don't know this drunkard!she says. Nothing hurts me more than this, and I have to ask.Go up the stairs, ring the bell, and the door opens a crack.A maid-like figure asked me: who? Find Zhang Lili. She is out on the street and not at home. After all, close the door.I rang the bell for the second time because I heard the sound of mahjong inside.The door opened, and a man stepped out of it.This person is the owner of the spinning mill, I have met him. who?he asks. Looking for Miss Zhang Lili. She is already married, please don't come around in the future. I insisted on meeting Lili.His face sank, he turned around, went back to the door, and closed the door angrily.I rang the doorbell twice more, but this time, it was two burly men who came to answer the door.

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